C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Alex did understand, but he was also prone to flights of fancy. "What if he never finds out? What if we just leave?"
An unrealistic idea, but he wanted to entertain it regardless. They could start a new life somewhere. Or just hide out on the family farm. The property was spacious, with another addition to the house allocated for potential family expansion. He had images in his mind of building a crib for the baby, decorating the nursery, kissing Elliot's belly when he started to show... Meeting their baby. It made his heart ache.v

Foolishness. "I don't want to leave you," he said, still hugging him right. He didn't argue, because he couldn't do that to his family. But Elliot was his family too. And so was the baby.

Elliot laughed sadly “You know he will and he would never stop searching to destroy our happiness” he sniffled and wiped his cheek “I want this child as badly as you, I want to be with you as badly as you but you know we cannot. At least not now, I can not cause you or your family pain” he said wincing at the thought.

“I do not want you to leave me, I miss you holding me although it’s only been a few nights. I miss being close and talking for hours about everything. But missing you like this is breaking my heart but if you died or something terrible happened I wouldn’t be able to live with myself” he said gently, knowing he would understand that if Alex left this world so would he.

The thought of never seeing Elliot again was painful, but not as painful as a world without him at all. At least he was alive and safe. Despite how much of a bastard the king was, he couldn't lay a finger on his only heir. Elliot had immunity. He did not. "Not yet," he relented, voice hoarse. "But someday soon. I didn't plan for any of this, but I couldn't imagine it happening with anyone else. I can't imagine a future where I don't have you by my side; the most handsome man in all the kingdom as my husband."

Speaking of husbands... He had to ask. "What about the princess? Does she know?"

Elliot wrapped his arms around him tightly again. Being Alex’s husband was all he wanted and it somehow warmed his insides and broke his heart at the same time being unable to love him like that at the time. He sighed a little “She only arrived today and I was unsure if I truly was with child so I haven’t told her yet…I know I must but he demanded I don’t and I continue with the marriage” he said, so unsure of what to do

Alex frowned, thinking as he stroked Elliot's hair. "I agree that it's not a good time to tell her.. at least until you know if she can be trusted or not." He felt a little bad, lying to a girl who had her heart set on marrying Elliot.. but it was probably safer to hide the pregnancy for just a bit longer. "If you think she is someone you can rely on, then tell her. If not, worry about your health and safety first, okay?"

Elliot nodded and held onto him tightly “I miss you holding me like this. Perhaps you could stay with me once a week? I’m sure we could be able to hide that from my father” he said chewing on his lip gently looking up at him and holding his cheek gently “Then you can be a part of this with me” he said softly

Alex had never agreed to anything faster. "I would love that. To be safe, we should change the day we meet every week." He hugged him tightly to his chest. He didn't mean for them to slip out, but tears of joy were gathering in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He loved this man so very much.

Elliot smiled warmly and nodded wiping his tears gently “Don’t cry sweetheart” he said softly kissing his cheeks gently “I love you so very much” he said gently and then sighed “But for now, my love, you should go” he said sadly “Since I just found out he is probably keeping a close eye on me” he said biting his lip

Alex smiled gently through his tears and at the face of the person who had his heart. "I love you too." For Elliot's safety, he wouldn't linger. But he did give him one last passionate kiss before slipping to the exit. "Sweet dreams. I can't wait to see you again soon."

Not goodbye. Just see you later-right?

Elliot smiled warmly at his love as he exited, his heart twisting violently as soon as they parted ways. Over the next few months Elliot had told his father that the abortion concoction the doctor had made had not worked and the king had told him he would be killing the child once it had left his body, he was so terrified he has not even told Alex about that and it was wearing on him. They were to meet tonight, he was now at almost 20 weeks and had a slightly rounded stomach that was hidden when talking to the princess with big cloaks and clothing but he knew he would also need to tell her soon, he did not wish to break her heart.

(Hope the skip is okay?))

((Yeah, that's totally fine! c: Oooh what if Violet accidentally stumbles upon their meeting? ))

Violet knew something was wearing on Elliot, but she couldn't figure out what. He was always wearing cloaks and heavy clothing--was he always cold? Was he more of I'll health than she thought? That sent a spike of concern through her. Was meeting her for their tea and little book club wearing on him more than she realized? She had to ask.

Alex was excited to see his beloved again. It was difficult, only seeing him once a week. But he cherished the time they were able to spend together. The sneaking around mattered little to him as long as he could be with Elliot. But the last time they met, Elliot was looking unwell. Was it the pregnancy? Or something else?

