C Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather]

None of Jin's begging and cries and useless screams were enough to placate Brandon or throw some sense onto him. What did make him finally pull out, was the feel of Jin's cervix spreading wider and feeling something coming down. The baby.

Brandon slid his cock out in that moment and used his hand to further spread Jin's legs. "Don't push yet, you have to wait on the next contraction," Brandon commanded him. "Deep breaths, the contraction will come any time now," His demeanor changed surprisingly.

His eyes were trained to Jin's aching and bruised hole, previously violated and raped, now about to push out a baby that was stretching his hips even wider than Brandon's cock did.

The baby girl kept going lower, and the contraction came. "Push!!"

There was an unbearable ache within his depths, something which steadily increased in presence and pressure that seemed to become volatile, explosive .. untamed.

Jin struggled not to close his legs, beyond the threshold of delirium itself as he began to grunt and expel obsentities that earned the attention of any sailor. "AUGH! FUCK! FUCKING HELL! FUCK ME IN THE FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHY DIDN'T I LOCK MY FUCKING DOOR! GODDAMMIT! I WASN'T DUE FOR A WHILE AND YOU HAD TO COME INTO MY FUCKING LIFE AND RUIN SHIT! .. FUCKING HELL!"

He threw his head back and collapsed upon the mattress of the bed as he had to wait to bear down for a minor length of time, trying to resist pushing and therefore forcing his innocent unborn daughter into a tirade of further distress. She must have been so scared .. so confused.

"I .. CANT .. I CANT .. SHE IS TOO SMALL! I CANT HAVE HER IN THE HOSPITAL .. I JUST CANT .." He shook his head quickly a few times, with widened eyes after lifting his head and curling his body and began to blubber sobs that shook his nude laboring body, feeling something flow from his cock, he did not know he urinated upon himself. But how could he not .. he was in unimiginable amounts of pain.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

When Jin was thrown into that blubbering mess, Brandon slapped him on the face to get him to stop his useless crying. "Listen, you useless slut," He grabbed Jin's face harshly. "I don't give a fuck about what you want, you're delivering this baby right the fuck here," Brandon yelled at him.

"Do you want it to die inside you?!" He said harshly. "I bet you don't, so stop being a stupid, fucking baby and start pushing, because your next contraction is starting now. I don't care if you're in pain, you're going to push through it!"

Brandon moved away for a moment, only to position himself right behind Jin and help him spread his legs open. "Push now!!" He shouted at him. "You need to push as hard as you can."

Jin cringed, cowering back as he was harshly struck, rubbing his face with a stunned, tired appearing look upon his face. "B-But B-Brandon .. I mean Daddy .. I-I am scared .. I-I cant. I just .. cant."

He winced, quivering, whimpering. He was panting as he was yelled at by Brandon, his torment, yet also somehow his source of comfort. His only source that is. "Okay .. okay .. I will .. can you please hold my hand through it Daddy? please .. I know it will do little to help in the longhaul but I need some kind of connection."

"Oh .. oh .. ohhh .. J-Jesus fucking Christ ABOVEEE! .." He groaned, instinctively lowering his upper body therefore lifting his tensing and contracting ass up into the air to be monitored by his now half-time midwife of a Master. "Please Brandon .. fuck me out of my misery!" He said deliriously, as if drunk, greatly slurring his words as the pain took control, not meaning to, a hand quickly shooting out an ensnaring one of Brandon's muscular forearm, tightly gripping it in a vice and drawing blood because of his sharp, manicure nails.

"OH GOD! .. PUSHING .. I AM PUSHINGGG!" He gasped in a breath, letting it forth in a scream which caused a concerned knocking at the door. "

"Jin .. are you alright in there, my friend? was that you screaming? do you need help .. let me in so I can help you?" The person, a girl named Jayde requested. twisting the knob of the door. "Jin anwer me .. this isn't funny .. if you are hurt tell me .. I can help .. I am here to help."

