Crash in the jungle(closed)

Breed: black Jagure
Looks:in human form black hair amber eyes tan skin. In animal form large black cat with even darker black spots.

Breed: human
Looks: tall slender with short black hair and blue eyes.

Shizan watches from his temple as a plane crashes. Interested he runs to the crash site. But stays out of sight. He can smell blood fear and something else he cant place. The black cat finds the cockpit of the plan and finds the two pilots. He puts on a hat from one and purrs.

Rick groans as he wakes up. Looking around he is shocked by how dark it is. He try's to get up but is traped. Two of the chairs had collapsed into a cage around him. "Any one out there alive?somebody? Help?"

Name: Zaren
Breed: Fox
Looks: In his human form he has red ginger colored hair, short and always messy. In his box form he is small but also still tall like his human form. In both forms he has these brilliant green eyes that practically glow at night.

Name: Andy
Breed: human
Looks: tall slender with medium dirty blonde hair and deep brown almost black eyes.

Andy groaned as he started to come too. He hissed in pain feeling something tapping one leg and new it had to be part of the plane. He had done all he could to land safely but obviously they had crashed. Finally blinking his eyes open he spotted someone just sitting there. "Help...please.." He said knowing he must have a broken leg he looked over seeing Gabe bleeding from his stomach and started to tear up.." me please...there might be other trapped or hurt too." He had no idea where he was or who the odd man was but he needed help he need to help his passengers...

Zaren had been on the beach in his fox form searching for....well anything. He was a curious fox and was big for his kind. He sniffed around before sitting up hearing something. He turned just in time to see a plane coming down towards the island and crash. He hurried back to a safer distances before moving closer. There was a fine if wreckage, lots if blood too. He rubbed his nose as he changed to his human form making his way through the wreckage...maybe he could find somet--he heard the voice and found where the person was trap. Zaren normally didn't like people but something made him grab a seat and pull it back hard before moving over were it was looking down at the person trapped inside. His green eyes shining, "hmmm your odd...I like odd.." Zaren grinned showing his teeth.

Shizan blinks suprised that the human is alive. He looks for a way to free the creature. Carefully he moves parts of the plane getting it off the male "are you ok? Please don't cry. I-ill try to find others once your safe" shizan really hoped this survivor wasn't too badly hurt. "How many others where eaten by the metal bird?"

Rick "t-thanks. Uh I'm Rick. Who are you?" He didn't rember this handsome male on the plane. Course he didn't rember it being a big trash heap either. He could only hope his game system and stuff was fine. He hadnt packed for a long journey.

He didn't really care that the other person was wearing his hat. He winced and bit his lip to keep from crying as the person moved the piece that was crushing his leg. "Thank you, I'm fine though go help the others please get them out.." He said before looking at him confused. "We weren't's a lost control and I tried landing it...but I crashed...please help them and don't worry about me...this was my fault..." Andy started to tear up.

"Zaren" he said and reached a hand out to the other. Once the one that was called Rick too his hand he pulled him up and out. "Are you hurt any where...Rick?" He asked looking the male over.

He shakes his head "I'm helping you now. What good is helping others if I let you die?" He picks Andy up. " what hurts?" He uses his tail to support the males leg. As he walks away from the wreak

Rick stands up and brushes himself off "I-I'm a little shaken but mostly unharmed he could tell some places like his arm and sides might get bruises. He has a few cuts the worse is his cheek. "Are there others alive?" He try's to get out of his semi cage. He feels a little numb about the whole crash problem and he knows that might affect him later.

Andy groan slightly as he was picked up. "Ow oh my leg...what is that!!" He explained shifting as saw the others tail. "Is that a tail?" He looked up towards the man confused.

He looked the other over and slowly let his fluffy tail out and orange red and white tip ears. "I don't believe so...there is another native helping someone over there but I think you two might be the only ones." He said and moved closer looking his cheek over. Not really understand personal space. "Come with me, I know someone that can clean your wounds out from this metal monster."

Shizan nods "yes it's a tail. It's my tail. I'm gonna take you to a safe place and see what we can do to heal your leg and other injuries". He walks carefully to his temple a bit annoyed by the fox in his territory but unable to chase it away in the current moment is letting it slide this time.

Rick "I think I hit my head you have a fluffy tail and cute ears. So where are we going?" He stays still thinking if he moves too much he might get worse vision or something. He wasn't a docter so he is uncertain what to do in these situations.

