C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Mitsuo just smirked, leaning closer when Gil leaned in. He purred softly at the nuzzling before giving a small gasp at the bite. He pouted a bit when he pulled back, only to gasp and nearly yelp when he was lifted up. "Oh...I have?" He asked, brows raised slightly. He always had a hangup about his weight...but seeing the way Gil approved of it helped him relax. Shifting to nuzzle against his shoulder as they walked.

His mother had brought the twins back, sitting quietly with them until the happy couple returned. She told them about their day in an excited whisper, Mitsuo needing to translate most of it...But the three children were all tucked in for the night. Mitsuo was glad to get to bed, curling up with Gil and giving a content sigh. "love you." He whispered, letting himself relax.

Gil was in fact the one fidgeting wheen he was caught by his mother in law while carrying Mitsuo, but luckily the lady didnt seem to disapprove - she in fact gave quite an encouraging glance at him, with a gaze so loving he in fact had goosebumps for it, before getting bonbarded with a mess of translation and sharing on how the twins did for the day.

It's always.lovely seeing Mitsuo relax into him, and it never stopped to amaze Gil how Mitsuo felt like a cat, and he himself feeling like a cat owner, always excited and feeling privileged when the smaller man showed him such level of trust and reliance, his heart swelling at how he would be declaring their bonding to rhe world very shortly. Pressing a gentle kiss on him, he whispered. "Love you as well babe. Sleep, we both need to rest for tomorrow."

It's all too soon though, it felt like they had just switched off the lights when the alarm rang - time for the big day.

Mitsuo had been a bit embarrassed when his mother saw Gil carrying him, but he was quickly distracted by her story. He couldn't get over how happy she seemed. Of course it was because she was getting to see her child marry someone they love, and meet her grandchildren. She had since put aside the fact Mitsuo had always been a boy to her...He was clearly so much more than just a boy.

He loved snuggling with Gil in a warm bed. Such a simple comfort, he wished it didn't have to end with morning. He groaned when the alarm went off, pulling a pillow over his head. He didn't want to get up yet. But he could hear the twins starting to fuss in the other room, and of course his mother would be there soon to whisk him away to get ready.

He grumbled and rolled out of bed, looking over at Gil and smiling before pulling a robe on and going to feed and change the twins. Jun was still asleep, so he let him continue until he was done with the twins.

Gil, same as Mitsuo, tried to grasp at whatever last seconds of sleep he could, refusing to open his eyes. He stayed as long as he could, until he heard a knock on the door. That's the final alarm and he groaned to roll off bed. He rubbed his eyes in search of his soon to be husband, and smiled when he saw he had just finished feeding them, with his robe laid open. He came up from behind and tugged his robe properly while Mitsuo fitted the nappies of the twins, and pressed a kiss on Mitsuo. "Morning, husband." He smiled and went on to get the door, and was greeted by an exciting looking mother in law.

"Ohayo okaasan." Gil used the limited japanese he had come to learn. He was awarded with a brilliant smile from the lady as she stepped through. "Mitsuo is inside getting thr twins ready." He said gesturing inside the other room, and then once again he bowed to his father in law who was coming.in next. "Ohaya otoosan." He said with another bow, and almost immediately the old man dragged him away to dress him up.

Mitsuo heard Gil before he was hugged, smiling gently when he fixed his robe while he changed the twins. He put them in some cute onesies and set them back in the crib, looking to Gil as he went to answer the door. Mitsuo seemed to have a glow about him, but maybe it was just the occasion that had him feeling so happy.

Mitsuo's mother was happy to see Gil was grasping some of the language, it was very encouraging. She wanted her grandchildren to learn it as well, but she would leave that up to Mitsuo. She returned his greeting, going to find Mitsuo and fuss over the little ones for a while. Meanwhile, Mitsuo's father grinned as he pulled Gil with him, explaining in broken english what they would be doing that day.

