Favorite Comic Books
I've been recently starting on my comic book collection (trying to broaden my horizons other than manga lol) and I wanted to know....
Are there any comic fans out there? if so here's a questionnaire for you! Just for some fun and maybe we all can try out some new series ^__^

1) What got you into comics?

2) What is your all time favorite super hero (can be from any publisher like DC or Marvel) and why?

3) If you had to pick a favorite villain, who would it be and why?

4) What are your thoughts on DC and Marvel's new homosexual characters? Do you approve or disapprove of them?

5) What series would you recommend for a new to comics reader?

Have fun with this! <3 can't wait to see some answers!

(AKA: Otacon)
Art Moderator
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1) What got you into comics?
Surprisingly, my boyfriend. He told me he wanted to collect and we both went to the comic shop and picked out some DC New 52 series we wanted to start ^^ I chose Batman, Catwoman and Batman: Detective Comics.

2) What is your all time favorite super hero (can be from any publisher like DC or Marvel) and why?
I think my all time favorite super hero (non-meta) would be Batman. He's just too awesome! His story is one of the greatest in comic book history. It's full of everything I love: Mystery, Romance, Adventure and Comedy. My favorite Marvel super hero would have to be Thor. I've always LOVED Norse Mythology and he and his story are just AMAZING!

3) If you had to pick a favorite villain, who would it be and why?
Oh god...Hands down Loki from Thor. He's got the right amount of evil mixed with an extra dose of crazy lol! Although he is tied with The Joker as my favorite...

4) What are your thoughts on DC and Marvel's new homosexual characters? Do you approve or disapprove of them?
I think it could be a double edged sword for the both of them as publishers...
I'm all for it of course but at the same time I know how much others (mostly very religious types) will freak out and it saddens me. I think EVERYONE has the right to be with who they want to be and someone that makes them feel happy.

5) What series would you recommend for a new to comics reader?
The Avengers: Assemble (that is the one that follows the film more)
The Avengers: Origin
Batman (New 52)
Batman: Detective Comics (New 52)
Batman: The Dark Knight (New 52)
Catwoman (New 52)

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[Image: tumblr_m5ud4lT8rY1r3jzod.gif]
1) What got you into comics?

I was at a flea market with my father way back when we still had Walkmans, came across a small collecton and picked up an old issue of Daredevil. Hooked ever since.

2) What is your all time favorite super hero (can be from any publisher like DC or Marvel) and why?

This has alway been a tough one. Its a tie between Spiderman and Batman. More recently the Young Justice brand's Robin is a fovaorite as well.

3) If you had to pick a favorite villain, who would it be and why?

I would say Doc Doom from Marvel. I'm a tinker and artificer at heart, and Doom has no end of toys. Magneto is 2nd for his views on humanity, I'm a cynic myself. And last, Joker, cause well... Lets put a smile on that face!

4) What are your thoughts on DC and Marvel's new homosexual characters? Do you approve or disapprove of them?

I don't disapprove, but I also don't approve if theycate doing it simply for political gain. Acceptance, not tolerance. This why I respect Magneto.

5) What series would you recommend for a new to comics reader?

I've been out of the loop for a while, I've fallen behind on a lot. Save for hearing about Marvel's love of killing some of my childhood favorites. Civil War for example might be a bad place to start. I would like to het my hands on the DC reboot of Superman. I've never been a fan of Supes but upon hearing he is more down to earth and less godlike, I have to see it for myself.

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