They came from the stars (closed with BubbleBelly321)

For most people on earth, its just another week among many other but for a selected few this will become one of the most important moment of their lives. Orbiting earth in secrecy, a coalition of various alien species has selected human specimen for a pilot breeding program to help species who are on the near extinction list to repopulate.

Among their test subject, two human roommate are about to have the surprise of their life.

Name: Aidan
Age: 26
Appearance: About 5'11" with hazel eyes, brown hair, and a thinner, but toned body type.

Aidan yawned, as he rolled over and glanced at his alarm clock. The glowing numbers read out "3:25 AM" causing the young man to groan loudly, and toss his pillow over his face. He had no idea what had woken him up, but he was fully awake now. With a heavy sigh, the man removed the pillow, and got up to see about getting himself a drink of water.

As his feet moved across the floor of the hallway, Aidan swore he heard a noise coming from his roommate's bedroom. Maybe he was a wake too? Normally he wouldn't do anything, but Aidan decided to check anyway, given the oddity of him waking up this early. Quietly, he approached the door, knocking softly.

"Hey man, you awake too?"

name: Duke
age: 25
appearance: 5'7'' , green eye, black and grey hair and a slightly chubby body.

Duke slowly rolled out of bed, he first though he was dreaming but the odd light outside caught his attention. The voice of his roommate made him jump a bit. ''sorry if i woke you up *yawn* but there's odd light outside that woke me up, is the power line screwed up ?

Aidan slowly opened the door, before he shrugged his shoulders in response to Duke's questioning.

"It's okay, I don't know why I woke up." As he looked up, the young man saw an unnaturally bright light shining in from outside the bedroom window. "Whoa...What the hell?" The young man stepped in a bit closer, looking to Duke for some possible answers.

"Damn if it's a thunder storm I be never seen making light like this" replied duke, suprised and somewhat curious at the odd light. He decide to walk outside to see them close . " let check it out " sais duke eager to witness the 'natural' light show outside.

Aidan reached out to try and grab his friend's arm. Unsuccessful in his attempt, he simply followed him closely behind.

"Whoa! Hold on now! I don't think that's a good idea!" He looked at the light again, now seeming to shine from every window in the house the pair shared. "We have no idea what it is! What if it's dangerous or something?"

''well if they are thieves they aren't very discreet, comes the worst we'll call the police '' said Duke calmly, seemingly unafraid of the stranges light coming from outside. He carefully open the door with 9-1-1 on speed dial ready. ''alright whats goi----'' said Duke before being cut off by the intense light show blinding him. ''argh...what the heck ???''

Aidan squinted his eyes, and tried to block out the bright light with an arm over his forehead. Unfortunately it didn't seem to help at all, and the young man was blinded. Soon everything in his vision faded to white, and he was lost to anything that was happening to him or Duke.

Duke vision was blurry and muddy but he could definitely feel himself...floating. Trying to move around he felt his movement somehow restricted by some invisible force. But as his vision began clearing up, he wasnt home anymore. His surrounding was fill with an all white decor but with an organic material that pulsated at the rhythm similar of a heart beat.

Trying to figure out what the heck is going on, he notices the organic material was also covering his body up to his belt region and he could feel the pulsation going up the weird goo and into his body. As Duke tried not to freak out, he spotted what he assumed was aidan from a distance.

''Aiden ? is that you ?''

Aidan blinked, his vision finally clearing. Struggling to move, he looked down seeing that his own body seemed to also be encased in some sort of strange material just like Duke. At seeing his roommate, the young man called back to him frantically.

"Yeah! I'm over here! What is this stuff? Where are we? Are you okay?"

''i-i-i dont know, i can feel it moving across my skin...'' stuttered Dukes as he felt movement pushing in his lower abdomen and a tickling sensation in his limb '' oh god...t-t-tthere's something inside me !! '' Began Duke panicking but a 'swoosh' sound came from the other side of the room and footstep are heard.

A abnormal tall and slender alien figure dress in a long white robe, and walk past Aiden and then stopped and said '' oh, you are awake ''

Aidan's eyes went wide, as the alien entered the space. Had he not been so shocked and caught off guard, he might have screamed. Instead, the young man struggled to free himself, and looked on at the strange figure.

"Who...what the- what is this place? W-what are you doing to us?!"

He continued to struggle against the strange material, which had also begun pulsating rhythmically against his body.

'' well you see human, some species arent as numerous as yours and sadly...they need you two help'' said the tall alien, looking at the two human.
''we are sampling various civilization and yours seemed to more adaptable for....surrogate other specimen'' mentioned the alien, Duke panicking and not knowing what to do at the prospect at being impregnated.

Aidan blinked slowly, as the alien figure's words echoed in his mind. It was only once he finally comprehended what she was saying that he finally spoke.

"Surrogate? Wait. You want us..." He gestured to Duke and himself. " get pregnant with ALIENS?" He shook his head. "Whoa! No've got to be joking. That's just not possible." He paused for a moment. "Did you even think to see if we were...I don't know, okay with you doing this to us first?!"

The alien walk closer to aidan ''i am quite aware of the enormity of what we ask, but i can assure you your life wont be threaten and we have taken...arrangement so no one will ask you question'' said the alien, looking at Aiden with its piercing black eyes.

Duke could feel something was changing with the alien matter, it was feeling as if it was taking root inside this time '' oh god man, i-i-its inside me man '' said Duke, scared stiff

Aidan looked to Duke with a worried expression as the other man called out. He then glared angrily at their alien captor,a s he struggled to free himself.

"Hey! L-let us go! You can't do this!" He called to the alien as he continued to struggle. It seemed his efforts were useless though, as the strange substance the pair were encased in also felt as though it was slinking into Aidan's body.

''im a afraid its too late ...'' said the alien as he rubbed Aiden mid section '' you and your friend are almost ready to bear your first children, you will be given the choice which alien to have.... *a the alien gesture it , a holographic screen appeared with a list of various aliens species on the wait list *, please read carefully as some of them induced......side effect'' , as the alien finished speaking, the good on both Duke and Aiden right arm retract giving them back movement in it and sensation.

''we dont have much a choice do we ?'' said Duke raising an eyebrow at the alien indifference at Aiden concern , but the alien merely smiled and walks out of the room.

Aidan tried to call out to the alien, but the figure had left before he could do much of anything. He tried to use his now free arm to pull himself out of the goo, but like his other efforts, this proved futile. Looking to Duke, Aidan let out a sigh as he glanced at the screen.

"Well...shit." He began. "What do we do now?" His mind raced to try and think of solutions, but it seemed as though their only choice was to agree to act as surrogates for whatever bizarre alien species they chose.

''well....we cant jump out of the ship and head home....well i guess we have to pick something to carry'' begins running through the various aliens, its ranging from three headed giant lizard,four legged alien to goo monsters

''well damn.......its not going to end well...which one you go for ?''

As he looked at the wide variety of alien species on the screen's display, Aidan shook his head. He couldn't possibly decide.

"I don't know...this is all just way to weird!" He looked at Duke, with slight panic in his face. "I can they expect us to go through with this?"

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