Mitsuo's mother helped her son get the children ready. The twins would stay with her sister during the ceremony itself to avoid interruptions, but little Jun would be there in his little kimono. Once they were ready, Mitsuo headed out with his mother and the kids to get ready himself. His kimono took two people to help him put it on. Making sure each part was perfect. Then there was makeup, and of course a traditional wig. Once he was all made up, it was hard to tell he was a man. The only things giving it away were his more square jaw, and his adam's apple.

They moved to the shrine, waiting quietly for his father and Gil to arrive. He felt a cramp in his middle, but ignored it as anxiety giving him stomach pains...

Even though Gil's attire was less complicated, it's not at all easier to grt on. Thr dresser was fussing over him, turning him around like he was a mannequin, as his father in law stared at the side, shooting out instructions or comments in Japanese so fast there was no way for Gil to grasp. He wondered if Mitsuo was feeling the same as him, nervous, yet not at all sure what was going on.

He eventuallt got led out of the dressing room in full gear, his steps were almost confident, aftet the praxtice from the day before, at least hewouldnt trip if he minded his steps carefully enough. He was met by a priest and led through the stone pathway, and at the end of it, in tbe middle of the shrine, there was Mitsuo waiting for him, in pure white symbolizing how pure and innocent the bride is, and his heart fluttered, amazed by how Mitsuo amazingly transformed himself. He followed the priest, his steps solemn and measured, ready for the ceremony.

He came to stand beside his bride, and he could only smile at Mitsuo. The makeup had him.looking much paler than usual, but he thought it also made Mitsuo appeared erotically attravtive in his own way. He took his hand and smiled at him, finding his hands damp with sweat as well - must have been they were both.feeling the nerves.

Mitsuo was beyond nervous, his heart was racing and it felt like his stomach was doing flips...But on the outside he looked calm aside from the occasional lip twitch. He had taken out all but the middle piercing in his lip, the holes obscured by foundation. His mother stood nearby, joined by his father in his own kimono. His mother was made up as well, but obviously not to the extent of the bride to be.

Mitsuo looked up when Gil came out, a smile crossing his lips. His anxiety seemed to melt away, feeling more comfortable in his presence. He gave Gil's hand a squeeze, seeming like a loving gesture, his downwards tilted head and the accessories in his wig hiding the subtle look of discomfort. Another cramp tightening in his middle.

The priest began the ceremony, a translator standing nearby for Gil's benefit. Explaining how they were to wash at the shrine and share sake. Mitsuo's movements faltering slightly each time a cramp caught him. He was really starting to fear something was wrong. Especially when he felt pressure low in his pelvis...He was silently freaking out, knowing exactly what that feeling was. But he kept calm, trembling slightly as he stood beside Gil, one hand resting over his stomach,

Gil was feeling something strange, but he didnt know how to address it in the middle of such a solemn ceremony. He clutchrd Mitsuo's hand tight, evrn though it wasnt a usual gesture for grooms, but he couldnt let go of his lover when he sensed the trmbel of his hands. It was too much, and perhaps it hadnt been entirely from anxiety, not with such an extend. He nudged closer and closer to Mitsuo as they performed the rituals.

Taking the cup of sake offered by the priest, it must be took over by both hands and Gil therefore had to reluctantly release of Mitsuo, but he stayed close, their bodies touching each other just in case. He took a sip and handed it to Mitsuo, whom took a moment to react, taking over the small cup.with visibly trembling hands. Gil had to steady his hold, very worried about.something's wrong with Mitsuo now.

Mitsuo's hands were shaking and sweaty, his makeup obscuring the sweat on his brow. He held onto Gil's hand tightly, tensing with each stronger cramp. They were getting much stronger and much closer together...And he was suddenly very aware of a baby he hadn't known he was carrying until just this moment. And of all the times for his labor to progress quickly, this was the worst.

His hands trembled as he took the sake, gently tilting it back to take a sip. He coughed at the burn of the alcohol, the sudden motion enough to break his water. He felt it run down his legs, soaking his feet. He froze, eyes wide before giving the cup back to Gil to take another sip from.

Gil quickly took the little cup back, Mitsuo had been trmebling with the cough but it stopped abruptly with a startled look on his face, he was looking down... Gil looked as well at hte direction, and there it was, the white socks Mitsuo had on top of the wooden sandals had been gradually staining wet - what's wrong with it? Gil frowned, not able to process from this little clue. It couldn't be Mitsuo had wet himself, could he....?

