Stuck in the Snowstorm (close with Devotedhelper15)

I smile at his encouragement I relax when the latest contraction ended "I will try my best not to hurt, your already doing so much for me and the baby I don't wanna to hurt you as much I could" my contractions are still 20-30 minutes apart I have plenty of time left "by the way I don't know how far I'm dilated"

My partner's face got a little pale but he decided to check anyway, I sit back on the bed, he strip my shorts and boxers off, leaving my lower half expose, he insert his fingers, I winced at the sudden pressure of his fingers inside my anus he spend 10 seconds checking me before removing his fingers, I was only about 2cm it means is still a long way to go.

I sighted but at the same time feel relief "guess the baby isn't in a rush yet" is my first pregnancy so labor will take much longer I rubbed my stomach "hey little buddy, daddy and I can't wait to see you okay, I know it won't be long" we both smile at each other, we don't even know the baby's gender yet.

*as i take my fingers out of the vagina your body opened for the birth. I gently rub your thigh.* I'm sorry, baby. I know that didn't feel good. Also, i don't care what you do to me. This is about you. If i can take some of your pain; i gladly will. What do you want to do now?

I blush as he finish checking my dilation "come baby you seen me naked in the past is not a big deal" as he clean his hands up I sighted and smiled at him "baby listen, you already did so much for me for the last 8 months, the doctor checkups, the mood swings and even the time you took out Chinese at 3am for me I can never thank you enough for it, you even brought the baby clothes, toys and did the nursery"

I place his hand on my womb, "you already did what you could but your not who about to push a baby out of his body soon, is my turn now, all I need is your support, especially when is time, but I just you be there that all what's matter to me now"

I feel another contraction "ohhhh here comes another now" clutching the bed sheets as it reach its peck "hoooo" breathing through it as it pass, relaxing again "I hope you felt that too, is quite a big one" smiling at him.

Of course. *i hokd your hand through the contraction* I'm here for you always. That's it, deep breaths. Just like that.

I hold his tightly as I feel the another contraction "shit this another big one" squeezing my eyes shut the pressure on my lower stomach increases, "shit!" breathing through the pain "haaahaahaha ahhhhh"

I relax myself as it ends "oh god that was big one, probably biggest one so far" I relax my grip on my partner's hand "sorry about that..." as I fall back against the pillow breathing rapidly "you think you can get me some ice and a glass of water?" feeling sweat on my forehead. Is cold outside but I feel warm, he quickly went downstairs.

*i bring you some water with ice in it* Here, my love. Drink up.

Also, don't you dare apologize. None of this is your fault.

I drink the iced water, cooling myself down, he also wiped my forehead with a cool towel "thanks baby" I relax against the pillow "I know is not my fault that I'm in labor and the fact it will hurt but doesn't mean I can apologize if I know I'm hurting you"

But his right is there nothing I need to apologize for "hey baby I'm still sorry" my partner start massaging my feet and my belly to ease the pain and pressure a little "not so hard, it hurts a little" I can't wait for this baby to born already "say what you think it is a boy or a girl?"

I'd be happy with a little girl. *i gently massage you* what about you?

I stop and think for a moment "I think is a boy, someone we can bond with guy stuffs with but a little girl does great, but can you imagine how overprotect will be with her when she grows up? Especially seeing you telling her how to dress up" we both laugh at the idea "but we will find soon enough, just hope he or she doesn't get too handful"

I wince at another contraction "there closing in to 18 minutes apart now" I take several deep breaths "ok there insane amount of pressure now ahhhh shit" as the contractions grows stronger, I sit down on the edge of bed holding my belly close to my chest.

Then I feel a pop inside me all the pressure decreased, followed by a gush of water in between my legs, there a puddle of water on the floor and on the bed sheet "I think my water just broke" as the contraction ends.

*i hold you thriugh the contraction. Don't worry. I'll clean it up. *i out a few towels down* This is good. We'll get to meet our babies soon.

I smile as he clean up the mess but it only means we have little time left I feel another contraction now my water has broken is now a bit for painful and intense"is great for you, your the one having it, and is serious labor right now" grabbing my lower stomach as my partner hold me "next time your carrying it so you will what is like to pop one out of your body" I snapped at him.

I quickly apologize "sorry I didn't mean it" I wait for the contraction to end "can you run a hot bath? Maybe that will help ease things up he help me walk to the bathroom and run some hot water "I think you let your research get to work already"

I gladly would carry it, my love. *i get up and run you a warm bath* Here, beloved. *i help you strip and enter the tub* How does that feel?

I remove my sweaty T-Shirt and manage to enter the tub with his help the hot water quickly help me relax more "a lot better thanks" I can feel the baby slowly moving down getting ready, "I think the baby has shifted it won't be long, you think you can check me again to see how far along I'm I?"

I feel his fingers inside as he check how along I'm dilated "how much longer is it baby?"

*i check you* You're at 6cm, baby. You are doing so well. *i take my fingers out*

It won't be long at least I'm processing I let myself sink and relax to the water "it will still take a few hours the most" still worried about the baby's size and how narrow my hips are "you think I will able to give birth naturally, I mean base on the baby's size and the size of body a natural birth seem impossible"

But there is nothing I can do is not we can get or get to a hospital in time but my partner assure me that everything will be fine, I will another contraction "there now in the 10 minute mark...ngh!!!!" trying not scream as it gets stronger and more painful "ah fuck! that hurts!" I scream out in pain.

10 minutes? Okay. Good to know. *i see him have another contraction* Breathe, my love, breathe... *i hold your hand* I'm here. Oh, i wish i could take some of this pain away.

I gasp nearly screaming again, I sneeze his hands tightly, I feel better when he wants to relief the pain from me, "shit! This really hurts! Then you get pregnant next time and see how you handle this!" Squeezing his hand,

I release his hand once the contraction ends, I take a few deeps breaths "sorry about your hand baby" sinking a bit deeper in the hot water. After 30 minutes the water start to get cold "hey baby I want to get out the tub I will just try does birth positions you told me"

Sure, my love. *i stand and help you out of the tub* Here. Here.

I manage to get of the tub, my partner helps me dry up and put on a loose T-Shirt, I went back to the bedroom, and do some birth positions, I did some squatting then swing my hips I feel the baby drop a bit lower, I did a hands over knees position my partner helps me, I feel another contraction

"Arggggghhh, is getting pretty painful now ow! ow!" holding my belly as it gets stronger my partner hold me from behind reminds me to breathe, try to help me ease the pain "6 minutes apart shit this really hurts!"

The contractions ends after 20 seconds "is getting worse" breathing heavily feeling my lower belly getting painful after the contraction "the baby is shifting, is getting ready to come out soon" as my belly drops down, my partner helps me squat, gravity is helping with the baby dropping down "I can feel baby dropping"

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