C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

"I love you too," Alex said, stroking his hair. "I'm not really sure how this works with people, so please tell me if there's anything I can do to make you more comfortable," he said. He didn't know how much time they had, so he wasn't sure what level of panic or calm was appropriate.

As of sensing his thoughts, Rosa said, "it's your first child, so it's going to be a long night. What you can best do now is tend to him and help him stay calm and relaxed. I'm going to wake up your dad." She turned on her heel towards their bedroom.

"I'm sure Dad's gonna love you too," Alex said, fussing over Elliot by adjusting pillows, and honestly just being a worried nuisance. He gently massaged Elliot's bump, trying to ease some of the pain.

Elliot took Alex’s hands off his stomach “Don’t do that” he winced “It’s super sensitive” he said softly and rubbed the back of his hand gently “I don’t want your poor parents stuck staying awake all night with us” he said worriedly looking at him “It’s bad enough I’m intruding in their home” he said softly biting his lip gently and took Alex’s hands in his to stop him fussing.

"Sorry, sorry," Alex said, immediately removing his hands. Gods, he was bad at this. "Is it okay to massage your back?" He asked, looking for something to do with his hands until Elliot took them.

"You're not intruding," he promised.

"For once, he's right," came a teasing chuckle from the door. Alex's father, William, had entered the room. He was the one the twins took after in terms of look, but his physique was similar to Alex's, built and hardened from years of labor. "I'm William-you can call me that, or Pa if you like." He offered a kind smile to Elliot while his wife busied herself with getting a room ready for Elliot. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Elliot smiled warmly at Alex “You are amazing, yes rubbing my back would be amazing” he said softly and shuffled forward on the chair awkwardly trying to make enough room for him to be able to rub his back.

He looked over at Alex’s father and smiled gently “It’s good to meet you too…Pa. Thank you for letting me birth here and for the amazing son you raised” he said thankfully feeling tears well in his eyes as he offered for Elliot to call him Pa, it was just too much for him and he felt the tears fall quickly looking over at Alex feeling a little weak and wiped his eyes quickly trying to rid himself of the tears “Sorry” he whispered brokenly so surprised by the absolute acceptance of Alex’s family.

Alex gently massaged Elliot's back until he realized that he started crying and gently wiped his face. "Oh, my love, it's alright."

Support came from William as well in the form of a soft handkerchief and a smile. "I think Alex is only so good because of you," he said. "That, and Rosa would tan his hide if she knew he wasn't looking after you."

Alex turned pink. " Pa, if I recall, Mom said I was born under similar circumstances, so I don't think you have room to talk," he teased.

Elliot thanked William gently for the handkerchief and wiped his eyes gently smiling warmly at the banter between Alex and his father wishing for them to have that with their child.

He felt his stomach tighten again, a little more forcefully this time “Ow” he whimpered squeezing Alex’s hand gently breathing through the pain closing his eyes as he did, trying to remain calm through it.

Alex let Elliot squeeze his hand as much as he needed, while continuing to soothe him with the other, massaging his back."You okay, Hun?" Well, obviously it, but as okay as circumstances allowed.

Rosa reappeared a few moments later. "Elliot dear, if you feel up to it, I've got a room set up for you. You can lie down if you want. Although, I think for the birth, you'd do better to stand. Gravity helps a lot."

Elliot nodded to Alex’s question breathing heavily through the pain. It lasted no more than ten seconds but was more painful than uncomfortable like the others had been. He smiled gently at his mother and nodded “Thank you” he said gently and had Alex help him to the room before taking off his cloak gently feeling himself warm from the pain and the warmth of the house now. He climbed onto the bed awkwardly and laid down.

He bit his lip a little looking at Alex “I left Hilda tied up outside, you might need to move her to the stable” he said breathing heavily simply from the walking to the room. He didn’t want to outright say it but he wanted Alex to leave for a few minutes just so he could talk to his mother, wanting someone with experience to tell him what he should expect having no one except a doctor talk to him so far about this.

Subtlety was not his strong suit, so Alex didn't get what Elliot meant at first, until he got a rather pointed look from his mom. "Right, I'll be back soon," he said, still hesitant to leave when Elliot was in so much pain.
Rosa fetched a cool cloth and wiped Elliot's face and foreheadm. "You're doing great, Hun. Now, I take it you wanted that worrywart out of the way for a minute?" She asked, a teasing grin on her face momentarily before becoming serious. "You have questions, I expect."

Of course he would. She didn't suppose the royal family taught their kids much about child bearing except that it happened after marriage.

Elliot squeezed Alex’s hand gently before he left, a simple gesture to show his love and thanks. He hummed in appreciation at the cool cloth wiped his face “Thank you” he said softly, about the cloth and so much more that he couldn’t put into words.

He sat up slightly, his brow creasing a little with worry “I don’t know much, apart from some things I’ve read and a few things the doctor told me. I was raised with the knowledge I would be marrying a female and therefore would never carry. I just want to know about what I’m about to go through” he said nervously “You’re the only person I’ve met I can talk to about this, with the baby being a secret and those who know not having children of their own. I’m terrified that the baby is too early and it’s all just going to go horribly wrong” he said shaking a little

Rosa listened to Elliot's worries before speaking. "Childbirth is scary, and you're being very brave," she offered. "With it being your first, labor will probably take some time. I was in agony with Alex for hours. The others were much swifter. It gets easier each time. I can't promise that this is going to be easy-i can guarantee that it's not. But you are healthy, and that's an important factor in your baby's health. The baby being early can be worriesome, but if we take precautions, it will be okay. With a premature baby, they might be smaller than one born on time. But they can still be healthy."

