C Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather]

Becca watched the turmoil of emotions contacting Jayde's face as she stressed about not wanting to give up her bastard child's life.

Becca was more than sure that it was fair. That child was the reason why they almost broke up for good, was the starting point of a bunch of problems they could barely deal with. Their entire relationship was nearly thrown off board because of "it".

If the child was dead, then it meant Jayde would have nothing to do with Brandon. Her obsession about Jayde's infidelity made her go to the extremes of finding everything about how Jayde and Brandon met and who the fuck Brandon was. That's how she became acquainted with such name.

Ultimately, Becca rewarded her girlfriend with a smile of her own, now that she'd finally agreed to get rid of the bastard child.

Her eyes followed the other woman's every move and noticed that sweet smile on her lips. A part of her wanted to mock her for it and make her feel worse, but Becca's manipulative self shone through as she, too, got off the bed and walked over to Jayde.

"What's gotten you so smiley all of sudden?" She grabbed Jayde's face softly and kissed her lips softly.

She pulled back and sat down on the bed, making Jayde sit on her lap as Becca kept her hands on the other's waist.

"We should start our life together for real, let's buy that beach house you've always wanted and move there. Let's get married or some bullshit like that and I will make you my woman forever. I will take care of you, my pretty kitten."

Jayde thought of the unborn, then thought of the second after "it" was conceived, how Brandon abandoned her at the Hotel, how she begged him to stay and lay with her that night but he brushed her off as if it was nothing but a mere 'booty-call", like she was some piece of "easy-to-call-and-access-ass" and that thought alone made her think differently.

Much, much, Much more differently. And not for the positive.

Perhaps it was for the best, maybe the child would be better to reside beyond Earthly bonds and exist in more Heavenly ones instead. Maybe she could simply do such herself, or maybe Becca could even? it would save on an uneasy trip to the stuffy-saline and sickly scented building known as the hospital.

"Um .. just a delightful thought on my mind, and you are right Becca." She suddenly phased like a light-switch but did not move a single muscle, bones resting and lucidly relaxed,but she responded by a facial gesturing which became more smiley, more shy by nature, and while she usually kept it away from sight, now she became like an open book, revealing all in the form of a surfacing blush of dark pinkish-reddish hybrid-hued nature, a hidden hatred for the hellish abomination taking root and invading her wombed insides, but kept her thoughts of rage to herself, not wanting to act out of the "norm" of submissive. She desired to be the perfect subservient to her newly masculine-feminine beloved, her Becca.

She screamed, long, loud and tortured, burying her face into Becca's shirt and against her chest and sobbed, clenching her eyelids tightly, feeling her knees buckle beneath the strain of her bottled-up rage.

Now she knew why Becca despised her, why she hated her guts, why she .. abused, degraded her and even altered her whole anatomy .. revenge. And now .. like Becca Jayde wished to make "it's" poor excuse for a father suffer, suffer in the way she did. She softly sniffed at Becca's shirt, breathing a bit heavily but only because she feared making the wrong movement each passing of minute. As she was demanded of non-verbal command in the form of a backward pull by her beloved Jayden followed as response, remaining of silent natured after her previous questioned of response from her Becca.

She placed herself upon Becca's lap, rounded swell slightly pressed up against her own flattened one.

"Really? we can? well, yes, Oh yes Becca, yes .. I know that we live happily ever after together on our Beach house in Miami. You know .. and you and I can have our own family and you can be the dominant one in the relationship. I was never the "Dominant" type, to be honest." She spoke, saying such between their present "exchange" obonding.

Each one that her lips delivered upon Becca's was submissive but just slightly dominant, allowing the true Mistress to be in control, her Becca. She was always in control. Even when Jayde tried to be from the very first time they met.

She reached near the lower hem of Becca's shirt, allowing her fingers to harmlessly flick against the fabric ever so lightly in a contented-stimming nature, a thin she often did when completely relaxed by her Becca, remaining of non-sexual, just wishing for the feeling of the fabric against her fingertips, teasing the supple fabric with a gentle sighing, simply finding immense comfort in her warmth against her own, like a babe becoming accustomed to the embrace of their Mother. She moved her lips against it in sync to her nibbles and toothly nips, allowing her scorching mouthed warmth to devour the surface, flicking her tongue's tip to familiarize herself with her girlfriend's addictive scent.

