C Coffee House Romance (w/ bhdire8)

When he heard his boyfriend come in, he stood up, listening for where he'd be going in the house, that way he could find him quickly. He wandered to the bathroom, smiling softly. "You Do smell." He commented before kissing his cheek, "before you get in the bath, I want to talk." He took his hands and lead him over to the bed so they could sit. He knew the tests were sitting in the counter and he didn't want it to be that kind of surprise for John.

"Okay....." John quirked his brow not knowing what it was that Katsuro wanted to talk while hr was so stinky. He followed Katsuro and couldnt help but admire his swaying bottom as he watched him from behind. He smiled and shook his head, laughing at himself for.how much of a horndog.he had becomr.... it must be because Katsuro's bottom had filled up a little, majing him even more attractive. John cleared his thought and sat down beside Katsuro and laid back. "So? What is it that's so urgent it couldnt wait till I get a bath? Did you book a restaurant? Got something.planned for thr night?"

"Well, it's not for just tonight I have something booked..." he took a deep breath and took John's hands. "You know how I've been sick right?" He made a hand motion to mimics throwing up. "Well Im Not... sick." He watched John very closely as he said it, "I'm pregnant." He said it slowly, so that there was no way he'd misunderstand him.

John frowned and repeated like an idiot. "You are pregnant....." he processed the thrre words one by one and his eyes shot down at Katsuro's midsection. "You mean.... you are.....?!" He swallowed hard and stood up, hands in his hair as he paced around the living room. He was panicking. All the implications of having a kid right now crashing onto him. His mind jumped around, mutttering to himself very quickly on what he should do, who to tell, how to tell his parents and the plans ahead he needed to think about - all the while almost forgetting Katsuro was therr.

He knew it was going to be a hard thing to hear, but he didnt really think that he was going to panic like this. But he let him sink it all in, even if that meant pacing the room. But after awhile, he sighed and stood up, "John." He caught him, pulling him close so he'd stop moving. "Its still early... There are way to.. get over this. Do you even want to keep it? I understand if... You don't." He hadn't really thought about what they would do if he said no.

"what!? No!" John exclaimed before he could think clearly of what Katsuro was trying to say. "No, I mean..... here let's sit down first." He said and already his touch was precarious on Katsuro. He breathed out slowly to calm himself, then recollected his thoughts. He saw how pale Katsuro was and just assumed it was because it was because of him not feeling well. It wasn't until he clutched his own fist that he found he was badly shaken himself, and his hands were trembling hard as well. "I... I want it. I would love to have a baby with you.... unless...." It was his turn to be afraid now, worrying if Katsuro would not want a child so early in theri relationship. "I know how much stress this would be on you more than on me, so if you don't.... I could understand. Absolutely."

((Sorry I've been a little absent! Its midterms week!))

Katsuro, sat down carefully. He wasn't big yet, but he felt like he could already feel the weight in his belly. His hands moved to rest over his stomach, listening to everything John said. "Yeah...I want to have a baby with you too." He reached out and took his hands, "I was worried, I didnt know how to handle it. I mean...Kids thats..." He gave a small laugh, one hand moving to cover his mouth. "But, a baby with you. That'd be something else. We could sit at the side lines and cheer you on. that sounds nice, huh?"

((Oh so soon! It's not even mid-october.... good luck in that :))

"That certainly sounds nice.... even before that it would be great. You know my teammates have been very envious of me right?" John beamed. His teammates were all jealous of him for having Katsuro, who came to.almost every match and was clearly pampering him, for their captain flourished. He was never in a bad mood and he was always bragging about how good Katsuro had been to him - not to mention the special staff discount from the coffee shop. "We would have plans to make.... do you, hmm, do you want to move in? I.could take better care of.you and we could save that rent." In truth John probably could afford a baby, but he didnt want 5o rely rtoo much on his parents support as well.

((Thanks! Hopefully my one tomorrow isn't too bad!))

Katsu blushed and laughed, nodding, "yeah, the guys have told me how lucky you are." He leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Of course I want to move in with you!" His eyes lit up and he almost jumped into his lap, "I can use my checks from the coffee shop for the baby and rent if you want it." He stroked down his cheek, "I won't just freeload off of you. I promise. " He said softly before kissing him softly.

