Stranded Lullaby (Closed with sillysadass)

“Ah….” She grunted and reached down as her ovipositor was stimulated out of its sheath. With practiced accuracy, she guided his abdomen to the right position, and gently pressed the tip of her member to his opening. She held her breath and plunged in, gasping as her mind went numb, taken over by wild instinct. With a stifled groan, she rotated her hips to work her way inside. Her wings began to flutter in excitement. She held her partner tightly to her chest as she slid out and began to thrust into him again. Shallow and gentle at first, but soon the chemicals in her brain were sizzling to a boil and she was compelled to force herself deeper. Her vigorous thrusts quickly became more rapid and eager. Meanwhile, a slight pressure began to form in her body; inevitably the eggs preparing for implantation. But for now she simply buried herself inside the wasp, wholly and thoroughly taken by lust.

Vespa gasped as the ovipositor plunged into him. His sentience was gone at this point, taken over by the need for Crim's ovipositor in his pulsating entrance. As she thrusted deeper, he almost blacked out. He was so depraved from mating with another, that he forgot what it felt like; how damn good it felt to have something this deep inside of him. Though none of the wasps he ever mated with for reproduction purposes were ever as passionate as Crim. Vespa panted while her thrusts became more vigorous, and he could feel himself at his climax.

Careful not to harm his wings, Crim gently moved Vespa onto his back, ovipositor still lodged deep inside him. “Easy now..” She whispered through the heat, now lying on top of him. She supported his back with her pincer, while her usable hand held his abdomen steady. Her thrusts grew gradually more and more frenzied as she neared her peak. The friction of their bodies only added to the pleasure, as she ravished the feeling of his tight passageway around her throbbing member. She could feel every ridge and crevice compress and squeeze it as she slipped in and out. The pressure built, and soon she was filled with a primal, reproductive panic. Her breathing became shallow, and her claspers latched onto the bug beneath her. There would be no going back now.

A weight formed in the base of her ovipositor, slowly forcing its way up until it pressed against Vespa’s entrance. “Hah…That’s it… ” She gasped hoarsely, and roughly thrusted herself as deep as she could go. Crim grinded her hips in smooth, slow motions to help the weight shift further inside. The egg was deposited in his womb just in time for the next to make its way up. She held his abdomen still as she steadily filled him, her body convulsing and twitching from the stimulus. When all six eggs were safely tucked away, she climaxed violently, completing the fertilization. She cried out as she exploded in Vepsa’s quivering sex, sending wave of heat and vigor washing over her. Her tail stabbed into the ground multiple times as her conflicting instincts clashed in her head. She huffed and moaned, managing to thrust a few more times to make sure he was satisfied as well. After that, her energy was completely wasted, and she collapsed over him. She still clung to the wasp in the iron post-coitus grip that mantids were so well known for, but thankfully she didn’t feel the impulse to eat his head. Instead, her wings vibrated with a pleasant thrumming noise as her body curled around his.

Vespa let out a few moans of pleasure as her pace increased to a rapid. Faster, faster. The lips of his dripping cervix burned while his entire body froze in his current position from the intensity of the stimulation. He gasped when her claspers latched onto his sensitive shell. Breathing in, then out, he braced himself for what came next.
The egg shifted up through Crim's shaft and into Vespa's womb, his grip tightened as each little inch of himself was filled. He let out a few short screams while he climaxed with her, hands releasing her shoulders as his entire body fell limp. Panting, drained as well, his mind raced. His sentience slowly returned as she curled around him in her grip. His midsection bloated slightly, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Not yet, although he felt ready to pass out. Like his heat, he was unable to resist the call of sleep as he slipped into darkness.

