In the magical realm of Zuyogana, Y/C was the royal knight towards the newly and beautiful snow-elf Queen Esiyae Wranyra the III. Romantic blooms over the Queen of Zuyogana once she saw the mighty knight defeat the orcs that took her and she was instantly in love with the knight. But of course, the knight was a commoner and their love would be forbiddened by the eyes of her kingdom. Esiyae was blinded by her love, once the knight and queen made it to an inn and were in privacy. She made her love known to the knight and she wouldn't know what his reaction would be at all. Will he give his love in return and live with the queen forever? Or will it be rejection?
C [CARRIERS ONLY] World of Zuyogana (Closed with Angelic)
08-18-2024, 01:27 AM
It was such a far walk, but it was just in time for a young brunette with her hair down like silky rich dark brown and glowing fair skin, eyebrows narrow and sharp with pink lips. "This inn?" she's questioning herself if she should go take a look or not, but she wasn't from the area at all. "Would it be such a good idea if I would probably sneak around?" It wouldn't be a good idea, but maybe she'll end up seeing something she wouldn't see in an average day. "I wouldn't bother." A girl with red hair comes in with freckles and a smile. "I heard something about privacy, but I don't know the so-called queen well." The ginger girl shrugged. "The knight though, who is he? ... " The brunette asked. "It's a mystery for now." The redhead said.
12-12-2024, 01:20 PM
Queen Esiyae was walking down the hallway, ready for her royal duties and meetings of the day. Once the queen walked down the hallway, she would happened to overhear the conversation of the young maidens, she would enter the room and she looked upon the fair maidens with a smile on her face. "My, what a delicious gossiping session this is, ladies. Perhaps I should fill in the details you might not know, would you like that my fair maidens?" Her tone was a fake happy tone, she still had a wide smile on her face and although her eyes were filled with anger at the fair maidens talking about the Queen in a such traitorous manner.
01-03-2025, 09:44 PM
It was the eldest out of the two - Nora that didn't stop speaking." "This place here is just so dull, and
tacky, you know, not in a cruel way." Nora said not even paying attention, the brunette mumbled just as soon she hears the
slow steps of the queen nearby at the wrong time." The redhead just didn't reply and stayed silent. "Did I say something wrong?" Nora thought... but she was only being honest. "Oh
fu- "Nora gasped out, covering her mouth, once seeing the queen, as her own thin body just stiffened up and her skin went pale. " No one is gossiping badly " The redhead speaks up, looking at the queen with a small gulp.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you would actually come here," Nora answered the queen, with her big brown eyes widening,
" Look I didn't mean nothing by it but I was curious why are you here in a inn?" Nora asked the queen.
tacky, you know, not in a cruel way." Nora said not even paying attention, the brunette mumbled just as soon she hears the
slow steps of the queen nearby at the wrong time." The redhead just didn't reply and stayed silent. "Did I say something wrong?" Nora thought... but she was only being honest. "Oh
fu- "Nora gasped out, covering her mouth, once seeing the queen, as her own thin body just stiffened up and her skin went pale. " No one is gossiping badly " The redhead speaks up, looking at the queen with a small gulp.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you would actually come here," Nora answered the queen, with her big brown eyes widening,
" Look I didn't mean nothing by it but I was curious why are you here in a inn?" Nora asked the queen.
01-05-2025, 01:34 AM
Esiyae watched over at the two girls, she was suspicious about their conversation that for the girls' sakes the queen had missed and she continued to stand there near the girls' table. She would look over at Nora and then over at the redhead girl from time to time. Esiyae looked over at Nora as she spoke, she raised her eyebrow once more and she replied back to Nora softly in tone, "I am here to see an old friend who served in my group of personal knights. That's all, girls."
01-16-2025, 01:16 AM
"Where would he be?" The redhead asked curious with her green-blue eyes looking at the queen. "Not here, at the moment
..." Nora chimes in while she shrugged but she heard a group of men outside the in and one particular had dark hair and was tall, you couldn't tell clearly on his looks because it was dark out. The shinning metal of rust is brushed against on his old armour. "Have you seen her?" The male asked the knight near the door if the entrance until Nora raised an eyebrow watching the male walking into the inn and looking at Esiyae
with a curious eye. "Esiyae" his voice spoke as he headed towards her with his dark eyes set on
her. "No one knows I've came here just to see you , but I wasn't expecting company." The male spoke sternly but not in anger. "Sorry.." Nora spoke as she still sat on one of the chairs at the table, the redhead didn't say a word but hopefully wanted Nora to not say anything else. "Care to show me around?" He asked Esiyae, he wanted to know the whole building and each room for him and Esiyae can speak in private.