((Yeah, that could work))

Elliot sat at his desk reading over the same page he had read at least ten times prior. It was disconcerting how the threat from his father had weighed so heavily on him. He could feel that it was affecting his mood as well as his health, he not only felt more reserved but heavier too. He winced a little at a twinge in his back as the child moved in him restlessly, just like he was feeling. He closed the book giving up on reading for the time being and took off his cloak and warm clothes, just leaving on his shirt and pants and in this ensemble his stomach was visible. He rubbed it gently “I’m sorry sweetheart, I know I’m stressing” he said gently trying to calm himself

Violet was on the way to see Elliot. She knew it was late, she knew it was inappropriate. But she couldn't sleep with her worries. They kept her up at night. She felt like an outsider. And she supposed she was. Despite her being betrothed to the crown prince, despite their constant talks, and constant reassurance from the king that the wedding wouldn't be far off... She felt the distance from him quite profoundly. It was like there was a closed off part of him that she wasn't allowed to see.

And she knew it was stupid, but it hurt. She knew most arranged marriages weren't sunshine and roses, but she felt lonely. She was far from her home, with many strange faces. And to her, the one person she could look to for comfort was so far away. She felt very alone. Quickly, she gave her face a good smack on both cheeks to right herself before putting on her night robe. How could she possibly have such selfish thoughts when Elliot was quite possibly very ill?

She made her way to Elliot's room, intending to speak with him. When she got there, she saw a man pop out from the wall just ahead of her. His back was turned, so he hadn't seen her yet, but she ducked behind a pillar just in case. Wait. She knew this man. It was Alex; a dear and trusted servant of Elliot's. She stayed quiet and watched as Alex knocked on the door to the prince's room .

Elliot sighed in relief when he heard Alex knock, knowing it was him from the way he knocked. He opened the door smiling in relief and wrapping his arms around him tightly before pulling him into the room closing the door behind him before kissing him gently “I missed you so much” he said gently stroking his cheek gently

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Violet had witnessed the brief and loving embrace at Elliot's door before it slammed shut. Her eyes widened, blinking in disbelief. Against her better judgement, and all etiquette that she knew, she crept forward after the door was shut. Quietly listening to what was going on behind the door. She knew she shouldn't, but she just had to know. Her heart throbbed painfully at the possibile meaning of what she had just witnessed. She hoped it wasn't what she thought, but she couldn't think of any other reason.

Alex hugged Elliot securely, but gently because of his growing middle. " I missed you too." He returned Elliot's affections with kisses of his own. Plenty for both father and baby. "How are my two most favorite people in the whole world doing this evening?" He asked, gently massaging Elliot's bump to greet their child. "Have you been behaving for daddy?"

Violet had to cover her mouth to stop herself from gasping aloud. Daddy?

Elliot smiled lovingly at the affection that Alex showed both him and the child before hearing a gasp outside the door and he froze in fear, his stomach dropping. He quickly moved grabbing his cloak and wrapping it around himself opening the door to see Violet there. He swallowed roughly “P-princess…what are you doing here at this time of night?” He asked making sure to hold the door only enough for her to see him and not Alex

Violet jumped with alarm when she heard the door open. She quickly righted her posture into something of a respectable stance before him. She felt the grip of sadness again at being referred to merely as "princess." But she kept it quiet. "She sighed and said, "I'm sorry... I was worried about you. I know this is absolutely against all the rules... But may I come in? I'll tell you everything if you do." She swallowed hard before adding, "I promise I won't mention that I saw Alex here tonight if you won't tell on me.'

Alex's heart was pounding a mile a minute in his chest as he waited for Elliot to address the princess. What was she doing here?? Had they been caught? Stone cold terror washed over him when he heard her speak. Yes they had.

Elliot felt his stomach drop at the mention of Alex before looking around and nodding letting her in looking over at Alex worriedly for a moment before closing the door gently behind her, he was unsure where to start. He looked like a deer caught in headlights but decided the truth was probably the best course of action “I’m so sorry Violet, I never meant for any of this to happen and I definitely didn’t want to cause anyone pain” he said as tears began to fall quickly

Alex stood protectively beside Elliot once he had let Violet in. They were caught. And seemingly on a mutual truce of not to rat on each other... But still. He was worried. He was not prepared for what happened next, which was Elliot bursting into tears. He reached out to hug him, but apparently Violet was faster. As he produced a handkerchief and gently dried Elliot's tears. "Please don't cry," she soothed, "it's okay."

Alex wrapped an arm around Elliot, feeling a bit jealous. But he supposed this was a better outcome than he expected.

Elliot leaned into Alex’s touch automatically and sniffled loudly before apologising again and thanking Violet for the handkerchief. “I’m so sorry, I just…I’m in love with Alex and I am with child…his child. You’re so sweet and I want you to be happy too but I can’t be that but I had to keep up appearances, my father is a ruthless king and he wants to rid me of the baby and go after Alex’s family. I can’t let that happen so I have to pretend to play the part of doting prince and future husband to you. Please, please, I know you are kind, can you please help us, just until our child is born” he said biting his lip, terrified that she would race to the king despite how kind he believed she was

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