Gil drank the remainign sake and handed the china cup back to the priest, and this time it was Mitsuo's turn to receive the cup. Gil looked at Mituso anxiously as he fidgeted in his elaborate kimono, his breathing becoming more labored as he shifted. Gil took his waist, not sure if he was going to faint or what, but this time he could see the little sweat forming at the back of his neck.. .what possibly could have Mituso so nervosu?

Mitsuo's eyes darted about, terrified someone had noticed. His parents were standing to the side, not close enough to see what was going on...And the priest was focused on the ceremony. So the only one to notice was Gil. He closed his eyes tight as Gil drank, feeling something drop into his pelvis even more, knowing this was moving so much faster than before.

He tried to control his breathing, only managing to make his breaths shaky and labored. One hand clenched inside the sleeve of his kimono over his belly, feeling it tighten beneath the belt. He gasped when Gil took his waist, hesitantly looking up at him, then to the priest. Shaky hands took the cup of sake, nearly dropping it when a particularly strong contraction hit. He bit back a noise and threw back the sake all at once...hoping the alcohol might help dull the pain.

Gil could feel distinctly how Mitsuo was trembling outrightly now. When he handed the cup to Mitsuo, he had to steady his hands. It was pure coincidence that he happened to have held Mitsuo up by his hand - and thereby felt how he was clenching over his belly, and that suspiciously hard belly was obvious. Gil gazed down, gawked, and then looked up again to catch Mitsuo's eyes right after he downed that sake. He laid his hand over Mitsuo's belly properly, and looked at him with such shocked eyes he thought Mitsuo would understand the unasked question.

The priest continued with the long rambling of chants or good wishes, but judging by the widening wetness on Mitsuo's socks, Gil was afriad there wouldn't be much time. Setting aside the shocking fact that Mitsuo could be pregnant this whole time, even this labor didn't make sense. Gil was so used to Mitsuo's long and difficult labor, it all seemed so wrong. He was quite sure Mtisuo had been alright last night, even this mornign had been fine, so how could he already been on the brink of giving birth iwthin just a few hours' time?

Mitsuo bit his lip when he felt Gil's hand over his belly, knowing that even through the layers of fabric, he could also feel how tense it was. He met the man's eyes and gave the smallest nod to that unanswered question. He was in full blown labor, fighting the urge to push.

He lowered his head, trying to breathe through the contraction and fight the need to push...every fiber of his being screaming at him to push. But he couldn't even spread his legs enough. And to top things off, the whole situation was hitting on a kink he didn't even know he had...Thankfully his underwear and all the layers hid his straining erection better than the growing wet stain from his water breaking.

His breath felt forced, and Gil had the urge to just carry his bride away from here, release him of all the restraining kimono he had on him, but that wasn't possible and he knew by Mitsuo's reaction that he wanted to continue on with this, at lesat finish that ceremony. There was still one cup of sake left, and Gil took over the cup with both hands, letting Mitsuo lean against his side while he took a sip and handed the cup over for Mitsuo.

"Breath babe... just breath, think of how we did with the twins, let that urge dissipate with your breathing..." Gil could read Mitsuo's face, he knew from that peculiar expression he had on that Mitsuo probably was fighting his urge - both to push and of getting aroused. There had been tiny whimpers from him, and he tried to direct his urges away from other sensations. He held his waist dutifully, he was sure the crowd wouldn't have minded - he was a foriegner and they were always more outspoken about their love, and therefore he could hardly keep his hands from his bride.

Part of Mitsuo wished Gil would just pick him up and rush him away...But the rest of him wanted to stay and finish things first. So he continued to try and calm his breathing. He leaned against Gil, closing his eyes and just taking slow breaths, still trembling slightly.