..." Nora chimes in while she shrugged but she heard a group of men outside the in and one particular had dark hair and was tall, you couldn't tell clearly on his looks because it was dark out. The shinning metal of rust is brushed against on his old armour. "Have you seen her?" The male asked the knight near the door if the entrance until Nora raised an eyebrow watching the male walking into the inn and looking at Esiyae
with a curious eye. "Esiyae" his voice spoke as he headed towards her with his dark eyes set on
her. "No one knows I've came here just to see you , but I wasn't expecting company." The male spoke sternly but not in anger. "Sorry.." Nora spoke as she still sat on one of the chairs at the table, the redhead didn't say a word but hopefully wanted Nora to not say anything else. "Care to show me around?" He asked Esiyae, he wanted to know the whole building and each room for him and Esiyae can speak in private.
01-17-2025, 09:00 AM
Esiyae looked at the girls annoyedly, she sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose and she tapped one of her heels on the wooden floorboards. "Thank you so much, girls... I will just wait around for my friend." Not to her knowledge, her old friend would enter the inn and then appearing behind her. She heard a similar voice, she turned around and she saw her old friend right there. She smiled brightly at him as he spoke to her, she nodded up at the knight and she responded back to her old friend softly, "Don't worry about the girls. They just hang out here. I will show you around. C'mon." Esiyae grabbed his hand gently in her small delicate hand, she walked out of the dining area of the inn and she headed upstairs with the knight. She immediately walked down the hallway from the staircase, she unlocked the door of the room at the end of the hallway with the key and she entered the room with the knight pulling him in instantly. She closed the door behind her, she faced the knight immediately and she said in a happy-sad tone of voice, "You have no idea how happy I am to see you, my love..."
02-14-2025, 07:31 PM
taken off guard by the words "my love" sending a little small shiver down his spine. "Is that so?"" he replied, his voice steady yet stern but with mixed feelings coursing through him. "It's been far too long."
Finally alone with her at last again. He looked down at her and spoken.. "There are so many things I want to say, so much I need to tell you." Holding her back steady and making sure her chest was against his he slowly kissed her down on the forehead.
" since we are now alone, shall we continue from what we've just started ?" with a tiny smirk he knew the door was closed while looking around towards the bed near the opening window. "Do sit down on the bed and I'll tell you what's in store for us miss. " He wanted to be with her no matter what and what he needed her to know was that he'll be there for
her. " what are you willing on letting me do for you if anything?" He asked while looking at her steady.
Finally alone with her at last again. He looked down at her and spoken.. "There are so many things I want to say, so much I need to tell you." Holding her back steady and making sure her chest was against his he slowly kissed her down on the forehead.
" since we are now alone, shall we continue from what we've just started ?" with a tiny smirk he knew the door was closed while looking around towards the bed near the opening window. "Do sit down on the bed and I'll tell you what's in store for us miss. " He wanted to be with her no matter what and what he needed her to know was that he'll be there for
her. " what are you willing on letting me do for you if anything?" He asked while looking at her steady.
02-16-2025, 09:57 PM
Esiyae smiled up at her lover happily, she looked up into his eyes passionately and she said back to him with a massive smile on her face, “It is so, my love. I will be more than happy to listen to the things you have to tell me, handsome.” She wrapped her arms around her lover tightly as she started to listen to his words and she blushed lightly from the kiss on her forehead.
She smirked back up at him lustfully and she responded back to him happily, “Oh we certainly can continue to where we left off.” She held his hand gently and she sat down to where he gestured to. She looked up at her lover again and she said back to him with a lust filled smile on her face, “You can do whatever you want to me, handsome.”
She smirked back up at him lustfully and she responded back to him happily, “Oh we certainly can continue to where we left off.” She held his hand gently and she sat down to where he gestured to. She looked up at her lover again and she said back to him with a lust filled smile on her face, “You can do whatever you want to me, handsome.”
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