Crim stirred awake shakily, her mind still hazy from the rut. Her antennae perked up as she gradually became more aware of her surroundings. The last hour had been a blur….Had it been an hour? Or a day? And why was she lying on the floor with…? Oh. She opened her eyes to see Vespa's sleeping form cradled in her arms. They were still lying by the fireside, apparently having passed out after mating. She sharply inhaled at the sudden soreness in her lower abdomen, shuddering as her ovipositor returned to its sheath. She was still sticky with slick. With the breeding heat gone, the heat of embarrassment slowly rose on her face. She didn’t even know this bug’s name, yet here they were locked in an embrace. She glanced at him awkwardly. She had to admit he was pretty cute, but that didn’t change the fact that they were strangers. It was then that she noticed the slight bulge in his middle. She panicked for a moment, anxiety beginning to rise in her throat. But she took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was a hybrid, and hybrids are infertile. Still, she couldn't imagine the wasp would be too happy about this sudden development. Careful not to wake him, she lifted her head and looked towards the mouth of the cave. She could see early daylight, but the wind still howled with the same fury. It looked like they would be stuck here for a while.

Vespa awoke shortly after Crim. His body ached all over, especially around his cervix and abdomen. He rubbed his face to get himself at least partially awake. He blinked his eyes open and took in his surroundings, remembering where he was. 'What happened last night?' Played in his mind as vague memories flooded back to him. Oh, that's what happened. He suddenly felt guilty that he seduced Crim into heat. Feeling what has now become a somewhat discomfortable weight in his abdomen, he looked down, seeing the small bulge of eggs. "God damn it..." He sighed. He really screwed himself over now. Never in any of his mating cycles did he actually wind up with something deposited inside of him besides some cum and dead, microscopic larvae. Vespa didn't know how fertile hybrids were, or if he and the scorpion-mantis were even biologically compatible. Groggily, Vespa turned over slowly and poked Crim. "Hey. You awake?" He asked.

Crim flinched at Vespa’s touch, not realizing he was awake. “Oh, uh, yes…” She looked back with a concerned expression, and released him from her arms. “I’m sorry.” She said softly, ashamed at her lack of self-control. “I didn’t mean…Shit. Are you okay?” She couldn’t help but glance down towards his distended abdomen. "Well… at least, on the bright side; those're probably just duds? Probably. I’m 99% sure. Or, well, more like... 80%. Hybrids are usually infertile, but...” She trailed off and rose to a sitting position. "Well, the storm's still going strong about there. Doesn't look like its gonna let up anytime soon either."

"I'm fine I just feel sore." He replied sarcastically, sitting up as well. He stretched his body, a few bones popping and cracking before he let his limbs fall. "I'm also sorry for losing control to an early heat and seducing you." Vespa said. He buried his face in his hands again. He was so not ready to birth out eggs, duds or not. After a good minute, his head rose and he opened his mouth to say something, silent for a few seconds before actual words came out. "So what you're telling me is I might give birth to actual live nymphs or larvae eggs if my number fucks up and somehow lands on the slimmest chance ever?"

“It’s still a very slim chance!” She insisted, in an attempt to reassure him. "And we're completely different species. I highly doubt we'd be able to reproduce even if I wasn't a hybrid." Though now that she thought about it, her conception had been a pretty slim chance as well. Who would have thought that a scorpion and a mantis were compatible? She wondered what a wasp-scorpion-mantis would look like, and shuddered at the thought. “I’ve never sired viable offspring before. At least, not that I know of. No one really stuck around long enough for me to find out.” She chuckled weakly. “Look, heat is no one's fault. I... I should have pulled out, but.. Instinct, I guess... If they’re duds it shouldn’t take long. And I have painkillers if you need them."

"I hope my body rejects them soon," Vespa said assuming they were all duds, "because this feels really weird." This was probably how queens of colony bugs felt 24/7 with their near constant reproducing. The thought of giving birth or carrying anything inside of him wasn't helping him be reassured, even with Crim's insistence. He wanted to think of something else, this happened so suddenly. He then pondered for a moment, looking towards the cave entrance. The storm definitely showed no signs of ending any time soon. "So I guess we're just stuck here for a while."

“It would seem so.” Crim had begun tidying up a bit, picking up the kettle and discarded tea cups. “Luckily I’d just made a supply run before you showed up, so we should have enough to last a week or two.” She placed the items by the mouth of the cave to fill up with snow. “By the way… I don’t think I’ve actually introduced myself.” She smiled and sat down to rekindle the fire. “It’s Crim.”

