New horizons. ( closed with SpockRules.)
A young man known as Aki smiled. He was to marry his beloved today. He walked down the ailse while holding a handful of flowers which were each freshly roses, dressed in a pitch black, well fit tuxedo. "Hello." He said softly, speaking to his beloved with a warm, friendly and loving smile. He looked up into his eyes with a stare that could melt even eyes. His look was more like a gaze. He always loved when his lover looked at him with those handsome, breathtaking eyes. He felt as though he would soon be with his lover alone in their bedroom and spending their first night into the intense throes of such sexual pleasure. He smiled, never looking away from his beloved's face or eyes.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack couldn't believe it as he stood by Aki, the man he loved and had known for years. They were finally getting married and Jack couldn't be any happier. As he stood there listening to the priest reading the words, Jack couldn't stop smiling and looking into Aki eye's. They were beautiful eyes and each a different color. That probably would have scared another man but not Jack, he found them interesting and loved Aki more for it. He wished though the priest would hurry up, because Jack couldn't stop thinking about their honeymoon. Both Aki and he had agreed they would go to the cabin that had been left to Jack. It was secluded and away from anyone, which was just what they both loved. Jack however didn't know that the night was soon going to take a turn when they got there. Jack didn't know his husband and lover had a dark secret that was soon to reveal itself.
Aki smiled warmly at his beloved Jack, gazing down into his handsome eyes. He was also facing the same impatience with each word the priest had spoken. He was blessed to be with him. He could practically feel his warm, bare skin against his own as the honeymoon would progress through the evening and the night that would follow. He wanted to have a very big family of daughters and sons, wanting even more to impregnate Jack and help him through the pregnancy that would soon happen after a night of heated sex. He listened to the priest speak, wishing that he would not talk too much. He soon sighed happily in his mind as the priest said "And the power invested in me you may both kiss now." He smirked playfly, placing a warm, relaxing and passionate kiss upon Jack's perfectly sized lips.

"I love you Jack." Aki said softly, gently taking hold of one of Jack's hands and leading him to the limousine that was parked outside that was waiting for the two lovers. "I will make sure that you are always happy Jack."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"And I love you Aki." Jack smiled as they got into the limousine which would take them to their cabin. The drive felt so long but Jack laid in Aki's arms wanting to be in bed with him. Once they were at the cabin, Jack allowed Aki to pick him up over the threshold and carry him into the cabin. Jack and Aki rushed to the bedroom not wanting to wait another minute to be together. As Jack began to undress, he looked up when he heard a growl. Looking to Aki, Jack knew it couldn't be him but it had sounded so close.

"Did you just growl my love?"
Aki tried to control himself, hiding his true nature from his beloved Jack. He kept back the presence of another feral growl. He leaned his black haired head in, placing his head in till his lips touched Jack's skin. He was eager to his beloved's skin. Soon, they were at the location location of the cabin, he expressed a strange, large and toothy. He could feel how warm his lover's skin truly was. He got out of the car, gently scooping him up and carrying him from the limo using and into the house which was a large cabin. He was so very eager to have a taste of his skin, even eager to try it out when licking his lover as if a dog would do. He soon stopped.

"Um Jack, I have something to confess to you." Aki said softly to his beloved Jack.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack looked up at his love from the bed, "What is it my love?"

