C Coffee House Romance (w/ bhdire8)

Katsuro was starting to struggle some with how bad the cramps were starting to get. He looked at the time, seeing how his lover was gone for most of the evening, he was hoping he would be coming home soon. But eventually, he picked up the phone and dialed his lover. "Jared?" He said once he picked up, "I'm sorry to bug, but on your way home can you pick up some of those pain killers thats safe for me to take? I'm dying over here."

(It is really cute!!))

"Hey babe.... what?" Jared became anxious at once. "Where is it thr worst, would it be contractions? Should I call the doctor to alert him of the situation?" He asked quite frantically before he realised he himself should be ableto deal with the situation being med student. "Alright, let's not panic. So, which part of most painful. Can you describe the feeling? A tightness around your belly?your back? Your hips? How.long has it been, is it in waves or continuous?" He grouped his questions more.logically and already, was grabbing his car keys to rush back home, kissing his parents goodbye.

"Hey," Katsu laughed, "relax. I ts not anything bad." He knew he shouldn't have called. Jared would immediately jump to thinking he was in labor that moment. "I think they're just braxtons. Don't worry, We're fine, okay?" He couldn't believe that he was the one calming down his lover and not the other way around. Its not like jared was the one pushing to children from his body. "We'll see how they feel when you get home and decide if we have to call the doctor, okay?"

"are you sure it's only braxtons?" Jared asked anxiously, not entirely convinced as he stomped down on the accelerator, making his frantic way home to be with his lover. "Just to lessen my worry - describe where it is that's painful? anywhere feeling tightening up? Oh, and one lsat thing - have you been feeling like the babies have dropped?" He asked, clinging to the routine question he had learnt through his readings. He would be 3 hours away from home, at full speed with little traffic expected at night.

"Well, i feel stiff but i have been for awhile." He looked down at his belly, "and well the babies dropped last week. Didn't i tell you? You haven't noticed." He laughed, with how much you touch my stomach I thought you wild have." He didn't know why he sounded so worried, he really didn't think he was in labor just yet.

"Wait what? Last week? No... how could... I am so stupid. I should have noticed!" Jared felt so stupid. Had he realised Katsuro's belly ha ddropped, he wouldnt be coming up to his parents thid weekend. It is so close, the babies are ready anytime.now, and Jared should have been there with Katsuro, whether or not it was false alarm. "I shouldnt have left in the first place...." jared was starting to balme himself while speeding up further. "You are so ready, the babies are so ready... whatif this is the real deal and you are alone!" Jared said anxiously.

He sped all his way through, keeping Katsuro on the line until he couldnt katsuro had to head tot he toilet or whatever, and kept calling him until he.picked up again. If Jatsuro had some obvious contraction, at least Jared would be able to hear it.

On about the third time Jared called him after needing to hang up, Katsuro rolled his eyes. "Jared!" He said sternly. "My water hasn't even broke yet! Don't worry about anything until that happens!" He sat down on the bed, rubbing his belly and breathing through a contraction. "I'm not alone, you're almost home, just breathe for me okay? you're not going to miss out on anything. " He changed his otne to be softer, not wanting jared to think he was mad at him. "Just hurry and come home. I will keep you updated if anyting happens okay?"

"Ok, ok.... sorry. I am just too anxious." Jared hadnt drove this fast in this life, and lucky the highway's pretty deserted this late at night. "You sure you feel alright...?" He asked still, "you pronise you would call me if there's any changes ok? And time those contractions... if they are irregular it'z good. If they come regularly, CALL ME." he said finallh, before saying his love and kissing his boyfreined goodbye in the phone. He hope this had all beeen a false alarm, that when he got back Katsuro would be calm and composed, declaring the contraction had went away.

Like he had predicted, he was home almist 2 hours from the call. He ran out of the car once he had it parked and with teembling hands, fondled wirh the keys.

Katsuro laughed softly, his lover was so worried. Maybe he should have been too, but he had to be the one to remain calm and collected while his husband was ready to burst. When he heard the keys in the door, he looked up from the couch, having no intentions of getting up from where he was. He was hurting and was too large to even attempt it. when Jared walked in, he smiled and reached up to wave at him, "There you are!" He called out, "See? home in time and still no babies."

(OH i forgot to ask about your trip... nice overall?)

It's a comforting sight - and a familiar one to have Katsuro sitting there on teh caoch, looking like an immobile mountain of belly. Jared strided forward to hug Katsuro as tight as he dared. "I was so worried... you sure you are ok?how's the contractions... have you been timing them? getting closer together and more regular?" he bombarded his boyfriend iwth questions, now istting next to him on teh coach, his doctros' hands moving along his swell, even though he's not an expert in this.

((It was great! I came back with a cold but worth it))

Katsuro smiled and leaned into the hug before his lover moved to start feeling his belly. "It's every couple minutes. They started to get closer the past half hour." He felt a contraction and he reached out, taking hold of Jared hand and squeezing. "I don't know if they're Braxton's anymore." He looked up at Jared, finally letting the idea that it could actually be labor was scaring him.

(Ooops HAHA LOL n japan's supposed to be a little warmer than in your home place? XD you feeling better now?)

