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I’m looking for a partner to RP with in a similar style to this RP: Pregnant Uni Days (Closed with Whoknows.).
I would play the role of the 23M pregnant student, and I’m looking for a partner to play the female professor 30s F.
The story would start after 3 months after the 1 night stand we had where I am looking in the mirror.
“Oh shit…” I whisper to myself as I stood perpendicular to the mirror. My belly was starting to protrude in a smooth mound, stretching out a few inches from my normal frame. It was undeniable now. I was pregnant. That night I had thought of every day for 3 months would be with me forever. I pulled my shirt up and felt its firmness. I had no idea what to do next. So I decided to just postpone my planning, grab my sweatshirt and head off to her class.
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Nicole Webb is the professor who had a one night stand with one of her students in her class, three months have passed and she loved that very night. Although she needed to stay professional, she would just smile at the male student when he comes in and out each day. On another day of the week, Nicole was setting up her desk to start her class before her students arrive for class and she just sat down at her desk a few minutes before the classes started.
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Jake walked into class wearing his hoody over his small mound. Fortunately, it wasn't evident he was expecting yet, but of course his first course of the day was Biology with Nicole Webb. He tried to sit as far back in the cramped classroom as possible to avoid her gaze. She looked so professional, in that white button up and work skirt. She has no idea he was a third of the way done carrying her child.
That thought made it impossible to focus during her lecture. All he could do was think about that night, and how incredible it felt... He missed it, he missed... Her.
Jake had debated telling her every day since he realized he was pregnant, but he knew it would just get harder the further along it went. He knew he had to tell her after class, no matter how stressful it may be.
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All of her students had arrived, she made sure to check off every single student that walked in, she was pretty good at speeding through the list of her students. Then Nicole Webb noticed Jake, smiling as he walked into class and she stood up to start teaching her hour long class before recess. From time to time, Nicole had noticed Jake was sitting in the back of the class instead of sitting in the front and she thought this wasn't like Jake at all. But she shrugged it off and she continued to teach her students the subjects all about Biology. She would ask another students questions, expected brilliant answers and she didn't receive one from any of her average students. She cleared her throat and she asked Jake the question, "Jake, answer me this question please. Does genetics affect behavior and intelligence?"
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He watched her walk back and forth the front of the classroom, glancing across her students casually, but every time she looked at him she seemed to let her gaze linger a little longer. He wasn’t sure if that was just in his mind but it was driving him crazy. He couldn’t tell where her head was at. He started to think back to that night, that passionate night he stayed after class, and then they… never talked about it again. The ambiguity of it all drove him crazy. He thought of her body, and right as he started to dive into that thought and get aroused, he heard her question, which made him jump slightly. “Y-yes Professor! I think it has a very significant effect on behavior and intelligence!” He muttered out nervously.
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Nicole indeed walked up and down in between desks of her students making sure they were reading their text books she generously provides to her students. She made it back to her desk as she asked Jake her question, she smiled feeling completely satisfied with his answer and she nodded in approval responding to him, "A very good answer, ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps you all could learn to pay attention like Jake. Now, class. We are doing some three paged questionaries about Biology to test your knowledge." She picked up the large stack of stapled questionaries for her students, one by one she placed a stapled three paged questionnaire on each student's desk and lucky last Jake got one placed on his desk by Nicole.
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“Oh thank god…” he muttered under his breath. He was nervous, being around her like this, talking about biology, her praising him, completely unaware of the ‘biology’ going on inside his abdomen, it was all almost too much. He felt himself start to get excited again, thinking about her, about how she felt. He tried to push it out of his mind, he knew this was the worst place to think about it, but he couldn’t help himself. His hormones were driving him crazy. Which funnily enough was a subject Nicole covered last week.
Suddenly a paper plops onto his desk, yet again pulling him out of his reverie. “T-thanks Professor.” He said shifting awkwardly, keeping his partial erection hidden under his desk. He started to glance at the paper to not draw attention to himself, but his mind was a million miles away from the questionnaire.
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"My pleasure, Jake." Nicole responded back to Jake, she just smiled down at Jake after she plopped the papers on his desk, she walked back to her desk in front of the classroom and she sat down in her comfy chair. She was satisfied in that moment again when she heard the sounds of pens writing on papers by all of her students and she can relax as she opened her work laptop. She started to write today's progress and notes for her Biology class as her students got their work done.
