Obama Supports Gay Marriage
Hey everyone, I was browsing the web today and found this: http://www.wpix.com/news/politics/la-pn-...2563.story Obama Supports Gay Marriage Now, a little weird how its so close to election time that he's say thing it but I digress, what are your thoughts?
I say we avoid his fantasy world and get back to the real world where we are all happily gravid!
Meh. Just recently NC seesawed on the issue and finally killed even Civil Unions.

If every state could at least allow that much so that benefits and the like could be applied, that would help everything out severely.

But everyone's dragging their goddamned feet. The issue apparently just isn't on anybody's priority list when we've got high gas prices to worry about ~)_~

The silliest thing of all? The only way this can be solved once and for all is for the SUPREME COURT TO FIELD THE GODDAMNED CASES. There are 120 of them and they aren't even trying to address them. Because nobody wants to be the Justice that caused such great social change/upheaval. Nobody wants that responsibility! That MEDIA COVERAGE! The ruination of their social lives forever! So they drag this on, when this could be at least addressed within the year and gay marriage could be declared constitutional.

Also, the term 'Gary Marriage' itself. As if it were somehow a seperate marriage. MARRIAGE IS THE BOND BETWEEN LOVING PEOPLE. That's how it should be defined. Or legally, a contractual bond between consenting people. That's not slippery language there! they could word it SO SIMPLY.
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
Obama supported gay marriage a long time ago, he just changed when running for / becoming President. He's finally "evolved" back to where he was years ago. Obviously, he hasn't really changed on the issue at all. He's always been for it. He just now feels for whatever reason it's the best political environment to support it publicly again. I'll still take it though - step in the right direction.

Just a side-note too; this is the first comment I've made on this site that's even remotely political. I'm going to try and avoid bringing politics to this site as much as possible not just for the obvious reasons, but also because I write about this stuff every day on my political commentary website. This has led to me having strong political opinions and harsh words for many public figures. I apologize in advance should I ever get too defensive or aggressive about it (maybe this should be a disclaimer I put in all future political posts).
Kilix stockpiled 3!
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not the bond between two loving people. Certainly there is nothing wrong with two people of the same gender having something like marriage, but marriage is already defined. There needs to be something else, I think 'Civil Union' is too hard a term, equal to marriage for gays.
(05-17-2012, 08:16 PM)clockwork Wrote: Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not the bond between two loving people. Certainly there is nothing wrong with two people of the same gender having something like marriage, but marriage is already defined. There needs to be something else, I think 'Civil Union' is too hard a term, equal to marriage for gays.

Ho boy, I foresee mods having to get involved in this thread at some point in the future now.

*ducks and covers*
Kilix stockpiled 3!
Just keep it pithy, don't demean anyone, share your opinions politely and respect other people's right to free speech. And then we won't have to get involved :)
Faith in humanity restored http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luoch9...1_1280.jpg
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
I 100% support gay marriage. Marriage may be defined between a man and a woman, however, it was a term coined by Christianity. Marriage itself has existed for thousands of years, and he between the same sex. As a gay man male myself, I want to be treated the same as every other citizen of my country; meaning that I want to be able to enter a union with the man I love and have it be a marriage, the same as any other couple.
I also support gay marriage. In my opinion (and I think there will be a lot who agree with me), marriage is the unification of two people who love each other (kinda like what VoxPopuli6003 said). To be honest, I'm not sure whether I am gay or straight, but even if I am straight I believe in equality among all people no matter what their sexual orientation, gender, skin color, what have you is. To me, if you respect me, I will respect you back. If you disrespect me, I will dish the disrespect right back to you. Hell, I even have friends that are gay or bi as well as friends that are straight (though my straight friends out number my friends who are gay or bi).

Anyway, I despise anyone who discriminates against anyone. I don't care who you are. If you discriminate anyone because something is "different" than you, well, you can go screw yourself for all I care! We are all human thus we are all equal despite our differences. Our differences are what makes each one of us unique from another human being.

Sometimes I just wish we could all just get along.

Sorry, had to put my two sense into this discussion. Stuff where people are just being...inhuman just get me, well, annoyed and riled up. As a species, humans are afraid of change and if change happens, we immediately think of it as something...otherworldly, something...inhuman. Or something like that. What I'm trying to say is that every time changes occur among humans, we immediately push the changes away at first, even if it is something that can actually benefit society as a whole. Then after a time (like 10, 20, or even 100 years later), us humans accept it as the new "norm." Hopefully, sometime in the future same sex couples will be common place and non-judgmental, but I doubt it.
http://mightygodking.com/index.php/2012/.../#comments This will be better to voice my feelings on the matter. DEAR THE OLD PEOPLE.
[Image: totallynotbroken.gif]
It's not up to the President on whether or not gay marriage is legal or not. It's up to the state governments to decide on that matter, just like on marijuana and abortions and all other iffy subject matter.

So Obama can support gay marriage all he wants, it doesn't mean that its going to become a nation wide thing. Not that I don't agree with him, I do. I have met plenty of people that believe letting homosexuals marry will "RUIN THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE". Which I do reply that it wasn't gays that invented things like divorce or adultery.
Tangerine Queen and Archduchess of all Citrus
Gay marriage is up to the states, and that is the official policy of the Obama Administration as well as many Republican politicians like Dick Cheney, Ron Paul, Chris Kristie, Herman Cain, and a few other big names (I think Cain was on that list). Marijuana is up to the states, but the Obama administration's policy is that the federal government can still shut down and raid marijuana dispensaries in states where it has been legalized. During the 2008 campaign Obama promised he would not do such raids or enforce such policy that would violate a state's right to legalize marijuana, but now he's pulled a 180 on that issue and is shutting them down and raiding them in droves. Abortion is not a state's issue at all. Rulings of the Supreme Court are second in authority in this nation behind only the US Constitution, and the Court's current ruling is that a woman has right to privacy between her and her doctor, protecting her right to have an abortion. Now, states are passing "jim crow-esque" laws to prevent abortions without directly outlawing them, but it's unconstitutional for a state to pass a law specifically banning abortions.
Kilix stockpiled 3!

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