C Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather]

At first, the ever so quietly reserved Jin, a fiercely devoted lover by heart, a young but loyal lad who kept to himself and never compained was as most might say "tending to himself" that evening, his friends each took to marriage quite young and when he tried and rather expectedly that left the poor man without an income and an extra weight of baggage from a one night stand. That such thing was in the form of a rather unexpected and might I say unplanned .. budding of pregnancy.

That afternoon, with no sign from his friends coming to check in on him he was left to his own "devices" which would have made the modern man drool to partake in and soothe his "backside or down there troubles" but for him he felt ashamed to come to that such realization and the thought of slipping something of sexual persuasion "meaning toys" made him sick to his stomach, literally.

He walked over and after a few troublesome waddle like steps, "rather painful" if added, were rewarded with a sigh of slight but overpowering weight on his agonizingly shifting hips. He sat down with a soft "oof .." and a soft prayer like compliment of "oh thank god .. thank you for the moment of rest.." before raising an arm and resting a well manicured hand upon his heavily rising and falling mound of flesh he referred to as his protruding "gut" or "pudge planet", always making himself smaller in size mentally by doing what his "so called" best friends used to do, that something was, putting him down.

He reached in after opening the drawer and curled his fingers rather hesitantly around a wrapped up wrapping paper, still fresh as if the day it was still packaged up as a present from himself. He stared at it, not looking in the dresser's direction as he shut it's only drawer. He mustered up courage and strength to face such inner demons and ripped the wrapping paper off, slender femenine like fingers fumbling, then therefore pulling down his jeans and untightening his bright red boxers. He laid on his bed with his bum raised upward doggy styled and shouted as he tried to move the hardened tip of the dildo between shut cheeks of his plumply meaty ass and dared to delve further through the tightly pucker sealed flesh, more as just himself than anyone. As noone else was in the room with him. "You can do this Jin, you need this, you owe this to yourself. You cant just keep dwelling on him, he passed on for Christ sakes .. come on .. almost in .. come on, come on .. y-you big pussy, do it .. do it .. DO IT ALREADY! .. ARRRGH! .. I .. I cant do it .."

Suddenly, to Jin's horror a sound was heard, a knock on his apartment room door.

Oh shit .. shit .. shit ..SHIT! Can this get any more worse.

"Uhh .. c.. coming .. i-im coming, right now. Just a moment. I cant move as fast because I am .. well you'll see once I am there.." After his apartment door, a few footsteps across from Brandon was knocked upon Jin muttered beneath his breath with a silent "Shit" before swallowing nervously and calling our in response. He tried not to but a soft groan escaped his lips as he slowly arose and to quietly suffering lower limbs he stood, cupping his puffy, as if overweight but actually heavily in the third trimester "with child" lower midsection with a grunt, his pace a trudge like series of motions that tried but could not bother with lifting his feet so he answered the door, breaths becoming more of a panting mess, halting once he reached his location, which was behind the door and caught the breaths he lost before opening it.

Upon sight, anyone could come to a such conclusion that he was trying to self pleasure himself. It was not further from the truth because as such his skin was flushed with a light shade of bubblegum pink and he was slightly covered by only a single pair of bright red boxers and nothing else, keeping his pale but fair vanilla skintoned chest fully vulnerable and therefore .. exposed. The male himself looked quite shaken, almost as if he were himself a captive of lustful curiousity, but at the exact time was much too sworn to secrecy to defile himself by giving away his secret "agenda". "Oh the noise? .. uh that .. well uh .. I was .. I was just .. uhhh?... moving something .."

'Oh .. stupid .. stupid Jin .. seriously ..? ... moving something .. you had a million excuses but you come up with that .. idiot..." He thought to himself with a mutter, irritation directed toward noone but himself. "That handsome guy will never believe a word I lied with.. smooth move genius .. smooth fucking move.'

"N-NO! .. I mean no .. im fine .. I just .. have to get back to moving stuff.. I promise it will not happen again, with me being loud. Now .. if you'll excuse me, sir.." He mentally prayed that the man would find this of truth and simply leave him alone.