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The questionnaire was surprisingly easy. Most of the answers were straight from the book, but to Jake it was almost impossible. Each question took longer than the last, and before he knew it students started to leave, having finished the assignment early. He’d occasionally steal glances at the professor, and the way she twirled her hair around her pencil mesmerized him. After a few more minutes he was the last in the class, and she glanced up, scanning the room for any students, finally locking eyes with him, and he froze.
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Nicole watched the students who completed their work leave the class since it was recess, she looked down at her laptop continuously taking down notes of her class and she would occasionally twirl her hair around her pencil. She would stop, placing her pencil down in her pencil cup and she scanned the room finally spotting Jake. She just smiled at him happily and she asked him, "It wasn't too hard, was it? I'll make sure to make it clearer next time if it was."
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He tapped his fingers against the desk rhythmically. He knew had to tell her. She walked up to him, and he started to squirm in his chair. “Oh no Professor, not at all, I’ve just been struggling a little bit staying focused.” He said nervously, glancing at the window several times during that sentence. Finally, he mustered up the courage, looking back at her, directly into her eyes, he asked: “actually, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something? I’d appreciate your input.” He waited nervously for a response.
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“Well, I am glad that.” Nicole said back to Jake happily, she continued to look into his eyes and she awaited what else the student wanted to say to her. She continued to smile, listening to his words and she said back to Jake, “Of course, Jake. You can always tell me anything and Jake you know I will always be here with you.” She placed her hands on top of his hands and she started to hold his hands within hers gently.
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When she placed her hands on his it gave him flashbacks of that evening, how passionate it was. Ever since then she’d been so professional, so cautious to show any affection, out of concern of people noticing, that he sometimes wondered if she thought about it at all. Her hand on his though… it calmed him. It showed him she did care, and she remembered that night.
They locked eyes. “Thank you Nicole… “ he didn’t use Professor, he used Nicole. Her show of affection was making him more confident, more determined that he was doing the right thing. “There’s another class coming here any minute right? Maybe we should discuss my question in your office?” I said, hoping you’d say yes, and lightly squeezed your hand when I finished my sentence.
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Nicole nodded her head at him happily, she got up from her desk and she said back to Jake in a passionate tone of voice, “Of course, we can. Follow me, Jake.” She lets go of his hands, she collected up all of her stuff and she started to walk towards the exit of the classroom.
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He stood up quickly, but then forced himself to slow down. He was nervous she’d notice how much he wanted to be alone with her, but at the same time he knew he had to reveal what was growing inside of his abdomen.
He followed her, the walk being largely quiet, other than the occasional small talk. Once getting into the office it looked just like that night. Like nothing changed. Except so much has.
After a silence, and Nicole glancing at him, eagerly waiting to hear what he had to say, he swallowed his nerves. “Nicole, there’s something I need to talk to you about…”
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Nicole walked into her office, she held the door for Jake and she watched him walk inside of her office. She closed the door for privacy, she walked around her desk and she placed her stuff down. She glanced over at Jake, she was interested on what he needed to say and she said back to Jake, “Of course, hun. Take your time and please whatever it is. I will help you to the very best that I know I can.”
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Hun… she called him hun. He knew now that he was right. Those side glances during class… she thought about that night just as much as he did, but more important matters were at hand, he had to reveal something to her. “Thanks Nicole. I appreciate that. I know… we aren’t supposed to talk about that night, but…” he shifted awkwardly under his sweatshirt, unable to figure out the best way to reveal it. Then he had an epiphany. “But, I need to show you something.” He said, locking eyes with her again, displaying how serious he was.
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Nicole continued to smile at Jake affectionately, she continued to hold his hands within hers and she listened to him. She nodded her head at Jake happily, she continued to gaze her eyes with his eyes and she responded back to Jake, "Alright, hun. I sense seriousness. Please show me whatever you have to. You're kind of freakin' me out..."
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“I know, I know. I just, don’t know how to tell you, so I’ll show you.” He took his hands from hers, and stepped back. “I should have told you sooner…” he grabbed the bottom of his sweater and started to peel it up, slowly revealing it. It was small now, but that would change. Regardless, it was unmistakeable. He was visibly pregnant. “That night 3 months ago…” he looked into her eyes. “I’m, I’m pregnant Nicole.”
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Nicole continued to smile to reassure Jake, she watched him take his hands back and she looked at his sweater moving upward. Her eyes widened in shock at his small bump, she knew it right then and she covered her left hand over her mouth. She continued to gaze at his baby bump, she cleared her throat and she responded back to him, "Uh, wow. I didn't see this coming... you haven't told anyone else besides me right, hun?"