"Jayde? .." He said weakly with a quiet croak, trying to scream but couldn't do so. "I am here .. please .. help me .. she is coming .. she is c-coming. God help me .."

"Hm? strange .. he usually answers quickly, especially with me. What the fuck is going on with you J, I practically rode all the damn way out here to know you ditched me and abandoned our plans, so fucked up man, ya got me so outta my element like really? so fucked up.. didn't have to come out to this shit only for him to not be here I mean damn .. ugh.." Jayde was further unaware, muttering, sadly she could not hear him, not even close sadly. So she leaned against the closest wall, propping up a brown and white booted foot and busied away, typing him a message thinking he was gone out with her phone for a moment, becoming bewildered and concerned as any friend could be, sadly unaware that her friend was literally inside bearing himself down and suffering through the throes of a harsh difficult childbirth. She adjusted and zipped up her matching small brown and white Baby phat jacket, tossing her long dark brown hair and began chewing gum, popping it as she did when she usually got pissed off at someone.

She sighed and waited for the door to possibly open, crossing her arms and tapping her dainty foot with much impatience. "UGH REALLY .. FUCK .. alright .. alright you wanna do this bullshit .. alright we'll play this game .. I will remember this Jin .. I will fucking remember this! you are fucked up! I hope you and the little brat are happy together! I AM DONE!" She punched the door once but hard, not caring who heard it, she turned away with a growl and a huff, scowling as she stormed away.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Brandon was mostly heartless, that one was true, but he did oblige to Jin's desperate desires and held his hand through the next contraction. "Push harder!!" He shouted over Jin's loud screams of pain.

The older man moved away only for a bit when the contraction stopped. "Stop pushing, take deep breaths," He ordered, voice stern and firm, like a threat, before he forced Jin to lay on his side on the bed. "I'm going to fuck you through it until the next contraction starts," He explained, just as his cock entered Jin's dilated hole. In the meantime, he heard a loud bang on the door but ignored it, already feeling pleasure as he entered Jin's quaking hole.

He began moving right away, thrusting his hips strongly back and forth. With every smack of his hips against Jin's ass, the baby seemed to bounce in Jin's cervix. "There you go," Brandon lowered his head to wrap his lips around one of Jin's nipples, sucking hard, the taste of milk on his tongue making him hum.

Jin groaned and continued to scream, his outbursts revealing his true extent of agony's reach in the form of heightened, high pitched shrieks that pierced the ears of all in the building of the apartments, causing further concern from others.


His hand shot out, gripping Brandon's wrist and clenching it tightly to the point where it cut off circulation of some sort. "AH! FUCK .. GAH! .. GOD ABOVE!" He howled once more only to cringe when a steady stream of cum shot forth from his cock as if from nowhere, dripping from it which caused him to touch upon it's swollen red pecker, stroking it like the whore he was meant to be, lost in a urge to avoid his pain for a time if he could, lowering his head and sucking in a breath as his nude pale vanilla snow skinned body was drenched in a thick layer like sheen of glistening sweat that seemed to enhance his maternal features, his stomach was jutted out, the massive orb a mess of squirming flesh and bumps from the rapid kicking of his soon to be born daughter.

"GOD DADDY .. SHE'S COMING! MAKE IT STOP!" He cringed, trying to push his swollen asshole inward to avoid the agony he felt as he tried closing his legs while stroking his cock faster as well.

Meanwhile .. halfway to her car Jayde heard Jin's scream from the window of his apartment which made her blood run colder than ice itself, "Jin? .. shit?! that was him! I am coming Jin just hold on!" she shouted to the window, causing her to turn, react and run back into the building.

She rushed to the door, banging on it. "JIN .. JIN .. ARE YOU HURT? ANSWER ME! PLEASE! I AM HERE!"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Brandon began to fuck Jin even harder, letting his mammoth of a cock rub persistently against Jin's overly sensitive prostate, abusing his insides to his liking, strongly and powerfully.