Andy looked at him and he odd eyes nodding a little more scared. "Th...thank you." He said starting to shiver a little his adrenaline wearing off and the shock of surviving a plane crash setting in. "Wh...what are you?" He asked woundering how he had a tail.

Zaren blushed and smiled, "thank you, I have always like my ears and tail." My fluffy tail sways as I take your hand and help you out of the wreckage. "We are going back to my village, and we should hurry before the jaguars know I've been trespassing." He said and noticed you where a little wobbly and scooped you into my arms. "You seem shaken, I'll carry you."

Shizan"I was born with it. The only other surviver is being helped by one of the fox clan." He puts Andy down on the bed of furs "I'll get help so just wait here" he races out. The room is in an ancient temple and has hyrogliphs on the wall. There is a box near the bed and the doorway is covered by a deer pelt.

Rick clings to Zaren. "So having a tail is normal for you? I'm not hallucinating? Where did you get that tail? Are there more like you? What's your village like? Do they all have tail?" He stops for a moment before realizing how rude he was to rapid fire questions at his savior. "Sorry for asking so many questions like that"

Andy was so confused but nodded and winced as he was laid down on the pile of furs that he assumed was a bed. "Can't really walk so I'll be here." He said wincing and biting his lip as he got into a sitting position pulling off his pilots shirt off only having his tank top on as he looked his leg over trying to move it but gasped. "ow...yeah somethings defiantly broken."

Zaren nodded holding him as he easily sprinted through the woods getting out of the jaguar territory and back into his own clans. He chuckled hearing him apologize for asking so many questions. "Its fine, I could do the the way why don't you have a tail?" He asked raising a brow. Before he started to slow as he entered his village others looking at him odd as he carried the odd person to his hut. "Oh and yes everyone has a tail. Most in my clan are foxes or wolves..or other canine related animals."

Shizan comes back after a while with anouther of his clan a tall white haired male shizan watches as the other male cheacks on Andy his tail is spotted and fluffy. "He broke a leg but I can splint that easily. What clan is he from?" Shizan "I don't know he seemed genuinly suprised about my tail" the white male looks at Andy "how bad do you hurt and what tribe are you from."

Rick blushes "cus humans don't have tails. So wait wolves foxes? You seem alot like a human for a canine." He clings onto Zaren even more not likening the stares of the people. "Will they be able to treat me here or should I just start digging a grave?" The place was confusing to him but its not like he can leave. Man how a vacation can go so wrong

Andy was again shocked to see someone else with a tail and his eyes couldn't help but wonder to it. When spoken to he looked back and blushed for some reason. "My head hurts a bit and my leg hurt really bad any time I move...but other than that I feel ok." He said before shaking his head, "I'm not from here...not part of a tribe....I'm human." He said just not realizing he was either dead or still knocked out in the plain and hallucinating this. These people couldn't be real. People didn't have tails.

"Because I'm in my human form." Zaren knew what a human was but still thought they where odd how they couldn't change and didn't have any tails or ears atop their heads instead on the side. "Our healer can help she can fix anything." Zaren ducked into his tent, it was rather large and was back up against a mountain and had a small second door the lead into a cave he had found and dug out. "Stay here I will get him." He set the human down on his bed that was a pile of large leaves and grass covers in furs. He was back soon with his great aunt, the healer. She check him out and put a light slave on his cuts. "He is human Zaren...your uncle is not going to like this, you know how he feels about them..." Zaren rolled his eyes and his tail sneed to fluff out more. "Let bark at me, Rick is mine he can't take him from me."

(Thinking Zaren could be next in line with maybe his uncles kids having been killed by humans a few years ago and zarens parents so that left him as the next kin to take over clan leader?)

The healer nods and puts andys leg in a splint "the destroying race? How did you catch one alive shizan!?" Shizan"he crashed a huge metal bird. He didn't mean to I think." The healer huffs "they only apper now and then but every time humans come they destroy" shizan looks at Andy "I found him it is my right to choose what will happen to him. For now you can heal him lets start there". The healer nods and finishes wrapping up Andy's wounds. His tail flicks in annoyance as he helps the human

Rick winces every time salve is put on his face. "what's wrong with being human? And what do you mean yours?" More questions fill his head as he looks at Zaren. He notices Zaren's tail puffing up. He reaches out carefully and touches zarens hand

(Sounds good so far the only humans that come are the milatary. So kind humans are new to them)

'Catch one alive?' What the hell did that mean? He looked at the one that had helped him. Shizan? Andy looked down as he said he had crashed the plane. His stomach turned and he groan, he would hate himself for the rest of his life knowing he couldn't save this people. It had been a small plane but still...there where 20 people on that plane...and apparently only 2 survived. Andy looked at them as they talked and looked to the one helping him. "Thank you for splinting my I'm not a least not on purpose...the pl- metal bird was an accident a storm took out an engine on the wing..." He tried explaining.