"Vespa. It's nice to meet you-- well, know your name." He laughed sheepishly. The cave warmed back up as the fire was rekindled. At least now he doesn't have to worry about being forced into heat anymore any time soon. "So... what are you exactly? I can see that you're a hybrid, but what of?"

"Well, my old man was a Mantis. I take after him most, I think. My other parent- my sire, that is- was a Scorpion." She lifted up her pincer, her dark red chitin appearing even redder in the firelight. "All I know about 'im is that he, or she, I guess- had some damn shitty genes. This thing's pretty much useless." She weakly opened and closed the twisted claw, before lowering it back to her lap. With her functioning hand she added a stick to the fire. "So, Vespa, what about you? You're a wasp, obviously, but why so far from a hive?"

"Ever since the infection broke out, the less sentient wasps have been becoming infected, and destroying all the eggs and viable breeders. Our queen thought it would be a good idea if she laid her fertilized eggs inside of the uninfected wasps, including the males because one: We can constantly monitor something that's inside our body and keep it away from dangers and two: wasps are like a fortress compared to other bugs in my hive's area. You know, flies, spiders, beetles." He inhaled, having used all the air in his lungs from his rambling explanation. "But this doesn't answer why I left. Our queen was forcing us to carry her eggs. If we refused, she would sting us to death. I didn't want any of that so I left."

Crim immediately felt a pang of guilt. This guy had come so far to escape carrying against his will, only to end up impregnated by her. "That... must've taken guts.", she said, her tone quieter now, "To escape like that. I imagine it's tough being sentient in a big colony. I can't believe your Queen didn't kick out the Infected. You actually had to live with them?"

"I actually had to live with those things. It's somewhat easy to escape actually. I mean, if you know how to use your stinger against a horde of orange acid-producing zombies." He shrugged, looking down. "Also yeah, it's tough being sentient in a big colony, even though wasps usually communicate non-verbally." He looked back to Crim. "So since you're part mantis, I assume you grew up in the mantis village? It must have been tough being so different."

"Actually, Pops got kicked out after folks found out about his.. ‘affair.’ They’re a pretty traditionalist bunch, after all. So I grew up in the outskirts of the Fungal Wastes. I had siblings when I was younger, so it wasn’t too bad. Though, they died off pretty quick. Birth defects and the like. I guess I was just lucky.” Crim looked down at the fire. She really hoped the eggs Vespa carried were duds. Not only because of the pain it would cause him, but also because of the hardship the young would go through if they survived. She sighed and returned to her story. “I left as soon as I was able. There wasn’t much holding me back. Pops had caught the Infection by then, too." She shook her head and smiled. "But that's in the past. I try not to let it get to me... For now, I just want to see what's beyond these wastelands." She glanced upwards, contemplating how far she'd have to climb to reach the surface of Hallownest.

((BTW, whenever you want, feel free to add any sort of conflict, or jump ahead to any point in time you’d like. I’m cool with whatever direction you wanna go in.))

"That's... rough." He said. Wait, no. That was a euphemism, but he didn't feel like expressing the extent of harshness that Crim grew up with. He remained quiet for the rest of the day, he ran out of things to talk about anyways.

A few weeks-- a month and a third-- passed with the eggs still inside of him. Vespa had no knowledge of egg carrying, not even within his own kind. The subject never interested him. Now, curiosity began its spark, and Vespa wanted to know when these things would come out of him, assuming they were duds. "Hey, how long are duds supposed to remain inside of someone?" He asked.

“Hm?” Crim glanced up from her place by the fire, where she had been stewing some mushrooms. “Oh. Well..” She’d been dreading that question. “Around two to five weeks, depending on the species… Pureblooded mantids take three, from what I know. Not sure about wasps.” She hoped it was longer for Vespa’s kind, as she’d been growing increasingly worried as the weeks went on. If it took much longer it either meant that something was very wrong, or that there were viable eggs. She wasn’t sure which possibility scared her more.

"Shit..." He muttered, beginning to panic. Maybe a wasp's body took longer to get rid of eggs, or hybrid duds took longer, or he had to force them out. He thought of every possible reason except for the last one. Didn't Crim say hybrids come out of the egg deformed? Holy shit he didn't want to be carrying deformed, suffering hybrid offspring.

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