"Move your hips, press yourself on my cock. Isn't that what you want? You useless slut?" He rocked his hips harder, plowing at Jin recklessly so. "Fuck yourself on daddy's cock, bitch."

The next contraction started then, but instead of actually moving to help Jin, Brandon drew right out of Jin's constricting hole and stood up on his feet to open the door. His pants were undone and his cock out in the open, fully erected and glistening with his fluids and Jin's. "Looking for Jin? We're in the middle of something..." He said, eyeing her up and down with curiosity.

Jin felt his eyes lifting upward, rolling back into his skull's depths, finding himself suspended in a sense of awkakeness and unconscious slumber.

He numbly moved his hips numbly, falling victim to his inner carnal desires, all while feeling his daughter's head slowly emerging into the world as she began the path of painfully inching past his stretching cervix's tightening and contracting walls from within. "Y-yes Daddy .. you win .. Jin will be a .. good boy." He said just as numbly, continuing to move his hips as he clenched the covers of the bed to remain grounded in some way, to remain stable in some symbolic way.

When he was no longer helped and further assisted he began whimpering, calling out to his Daddy as he struggled to stand to get pressure off of his badly aching epicenter known as his once sturdy hips, threatening to break. Jin's friend heard footsteps, thinking it was Jin but oh was she sadly mistaken, gum responding with a pop. mouth open in a gasp like expression as she saw the man's cock, rather enticing cock. "OH? .. okay .. wow .. his dick is huge! .. it looks .. pretty impressive for an old fart.." She said softly, thinking she was thinking in her mind when she was unfortunately actually thinking aloud, lost, casted adrift in her mind as she touched her shoulder and jean clad crotch for a minute struggling not to become wet by it's mere presence. "Oh .. oh shit! .. um! .. I .. I am sorry! I was not meaning you. Um .. I was kinda thinkin out loud and um .. I mean hello.. and yes .. yes I am. Is he here? .. um .. I am Jayde Harrison, nice to um .. meet you. Um, w-who are you? I am Jin's friend and I just thought .. well I thought I heard him screaming in pain. It um .. worried me." She straightend herself and cleared her throat as if something normal was occurring, not that his freaking dick was practically hanging out in the open for all to practically stare upon in the freaking building for Christ sakes, she coughed a few times as if she had something in her throat and brushed a long stray strand of wavy free hair behind a perfectly rounded ear while she tried not to but she could not meet his eyes, simply staring at his cock the whole goddamn time and bit her lip out of habit, something she did she was conflicted or in thought, unable to move away, pretending to cough a few times to relieve her suddenly constricted throat.

'Geez, Jesus Christ .. now I see exactly why poor Jin was screamin .. poor guy had to be fucked raw by that whale of a sized cock.' This time she was able to think to herself.

"Um Mister .. your *ahem* package is stickin out there. I could um .. help you a bit." She said a bit, approaching a step closer and leaned her side against the door as she flirted, not aware she was doing such things. "Your package is quite .." She reached down, not caring she was invading his space, manicured fingernails trailing down his shit clad chest, tracing the contours of each muscular that brilliantly made up his stomach and lastly reached her destination before lightly teasing the scorch heated flesh of his dick to stimulate it. "Mmm .. well .. you are so hot down there .. has Jin been in there screamin because of you? hmm?" She pressed up against him, clicking her tongue softly but enough to be heard. "You know, Jin may be gay but I he is not half the woman I am .. do you want to .. take a peek down there big guy?" She put on a playful face, batting her eyelashes to further her point. "I am feeling a bit needy tonight as my bitch of a girlfriend is gone at her dumbass job and I am a bit .." She leaned in, letting her lips linger mere inches from his own but not quite connecting but still there nonetheless as she spoke. "ahhh .. needy. I am more of a whore than he is."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

It wasn't like Brandon had been picking up his next fuck toys from everywhere. No, he was actually quite picky and had his reserves about getting involved with just about anyone.