Jack laid there naked for his love eager for him to be in him, but knew his love probably needed to confess first. Jack wondered what the secret was and if it would effect how he felt about him. Shaking his head, Jack knew he loved Aki and would always love him no matter what was going on.
Aki frowned, not exactly sure as to how his lover would react to his words but he took a big risk anyway. He laid down beside his mate, also fully naked as a jay bird. Softly, he cleared his throat, explaining about who he truly was. He sighed, revealing his dark secret in just a few words. Straight to the point. "Well .. the thing is .. I .. am a .. werewolf." He carefully spoke each word slowly, letting each one sink into his lover's curious brain. He sighed with relief, glad to get that burden off of his chest. He was curious as to how his beloved Jack would think of him now. He was eager to turn into his true form which was a werewolf but he tried to keep that under control. Turning into that would be deadly for Jack if he lost true control of himself.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack felt his jaw open at the words his lover and now husband had just told him. He had heard about werewolves but never knew that they were true. How could it be known that he had known Aki for years and never once knew this secret. He still loved the man though and wasn't going to let that ruin their honeymoon. Jack soon became more excited than anything about this new secret, he couldn't wait to see Aki change in front of him. Even have sex with him in that form, "Although it's a little bit of a shock, I want you to know I still love you my love. Please change into your form and make love to me. I want to see your other self, I want to feel you inside me. I want to have your wolf children."

(Hey what if Aki does loose control of himself. Like he starts out slow but the wolf takes over and he doesn't know what he's done until morning?)
"I need you to realize that once I shift that there is no turning back." Aki said softly, gazing into Jack's eyes, a serious expression written on his facial features. "I do not want to hurt you. I will shift but anything I do I want you to know that I may lose control." Aki explained further."If I do harm you then you can tell me when I shift back to human."

Aki licked his lips, taking in Jack's perfect body. It was so perfect.

Aki nodded, allowing himself time to shift as he placed gentle kisses on Jack's neck. He slowly deepened his breathing, the spirit of the wolf within him began to lunge at the bars of the cage that was his soul. It was eager to taste flesh, in other words it wanted to feast upon Jack's. He slowly shifted, his strands of fur sprouting from the depths beneath his smooth flesh and it was a pitch black color. He felt his lungs screaming for air as the painful presence of transformation took hold like a tight rope slowly taking away his breaths breath by breath. He felt his bones snapping and rearranging each one into a new, four limbed form. He felt his spine lengthening, it's end forming into a long streamer like tail. His cock grew thick with sperm as he grew aroused by Jack's nude form beckoning him into it's flawless, delicious looking clutches.

(That sounds fun. I would love to do that.:D)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"I understand, but I'm sure you won't loose control." Jack smiled assuring Aki, but felt like he was lying.

Slowly Jack watched as Aki transformed beside him, the fur growing from his skin and his bones snapping to a new position. Jack sat watching amazed at Aki and his new form. Reaching over him, Jack ran his hand through Aki's fur and down to where his cock was noticing it was thicker than it had been and it looked eager to be inside him. Jack deciding he wanted to be taken like a wolf, got up onto his hands and knees turning to look at Aki.

"I'm yours love." Jack smiled eager to have Aki cock inside him, "Please take me."

(Oh question how fast should the pregnancy take? I was thinking quickly if that's alright. Also would four pups be alright, and large ones?)
Aki did as he was begged to do, mounting Jack's bare backside. He was gentle at first, slowly gaining speed in his thrusts. He smirked wolfishly, panting in anticipation of what was destined to come in the next few hours. He gently licked Jack's back and neck, his thick, warm and soft fur gently brushing against his human mate's skin. He soon became rougher as the wolf took control of all of his senses which were clear. He growled aloud, not seeming to stop any time soon. His nails scratched at Jack's waist, drawing blood from them with each now violent, forceful thrusts that could take anyone's breath away. He panted aloud, licking his two strong jaws. He began to bite into a side of Jack's neck as if he were marking his prey or his territory, leaving a noticeable bitemark that would be tender and painful to any type of touch upon it. He bit his arm and many other places upon his body until he was satisfied. He thrusted for a few hours until he ran out of strength and got off of Jack. By now Jack was covered in purple bruises, deep bite marks, throbbing cuts and many scratches. He was also covered in sweat and blood.