She paused to rinse the rag again. "You need to let me know if you're experiencing anything out of the ordinary -I realize that's a hard ask considering this is a first for you. But things like extra blood, or after a few hours the baby isn't making it's way out. We'll be here to help, of course." She smiled reassuringly.

Elliot felt his lip quiver slightly at how kind she was being and nodded gently “Thank you, I really do appreciate it” he said softly before smiling gently “This might be my only one if it’s that bad” he teased gently “You might only get the one grandchild from me” he laughed softly.

Elliot nodded biting his lip at her warnings, he knew that he had to listen to his body, the doctor was adamant about that but he just hoped he could read the signals right for his baby’s sake. He gasped at another pain “Oww” he muttered panting a little scrunching his face up as he breathed heavily for the several seconds it lasted before letting out a sigh of relief as it passed.

"I would be happy even if there wasn't a grandbaby," Ross said, "because I know that you make Alex happy, and that's enough. Not that William and I aren't pleased -we can't wait to meet the little one. But take life at your own pace, okay? You could also just make Alex have the next one," she added with a laugh. She felt bad that she couldn't offer him any pain medication for his contractions, but she did offer him a hand to squeeze until Alex got back. "It might also help if you take your pants off -having constant pressure on your belly, even just the wait and of your pants, might be uncomfortable."

Alex took care of Hilda and chatted with his dad in the other room, waiting for the go-ahead to enter again.

Elliot breathed in relief as the pain passed and nodded “Oh, if we have another he can definitely carry it” he chuckled gently. He nodded about his pants and although not really wanting to be exposed so early into his labour he would take anything potentially helping with the pain and had Rosa help him awkwardly shimmy them off before laying back on the pillow “On a scale from one to ten, how bad is it going to get?” He asked biting his lip “And how much am I going to hate your son?” He laughed trying to make light of his anxiety before Alex was allowed back in.

Rosa carefully assisted him with his pants, but sensing that he was uncomfortable, draped a light sheet over him to maintain his dignity. "I won't sugar coat it-childbirth is the most painful experience I've ever been through. You will probably be at an eleven at some point. However, I also went through it twice more after Alex, so I can tell you that seeing your baby is worth the pain." She chuckled, "Alex is going to be the worst person in the world for doing this to you, or so it will feel like."

Alex heard that comment and looked like a kicked puppy. And as far as the other comment, him carry? He couldn't fathom it, at least not in this moment when he was worried about Elliot.

Elliot smiled gently “I appreciate your candor despite the fear it has put in me” he laughed gently and nodded “I can’t wait to meet our little prince” he said softly and held the bottom of his stomach looking down “And if my little prince would make it as easy and painless as possible I would really appreciate it” he said jokingly. He laid back feeling much more relaxed now he was in the bed, covered and knew at least one person with experience was here though he did want Alex to hold him currently “Can you please get Alex to come in now?” He asked biting his lip

"We'll all be here to help you through it," Rosa said reassuringly. She felt bad that she had to be so blunt, but she didn't see the use in lying. It would be worse to expect an easy experience and be met with difficulty, than to expect it and be able to steel your resolve.
She went to fetch Alex, which was not a difficult task, given that he was waiting like an anxious dog for the go ahead. And as soon as he was, he rushed into the room. Much like a dog that hadn't seen his person in years. Or what felt like years. "I'm back, my love ~" he hummed.

((I was actually planning on having Alex propose to him here, is that okay? ))

((Yeah, for sure))

Elliot sighed happily seeing his anxious puppy love “Hi there” he said gently and moved over on the bed so that Alex would come and lay with him. He laid his head gently on Alex’s shoulder “I love you and your family so much, do you think they would move into the castle with us?” He laughed gently knowing they probably wouldn’t want to leave the farm but wishing they would. He played with Alex’s fingers lightly before gasping at a pain squeezing his hand as he panted through it scrunching his face up “Ow” he whimpered.

"I think they would at least be willing to visit often," Alex said. He let Elliot squeeze his hand through the contraction before hopping off the bed. He immediately felt bad for letting Elliot be by himself, but this was something he had to do properly. He said, "Speaking of important decisions, I have a serious question for you." He gave Elliot a reassuring smile to let him know that it wasn't a bad question. Then, he pulled a small leather satchel from his pocket, getting down on one knee so that the two of them were almost eye level now. "I realize that when we're already having a baby is maybe a little late to ask, but," he opens the satchel, pulling out a gold ring. It wasn't as fancy as what Elliot was used to, or even what he could buy, but he had made it. He spent the days he wasnt sneaking over to see Elliot at the smithy, learning how to forge, and making quite a few duds. Until he produced this shiny gold band, with their initials engraved on the inside. "My love, I have known you're the only one for me since the day we met. You're many of my firsts, my first friend, my first love... And I would like you to be my one and only. Forever. I love you so much, I can't imagine a day without you. Will you marry me?"

Elliot looked confused when Alex left his side for a moment before looking at him expectantly for the question. He gasped lightly as he knelt down and covered his mouth with his hand blinking back his tears. He already saw them as engaged just without the rings or plans but being asked made him so happy. He looked at the band and smiled so brightly his cheeks hurt, it was simple and beautiful just like his Alex, he nodded ecstatically “Of course I will, I love you more than anything” he said blubbering a little now and pulled Alex to him kissing him gently stroking his cheek.

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