Stuck in the Snowstorm (close with Devotedhelper15)

Is been snowing non-stop the last 10 days, I manage to stack up for me and my partner, but according to the weather report the storm should end in 2 weeks which is a good and a bad thing for me.

I'm in my first pregnancy, been overdue for 5 days so it means any given time this baby can pop out of me, base on the size of my belly I can tell is a gonna be a big one, I have a skinny figure with narrow hips I'm been schedule for a C-section days ago but because of the storm I can't leave the house at all so giving birth naturally will be a problem for me, fearing I might not able to push such a large baby out even if I try.

My current partner isn't my baby's father, the guy who got me pregnant left me as soon he learn that I was pregnant, but despite the fact is not his child it might as well be for the entirely of my pregnancy his been by my side, taking care of me through the morning sickness, occasional mood swings, and cravings he even brought all the things the baby will need, I was shock when he made the nursery.

As the night gets deeper I bundle in warm blankets as my partner rubs my sore back feet, walking and trying to stay upright is becoming a problem these days, I also been having cramps in my stomach but I figure they just braxton hicks or the baby kicking my ribs and lower stomach.

I rub my swollen stomach as feel around round of kicks from the baby "hey easy little guy, your start to hurt daddy" me and my partner start laughing, I can tell his excited for me and to meet my baby.

*i laugh* Yeah, come on. Leave your Mama alone. *Kory rubs your belly gently*

I took my partner's hand letting him feels the baby's kicks I jolted when it gave a strong blow at my parther's touch "you felt that? That was a strong one" I can see him smiling happily when the baby kick that strong, he start rubbing my belly making cute cooing sounds the kicks stop at his voice.

I lay down on his lap begin to feel worried "this storm isn't calming down what if I'm force to give birth naturally to a large baby, either of us know how to deliver one, hope I will make it to my C-section" my parther gave me a look that I will be ok as he kiss my lips " I love you and thanks for everything you did for my baby"

I love you too, babe and actually... i did do some research on natural childbirth and talked to a midwife. I can help you. Everything is going to be fine, my love. Just relax. *i hold you close and massage your belly*

I lean my head against his chest as he massage my belly "I appreciate the effort of you did on learning how to deliver a baby is not about childbirth that concerns me" feeling the baby kick against my panther's massages "the doctor told us I'm carrying a large baby and I have very narrow hips and pelvis, even if I want to have a natural birth there a chance I won't able to handle it"

The baby seems to like it when he does it, I can feel the baby moving along to his massages as my belly relaxes "oh god that feels nice don't stop" as he gently stroke my swollen womb "I just hope it doesn't lead to you delivering the baby, we can still make it to my planned C-Section" kissing his lips, he continue to massage my belly I gasp again when the baby kicked again "you feel that strong kick again?" I fall asleep on his chest feeling my his body heat against mine

Yeah, babe. Just relax. *i rub uour belly and hold you as you fall asleep* Everything will be alright. *i look out the window and watch the storm.* I'm sure.

I let myself to relax on your chest as let him hold me closer, he continue to massage my belly, feeling the baby's movements soon I was sound asleep.

It getting very dark, the snow is already too deep to get pass by anyone, I was sleeping deeply on my parthner's body, when I woke up to a strong sharp pain on my stomach "ow!" I lean foward against my belly as the pain grew stronger my parthner grew alarm by my sudden jolt in pain I grip his arm as the pain grew stronger, it stop after 2 minutes

I gasp as it finally stop I can tell I scared and worried him I relax back against him "don't worry is just a really bad braxton hicks" hugging him "I'm ok really"

It didn't seem that way, my love. *i hold your hand and rub your back gently, appearing worried* You really seemed to be in a lot of pain. Although, it doesn't matter either way. We're snowed in.

I shook my head as my partner rubs my back and hold my hand I assure him that is nothing to worry about "is ok really I'm fine is just braxton hicks is not that bad I swear" as the pain in my lower stomach ease up hugging him tightly "I'm fine, the baby is fine" kissing his cheeks "so relax okay daddy" he still looks worried about me, since I'm overdue with a large baby.

I look out of the window see the thick amount of snow outside "yeah your right we're snowed in, there no way for us to get out of the house" rubbing my belly "if I go into labor now, we can't get to a hospital, let's just hope this baby doesn't decide to suddenly come out" my partner check the phone line he said that the phone line is dead too.

