01-21-2024, 03:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2024, 03:44 AM by SilentFeather.)
With each shuddering of gasp, Brink's scowl deepened in intensity, corners of Etheral lips curled ever downward, a sharpness of snarl surging forth as his rage festered deep, ever so deep within an even deeper brooding heart. "I care NOT," He replied in angered retort, upper lip arising to reveal of pearly whites which gleamed ever so dangerously like a Pyschopath's bladed torment, weaponized with rather sinister points. "Let us just discover how much your body can endure while under such distress? shall we .." He drolled, doting love-remarks as if he were a maddeningly love-stricken patient, and even though the male was, still he wished to enact vengeance upon the other, wishing to reveal the side of affection that not many knew of.
"You never deserved me, nor did you deserve me inside of your pathetic excuse for a body, you might as well be a corpse .." He felt his scowl become uturned, developing more of a positive appearing, but yet, beneath the surface of such innocence there withlaid a piercing presence of thorn, or rather, a unstableness to him, and upon this evening, this nightfall, Prince Cameron would meet Brink, the true side of hm, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style.
"You .. you useless wench! how dare you!" This was not Brink, this was not him, not at all. The true him was sweet, generous even, but tonight, well tonight, his "Blood-thirst" or "Hunger-Heat" was really getting to him, being the Ring-Leader while he struggled within for control, to calm his harsh exterior before his innocent beloved, his Cameron and their unborn would be severely and brutally harmed. "Which is what you will be when I am done with you! your body shall be my canvas, your blood my paint and your flesh .. my appetizer! .."
"No. Noo! .. must not lose control .. m-must not lose control .." Brink snapped back to reality, but only for a moment, able to communicate with his cruelly injured beloved, momentarily gaining a sense of control, and had released his hold upon where it encased his throat's front and sides. "C-Cameron .. run! .. j-just get up and run .. run somewhere .. somewhere safe!" He grunted, clutching his chest and was victim to a rather rumbling of low, alarming snarling, his fangs sharpening to finer, more devastatingly fear-inducing percision of predator-worthy points. His ears followed suit in the transitionin, becoming of more canine than man, appearing and triangular as Alpha took control of his humanistic features, longating toward the crown of his head. Next, his flesh blossomed with strands of hair, forming into more of a pelt-like surface above it, as if a carpet would a floor, endowing him in a fine hue of pitch marble with streaks of flecked scarlet. "GO! and get help for our little one j-just go!"
He was both of quadrupedal bipedal, which gave him the ability to walk upon either his two or four limbs at will, even in both formation of forms. His nails jutted out and lengthened, becoming fixed to a fine point upon all five digits, as same his teeth were now consisted of.
"You never deserved me, nor did you deserve me inside of your pathetic excuse for a body, you might as well be a corpse .." He felt his scowl become uturned, developing more of a positive appearing, but yet, beneath the surface of such innocence there withlaid a piercing presence of thorn, or rather, a unstableness to him, and upon this evening, this nightfall, Prince Cameron would meet Brink, the true side of hm, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style.
"You .. you useless wench! how dare you!" This was not Brink, this was not him, not at all. The true him was sweet, generous even, but tonight, well tonight, his "Blood-thirst" or "Hunger-Heat" was really getting to him, being the Ring-Leader while he struggled within for control, to calm his harsh exterior before his innocent beloved, his Cameron and their unborn would be severely and brutally harmed. "Which is what you will be when I am done with you! your body shall be my canvas, your blood my paint and your flesh .. my appetizer! .."
"No. Noo! .. must not lose control .. m-must not lose control .." Brink snapped back to reality, but only for a moment, able to communicate with his cruelly injured beloved, momentarily gaining a sense of control, and had released his hold upon where it encased his throat's front and sides. "C-Cameron .. run! .. j-just get up and run .. run somewhere .. somewhere safe!" He grunted, clutching his chest and was victim to a rather rumbling of low, alarming snarling, his fangs sharpening to finer, more devastatingly fear-inducing percision of predator-worthy points. His ears followed suit in the transitionin, becoming of more canine than man, appearing and triangular as Alpha took control of his humanistic features, longating toward the crown of his head. Next, his flesh blossomed with strands of hair, forming into more of a pelt-like surface above it, as if a carpet would a floor, endowing him in a fine hue of pitch marble with streaks of flecked scarlet. "GO! and get help for our little one j-just go!"
He was both of quadrupedal bipedal, which gave him the ability to walk upon either his two or four limbs at will, even in both formation of forms. His nails jutted out and lengthened, becoming fixed to a fine point upon all five digits, as same his teeth were now consisted of.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather