C A forgotten prince (Closed with bhdire8)

Carlos stopped once he started to hear something walked back over to it. He felt a chill go up his spine when the woman had screamed it scared both him and the pups who moved closer to him. This was starting to scare him. Carlos wrapped his arms around himself and started running back the way he had came going there hadn't been the best idea. He didn't know what else to do besides to run.

The thunders started coming and they were so loud, it was like hitting right on top of Carlos. The clouds were closing in and rain started falling, it was so dark, thing were changing quick. Soon Carlos was soaking wet, and the pups were whining against him as they soon started tripping and falling.

At the first strike of lightning, Dave was alerted. He frowned and went to the windows to see how dark it had become, and cursed under his breath. He called for his raincoats and quickly made his way back into the garden.

Carlos pushes his hair out of his face as he ran. Stopping once he picked up the pups holding four in his arms and continuing to run. He hadn't been able to pick up all of them so three were left to run with him he didn't know what had happened. Carlos had to stop when it had started coming down even harder since he could no longer see where he was going. Walking slowly after just standing there for a few moments getting even more soaked.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry",he mumbled none was around to hear him expect for the pups. The other animals had hidden in the garden before it started raining.

Dave had been rushing out into the rain with his large jacket. His heart almost stopped when he saw the picnic mat to be empty. He looked around trying to find the little slave, but the rain was pouring too heavily for him to make out his way. Still, he instructed all servants to fan out to find him. He never knew his garden was so hatefully large, and he walked into the rain yelling for Carlos himself as well, hoping they could locate him soon.

He ran around, yelling "carlos" time after times. He thought perhaps the slave had found that forbidden wall, and went on to that direction, looking around tryign to find that small man.

Carlos trudged through the garden he had no clue where he was at. He was still muttering that he was sorry he hadn't meant go there. At the moment he could hear people but couldn't see anyone at all "Its Ok little ones I got you",he said. Carlos flinched whenever he heard Thunder he had to keep moving even though he wanted to stop again. He nearly tripped over a pup that was walking to close to him he knew that they were scared so was he.

This was his fault maybe he shouldn't have gone exploring at all. Letting out a whimper he did eventually stop not being able to go on walking.

Dave had in fact been very close to where Carlos was already. Had the rain not coverer th3 whines and wails of the pups, he would probably locate them at once. Howeverx rhe rain was pouring so heavily he could hardly make out the silhouettes of the trees, and when Carlos had stopped, he liokee more like a stone than a person under the darkened sky.

"Carlos!" Dave yelled again, wiping away rainwater from his eyes, trying to determine if that odd little dark shadow not 10 feet away from him could be the slave.

Carlos was going to start moving again but was kind of scared to. Plus the pups that were on the ground had moved even closer to him so he would not be able to move. He was looking down at the ones he was holding and didn't notice someone close. "Master Lennox?",he said loud enough for him to be heard since he heard him looking up.

"carlos!" The lord seemed to hear something and it ocnfirmed his belief when he spotted tiny dark spots around that shadow. Mus thave been teh puppies still surrounding the small human. He strided forward and he could finally breath seeing Carlos. "YOu are here! Gosh... better get in quick. It's freezing here." He said and crouched down to scoop up the little pups and put them each into the pocket within his large jacket, and then proceeded to wrap carlos up under his arm and hurried their way back to safety.

Carlos was happy when it was Dave he let a happy sigh. He didn't let go of the ones he was still holding when Dave picked up the others that were around him. Leaning against him as they walked back to the house quickly. "I am sorry",he said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Dave yelled in the rain, the raindrops and the occassional thunder had muffled up what Carlos was trying to say. "I am here now, dont worry. You are gonna be safe very soon." Dave continued shouting, he thought it Carlos had been frightened, but his tremble could also been from the cold.

Carlos forgot that he needed to talk louder because of the storm. He sneezed sniffing as he walked faster keeping up with him. Nodding though he didn't reaper what he had said a few minutes ago he was starting to trip over his feet after awhile. It was from both but at the moment it was more from the cold than anything else he was freezing from being in the rain.

Dave caught him when he felt the much smaller figure tripping over, and this time he lifted him up, carrying him as he quickly stride through the field to get to indoor. "Hey it's ok alright? we are heading somewhere safe and warm." He yelled through the storm and wrapped Carlos up in his thick jacket, holding him against his chest.

Carlos leans more into Dave once he had been picked up he was really warm. "OK",he said this time loud enough to be hard over the rain. He closed his eyes against the rain the jacket was helping out a lot was warming him up. "Its OK little ones",Carlos whispered when he heard them whine.

Dave didn't know how he made his way through the heavy rain, but eventually they arrived. The servants rusehd up to smother them with towels, but Dave almost wrpaped it all around Carlos while he knelt down to free all the pups from his pockets.

Carlos set the other pups down on the ground when he was ser on his feet. He stood there shivering rubbing his nose on one of the towels. Carlos started to dry his hair off of towel he didn't know what to do at the moment besides that.

Dave was barking orders to th3 servants to have the tub ready, and sweeping Carlos off his feet, he took him.upstairs. he peeled away his wet clothes first and wrapped him in a thick bathing robe belonging to himself, and the lord sneezed a few times brfore removing his own soaking wet clothes.

Carlos left the towel on his head when he was done. He let out a squeak he was not expecting that to be picked up like that. Carlos stayed still he took off the shoes when aftewards they were soaked through as well. Rubbing his nose it was stuffy now but he was fine at the moment.

Dave took both of them down to th3 hot tub readied by the servants. Sighing in relief, he held Carlos close. "You ok little one? Still cold? Do you want some hot.drinks as well?" He said pourinf hot water over th3 small and shiverint body od Calors.

Carlos let out a sigh when he was sat in tubwith him. It didn't matter to him that were both naked at the moment as long as he got warm. The water felt nice though that had been unexpected having the water poured over him. "I am OK. No the water seems to be helping",he said leaning back a bit.

It was a relief and finally Dave was relaxed enough to ask about ehat happened just now. "Did you visit that wall? What did you hear?" He asked, really enjoying the sensation of the hot water now. He even moved away from Carlos, letting him take care of himself.

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