08-27-2020, 05:20 PM
The thirty-year-old probably entered the room where David was being held. Inside, apart from a massive desk, a mattress that served as a bed, there was a toilet and a large swimming pool that was to replace the bathtub. However, the most attention was drawn to the gynecological table with stirrups, on which their new object will give birth to the child they gave him yesterday. Axel's only regret was that he was not conscious then and that he could not hear his groans as he pounded into him. But it can be made up for.
With the consent of a specialist, he could have a little fun with the pregnant man today. So he walked over to him with a confident smile and grabbed him tightly around the waist. He took his counterfeit for it to look at.
— You look wonderful, future mommy... - he whispered in his ear, biting his petal in a moment. Then the hands went to his plump buttocks, which he began to squeeze.
With the consent of a specialist, he could have a little fun with the pregnant man today. So he walked over to him with a confident smile and grabbed him tightly around the waist. He took his counterfeit for it to look at.
— You look wonderful, future mommy... - he whispered in his ear, biting his petal in a moment. Then the hands went to his plump buttocks, which he began to squeeze.