"A couple of mjnutes... that couls really be it. Let me time them." Jared fished his phone out to start timing it. Jatsuro's belly's tightening up to an incredible level of firmness. It was almost alien like with the irregular shape - probably from his womb contractinf, showing the outline of the baby. While the contraction continued to build up, Jared felt around his lower belly, tryiing to deternine if the baby's dropped deep in his pelvis.

The contraction intensified so much, Jared could hear Katsuro's breathing became labored. He avabdoned exploring any further - right now comforting his lover's more important. He hugged him tight as Katsuro trembled in his arms.

((It's about the same temperature as my home town thankfully! So it wasn't too bad to get used to. And I kinda am! I'm still trying to get rid of the cough and get my sleeping schedule normal but other than that yeah!))

Katsuro panted as he went through a contraction, his hand gripping the couch until Jared offered up his hand. "I think I'm in labor. Forget what I just said." He grit out, "if only my water would break." He gave a small laugh, using Jared hands to help lift him up and then rearrange himself, when he felt the wetness start seeping into his pants. "You're kidding me." He said as he took some effort to pull off the couch, looking at the huge wet stain on his pants and on his couch. "I hope that comes out."

(Ah time difference could be difficult to manage...Lol once foubd myself waking up at 3pm when I had a date at 11am that day right after a trip... damn jetlagging... i.hope you would get even better real soon!)

"I think you better stop making predictions since they always came true right the next monent." At this stage, Jared finally loosened up enough to joke along. "Come on Katsu, time to head to the hospital I guess. You better get changed." He said holding his waist and dragged him up all the way. His lover seemed to have trouble balancing himslef now, as he couldnt have his legs closing with the baby falling into his pelvis.

Just when they made rheir way through to the bedroom, they didnt know there was a huge deluge building that had the road closed down.

(Wd are doin a home birth right?)

((Oh no! But yeah it's getting better! School started so it's kinda hard haha))

Katsu waddled into the bedroom, managing to make it and was struggling to change his pants but managed to anyways. No way way he riding to the hospital in soggy pants. Luckily he had packed their bags days before, so he quickly threw that on the bed, checking it for phone chargers. "I need to call my parents." He picked up his phone and dialed.

He spoke to them in Japanese, like normal, only to stop. "Jared...." he turned "there's a strong happening..." he went to the window and looked out, seeing how hard it was pouring down.


It's funny peeling the soaked pants off Katsuro's body. Jared noticed the pants seemed to be tighter - perhaps from Katsuro's hips widening further with the babies dropping. He helped in changing Katsuro, but for the most part the pregnant man maanged - afterall he had taken care of himself when he wasn't home.

jared was checking through the bag when he heard what Katsuro said. He looked out in shock, and groaned seeing the condition. he checked his phone and wasn't too surprised with the multiple warning push-ups he received. There was no way one could brave through this downpour. "alright.. i guess. we can call an ambulance instead." he said, already dialing the emergency number.

There was a quick conversation through which Jared raised his voice for several times. He finally cut off the line, looking at Katsuro with a slightly dazed loook. "They said there had been some landslides around the area... there's no traffic possible until the end of this rainstorm, and that could be several hours..."

Katsuro heard his mother through the phone still, but his heart was stopping. “What...?” He lifted the phone back up and told him mother he call her back before walking over to Jared. “The storm is that bad?” He took a deep breath. “Oh no, no no no no. “ he shook his head before having to sit down on the bed, his legs feeling weak. “What are we going to do? I can’t do it here alone can I?” His heart was racing, his hands moving to rest on his belly.

Jared fell silent as well. Of course they weren't as helpless as other ordinary man, but he wasn't a qualified doctor either. He came beside Katsuro and dropped down on bed, burying his face into his palms and rubbed. "Gosh... " he sighed, and peeked out from his hands to look at Katsuro. "well... at lesat, you aren't alone." he shook his head. "what if i couldn't make it.... at least we aren't in teh worst situation. Alright, i guess we would have to prepare for this." Jared tried to be calm, but it's obvious he was at a lost of what to do as well, his studies leaving him right this moment of shock.

Katsuro felt numb. He wasn't sure what to do. In all of the research and the classes he took, all of a sudden, that didn't mean anything. He could only think of the horror stories of people not making it through child birth because of some complication. He reached out to Jared. "You can do this right?" He breathed, his hand shaking. "we're all going to ge through this?" They were having twins and that highroad his chances of something going wrong but he couldn't think about that now.

It came as a wake up call for Jared to be seeing Katsruo in such panic. Usually Katsuro was the more composed one on issues relating to the pregnancy, but this was obviously not one of those times. Jared knew he had to step up, He took a deep breath adn hugged Katsuro in return. "yes, Katsu, i am a doctor remember? you are in good hands. I am gonna be here to make sure everything's gonna be alright. you have a med school student as a boyfriend, i got this ok?" He hugged him tight, then found that Katusro had been shaking, so he tilted up his face to look straight into his eyes. "look at me Katsu. I am here, and I am going to make everything fine." he declared solemnly. "I will be removing your pants now, and I will check your dilation. This is standard procedure to see your progress." he said, giving Katsuro clear instructions to give him something to work on.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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