As she became aroused she breathed harder, her crotch grinding against Becca's own ever so enticingly inviting. "Beccaaa .. I l-love y-y-you .." She whimpered, her voice a smooth, yet slight quivering, her hands gripping the lower hem, trying to burrow closer as if a Feline would as a simple gesture to, well be as close as possible, Jayde's long brunette hair was neatly styled, expertly kept in a ponytail but she reached up and unwound such, allowing her strands to fall free in a wavy cascade of thin, loose curls. "Please .. never leave Mistress Becca .."

By now she was not aware of how loud she was being but she sure as hell did not care. All she wanted was the "bastard child" DEAD and buried and both Becca and herself rid of them, the flashbacks ended and above all a brand new lease on life. She wanted to be pregnant with Becca's child .. not Brandon's.

"Kitty loves Mistress Bec." She purred, lovingly and bubbly responding with a gentle giddy giggling, speaking Becca's "pet name"softly, the same way she said when they first engaged in bonding as official girlfriends, still of harmless, and of non-sexual nature, and as much as she tried to fight the drowsiness nagging at the very back of her mind it seemed to take fiercer holding of her, causing forth a soft burst of yawning to creep up the length of her swan-sculpted throat, through her mouth's interior, and lastly, past her lips, followed by a slight rousing of movement but it was in the form of a just as slight stretching, hearing each bone respond with a light popping sound, and within minutes she was content once more, falling asleep, not wishing to disobey, but her warmth and words lulled her into such a state of tranquility. "M-Mistress Becca .. I-I do not wish to act out of turn but .. b-but .. you are quite the soothing space to relax upon. I am terribly apologetic of my "advancing of weight" I know that I am becoming quite the hand-full with holding. I think I went up a few pant sizes but soon, well soon all shall be as should be." She murmured, tone feather-soft, gentle, almost non-existant, but heavily laced with drowsiness, drowsiness that she dreaded, dreaded because she did not wish to disobey, but her body was not as strong as it would have normally have been.

The pregnancy and inner-turmoil was taking it's toll, and the cost was nausea, sleeping-spells and mutterings in slumber because of such "soul-crushing guilt". No wonder Becca was so pissed, no wonder Jayde's body sported scars of various shades of color, healing stages and although her body was slowly healing, the mental and emotional scars of what she "allowed" that Brandon bastard to do was unforgivable. COMPLETELY and UTTERLY UNFORGIVABLE.

With each moment spent in Mistress Becca's warm, inviting arms, she found a sense of peace, serenity from the horrors of the outside world and it's unfamiliarity. With Becca, all that needed to be answered of curious nature .. simply was. Both verbally and non-verbally.

And although born Autistic, with Becca she felt as though she could conquer anything. Becca never thought she was crazy, spazzy, a fuck-up, or even weird. To Becca, her beloved, her-first-love, and absolute drop-dead-gorgeous heart-throb she was everything, and Jayde knew her Becca felt the very same. It was just sad that Jayde steered off-course from her beloved's trust.

But now, well now, Jayden was recentered, on-kilter, and focused on Becca's every word.

So not long after, Jayden smiled, wishing to descend into slumber, but yet struggling to remain awake, and by sheer will she remained as such, barely moving, simply feeling Becca's hands remaining upon her hips, the very ones curvaceously endowed, engorged by a forming of just as "gestationing" of fetus, no doubt by the "much-unplanned/very much despised" pregnancy she was now burdened with, and unbearably forced to endure. All she wished was for the child to be removed from her and her body to be hers and hers again, and Becca's "familiar" vision of body-shape. She wanted her once-was slender stomach and light but just as curvaceous hipbones that her Becca remembered of her, the "previous and true" one she remembered herself as too before she became an "absolute whore" to the temptation of an unfamiliar man who craved for nothing more than carnal-pleasures". She betrayed her Becca, truly she did, and it broke her heart, much more than her Becca's own.

"I am sorry Becca .. Jayde is sorry .. I do not mean to disobey, but .. tiredness is a bitch to overcome. Trying to remain awake to serve you and your every desire but tired .. just .. tired .." She muttered softly from time to time in her mind-slumber, mentally and physically un-moving, remaining of repetition during the night-fall, voice slurred as if drunken nature but weary because of the advancing pregnancy, plagued by her own shame and remorse. The guilt .. it always had a way of plaguing .. and to be honest her "past-indulge of Brandon the bastard" was a mistake, a mistake of hellish proportions that tore at her hope with each passing day that the child of "unplanned" remained annoyingly present within her interior womb and abdomen.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca was well aware she was putting Jayde in a horrible situation, her poor slut was a mess of emotions because of the pregnancy and the latest conflicts they were having. But either way, Becca wanted things her way. She was going to force Jayde to right her wrongs so that they could be together like they were meant from the start.