I sighted at the situation "we can't get out, we can't call for help if something goes wrong, we really are on are on" hoping things get better in the morning "hey I think I will go bed, I think the baby is tired" as I feel it moving restlessly "ok little guy let's get some rest" as I go upstairs.

*i stop you and pull you in for a kiss* I love you. *i smile and look at you with loving eyes*

I let myself get pull into a kiss before breaking free for a second as our meet "I love you too" I sink further into a deep passionate kiss as I wrap myself to embrace you getting deeper and deeper.

After a full minute kiss my belly suddenly hardens followed by another sharp pain I broke free from the kiss as the pain grew stronger "ow!" hissing as pain travels from my back to my lower stomach "ow!"

Grabbing my lower stomach, my partner hold me for support as the pain last as bit longer than usual, when it stopped I grew a bit worried and scared so did my partner "hey baby not to scared you, but I think that was a contraction" but I hope I'm not yet going into labor "but I could be wrong"

I agree. Don't be scared. I'm here for you, my love. Always. *i hold you close, keeping you supported* Just remember to breathe, okay? It will help. *i rub your lower back*

I nodded as he hold me close to me supported "yeah I know, more I worry the more the things will get, just hope this storm ends soon before my baby decides to- ngh!" I feel another sharp pain my partner rubs my back as I grab my lower stomach.

"Please just be really bad false labor pains" praying is just stomach craps not real contractions "hey baby I will just rest upstairs okay?" I relax when the pain stop and go to our bedroom "don't stay up too late ok?" I called from downstairs

Yeah. Actually, I'm coming! *i go upstairs to our room, get in our bed and hold you close, arms wrapped around you as much as i can*

I climb into bed, my partner climb on with me as holding me in his arms, my large belly gets in between us as wrap himself around me, I snuggle him against him, he rubs my stomach with a free hand as I fall asleep.

My sleep is pretty shorted lived, I wake up in the middle of the night, with a sharp pain on my lower stomach, I try to ignore it to go back to sleep, but the pain isn't going away in fact there some pressure building along with it.

I jolt to a sitting position as the pain grew stronger, occurs more often "ngh!' grabbing him lower stomach as it grows stronger, is definitely a contraction I'm in labor, I quickly wake me partner up "baby, wake up! I think I'm having contractions I'm in labor!" Getting a little scared

*i wake up* *i'm still pretty groggy, but i sit up, keep you close to me and hold uour hand* Don't be scared, my love. I'm right here. Just breathe.... deep breaths, okay? Breathe... *i'm a little worried, but i manage to keep calm for your sake. You need me to be your rock in this.* Kory's here, my love. Kory's here.

I felt my panther holding me, helping me breathe through the contraction taking slow deep breaths "ohhh" I try to relax he tells is going to be ok, I finally relax as the contraction ends but there still pressure in my lower stomach "thanks baby, I need this right now" gripping his hand tightly.

I relax my grips on his hand the contractions aren't that bad yet but they will be soon "what we going to do I'm in labor in a snowstorm, and with a large overdue baby" reminding him the fact I won't able to birth it cause of my narrow hips, "can you try to call for help again?" Hoping for the better but there a little chance to get help cause of the snow.

Okay. I'll be right back. *i kiss your head and go to the phone downstairs and try calling* *i don't vet anything but a dial tone and curse under my breath* Damn! *i return to you* Sorry, honey. Nothing. Look, i swear to you... *i take your hands* Everything is going to be alright. You let me do all the worrying and just focus on being as comfortable as possible as you bring our baby into the world. Understand? Now, do you wanna walk around a little bit?

I grew concern when my partner said that the phone line is still dead, but he assure that everything is going to be, I only nodded but smiled as he said the baby is ours I know he loves my baby despite the fact the baby is never his to begin with.

"I know baby I just can't help it, but your right our baby needs us right now, I will leave the rest to you" holding his hand tightly, he suggested if I want to walk "yeah sure I can walk around a bit"

He help me stand up, I wrap myself around him as he take small walks around the bedroom to the hallway, stopping when a contractions hits he reminds to breathe and relax through the each one "ohhh heee hooo" following my partner's breathing "don't worry isn't that bad yet, I swear"

I know. You're doing beautifully. I am so proud. You do whatever you need to help you through the pain, even to me.

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