(The pregnancy can be very fast. And we can have four big pups. It makes things much more fun.:D)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Holding onto the bed, Jack moans came out in pleasure as Aki had his way with him. Jack was enjoying his first time until he heard Aki growling before he felt claws digging into his waist. Jack realizing the wolf was taking over tried to get out but was held in place by the wolf. Jack cried out in more pain than pleasure as the wolf thrust harder into him shaking the whole bed from the thrusts. Feeling the wolfs teeth on his neck, Jack cried out as he felt it bite into him. For what felt like hours, Jack was at the mercy of the wolf as he was bite on his arm and other spots he couldn't see. Jack getting tired from the sex tried to once again move but was held fast when he realized the wolf wasn't done with him. At times Jack tried to plead with Aki, but he didn't answer making Jack worry if this was ever going to stop. Trying to move again, Jack felt the wolf claw scratch down his back causing him to collapse on his arms. Finally after hours, the wolf released his seed into him before he pulled out of him collapsing beside him. Jack laid there panting and covered in blood and scratches until he got up going into the bathroom. By morning Jack had cleaned up the blood and remains of the night before but kept his wounds covered with a heavy shirt not wanting Aki to know what had happened. Jack was terrified at what had happened but knew it wasn't Aki's fault that he was a werewolf. Going into the kitchen, Jack began making breakfast hoping to keep the wounds a secret but he wasn't sure how long since everything hurt.

(How long should the pregnancy last?)
Aki curled upon his side of the bed, slumbering soundly. He slept for quite a while, shifting back to his human form once more. He was not entirely aware that he lost control. He awoke at the first rays of dawn's sunlight, stretching out his arms and legs with a well rested yawn. He walked to the direction of the kitchen area but not before taking a warm, well needed shower. He hummed softly a favorite song of his, cleansing his filth covered body. When he noticed blood on his mouth the realization hit him head on like a ton of hard bricks. He quickly got out of the shower, getting dressed as fast as he could. He was desperate to see Jack and see just what happened the night before. "Jack .." He said softly as he entered the kitchen, noticing that Jack had a hard time getting around. "Jack .. did I .. hurt you last night?" He asked in a tortured whisper of a voice. He did not want to witness what his wolf side did to his beloved but he had to know as to if he lost control like he warned. He was almost close to tears but felt ashamed if he cried in front of his Jack.

(Hmm? .. How about a few days. This roleplay is really fun. And let me know if I am doing too much. My posts tend to be quite long.)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack hearing his love get up didn't move knowing he usually took a shower first. When he entered the kitchen and asked the question, Jack turned around realizing that Aki was close to tears. Ignoring all the pain he was in, Jack rushed over to Aki helping him sit down at the table. Jack didn't want his love to know, but knew he couldn't ignore the pain any longer and they needed to be treated. Jack tried to put on his bravest face, "Love listen, last night was amazing at first, but I want you to know it wasn't you. What happened was the wolf and that's not you. It's something you can't help, and I asked for this not you." Jack began gently pulling away his shirt that covered everything from last night. Although the pain was becoming unmanageable, Jack wasn't going to break down when his love needed him the most, "The wolf was pretty active last night but I'm here see. I'll survive." Jack kissed Aki knowing nothing he could say would help but Aki did need to know and help him since he knew the wounds were becoming infected. Jack could feel the burning from a couple of the wounds on his back and he was beginning to shiver every so often. This was not how he wanted his honeymoon to turn out since they were stuck at their cabin for a week with no phones or anything to help.

(Couple days sounds good and yes it's very fun I agree. No I don't think you are doing too much, a long post is good cause I only have one week left of freedom and would like to get this done by next Monday :D Part of me though wants to have Jack get a fever from one of the wounds like before birth happens.)
Aki was miserable, he saw each of the many bruises, cuts, bitemarks and scratches that covered almost every inch of Jack"s suffering body. With much hesitation he let a hand reach out, gently touching a few of them, not wanting to hurt his beloved Jack in any way, shape or form. Soon he saw him quivering and he got to work, gently picking him up in his arms and walking off from the kitchen and toward the direction of their shared bedroom. He gently put him down on his back on the bed, reassuring him that everything would be alright. He walked off for a minute, gathering up a bowl of cold water, two washcloths and a bottle of peroxide. After the items were retrieved by hin he returned in a swift flash, gently sitting down on the bed beside his suffering mate. He covered him with blankets after he softly and carefully disinfected each wound that his werewolf side caused. He hid his worry from him. "It will be alright Jack, I know a bit about first aid from my Mother." Aki said softly, affectionately to his feverish lover. He gently used another cloth to keep Jack's scorchingly hot skin cool. "Goodness, my love .. you are burning up like a wildfire. You need to rest for a while. You have a bad fever. Your wounds are clean now so the infection will go away if the wounds stay clean which I will make sure of each day." He continued softly.