A couple days after such conversation, Becca forced Jayde out of her slumber after fucking her, leaving the poor girl out of breath, her cunt bruised and hurt and full of her cum. She had fucked Jayde quite brutally and yet her pretty slave didn't complain, even when there was the slightest traces of blood in her cunt from being fucked too hard, and Becca even noticed Jayde crying a bit and not exactly out of pleasure, but even then her now more obedient bitch didn't complain.

"I love you. You're becoming such a good slave for your girl," Becca wrapped her arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. "Oh, you know, I've gotten you the doctor's appointment for today. I talked to him already about the procedure we wanted, so that means you're going to have that dirty child out of your womb."

Jayden slept one nightfall, thinking that she was now granted a fullness of relief from any furthering of harm, and in her mind she dreamed, sighing and burrowing into her and Becca's sheets, the same of which were of crisp white, imagining her and her Beloved Becca engaging in a gentle thrown and lightly wrestling and closely embracing snowfall fight, which threw the unconsciously slumbering Jayde into a slight but loving fit of giggles, only to be snatched from the glow of Becca's brightly expressed dream smile, ad awakening to pure wide eyed horror.

As much as she wished to fight, to tense up, or even scream and thrash, she simply composed her true self, merely coping by clenching her teeth and grunting between them, or parting with a soft weeping and sobbing, trying to endure the harsh thrusting that bombarded, rearranged and bruised her inner depths. She remained deathly still, even though she was practically in pure, full-blown, unspeakable agony she did not dare to complain, as long as Becca was providing some form of comfort to her, even if she faced abuse of any level, shape or even form then she would endure. It was worth the torment, just to be in Becca's presence, beneath her, and even in the processes of thought. No matter how negative Jayde was hated by Becca.

She silently swallowed lightly, nervous, but kept the vocal point of such to a silent nature. She was nervous about the "Appointment." Her voice was positive but f slight quivering-fearful sounding. "I - I adore you too and yes Miss Becca, yes, my love. Yes .. I am and are desiring to be for you alone wholly and truly. But I have one question about the "Procedure? " to ask .. may I be allowed to ask such a question? Mistress? .. that is .. onyly if it is not minded."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca wiped the remnants of cum and blood off her cock against the mattress, then moved away from her now more submissive girl and got off the bed. "Oh, change the sheets when you get up, will you?" She said nonchalantly, going to stand in front of their full body mirror and admiring the enormous appendage dangling between her toned thighs.

Slowly but surely, Jayde was becoming the perfect slave for Becca. "What ever do you need to ask? You know we agreed to get you an abortion, or did I misunderstood that?" She asked a bit dismissively, then walked around the room naked, picking up her towel to take a shower. "So shoot. What's your question?"

Jayde slowly arose, expressing a slight huffing of effort as she arose, holding onto her significantly larger dome of belly. Her legs shook, protesting sadly but she merely did as she was told, nodding with a affirmative smile, masking her achy form ever so awfully brilliant like a ninja would while under cloaking of disguise.

"Yes, yes .. but the question is, .. is .. well .. will it hurt? and if so will you .. well .. you know .. help me through it, to endure it while "it" is being taken out .. all you need to do is merely hold me close to you during it. I .. I do not .. handle discomfort well." She tried to lighten the dimly lit mood with a chuckle, but it was heavily laced with nervous shakiness.

She blushed but said nothing, her gaze of admiration for the newly formed Becca, even though she approved of the feminine version of her she did not dare to voice such comments of thought to her.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Before she went into the bathroom, she stopped to take a look at Jayde, as if deep in thought for a moment. "I don't think so. I actually planned to go run some errands while you took the procedure," Becca stated, not caring about Jayde's nervousness or her needs. She was a slave, it was her place to obey and stick to her Master's word.

"So I'm dropping you off and I will attend to my own duties, but I will pick you up in time," She winked at Jayde and finally went into the bathroom. She took her sweet time showering and after long minutes, she finally got out and went to get dressed.

"Are you done? I don't you wasting time, Jay. Hurry the fuck up!" She called out.

Jayde got dressed after Becca did, glancing at herself in the full lengthed mirror behind the door. She appeared absolutely horrendous, so she did as she could within a short amount of time, finding a bit of time to regroom to atleast "half of" but remaining of suitable status. She nodded, resisting a strong, nagging urge to lower her eyes and hang head when she was told that she would be dropped off and left to spend a few hours of what would probably be destined to be the ultimate "worst/emotional-driven/raging" experience of her whole, entire existence on Earth.