Right now with Jayde's presence, he still wasn't sure how he felt about her. He listened to what she had to say carefully, eyes narrowed in the slightest as he analyzed her demeanor.

His hand came up to rest upon the side of her waist and he let out a low chuckle when she admitted to be a whore. "Oh yes, I can tell." And maybe that was the reason why he took a liking to Jin, because the shy boy wasn't too straightforward and so openly slutty. That was the reason he liked Jin.

"Your so called friend is going through labor in the next room..." Brandon said, looking her down and cupping one of her breasts with his hand, before groping her hard through her clothing. "You're such a fucking whore, Jayde... I can smell your arousal even from here and look at you. I'm sure there will be a wet spot on your jeans any time now."

Jayde smirked, hearing the dreadful words no friend wanted to hear of their dearest companion but yet it was basically in one ear and out the other as if it was never said. She gazed up into his eyes, her own glazed over by a sheen of hazed over passion as she lusted for Brandon even though she barely knew the man

She bit her lip as one of her well rounded, sinfully endowed breasts were cupped and groped. "You must be .. on the prowl. How about I make you .. reconsider us whores as your main course." She let her lips remain against his, placing a rather teasing kiss upon them while tugging at his shirt.

She went to speak again but was interrupted by Jin's low tortured like moan, hearing the sheets rustle gently as he slowly became aware, arising from his unconsciousness. He glanced around, eyes confused and weary for rest. "B-Brandon .. is Jayde here?" He said.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"You're not going to make anything to it, unless I want it," Brandon laughed, nudging her backwards until her back hit the door and he pressed his leg between hers, pressing up against her quickly soaking crotch, while letting her control the kiss, only to allow her some false sense of control.

He broke away from her when he heard Jin. "Maybe we can keep discussing this another time. Right now Jin needs us," Brandon pointed out, then made his way back into Jin's room.

"Jayde's here, what's the matter?" He said, frowning as he looked at Jin.

"Ooh .. so bold .. so .. territorial. I like that in a man. I am a bit lesbian by force of nature but I guess I can make a .. exception." Jayde the whore purred, placing a untamed series of sensual but rough in pace kisses upon his lips. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to slip away only for them to open once more when she heard the rather dreadful presence of a noise, it was Jin's and it sounded absolutely terrible.

"Hmm? .. what? .. oh .. oh yeah .. Jin, I almost forgot about him being in here. I am here Jin, how do you feel big guy?" She asked with much concern, gently shoving Brandon away and walked over to the bed where he lay on his stomach, barely holding on.

Jin swallowed hard, trying to speak but all he could form was a few words. "I .. Jayde .. it .. hurts .. bad .. so .. so .. bad." He tried to say more but it was caught off by a earpiercing shriek like scream, his body tensing and his back arching upward as if he were a cat, eyes tightly closing as he tightly clutched his friend's arm enough to dislocate it's bones. "PLEASE .. HELP ME .. SHE'S C-COMING .. I .. A-AGHHHAAH!"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Brandon felt a bit off a out Jayde, but he was still a bit curious.

He pushed those thoughts aside and remained next to Jin. He could see his next contraction starting, bringing upon him a new wave of stronger pain as the baby seemed desperate to come out, squirming inside his laboring mommy.

Jin whimpered, tightening his grip upon his friend's wrist who expressed a grimace like wince, expressing voiceless pain.

"Whoa! .. easy now Jinny boy .. ya crushin my arm .." Jayde said shakily, kneeling beside Jin who was laboring in his place on the bed, stroking his dark brown hair.

"S-Shut up .." Jin snapped, unlike himself, a growl of a voice that showed annoyance. "I am the one in more pain than you so either take it or get lost .."

Jayde became silent, looking with now widened eyes, soon biting her lips. "Um .. yes sir. Geez .."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Brandon watched the scene unfolding before him and he looked pointedly at Jayde. "Maybe you should wait outside, you're bothering him," He expressed with a seriousness to his tone, almost a bit protective even when this baby wasn't even his own.