(haha I am sure you would do fine! just relax and try your best ;))

"You are already repaying me in the best way you can... giving me this." He poked at his heart. "And agreeing to this...." He covered Katsuro's belly and relaxed into the kiss. It's incredible, but exciting at once. He was having goosebumps knowing he would soon become a parent. "Thanks for agreeing to this babe...." He said softly, this time more seriousy as he knew how difficult it could be for Katsuro, and what price he had to pay throughout the pregnancy.

(Thank you!)

Katsuro smiled, leaning into his lips. "Of course. I don't know if I could have given it up anyways." His hands moved to cover his belly again, tears coming to his eyes as the realization hit him. "I'm having a baby.... we're having a baby..." he wiped his eyes with one hand, trying to calm down so he didn't over excite himself. "I- i gotta make a doctors appointment."


"I could see what I can do.... dont forget what I am studying." John smiled. "Maybe we could have booked an off hour session so we could take our time... and, i might be able to use you as my first guinea pig." He smiled already planning on what they could do in the clinic. It would be fun if he got to monitor yhr progresss of his own child.

(Btw... did we discuss on how many babies therr would be?)

Cats reached up and pinched his cheek, "Hey, don't use me and your child as your guniea pigs." He didn't really mind, and said it as light hearted as he could, "But still, we should go see an actual doctor first, just to make sure its okay. Then you can learn on me at home. We can learn together, how about that?" He gave him a kiss of encouragement.

(I think maybe two at first?))

"That would be great ..... and when the baby is bigger, I could smuggle home some doppler so we could hear his or her heartbeat all the time. And then I can feel for the head as eell..." John was grtting excited with all the possibilities that would come with Katsuro being pregnant. He might be inspired enough to choose obgyn as his expertise later.

(Ya two sounds fine... couldnr wait to have Katsuro showing ;))

"Don't get in trouble now." He laughed softly, but he saw how excited John was so he wasn't going to turn down his ideas just yet. He pulled up his shirt and laid down, looking over his belly, imagining what it would look like with a curve. he poked at it softly, "I wonder if it can feel me yet?" He bit his lip before looking up at John, "Can you imagine? Me being big and round?"

(I know me too!)

"Do you want the professional answer or some illogical drabbles of a father-to-be?" John answered sitting down beside his lover, referring to if the fetus could feel him. "Professionally speaking, your belly wouldnt be too big and the baby wiuld dbe too small to feel you or hear you until at least 3 months later. Thougg.... I am sure our kid is smart enough to be hearing us.already." john smiled kkssing Katsuro's bare belly.

Katsuro laid back, feeling the gentle kisses over his belly. He gave a happy sigh as he let his hands fall back on the bed, letting John enjoy his belly. "We have such a tiny baby so far. But it'll be huge soon enough." He tapped the base of his stomach. "And daddy will have to help mommy do every day thing, but he'll love it, I know it." He stroked John's heel, "because he spoils me already."

John smiled proudly at Katsuro like a peacock eager to show his feathers. "Yep i would spoil yoy rotten and not.let your feet down on the floor. You would have nothing tow orry about excrpt for nurturing our baby."

Their goood days wasnt as good as John.pictured though, for Matsuro had had some serious morning sickness and instead of putting on weight, he had lost some. He arranged for an emergency checkup with a mentor of his and got thr earliest appointmrnt available even though he.knew that should all be normal reaction of early pregnancies.

Katsuro had never thrown up this much in his whole life. He didn't want to loose weight, he baby needed him to keep food down but apparently that wasn't happening at all. He had to call into work a few times, claiming stomach flu, he didn't want to tell them just yet that he was pregnant. Just in case.

At the doctors office, they gave him something to calm his stomach, giving him a little time to relax. His body was achy and exhausted, but he was excited to finally be able to rest as they figured out how to go about making him feel better. He held onto John's hand, breathing softly.

It seemed to work, John could see color literally coming back to Katsuro's face as the medicine/vitamin mix started working. John had some basic knowledge so he kmew this was somewhat the last resort. He had studied the subjext sufficiently thorough to know the diet they had been keeping was already what doctors would recommend, yet Katsuro still wouldnt stop being nauseous. He was only grateful the treatment worked, and squeezed Katsuro's hand smiling encouragingly.

They went on to have an ultrasound. The doctor tuned the machine for quite some time, and John could see the reason before Katsuro. He was speechless and waited anxiously for his mentor to confirm his suspicion.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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