O The New Omega Detective [PAFP]

((Muse A, an omega, decides to get a job at the police department. His partner is Muse B, one of the best detectives there. And thwy both begin their road of courting and lust
Just an omegaverse thing. Need either tall or short alpha! Only one roleplay partner for this thread! Will close it once another person joins.))

Markus awoke with a grunt, hands moving up and falling against his face. Irritated by the fact that he had to wake up. Wiggling off of his bed, he slapped at the alarm clock that rested on his nightstand. He started to stretch himself out, grunting softly as be slumped for a moment. Trailing down the stairs of his house to his kitchen. Scavenging through to see what he could whip up. When found some waffles, he just popped those into the toaster and waited for them to pop back up. When they popped back up, Markus grabbed them and placed them onto a plate. He walked to the fridge and pulled out some maple syrup. Sitting down at the kitchen table so he could eat. Turning on the news, he watched it while shoving bits of waffle into his mouth. He grunted softly as he listened to the alpha congressmen debate omega rights. Just recently, a law had passed where omegas could now take on jobs that were much more dangerous. Before, they could only mostly have jobs regarding nursing or food. Markus, to be honest, didn't want to have a job like that. So when the Police Department said they had a job, he took it. Today was his first day there.

Once breakfast was finished, he stepped into the shower to wash up. Not wanting to make a horrible first impression Markus just wanted to be welcomed into his new job. But he knew well that it wouldn't be that way. He was sure alphas were unhappy with the new changes that were being made, but what could he do? He wasn't the one making the bills and laws. He was innocent. When Markus was clean and dressed, he adjusted his shirt collar and stared at himself in the mirror. He lived alone, having used to live with his father before he had moved out. Not that he minded, of course. He just wished he didn't live alone half the time. Not only that, he never had an alpha court him. Maybe he was too tall for their liking, maybe they didn't see him as an omega. He took a deep inhale, trying to ease his mind. Stepping away from the mirror, he walked to grab his things. Stepping out of his house and to his car. Driving to the Police Department. Upon arrival, he stepped inside and greeted the lady at the desk. Flashing the badge he had been given upon interview and stepped inside. Tensing as a few eyes fell on him. Markus instantly shuffled to a vacant desk in the corner. Placing his things down and sitting in the chair. Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, hating how eyes were focused on him. He just went to work, not wanting to be bothered or snapped at by anyone.

After scuffling around, looking for his newfound partner. Wondering if they were going to be in today at all. When he found him, he walked over and greeted the alpha. "Ah! Uhm- Hello, my name is Markus. I'm going to be your new partner." Frankly, he hoped their partnership would go well. But he didn't really know what to expect.

Easton raised an eyebrow. "Markus huh?" His eyes scanned up and down the shorter man. He turned back to his work, taking a pen to scribble something down on a paper. "Honestly, I was expecting them to pair me with some timid little beta."He pushed his chair over to the other side of the desk, to where his desktop was. "Not," he said, "That I have a problem with you." he smirked, taking a small sip of his coffee.

He thought for a moment, think about this new "partner". Short, at least in comparison to him. Small, delicate, maybe three or four weeks away from his heat. Very bold, clearly. Not many omegas decided that they had what it takes to join this line of work. They found it to be rather taxing. And many alphas found them threatening, in some way or another. His fingers slowed on the keyboard as he thought.

He could feel the other man's eyes on him and he quickly started finishing his report and saved it, shutting his desktop off. He took a final swig of his coffee and scrubbed a hand over his stubble. He threw the cup into the waste bin and stood. "Want to go get coffee? I definitely need more." he said, standing, and without waiting for the other to respond, started walking to the machine.

"Writing is its own reward."
       - Henry Miller


Markus kept his eyes focused on the man that was sitting at the desk, watching him as he wrote and typed on the computer that was sitting before him. He emitted a slight snort as the alpha, Easton was it? Commented on how he had thought he would be paired with a beta. Though, it wouldn't have been surprising, since betas could work any job they wanted to without having to worry about anything. His gaze hardened, blue and light brown eyes focused on the man. "I hope you don't. I'd rather not have a job that is literal hell." He responded, rocking back on his heels.

When Easton stood to throw away the cup, he shifted back on his feet slightly. He bit his lip, unsure if he wanted to go grab some. Then he remembered that he hadn't really had any caffine today. Maybe it would be nice to have a bit of coffee. Sighing, he trailed over to the machine. Watching quietly as he poured himself some coffee. When he stepped aside, he poured himself some and went to overpower the bitter taste with sweet creamer and sugar. Markus had never been one to enjoy black coffee. He hated practically anything bitter, and coffee was no exception. He didn't really care if he ended up canceling out the coffee.

Standing there for a moment, he observed the taller man before him. "So, what are we doing today? Paperwork? A crime scene?" He trailed back over to the desk. Noticing there was one right across from where he had been sitting. He shifted to take the desk, placing his coffee down on the table. Moving his leg up to cross it over his other leg. Waiting for the man to respond with what they're going to do.

Easton watched as Markus slipped some sugar into his coffee. He was quite different from him. Easton, from the start of his job at the agency, had always had his coffee black. He'd always needed the extra caffeine to last the day. He wondered if Markus would start doing the same. Probably. He'd start to need it soon enough.

He raised an eyebrow as Markus sat in a desk closer to him. No one had been there in a while. In fact, it had been vacant since Easton had started working two years ago. He'd have to get used to the change. He'd never really been one for small talk. Likely the cause of the fact that any relationship he'd ever had, friendly or otherwise, never lasted longer than a few months. He had no reason to think the one with his nw "partner" would. If he even gave Markus a chance to develop a relationship in the first place.

He sat and looked up at the omega's question. "That depends on you," he replied coolly, taking a paper in his desk and slipping it inside a manila folder before he stamped the cover and slipped it into one of the drawers in his desk. "What are our skills? Weaknesses? Goals?"

He carefully eyed the other man, trying to make a quick assesment of his skills but he found him to be rather difficult to read. He tore his eyes away and turned to his desktop. He read his email and typed back a response while waiting for his partner to answer.

"Writing is its own reward."
       - Henry Miller


Markus looked over his desk area, assessing it before deciding he could bring a few things from home. Though, he didn't know if he wanted to bring in anything of value, too afraid that the alphas that worked here would take something off of his desk. He really didn't know, but he wasn't going to risk it just to decorate his desk. He lifted his gaze and looked at his partner's desk, observing the items he had on it.

When Easton said it depended on him, he tilted his head. Why did it depend on him? Shouldn't he take him out and show him the ins and the outs of observing a crime scene? He bit his lip in thought. Turning on his computer as he thought. "Well, I have good observational skills. I also can hold my own in a fight." Markus could protect himself in a fight. He was flexible and used that to his advantage. "Weaknesses? Despite having good observational skills, i tend to get distracted easily." That was indeed his worst weaknesses. He hated having to admit that. "And I just want to show other alphas that Im not just good for kids and staying home." He wanted to show that he could do just as good.

Markus typed in his given username and password, looking over what he had on the computer. "Would you rather just show me around for now? The captain didn't get around to that, so he said my partner would show me around." He suggested, mismatched eyes flicking up to look at the alpha that was seated across from him. Watching and waiting for an answer.

He could tell he was thinking about something. Was it weird to have an omega as a partner? Didn't this man already have a mate? Markus took a closer look and noticed that there was no mark on his neck showing that he had one. "You dont have a mate?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "I thought an alpha with your looks had one by now." The omega commented.

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