"But don't leave, wait outside," He said in a much lower tone, only meant for Jayde to hear.

Brandon reached down then, spreading Jin's legs wider as another contraction washed over him. "Keep fucking pushing. Is about damn time you push this baby out, for fuck's sake!"

Jayde wanted to have an attitude, having a bone to pick with her laboring friend who was Jin but held it back. "Well I .. I .. fine .. I was just trying to help but whatever."

She frowned only to smirk for a moment as she was told the words she was urgent to hear. Those such ones were "Wait outside" By Brandon himself.

"Okay, will do Daddy." She said softly, leaning in and biting his lip with a nip before turning and leaving with a rather sensual stride of walking, swaying her hourglass hips to emphasize such a powerful point.

Jin winced and grimaced, feeling more and more distressed and further distressed. He breathed in shakily, letting it out with a pained, tortured sob. "Please Brandon .. it is not helping when you are yelling at me. I am trying .. I am fucking trying." He said weakly, struggling to remain conscious.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Well, I'm not going to just sit here and watch you spiral into self pity just because you're in pain," Brandon said, albeit harshly. "You would've already push this child out into the world, but you're there just crying like a pitiful little fag bitch," Brandon's tone was cruel and vicious, clearly having no care over Jin's feelings.

"She's coming, push again, and if you don't do your best this time around, I'll just leave you alone to deal with this," Brandon threatened him. "And Jayden won't even come to help you, that's for sure."

Jin simply stared at Brandon, and hearing the three lettered word "fag" spoke more than just mere volumes. He sniffled in response, wanting to shout at him, to growl and scream and even curse obsenities at his direction every which way, but he simply gave into defeat itself, taking in a breath and lowered his head, letting forth a grunt like cry as he sucked in a breath, trying to stife a scream as his daughter began to move and thrash as if trying to fight against it's invading advance.

He whimpered, forcing himself to focus, gripping the covers of the bed with a badly shaking hand. "I..I need a hospital .. I..I need drugs. Please Brandon.." He groaned between struggling but forced pushes, clenching and gritting his teeth. "Y-You would do that .. you would leave me when I need someone the most?" He croaked brokenly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"I don't care if you need a hospital, you're going to give birth right here with me," Brandon stated sternly. "You and I don't share the same interests, as you can see."

Brandon's cock was as hard as a rock, and when Jin's next contraction started, Brandon began to jerk his cock off, his hand moving rapidly and strongly along his fat shaft. Jin's cries and groans of pain only heightened his arousal. "I won't leave if you're a good boy," He grunted through his teeth, jerking himself off even faster now.

He hit his climax then, spraying cum all over Jin's belly and then pressing his cockhead to Jin's butt hole, creaming all over his ass and hole. "Come on, Jin, stop being a pathetic little girl and just bear this baby out, I can feel it being nearly out."

Jin hung his head, tears of bitterness and desperation burned in his eyes like fire, streaming down an even more distressing appearing expressed face. His of course. "F-Fine .." He said weakly, soon shooting out a hand to clutch the front of his bare clothing, suddenly spasming globe of a belly, groaning aloud as he closed his eyes tightly, forcing himself to bear down, attempting a performance of pushing.

"Ughhh! .. UGHNNN! ow .. ow .. OWWW!" He cried out but never stopped his struggles toward birthing his little princess from a bruised, battle weary and tormented, punished vessel of a body.

He shuddered as he was climaxed upon, but did not dare to complain, as all he would be was shouted at again which would only add to his stress. He reached out and gripped his leg, clutching it tightly as he panted heavily, body sweatdropletted thickly and uncomfortably sticky but that did not deter him. All he wanted was her out. He felt his opening slowly speading open, trying to slowly and sluggishly pacing to make room for a large headed child whose first signs of scalp was showing, revealing the familiarity of same colored hair.

All else in features would be revealed later.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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