He made a small noise at Gil's words, nodding slightly and looking up at him. He could feel the baby inching lower just from the contractions alone, so he shifted his legs to try and squeeze them tighter together. He took the cup and slowly took a sip, nearly dropping it again as he handed it back. He couldn't hide his pain as the contraction hit like a punch in the gut, leaning harder against Gil as his face scrunched up. The contraction had pushed the baby low enough that it put pressure on his prostate, sending bolts of pleasure and pain up his spine. His knees felt weak, the only thing holding him up was Gil's arm around his waist.

Gil could hear the little broken breathes had become dragged on, Gil quickly drank the remaining sake. The clear wine burned through his throat but nothing was more pressing than Mitsuo. He could see the smaller man curling on himself, clearly unable to maintain a straightened back as tradition rendered, and he once again tightneed his hold on Mitsuo as he quickly handed back the cup to the priest in one hand, his eyes now glued to Mitsuo.

He didn't now, nor cared, what the other guests thought now. Mitsuo was whimpering, and in this frantic moment Gil reached low to hold his tiny belly, pressed in and almost hold up, hoping this would help in some ways to stop the baby from descending any more. He looked at the priest with pleading eyes, hoping the aged man would go faster in his prayer or whatever thing he was chanting.

Mitsuo was quickly losing his battle with his own instinct, biting hard on his lip as he breathed through his nose harshly. He couldn't even hear the priest anymore, only his own pounding heart.

His parents had noticed something was wrong, but hesitated in acting. They saw the way Gil held Mitsuo, and trusted the man to know when to call for help.

When Gil shifted his grip and pressed his hand against his belly, it had the exact opposite effect. The pressure pushed the baby down more, finally breaking Mitsuo's resolve. "Aah-aaah! It's coming!" He cried out, both hands moving to cling to Gil as he tried to spread his legs, only to be met with the resistance of his kimono.

The priest stopped, looking shocked and confused, Mitsuo's parents rushing over to see what was wrong. His mother moved closer, seeing the look on her son's face and catching the smell from the fluids. She exclaimed in Japanese that Mitsuo was giving birth, shocking everyone.

The outbreak of Mitsuo startled even Gil, but the upside was Gil could finally hold Mitsuo. "Get that going, what, declare us man and wife RIGHT NOW." he yelled at the priest. The poor old man was so startled he nodded and quickly started muttering, probably as fast as he could, and waved some unknown symbolistic gestures and the miko rushed forward to present hte rings to them.

While they were rushing to complete the ritual, Gil caught Mitsuo's dropping body. He half knelt down on the puddle of water on teh floor and let Mitsuo half sit on his knee. He was slow and trying to put him down with the straining kimono limiting movement for Mitsuo, but as he lowered himself, Gil's knee was touched with something weird. Gil paled as it dawned on him that hardness between Mitsuo's legs must have been teh baby's head, but it was too late and his knee served as a surface that pushed the baby back in as Mitsuo sat down on him.

Mitsuo was only vaguely aware of Gil's shouting, too focused on the baby pressing on his prostate to care. He held tightly onto Gil, trembling as he was lowered and shifted. His mother was there holding onto him as well, muttering things as she turned his face to look at her.

Because he was so distracted, he didn't have a chance to catch himself before his weight sat down on Gil's leg. His whole body tensed when the baby was pushed back into him, giving a strangled cry as his body jerked. The pressure on his prostate was too much, pushing him over the edge as he blew his load inside his underwear. His parents didn't quite realize what had happened, but helped Gil to move Mitsuo.

The Miko motioned for them to follow her, saying in Japanese that they should not do this here. There was a room in the shrine that would be more private.

If Gil had been paying attention he would see the bulge appearing at the crotch of Mitsuo, but he was too distracted by the cry of Mitsuo which he couldnt pinpoint whether it was pained or other sensation. He only knew he had pushed the baby back in and he was close to panicking himself.

Gil nodded at the broken translation his mother in law was trying to do, and lifted Mitsuo up bridal style - the irony of that - and carried him as quickly as he dared to follow the young girl in white and red dress. He glanced down at Mitsuo and in fact gave him a smile. "You are full of surprises, arent you Mitsuo..." he said. As he walked, he could feel the boxes of their rings nudging on his thighs. He had pocketed them at the last second before they left the shrine.

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