C Secret love (Closed with Whoknows)

Jace moaned against his mouth and gasped softly as the fingers entered him tightening his grip on his partner “Mmm, yes baby” he muttered, an almost growl to his voice.

Reece smirked and pumped his fingers in and out, slowly increasing the pace. He knew he wasn’t going to have sex with Jace today because the day has been overwhelming for them both. Soon enough, he added another finger before beginning to fist him.

Jace screamed out tightening his hold on his boyfriend and grabbed his penis with his other hand pumping to the same rhythm, not long after he came, his semen spread across his stomach “Oh baby…yes” he moaned panting a little coming down from the high.

Reece watched in awe as his gorgeous boyfriend came and then held him through the high. He got up and grabbed some tissue to wipe it off and then laid back to cuddle with Jace.

Jace smiled lazily at his boyfriend and cuddled close to him sighing happily as they rested together. A few days later was the doctors appointment and Jace was in a full panic as they sat in the car on the way. Their parents had taken it exceptionally well considering, he could sense disappointment from his mother but knew she also understood because of her past.

(Hope the skip is all good)

Reece was the one driving as he had passed his test about 6 months ago and his parents had bought him a car. It was a white Mercedes which he really enjoyed driving, he was grateful to own it. “We’re nearly there”, Reece told Jace, looking over at the worried boy.

Jace bit his lip and nodded, his knee bouncing nervously. He had bloods taken the day prior and the doctors appointment was to give the results and potentially an ultrasound dependent on the results. Jace was worried that they may see someone they knew and he would be outed, they hadn’t been in public together, especially somewhere like the doctors office which was often a personal experience.

When they went inside and checked in, Reece took a look around the waiting room to see if anyone they knew was there, he knew Jace wasn’t ready to come out or be ‘caught out’. “Don’t worry, there’s no one here”, he murmured to him, leading Reece to some empty seats. “Do have to fill out any sheets?”.

Jace nodded nervously and followed his boyfriend before taking a seat. He shook his head and bit his lip nervously before taking his boyfriends hand “I filled in the paperwork when I came for bloods yesterday” he said biting his lip and rubbed the back of his boyfriends hand anxiously

Reece nodded, “oh alright, so we are getting the results today then?”, he asked, wrapping his arm around Jace. “We won’t let the results change us, okay?”, he told his boyfriend, acting serious.

Jace nodded and smiled warmly at the other boy but wasn’t convinced that if the results were positive that Reece wouldn’t run straight out the door and never look back, his father had said the same thing to his mother and he had never even met his father. He heard his name called and his stomach did a flip as he stood and walked into the doctors office with his boyfriend, his heart beating rapidly.

Reece rubbed Jace’s arm, sensing his nerves as they walked into the doctors office. He waited until his boyfriend had sat down until he joined him on the spare one next to him. Reece wasn’t really sure what to expect, all he knew was that the blood test results were back.

(Sorry, I’ve been away for a few weeks and been too busy to reply)

The doctor smiled warmly at them both to try and ease their nerves. “The blood results have come back positive for a pregnancy. Now, we have some options for you and our practice supports all of these depending on how you feel about the situation” he said kindly “I will write you up some prescriptions to help with nausea and some vitamins to take throughout the pregnancy, if you wish to continue with the pregnancy. We can also go the abortion route, or if you wanted to put the child up for adoption we will provide services and contacts to help you with that. Those options are of course only if you don’t wish to keep the baby yourself” he said gently. Jace sat in shock, he knew that the tests were positive but he didn’t really consider he was actually pregnant until now and he couldn’t think straight and was just staring into space running through all the possibilities in his head and starting to panic a little.

Reeces eyes widened and he sat up straight, he was going to have a kid? Well, that’s if Jace wanted to keep it. Reece knew it was Jace’s decision as to what happened next. He looked over at the boy who was looking panicked and put his hand on his thigh, squeezing it slightly. “Is it alright if we have a moment?”, he asked the doctor, thanking him as he left the room. “Jace?”, Reece cooed, “it’s okay”.

Jace shook his head trying to fight back tears “It’s not okay” he whispered, afraid speaking above that would send him over the edge “We can’t have a baby, I can’t have a baby, what about our futures? What about college and university and our lives? We haven’t lived, I’m not even out” he said tearfully “I was hoping on an athletic scholarship but I can’t do that pregnant but I also can’t even consider terminating our baby” he said feeling so panicked and unsure what to do

He pulled the upset boy into his arms, holding him close. “What if you kept the pregnancy a secret?”, Reece asked, “I can pay for you to go to college and uni without any problem unless you continue playing your sport but protect the baby?” He knew it was risky but surely it had happened before, the world wasn’t perfect after all. “You could stay in school right until your labour and then take time off to recover? That’s if you don’t change your mind about keeping it”.

Jace sighed shakily and leaned into the other man’s embrace “I…I don’t know what to do” he said quietly “I don’t want to go to college off a handout” he said quietly “I’m going to be due so close to exam period too” he said and rubbed his face worriedly.

“Don’t think of it as a hand out, think of it as a gift”, Reece said, rubbing Jace’s back. He sighed into the embrace and rested his head on his boyfriends. “Say you went into labour before the exams, your time off could be pinned due to study leave”, he suggested, “I know they don’t do it anymore but parents choose to bring their children out of school for it”.

Jace whimpered a little “I….I don’t know” he said quietly and wiped at the last of the tears, feeling a little defeated at the prospects of his future. The doctor came back in before leading the boys down to one of their examination rooms where they would do an ultrasound.

Reece held onto Jace’s hand as they walked through the hallways, he knew he would need the extra support. “It’ll be okay, I promise”, he whispered into Jace’s ear. When they finally reached the room that the ultrasound machine was in, Reece helped Jace to sit on the bed.

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