shiro08   12-05-2016, 02:16 PM
Even with the company, with what he have witnessed between his alpha and the mare friend, Lumin can't bring himself to act normal around his mate. Lunch and meals came and go, and though he was still pampered impressively by his bonded, still he can't seem to be impressed, not with his insecurities empowering and dominating his mind.

What if he's doing this just because I'm carrying his foals? Besides, before then, I was nothing more than an ordinary healer that met him by chance incident. What makes me worthy of someone like him? Savannah is definitely a better choice. Thoughts like these became frequent. What did these thoughts did to the omega? Lumin shied himself from the alpha, always focusing more on not displeasing the centaur than to simply see the love of his mate for him. He became blinded by insecurities, and he himself was in denial of this.


It was Saturday, and since the day started, the passive have been on edge. In nervousness, his hands would sometimes wander to rub on his bump. With how big he had been getting at three months, the belly have began expanding side wards also. When asked by Gerard, he would always assure the other that he is alright, even if he's not. He was getting tired and the anxiety wasn't helping. He would laugh with his mate, but under those weak laughs were breaths that were starting to get heavy. But did the alpha noticed? No.

When they arrived, did it come to Gerard that his pregnant mate must be tired from the lengthy travel? No, and it can't be denied with how hurriedly his alpha hugged the questionable mare, not even sparing him concern. It seemed his mother-in-law and friend were also more happy to see Savannah, and suddenly he missed the gushing of the two. Grateful to still have his father-in-law and Scarlet by his side, he made effort to make himself comfortable to whatever they were talking about, though lavender eyes can be seen often sadly wandering to the direction of his mate.

I .. I hope that's really the case. But with how they are getting close, I d-don't know what to make of it anymore... He bit back sobs that threatened to escape. He mustn't show weakness, not in front of his father and friend. This is personal. They don't need to be involved.

Lumin, in his sadness, managed to find happiness at least for that time were his mate had remembered him for a dance by the fire. But Savannah must really get on his nerves by pulling Gerard away from him. He knows he shouldn't follow, but there was a pull in him that told him to still follow because it was the female with his alpha.

And he must admit that he regretted following them, for what he saw was something that really broke his heart. This time he didn't made any effort holding back the tears. They came streaming down without much awareness. He watched as the centaur that promised him his love and loyalty shamelessly welcomed the advances of the tempting mare. He cupped his mouth trying to hold back sobs. He expected much from Savannah, but to Gerard, till the end he remained faithful that his love won't do such foolishness like this. The female made move for his alpha's rear, and he knew he couldn't watch anymore. He turned and ran, not minding if he caused a distraction to the merry relatives. Nothing matters anymore, not even the yells of his love. Was it still his love?

He ran and ran until he found himself lost in the forest. A dark cave was where he did, only his silent sobs and peaceful sounds from insects resounding. The omega laid there in exhaustion, the run getting to him plus the additional stress. Then suddenly in his grief he felt something inside his womb. He gasped and did a double take, before smiling and crying even further. The foals had their first kick, too bad Gerard wouldn't feel it. He plans on not going back.

My stars, at least I have your loyalty, right? As long as I have you, my moon will continue to shine... Even without the sun.
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