Crash in the jungle(closed)

Shizan nods its takes him a while but he comes back with an elk and some bananas. He pads in his Jagure form dragging the kill behind him. He drops it infrount of Andy and turns human "this good?" A few of the banana had fallen if the elk and is by the door "so uh you eat meat and fruit like a fox or bear?"

Rick resumes petting the tail "it's a nice truck toy. Do you think we could go back to the crash I could probably fix some parts of the plane to get a tv working or something" rick is suprised how blunt Zaren was about wanting his tail pet. He wonders how he would react to tv and games.

He sat with his eyes open on the bed looking around and looking at the few things he could reach. When he heard someone coming back in he looked up and gasped seeing a large jaguar. When it changed into shizan he was still stunned. "You can shape shift?" He shook his head and pushed his hair back...'i must be dreaming...' he thought to himself before shaking his head. "Kind of, I like all kind for fruits and veggies and meat and other things like candy and chocolate." He said shifting on the bed trying to get up but winced and bit his lip. "Oh ow.."

His tail thumped lightly as he felt Rick petting him again. Hearing he wanted to go back to the wreckage he shook his head. "Its too risky right now, where the bird crashed is not my clans territory and I don't think I could get us out of there if jaguars come after us." He said as he rummaged through his trunk pulling things out. "I have human things can look through it if you want." He said not usually letting people go through his things.

Shizan nods "yes but my shapeshifting is limited to a Jagure. I take it you humans don't shift either? Maybe that's why your kind don't understand our laws?" He walks over to Andy "candy? Chako-laaate? We don't have those but i can find fruit and veggies." He carefully helps Andy up "lean on me keep your weight off that leg"

Rick nods "so you technically shouldn't have saved me? I'm suprised you took such a risk for a stranger and very honored" Rick watches Zaren pull things out. He notices a few things he can fix and a few things he could use to make things. He puts the toys together "there man I haven't seen a teenage mutant ninja turtle sence I was a kid. I use to love that show."

(Hey just wanted to let you know I can't post till late tonight.)

(That's ok)

Andy watched him as he thought, "possibly, but I would like to change that...would you teach me your laws? If I'm going to be here for a while I should get accused to your ways." He said before leaning against Shizan. "Set me near the fire and get me something to put the meat on and I'll teach you how to cook it." Thankful now that his dad had put him in boy scouts as a child.

Zaren smiles, "I was in the area and saw you crash, I'm a fox and I get curious I can never stay in my own territory for long. He crossed his legs on his bed watching the human play with the items. His eyes sparkling a little with curiosity as the human spoke, "ninnija?" He tried pronouncing. "Muetant?" He asked again, "what are those things?"

Shizan nods "I can teach you our ways but I'm uncertain if youll be able to understand our ways" he carefully moves Andy close to the fire. "And it should wait till you have finished eating" he smiles and offers the leg of the deer. He carefully starts to skin the rest.

Rick "well still thank you." He puts most of the toys back "ninja are people with really cool fighting skills. Mutants are people or creatures that change due to something in the turtles case they where normal turtles that changed and where taught the way of a ninja. It was one of my faveriot stories as a kid along with sonic and gargoyles." He smiles as he puts the toy away.

Andy adjusted himself and sat on the floor and took the deer leg and made sure all the fur was gone and ready to be cooked. Getting a stick and cutting up some meat with a pocket knife he had. Setting them aside he reached out careful to only let the meat part of the deer leg get in the fire. After a few minutes it was cooked. "Hmm that smells really good." He said and pulled it out taking a piece.

Zaren listened to him and nodded it did sound interesting. "What do turtles fight with? The ones here are very slow and are actually peaceful." He said as he stood and moved around his but looking out the little shaded window and pelt skin door. Just making sure no one was bother him or his human.

Shizan sets up the pelt to tan, watching the meat cook the whole time. "So umm why do you cook your food?" He enjoyed the sent of the cooked meat but he still favored just eating his food cooking seems to take time.

Rick "there is four of these turtles and each use thier own weapon" he points to the toy "that's Donatello, he is the smart one and uses the bo staff. Then there is Raphael, he is the angry one he uses twin sais. There is mikey, the silly one he uses the numchucks. My faveriot is Leonardo, the leader he uses twin katanas. They work together to survive"

"If I eat raw meat I get sick, it has germs in it that could make me very sick." He said as he pulled the leg out picking off pieces and eating them. It was very good, though it could use a bit of seasoning but he knew they probably wouldn't have anything. "Do you want to try some?" He asked holding out a slice.

Zaren didn't understand what any of the weapons where but he didnt ask he just nodded and moved back to sit next to Rick. "That is odd but I assume it is from your lands, around here we fight with our claws and teeth." He changed and almost grinned in his fox form as he sat back on his hind legs.

Shizan "oh? I guess I'm just immune to these germs" he sniffs the meat them try's it"uh thanks" he tries it "not bad but I like it better raw. I take it where your from you cook all your meat? Where does your meat come from any way?" This other world sounded weird

Rick is amazed "you turn into a fox! Cool! Uh may I umm pet you" Rick hopes he never has to leave even if he doesn't get tv at least he gets an awesome freind. "So umm is a fox the only thing you turn into?"

Andy nodded as he continued to cut slices off and eat it. "Yeah most of the meat we do, we cook it all different ways some people like it sort of raw and other like me like it all the way cooked....then there is this good called sushi. It's raw fish and rice." He said smiling. "Now that's something I love and the only thing I eat raw."

Zaren looked at him, guess humans couldn't do this either. Guess that was all those human attackers where always shocked when they saw a native change. He nodded then and laid down neck to rick putting his fluffy body next to him. Zaren nodded his tail wagging as he felt the human petting him.

Shizan "I can catch some fish next time if you want. I may not know where to find ric but you still can have fish right?" He turns Jagure and tears a leg off. He eats it quickly to avoid making Andy sick or disgusted.

Rick pets him amazed at the feeling "your so soft, and beautiful." I hope I don't sound rude but where are all your females? Don't you need females to thrive?" He hoped he wasn't gonna make his new friend mad at this question

Andy nodded, "oh that would be amazing, try and get tuna if you know what that fish looks like, it's my favorite." He rested back cooking one last piece before he rested back eating it filling his stomach. "That was very good, thank you Shizan." He smiled and carefully reach other patting his head. He had been curious what it was like to pet a big cat and smiled as his fur was smooth.

Zaren chirped grinning softly as he leaned against rick. "We have females...sort of." He said not moving from his position against the human. "We are all males but when we mate one choses to be the female of the mates pair and carries the children. Though all of us have the ability to become pregnant." He said as if it was normal for a fox to be talking and saying that his whole society lived off of men mating with men.

Shizan nods "I can find some easy. Tuna is a good tender fish falls apart easy good taste too. Your welcome" he can't help but to purr as the human pets him. It suprises him that Andy could get him to purr so easily. It would take his father a few licks before he would start to purr over touch. Normaly it was history not people that made him happy

Rick is amazed "so your whole kind is shapeshifting males? Wow. I feel so odd and honerd at the same time. I think I know why the military is after you if they know this fact. Were im from males can't give birth"

Andy smiled nodding and hearing him purr he continued to pet his head scratching behind his ears alittle as rested back against the stone wall. His stomach was full an he was starting to come down off of his adrenaline from the crash. His body needed sleep and soon his hand stopped on Shizans head and he fell asleep against the stone.

Zaren raised a brow as he looked up to Rick. "Why would they want us though? If you have females that can have your young why bother us? We have lived here for centuries in peace." He changed back to his human form and pushed his hair back. "You hungry? I want something to eat." He said wanting to change the subject not liking to think about the bad humans coming for his clan.

Shizan smiles and tucks in Andy into the bed of fur. He curls up and sleeps there in his Jagure form. He knows he will wake up at the slightest noise. He dreams of haveing his own mate.

Rick stops and stands "yea I could eat so umm I can safely assume you don't have pizza here so what do you have here?" He sighs not wanting to upset his freind. Clearly the milatary had done something to Zaren

Andy fell asleep quickly and was usually a heavy sleeper and that night was really no different. Until he started to almost whimper in his sleep. He shifted in his sleep whining and was started to sweat a little. Suddenly he gasped and sat up straight gasping as he pulled his leg a little. He didn't know where he was for a second only remembering the crash and when things came back to him he started crying and shivering. His emotions finally bubbling over. He was never good a keeping things hidden and it was amazing he had done it for the short time he was with the jaguar.

"Don't even know what that is." he smiled a little backing out of his hut and having the human follow him. He had already made it clear to the aunt...well technically uncle but in his family he was his aunt. . .Anyways! "Meat, some fruits and other things that we can find on the island." He said keeping close to Rick. "We have learned to grow certain foods in our village so we have small supplies in winter when food is a little more scares. "What do you eat? I like rabbit, they are so fun to chase and pounce on." He grinned showing his sharp teeth.

Shizan turns humanoid and hugs Andy "go ahead let it all out" he holds Andy and rocks gently. His tail rubs the humans back while shizan holds him. Thinking' These tears are real so his pain must be real too. This human is certainly sad about the crash'

Rick follows him"I'm partle to cows thier ribs are really good with barbique sauce" he licks his lips and smiles "maybe some day a bottle of barbique will wash in then you will know what I mean".

Andy shivered still in his arms crying as he held the cat close to him. After a few minutes he was clam down but tears still rolled down his eyes. "th...thank" He said shaking still. Memories of the crash flowed through his mind and he choked on a sob. "All those people...its my fault....there families will never find them.." he closed his eyes and pulled himself closer to Shizan feeling so comfortable in his arms.

Zaren nodded and thought on how he would get a cow. They had a few but they where on the other side of the island. "How about pig? There are a couple hugs moving closer to our territory lately I can easily catch you one of those." He said walking through the village towards the outskirts. His tail flicking behind him as he was excited to go and hunt food.

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