Aulara Flame's Home For The Pregnant (NSFW allowed)

Allan got out of surgery for his two eggs he sleeps on the bed recovering

"Look lady, I'm not one of your hard luck cases here. I just need a place to hide out while this *motions to his belly* whole situation takes care of it's self. I can't walk into a board room like this and sure as hell would rather be somewhere on a beach, but hotels mean prying eyes and credit card receipts. Places like this, people like you, well you like to help out the less fortunate. Keep secrets. No paper trail." He brushed a stray hair away from his face. "Can't show up on the cover of NewsWeek with a bun in the oven. You get me?"

*my eyes widen a bit at the attitude* Alright, relax. I didn't mean to upset you. How about room 110. Easy access to the pool.

Allan started to wake up

"Beautiful. Put Zayn-boy here in a room close by. He'll be good to look at in some wet swim-trunks."

Garret eyed Zayn for a second more and turned towards the hall. As he walked away he called out,

"Oh, and don't be surprised when the rest of my things arrive later tonight. Told my guys to bring it all to the lobby first. If I've got to stay in a place like this, might as well live it up in style."

Garret sauntered away with a grin on his lips and made his way to room 110. As he closed the door behind him the smile faded. He clicked the lock into place and leaned his head against the door. He let out an audible sigh. How had it come to this?

The room was small but clean, or as clean as any place like this ever was. The rug had clearly recently been washed and the sheets on the twin beds were new. Garret tossed his jacket onto the bed on the right and slumped into a small armchair tucked underneath the window. The movement jolted his mid-section and he grimaced. He doubted he would ever get used to his newfound girth, let alone the pains that came with it. Every part of him ached and he was sure his back would never be the same.

He sunk deeper into the chair and rested his arm on his belly as the child inside began to kick. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.
"Oh Garret, you've gotten yourself in deep this time."

Zayn blushed in deep tones of red. Did that arogant guy had just said that to his face? For a few seconds his mind was so glitched he couldn't even think of a comeback or even what to think of that, until he realized Garret was probably being sarcastic, which Zayn could take as an offense. He knew he wasn't exactly in a great shape, but come on, he was having triplets, who would be fit in that situation? "Don't mind him, he is just messing with you" he thought to himself. he sighed and turned to Aulara "Actually, i kinda liked Pretty Boy's idea, i would enjoy swimming a bit, if you happen to have another room near the pool" he asked with a half smile to the owner of the place.

Allan trys to sit up on the bed

Garret ran his hand over his rounded belly, tracing the pattern of kicks made by the child within. He stared blankly at the wall.

You were supposed to feel something when you were carrying, weren't you? Some sort of emotion? A connection? Excitement?
Garret didn't. The only thing he felt was annoyed. Annoyed that this thing was disrupting his life. Annoyed that it had taken over his body. Annoyed that he wasn't exactly sure what was happening or what to do about it.

It would have been easier just to end it, he supposed, but that would have involved doctors and hospital visits, and the chance of being found out. Hiding it had seemed like the best option. At the moment he wasn't so sure.

The ring of his cellphone startled him back from his thoughts and he grimaced as he pulled it from his back pocket. The name on the caller display read 'Emanuel Franco'.


He cleared his throat before answering the call.

"Franco! Havent heard from you in awhile. What can I do for ya?"
He shifted in his seat.

"No, no. Deal's still on. Just taking a bit of a vacation out of the office. All work and no play and all that."
He listened.

"Really... well, I told the boys to call you. Give you the run down. Someone's getting fired when I get back."
He nodded, giving his most persuasive performance.

"No need to worry. Nothing's changed. Buyouts going through. My guys have all the records ready. We're committed and doing everything we can to--"
He rolled his eyes at the interruption.

"Manny, we got this. You have my word. You got my number if you need anything. Just ring me and i'll get it done."
He rubbed his forehead.

"Promise. Everything's taken care of....really. I promise. Okay. Any time. Okay. Alright. You got it. Have a good one.

He tossed the phone into the bed.
"Jesus Christ."

Like always, he had to everything himself. He looked around the room.
"Fuck it."
He pulled a towel from the hook on the door and headed toward the pool.

