01-22-2025, 04:31 PM
Omega hugged him tightly and then looked at Ronna as he hugged Frederick. He sent him a smile and grabbed the future grandmother of his grandchildren by the hand.
When Frederick calmed down and Ewen stopped feeling the kicks they drank tea and ate some sweets. Omega looked at Ronna as the others began to clean the dishes from the living room.
"I have a question..." he whispered quietly "I.... I don't trust midwives. Do... When I go into labor... Can you accompany me and help me?" he asked timidly
When Frederick calmed down and Ewen stopped feeling the kicks they drank tea and ate some sweets. Omega looked at Ronna as the others began to clean the dishes from the living room.
"I have a question..." he whispered quietly "I.... I don't trust midwives. Do... When I go into labor... Can you accompany me and help me?" he asked timidly