C Coffee House Romance (w/ bhdire8)

The second orgasm hit him harder than the first, but because his body didn't have time to recoup, he also went through his first dry orgasm. He didn't scream out like the first time, just laid there with his back arched, his body clenching and unclenching in time with his small body spasms. Whimpers left his open mouth as he felt John fill him up. He felt warm inside, burning almost. It was an amazing feeling. "Fuck...." he finally manages to gasp out, letting his head fall back.

Katauro was drenched in sweat and when John came down from.his high as well, he chuckled at how soft and utterly drained Katsuro appeared to be. He smiled and lifted him up from the bed. He flipped them so the smaller man could lay on his chest in his favourite position after such a fulfilling lovemaking. "Woah... we have made good progress within a day,.dont we?" He said, his.cock still inside of Katsuro's. His belly even appeared to be slightly bloated from.how much he had.cum.in him.

Katsuro made no complaints as he was flipped over so he could lay on John's chest. He took deep breaths, feeling sticky after all the sweat they were coated in. "I didn't really expect to go that far when I came over." He laughed softly before looking up at him, resting his chin on his chest. "I take it you had a good time." He was sore, he could feel that now that they were coming down from everything. That was really good

"I have a more than good time. It's one of the best." John chuckled, idly stroking Katsuro's hair. "So i guess.... this established our... we are a thing now?" He said looking at Katsuro with his head rested on his arm. "You.... this would'nt be one-off right? coz i am finding myself liking you a lot.... " He said, gazing at Katsuo's lips and leaned forward to press a solid kiss on him.

"I think this might be a good start to something." He chuckled before leaning in to kiss him back. His hands went to cup his cheeks. "I don't mind starting 'thing' if that's what this is." He smiled before moving to sit up, wincing softly. "You got really deep in there." He slowly lifted his hips, gasping out and stopping before he pulled back too much. "Oh. Wow. Ow " he laughed softly

John pressed a hand on Katsuro's lowerback to guide him. He could almost feel his thighs trembling trying to lift himself up. Those slightly pained gasps undeniably satisfied his male ego and he chuckled while sitting up himself. "Careful there.... hmmmm...." John shifted his hips slightly as well feeling hsi cock twitched at the movement around it. He closed his eyes and lifted Katsuro up from his cock. A faint "pop" could be heard when he was removed.

Katsuro rested his hand on his belly once he felt the pop, trying to clench down so that nothing fell out, but he couldn't help it. Some of slipped out and slipped down his thighs. "Oops" He gave a nervous laugh before reaching down to try and stop it from pouring out too much. "Can I use your shower? Or more...Carry me to the shower?" He felt like his legs couldn't move.

It's so cute seeing Katsuro trying to stop the trickle of cum from leaking. John kissed his slightly flushed face and muttered. "Certianly my angel.... I would love to do that." He said and picked him up like he weighed nothing, holding him by his bum, letting Katsuro keep his hand behind and brought him to the shower. He didn't run the bathbut settlted for a quick shower to save the wait. Putting him down, Katsuro almost dropped from how wobbly his legs had become and John clutched him tight again, chuckling lightly.

Katsuro whimpered as he moved them around. He held onto him close, taking a deep breath as he was set down into the shower. He took a deep breath, letting his hips relax in the hot water. He looked up at him and smiled, "thank you." He kissed down his chest, "I don't like feeling sticky really." He laughed softly as he dropped his head back, letting the water wash over his curly hair. "Hopefully we can do it again soon."

"I got a feeling we would be doing this a lot ...." John nibbled on his collarbones as he dropped his head back, exposing his neck conveniently for John's attack. "And I would remember to clean you afterwards.... I don't really like sleeping feeling sticky and feilty as well." he chuckled and slipped a finger into Katsuro's swollen hole to check for injury... he knew his size and he always checked, just to make sure everything was fine. He heard a hiss but it seemed fine aside from being quite swollen and raw. "Do you have a shift tomorrow? Coz i got a hunch you probably wouldn't be walking too naturally tomorrow." He was sounding quite happy though.

Katsuro clenched his teeth when he felt his finger enter him. "Fuck." He whispered, "Yeah I have the day off." He took deep breath and looked up at him, "Is that an invitation to stay over?" He leaned into him, kissing along his jaw. He reached back and took his finger out from his hole. "You can wait a little longer, can't you?" He winked at him playfully, before giving a slow turn to rinse his hair. But that didn't stop him from rubbing his butt against John's cock, just to tease.

"You could stay over for as long as you want...." That's what John answered as hs finger was removed. "Hey! I wasn't aiming for round 2... or round 3 for you." He smirked. "I was just checking... you know, there had been accidents before and if you indeed tore... i gotta get you some meds to prevent infection." He said all professional like, looking quite innocent. "And you better get it out...." He said referring to his load, pressing a hand on his lower belly. He graoned feeling his fleshy bottom rubbing against his member, and slapped him on his butt loudly while chuckling.

Katsuro gave a sharp gasp at the slap against his butt. He looked back at him, smiling brightly over his shoulder. "Uh huh. I believe you." He turned around and gently inserted his fingers, moving around so he could start trying to pull out all of his ejaculation. It was going to be hard since he went so deep. "Maybe tomorrow morning I can surprise you... I'm sure I'll be nice and open for you."

"Hmmm is that a punishment, not letting me see it?" John smiled at his sneaky lover. He put his palm over his slightly bulged belly and ordered. "Push lightly... it should do the trick." He rubbed gentle circles around it, his large palm incredibly gentle on katsuro. "Gosh don't tease me anymore.... or you are in serious trouble." The image of Katsuro riding his mornign wood has his cock twtiching again, and he had to close his eyes to remove that enticing image.

Katsuro leaned back against John, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and pushed, feeling liquid gently drilling down his thighs, quickly being washed away by the water. "Me? In trouble?" He smiled, rubbing against him more. "What'll You Do to me?" He knew his body couldn't handle it, and yet he couldn't help it.

Without warning, John lifted Katsuro's left leg up and pressed him against the cold tile of the wall. He pressed a hard kiss on him, then rubbed against his swollen opening, then fondled with his balls as he let the warm water rush against them. "Hmm I am guessing I could get to you as well...." He said teasing his sensitive opening evne more, and pressed his hardening cock up his thighs, brushing it against Katsuro's limp member.

Katsuro' eyes widened as he was pushed back against the wall. His hands slapped against the wall to balance himself as his leg was lifted. He whimpered as his hole was touched again. He looked up at him, pupils blown wide. He bit his lip as he watched him, "My belly is already full of your seed. You really gonna make it bigger?"

"Oh you have no idea..... I think it would look nice if it's a lot bigger, when it's filled with my seed. It would look good, a good visual treat that would go well with your bottom...." John wasn't very specific but indeed he was thinking about Katsuro carrying his children. He would love to see him holding his back, pushing his belly out and waddle while swaying his cute ass around. "You would be stranded on bed... the deadweight of your belly pinning you down...." He further fantasized, nibbling his earlobe as he said so.

Katsuro moaned softly as John started to talk about his fantasy. It wasn't a fantasy he reallybever thought of, but he didn't mind thinking of it now. "Yeah... it'd make my ass and thighs bigger too. More for you to hold onto." He gasped softly, blushing brightly.

"Hmm i am sure they would... gonna make you so round and curvy, your bottom and thighs would be like marshmallows, i could sink my hand into them while fucking you so hard." He continued and pressed 2 fingers into his swollen opening to stretch him lightly. his opening had swollen up so much it's getting a little tighter to stretch. He teased him more, ghosting his fingertips over his prostate.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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