Aki gently dabbed the peroxide filled cloth on each infected wound. He made sure to be sensitive of any pain his lover felt. He was soothed as he heard his lover forgiving him but he still felt badly for not being in control of his inner predator.

(Okay. That idea sounds alright with me.:D)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack allowed his love to feel some of the wounds and bruises knowing he felt guilty about it. Soon as he was picked up, Jack felt glad that he had told him. His body was shivering although he knew his body was burning up from the fever. The next few minutes were a blur to Jack as Aki took care of his wounds. Hearing his love tell him to rest, Jack did just that not able to stay awake for much longer since the pain seemed to be leaving him. "Not you're fault..." Jack whispered as he fell asleep. Jack slept peacefully except for the few nightmares he had due to the fever. Soon he woke up noticing Aki was lying beside him in bed sleeping. Looking down at his chest, Jack wasn't too surprised to find his chest bandaged. Rubbing his hand over them, Jack was a little surprised to find his stomach had a bump. Feeling it, Jack found it hard and solid, "Love, love wake up."
Aki tended to his lover's many wounds, feeling just how hot like scorchingly steam hot his lover's tortured body truly was in temperature. He stayed awake for a few hours, soon slipping away as he allowed slumber to take a tight hold on him. Soon, he was a peaceful man, slumbering for a while to regain his alertness. He breathed softly, dreaming of only Jack and him alone. He fluttered his eyes upon being summoned from his rest by his beloved. He yawned softly, stretching his arms and legs to awake his muscles and bones from drowsiness that was left in their depths. He rubbed his eyes for a moment, putting all of his attention on his beloved mate, he was tired but he cared more about Jack's true full wellbeing and safety.

"Yes love, is something wrong?" He asked him, an expression of both curiously and concern on his face.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack smiled unsure if someone was wrong or not. After trying to tell his love what was going on, Jack decided just to let him feel it himself. Reaching over to take his loves hand, Jack placed his lovers hand onto the bump, "I believe I'm pregnant, but does it happen this fast?" Jack hoped it did happen fast but worried if this was too fast, not sure how werewolf pups were born. "Love I think you need to tell me what the birth is going to be like. Will it be hard, easy? Do the pups come out on their own like vampire children do or is it different?" Jack began to worry about it and wasn't sure if it was due to the fever still there or his own worry.
Aki returned a smile at Jack, feeling it put him at ease with each passing second. He was eager to start a family with his beloved, not wanting to wait more than he had to. As his hand was placed on his stomach he was a bit hesitant to touch it but he did not move it from that spot. He looked down at his hand and then up into his eyes, never ever wanting to ever look away. Never ever. He was proud, now he would have a family of his own with his beloved Jack. The pregnancy would be fast and in a couple of days he would be round and swollen with their pups. He knew that his pups would be on the larger side due to how his bloodline was. He was a mutt but he produced strong children.

"Well .. my pups will be on the larger side. And they will probably come out on their own. Some pups are patient and some aren't. And the birthing will not be easy or simple but I will be here for you through it." He revealed to his beloved.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack felt unsure about the large size of the pups but knew with his love there, it would be fine. "Long as you are with me, I'll be happy. Can we set up a room for me to give birth in? It doesn't seem like I will be pregnant very long." Jack smiled unsure if he would want to wait long anyway.

"How many do you werewolves usually have?" Jack asked wondering how big he would be getting.

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