His aunt continued in silent and Zarens tail was still bushy as he flicked it back and forth. Feeling someone's hand on his he looked down at Rick and smiled a little, his tail settling. "We only ever get humans that wish to harm us and destroy our my uncle...the leader of this clan isn't going to take kindly to me keeping you....instead of...well I'm sure you could guess." His aunt finished and stood. "I suggest you get him off this island quickly if you don't want to kill him. Your going to have a fight on your hands with your unlce.." Zaren hugged. "Bring it, the old wolf doesn't have many followers left. The clan will be mine to run in a few days." His aunt left with a nod her fraying tail flicked behind her.

(Yeah sounds good to me. They can be confused as to these gentle humans instead of the brutes their used to.)

Shizan sighs "you may go now Chita" the healer leaves. Shizan "all humans that come have destroyed and hurt our kind not just ours but all of the clans. It's my right as the one who brought you here to choose what happens to you. I say I will study you for now. And decide based on my reaserch. I will examine the bird tomarrow"

Rick blushes "I don't want to cause any trouble. I-I'm sure I could find a way to leave" he didn't want to leave this place was almost like the games he plays. It annoyes him that people would come and try to destroy it. "What do the people look like I might know where they are from."

"You make me sound like a science project...I'm not like those humans you've in countered before. I hate violence." He said as he looked to him. Andys stomach growled then and he blushed. He hadn't eaten before his flight and his stomach was choosing a very bad time to tell him that.

Zaren shook his head as he sat down next to the human. "No you will stay with me. I'm not going to run with my tail between my legs." He said his tail to the side between him and Rick. "The humans that come here are large, they have these weapons that shoot metal at high speed. And potions that knock us out or sticks that shoot fire.." He said describing guns and flame throwers.

Shizan sighs "your not a science project. I just don't understand humans and we have never seen a human without his thunderstick or flamewand. So I'm uncertain what to do with you". He looks at Andy when Andy's stomach growls "how rude of me your hungry. Do you eat meat?" His mind wonders if this is a human trap but he quickly shakes that away only a tribe of compleat evil would kill so many if its own kind just to kill anouther tribe

Rick blushes and pets zarens tail. "Then I'll stay." He listens carefully as Zaren tells him about the human attackers "it sounds like the military. They have guns and flame throwers. Man this feels so like avatar" he blushes "you don't have tv do you?" The thought of no tv ran though his mind like a nightmare

Andy didn't catch the references to the weapons but knew he was most likely talking about military groups. "Let me go with you to wreckage tomorrow...I can see if some of the equipment is working and maybe I can find a way to get off here...and that other survivor...I can help him get back to our own land." He nodded wen asked of he ate meat, "I do...but only cooked not raw." He said always liking his meat well done.

Zaren blushed as he felt his tail being pet. No one had done that since his mom died. He looked to rick and his head turtles the side his ginger hair falling to the side a little as he raised a brow. "Avatar? Tv? What are those?" He asked not familiar with the human movies or electronics except what they find on the human attackers they kill.

Shizan nods "very well you can go with me, but you can't will admit your kinds guilt. We would hunt any other human we see or smell the instant we can. As for the other surviver we will see if I can follow his trail or not". He turns to leave "when I bring the food back you can tell me how to cook food"

Rick notices Zaren blush while his tail was being pet. He stopped not wanting to make the native angry or offended. "Tv is a uh box of moving pictures. Humans get story's told this way avatar is one of these story's. a really good one too alot of people like the story. So if you don't have tv or video games what do you do for fun?"

He nodded, he figured he could understand that. "Do you have any fruits or vegetables?" He asked as he watched the man get up looking at his tail and ears again still amazed by them. After Shizan left Andy sifted slowly laying down to get some rest but every time he closed his eyes the wreck came back into his mind.

"Don't stop..." He blushed deeper at his bluntness. He always spoke his mind but not to something like this, he never usually liked people touching his tail or ears. After hearing what a tv was he nodded, "the elders usually tell stories to the children or we explore out territories, I like venturing out to the beaches searching for things that wash up that are from your land." He told rick as he pulled a large trunk over. "I found this when I was a pup.

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