But sadly .. this was just the beginning.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Messages In This Thread
Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-11-2023, 07:06 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-12-2023, 04:17 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-27-2023, 11:57 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-28-2023, 12:16 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-28-2023, 12:26 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-28-2023, 12:38 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-28-2023, 12:48 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-28-2023, 01:06 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-28-2023, 01:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-28-2023, 01:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-28-2023, 01:46 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-28-2023, 02:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-29-2023, 10:21 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-30-2023, 02:13 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-06-2023, 11:16 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-08-2023, 12:50 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 09-27-2023, 11:59 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-03-2023, 12:28 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-04-2023, 01:08 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-04-2023, 01:34 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 02:00 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 02:13 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 02:46 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 03:04 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 03:39 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 06:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 06:44 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 07:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 07:08 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 07:29 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-07-2023, 07:36 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-07-2023, 08:16 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-08-2023, 07:39 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-08-2023, 06:49 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-09-2023, 12:07 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-09-2023, 01:17 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-09-2023, 07:01 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-09-2023, 07:15 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-09-2023, 07:43 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-09-2023, 07:56 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-09-2023, 08:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-09-2023, 08:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-09-2023, 08:38 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-09-2023, 09:23 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-12-2023, 03:26 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-12-2023, 04:07 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-12-2023, 04:48 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-12-2023, 12:11 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-13-2023, 03:06 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-13-2023, 03:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-13-2023, 03:35 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-13-2023, 03:47 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-13-2023, 03:58 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-13-2023, 04:15 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-13-2023, 04:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-13-2023, 04:48 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 01:51 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 02:04 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 02:13 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 02:34 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 03:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 03:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 03:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 03:49 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 04:07 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 04:35 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 05:25 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 05:59 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 06:42 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 07:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 07:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 07:57 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 08:05 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 08:56 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-14-2023, 09:04 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-14-2023, 09:28 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-18-2023, 08:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-18-2023, 06:37 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-18-2023, 11:56 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 01:21 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 02:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 03:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 03:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 04:44 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 06:11 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 12:59 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 07:03 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 09:39 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 10:20 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 10:35 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 10:43 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-19-2023, 11:37 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-19-2023, 11:43 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-20-2023, 12:10 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-20-2023, 01:14 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-20-2023, 06:27 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-20-2023, 07:27 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-21-2023, 01:41 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-24-2023, 01:36 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-24-2023, 04:28 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-24-2023, 07:35 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-24-2023, 07:53 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-24-2023, 08:17 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-24-2023, 08:30 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-24-2023, 08:36 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-24-2023, 09:16 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-25-2023, 07:25 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-25-2023, 08:11 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-25-2023, 08:23 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-25-2023, 08:36 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-25-2023, 08:50 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-25-2023, 09:06 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-25-2023, 09:17 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-25-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-25-2023, 09:32 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-25-2023, 10:00 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-26-2023, 02:46 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-26-2023, 04:25 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-31-2023, 06:31 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 10-31-2023, 10:44 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 10-31-2023, 11:52 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-01-2023, 12:29 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-01-2023, 01:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-01-2023, 02:44 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-11-2023, 12:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-11-2023, 05:09 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-20-2023, 11:45 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-21-2023, 09:29 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-23-2023, 03:10 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-23-2023, 03:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-23-2023, 03:33 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-23-2023, 03:45 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-23-2023, 03:53 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-23-2023, 03:57 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-28-2023, 01:45 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-28-2023, 02:05 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-28-2023, 02:13 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-28-2023, 02:36 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 11-28-2023, 07:56 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 11-28-2023, 04:38 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-01-2023, 12:00 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-01-2023, 12:10 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-07-2023, 09:30 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-08-2023, 09:25 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-15-2023, 07:41 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 05:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 08:26 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 08:46 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 08:56 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 09:07 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 09:12 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 09:22 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 09:35 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 09:50 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 09:59 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 10:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 10:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 11:08 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-16-2023, 11:22 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-16-2023, 11:51 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-17-2023, 11:37 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-18-2023, 03:22 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-18-2023, 08:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-18-2023, 10:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-20-2023, 08:20 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-20-2023, 02:42 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-20-2023, 06:14 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-20-2023, 07:17 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-20-2023, 11:02 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-20-2023, 11:33 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-21-2023, 08:09 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-21-2023, 11:47 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-22-2023, 08:58 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-22-2023, 09:48 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-22-2023, 11:35 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-22-2023, 02:31 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-23-2023, 08:35 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-23-2023, 03:19 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 12-23-2023, 10:09 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 12-24-2023, 12:53 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 01-28-2024, 05:36 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 01-28-2024, 08:14 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 01-28-2024, 09:20 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 01-28-2024, 09:50 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 01-28-2024, 10:04 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 01-29-2024, 02:00 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-03-2024, 08:16 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-04-2024, 09:54 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-04-2024, 08:50 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-05-2024, 05:17 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-06-2024, 01:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-06-2024, 02:58 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-06-2024, 07:00 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-06-2024, 08:54 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-07-2024, 12:24 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-07-2024, 03:54 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-21-2024, 03:13 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 02-22-2024, 02:10 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 02-29-2024, 05:33 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 03-03-2024, 02:13 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 03-06-2024, 07:30 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 03-07-2024, 03:38 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 03-09-2024, 12:00 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 03-09-2024, 07:41 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 03-22-2024, 08:53 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 03-22-2024, 03:14 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 04-12-2024, 04:58 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 05-02-2024, 01:44 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 05-04-2024, 10:05 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 05-05-2024, 03:26 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 05-08-2024, 07:34 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 05-10-2024, 04:59 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 05-11-2024, 09:23 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 05-13-2024, 09:21 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 05-28-2024, 06:53 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 05-28-2024, 11:13 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 05-29-2024, 10:55 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 06-09-2024, 04:50 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 06-10-2024, 01:19 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 06-10-2024, 10:51 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-15-2024, 06:53 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-16-2024, 06:14 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-16-2024, 06:20 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-21-2024, 04:17 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-22-2024, 06:40 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-22-2024, 06:23 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 07-23-2024, 04:59 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 07-29-2024, 02:52 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-05-2024, 06:21 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-10-2024, 06:45 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-18-2024, 10:56 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-19-2024, 02:34 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-20-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-21-2024, 09:42 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-22-2024, 03:11 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-24-2024, 05:57 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-25-2024, 07:23 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 08-28-2024, 10:44 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 08-29-2024, 12:31 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 09-01-2024, 08:01 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 09-05-2024, 04:06 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 09-08-2024, 12:03 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 09-08-2024, 09:18 AM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by SilentFeather - 09-18-2024, 11:17 PM
RE: Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather] - by Nitrogen - 09-20-2024, 06:09 AM

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