( sorry guys been waiting for sol to reply if he doesn't reply tomorrow I will continue but its that Brandon is in a coma or dead)

Allan tells the nurse he wants to see Aulara

This wasn't the Four Seasons but at least the pool was nice enough. Garret placed his towel on a deck chair, sat, and reached down to untie his laces, which was easier said than done. With his stomach bulging in front of him, and the pressure it put on his back, he found it nearly impossible to reach his own feet. An oversight on his part. At home he had a well paid crew to do whatever needed to be done. Here, he would have to figure it out for himself.
"Oh for fuck's sake," he swore, digging his heel against the cement floor. New rule. Slip on shoes from now on.

(02-06-2018, 07:26 AM)tjopj44 Wrote:  Zayn blushed in deep tones of red. Did that arogant guy had just said that to his face? For a few seconds his mind was so glitched he couldn't even think of a comeback or even what to think of that, until he realized Garret was probably being sarcastic, which Zayn could take as an offense. He knew he wasn't exactly in a great shape, but come on, he was having triplets, who would be fit in that situation? "Don't mind him, he is just messing with you" he thought to himself. he sighed and turned to Aulara "Actually, i kinda liked Pretty Boy's idea, i would enjoy swimming a bit, if you happen to have another room near the pool" he asked with a half smile to the owner of the place.

**I sigh as the rather arrogant young man left the room* Yeah, that sounds like a good Idea. I may take a break and join you, actually. If you don't mind, that is.

Garret tried again, swearing as the uneven floor scuffed the leather heel of is $900 Oxfords. Finally, after a tiresome effort, the first shoe was off, but the ordeal wasn't over. How the hell was he going to pull his socks off?

"Sure, it's a great idea. Just let me take my stuff to my room" Zayn said, pointing at his bag. He took the key to his room, which was too close to Garret's room in his opinion, and waddled through the corridor. As he arrived on the room, he unlocked and opened the door. The room was quite beautiful, bigger than what he supposed an hotel room would be, and hat a bathroom with a bathtub, a big bed with comfy blankets, and some stuff he supposed he could use to get more comfortable, like extra pillows. Zayn sighed and smiled. 'This place is perfect' He said to himself

Kyle was getting so depressed just three days ago Benjamin got fatally shot coming home from here. It was hard knowing you couldn't even attend his funeral because him being trapped in his merman form for the rest of the pregnancy. The only reason he was eating was for his three girls. He felt alone that the guy who loved him and the girls was really gone and never coming back.

Allan sits up on the bed

(02-08-2018, 08:31 PM)bennett999 Wrote:  Kyle was getting so depressed just three days ago Benjamin got fatally shot coming home from here. It was hard knowing you couldn't even attend his funeral because him being trapped in his merman form for the rest of the pregnancy. The only reason he was eating was for his three girls. He felt alone that the guy who loved him and the girls was really gone and never coming back.

*while Zayn is in his room, I decide to go check on Kyle. Ben's death hit me too and I knew how he felt** Hey, Kyle

Zayn went to the bathroom and took of his clothes, putting on his blue swimming trunks. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed as he realized the mess his hair was. He shrugged it off as he was going to swim anyway and walked out of his room, locking the door as he left. A few minutes later he arrived at the pool desk, and smiled at he sight of fresh water. He sat on the board of the pool with his feet on the water, enjoying the refreshing feeling. He hadn't noticed Garret yet

"Hey Aulara" he said seeing her walking in. Benjamin's death was hard on her too and she knew of his and Benjamin's relationship. "Just thinking about Benjamin his lawyer is supposed to come tomorrow apparently he added me in his will he didn't even tell me about it. I just wished I asked him to spend the night he might still be alive if I did".

(02-09-2018, 01:43 AM)bennett999 Wrote:  "Hey Aulara" he said  seeing her walking in. Benjamin's death was hard on her too and she knew of his and Benjamin's relationship. "Just thinking about Benjamin his lawyer is supposed to come tomorrow apparently he added me in his will he didn't even tell me about it. I just wished I asked him to spend the night he might still be alive if I did".

*I place my hand on his shoulder* You didn't expect this. No one did. It wasn't your fault. I know he loved you very much. Heh, wouldn't shut up about you.

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