C Hope(closed with Meadow_of_Ash)

Hakuno stepped on inside "You have a nice place." He said with a smile, it was big for an apartment.

Bree grinned. "Thanks. Umm...here I'll give you a tour."

She walked in a bit, turning in a circle. "So this is the living room."

"There's the kitchen." she pointed to it across the way.

Bree turned and walked down a hall, pointing at things as she went. "So this is my 'study'. I do most of my work from here. Oh and the bathroom's right across the way."

She turned to walk back and down another hall. "This is your room. It's supposed to be mine, but I sleep in the study most nights so...there's that. There a bathroom connected."

Bree walked out and back to the living room and sat back down on the couch.

"Any other questions? You can help yourself to food and water and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Bree." Hakuno was genuinely enjoying himself for the first time since being kicked out. "I'll be fine for now, I think I'll just lay down for a bit." He turned around and waddled into the bedroom and sat in bed, rubbing his large belly.

Bree followed him to the door. "Have you been checked over by a doctor recently?"

"Last week." Hakuno answered "I was told I healthy...and that the babies are both heavy. 12 pounds each." He explained. That would explain how his belly seemed to be so big even for being nearly full term.

"Alright. Let me know if anything happens. Don't worry about waking me up in the middle of the night. Just yell if you need anything, alright?"

Hakuno nodded. "I will, thanks Bree." He said before laying down and trying to fall asleep.

Bree shut to door softly and walked back to her study. She could probably squeeze in about an hour or so of emails and calls to other patients of hers before Hakuno woke up. She immediately set to work.

A week had passed. Things were finally going well in the apartment and Hakuno was being well fed eating for three. Things were going to take a turn however, contractions began a week ahead of schedule and woke Hakuno up in the middle of the night. "Oh fuck!" He screamed, knowing it was happening sooner than planned. "Bree! I need you!" He called out.

Bree, who'd been sleeping, threw the blankets off of herself and ran over towards Hakuno's voice. "Yeah? Hakuno? What is it?"

She ran to the door and flung it open. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Hakuno slowly pulled the sheets down some and noticed that the bed and his PJ's were damp. "I'm in labor!" He clutched onto this belly in pain.

Bree made her way over to his bed, wrapping him up in a tight hug. "It's okay. Breathe with me, Hakuno. Come on. Breathe with me. That's it. Deep breaths. That's it. There you go. Deep breaths."

Hakuno would do as told and took a few hard deep breaths while he felt his belly.

"Okay. Why don't you go sit in the living room and I'll change the sheets and get ready, okay?"

"Yeah, sure..." Hakuno slowly got up and waddled to the couch in the living room, clearly in pain.

Zoe quickly changed the sheets in his bed.

She ran around her apartment and gathered various items: her exercise ball, her phone, a stethoscope, a large T-shirt and many other things she'd need to help Hakuno.

She walked back into the living room. "Hey," she said softly. "I changed your sheets. Do you want to go back to bed or walk around or do something else for a bit?"

Hakuno stood up "Um.....I choose the bed." He slowly waddled back to bed and layed down. "Ohhh man, this hurts..."

"It's alright, Hakuno. Is there anyone you want me to call? It's always great to have a hand to hold. Even an old boyfriend or girlfriend of bestie is amazing support."

"Well....There isn't really anyone..." Hakuno admitted to Bree sadly.

"Oh," Bree said softly. She reached towards Hakuno and enveloped him in a tight hug. She pulled away. "I guess it's just you and me then."

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