Although she wished to make the utmost best of appearance for the new scenery, her anxiety was quite full-blown, and although feelling deeply nauseous she bit back such an emotion, putting on her long jacket, a puffed up black jacket Beneath it she sported jeans of stretchable, black boots. "Y-Yes Miss Becca. I am coming .. right now!"

She ran-(well more like waddled swiftly to the door), taking a deep, and very much needed of breath, wiping her sweat-droplet drenched forehead and face which was cleared by a badly shaking hand..She returned to Becca, putting on a brave face and just as bright smile, submissively gazing up with smoldering eyes. "I am ready now, Mistress Becca."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

That look Becca received from Jayde as she got into the car, was the perfect indicative to Becca that her sweet girlfriend was closer and closer to her perfect slave. "I'm only sad I never got to properly take advantage of these," She said, reaching her hand out to roughly grope one of Jayde's tits. She immediately saw a wet spot, Jayde's milk-filled breast inevitably and pathetically leaking through the fabric.

Becca laughed, "Oops! I'm sorry," Her laughter continued, like she enjoyed the scene. "Now what will the doctor say when he sees you like this, looking like a goddamn mess," Becca shook her head and started the car.

The whole drive there felt a bit too long, but Becca finally parked the car and looked over to Jayde. "Here we are. You go ahead and ask for Dr. Dane," Becca instructed her, then looked at Jayde's shirt. "Still leaking," Becca lifted Jayde's shirt and flicked her tongue around her slave's nipple, then suckled a bit, enough to drink some of her milk and make it stop leaking so much.

Servant Jayde gently lowered herself after a bit of unbearable adjusting in the passenger seat, seeming to be more attentive and tuned in to each of her Mistress's words, caught quite off guard by the words that were spoken by the woman that she betrayed, the woman of whom she both loved unconditionally, still adored and honestly, most of all she feared, feared making a mistake around her, feared her very presence, but yet she obeyed she had to, she needed to, she wanted to, there was no denying it, none at all to be spoken of.

"M-Miss Becca .." She gasped, not trying to sound sexual, she was more caught off guard "along those lines", yelping as one of her perky breasts were seized in the grip of possession, Mistress Becca's very own. Although wanting to squirm, to cower away closer to the window, instead she simply remained still, trying not to breathe hard along with her sped up heart-rate.

"Please M-Miss Becca forgive me .. I .. I-I did not mean to look like a "goddamn mess around you", this pregnancy .. it is making my body kind of .. k-kind of out of sync ya know and I.. Please forgive me for my body's disobedience, but if you change directions in decision whether to "punish" me for such a shameful reaction, I .. I-I .. just thank you Mistress, and right? oh, RIGHT, ask for Doctor Dane, got it. Got to do this for you, for me, and for .. us." She answered, then nodded as response as the rather embarrassing topic of latest was brought up about her malfunctioning, weeping of breasts, blushing red as a ripe red tomato, bringing out the features of youthful innocence, her breasts were not the small petite-ness they were now those of which grew about a few bra sizes were extremely sensitive to any touch even her very own, and were always hardening.

She quickened her words to explain the reason for them disobeying beyond her brains mental commands, stammering and stumbling with idiotic blunders of mistake over each spoken of word, which ended with a high-pitched squeak, eyes widening significantly as wide as the headlights of a car, body seized by the presence of a moderate-leveled quiver that seemed to stem from nowhere as her shirt was grabbed from it's bottom, lifted such light-weight, and functionably breathable fabric upward which revealed heavy dome in which the abomination would have resided in for the remaining nine months .. but soon would be a thing of what was meant to be destined, "a thing of what was but was never meant to be, or even exist".

Also, nestled above the such dome were two ivory fleshed orbs, heavily endowed with ample flows of milk which seemed like an endless Waterfall hen in motion from her highly sensitive nipples, such were a bright blush of bubblegum that would catch the eye of any wandering gazer. And upon the moment that her Becca's tongue made connection with her scorching heat-wave of flesh she felt her bones stiffen as if a corpse would, muscles bunching up beneath her flesh but even though fear crept in like a slow immortal chill seeing through the very marrow of her bones she remained still, silent as if Death itself had snuck up and claimed possession of her, and as she was orally possessed, both by teasing tongue of her Miss Becca and lips and lastly of whole mouth, one which clamped ever so hungrily around her flushed areola grew vulnerable, they seemed to betray her, her body always betrayed, the flesh of her nubs stiffening and taking in a hardness that could seem to cut through even the toughest surfaces of diamonds.

She closed her eyes, expressing a whimper-shuddering quiver of upcoming breaths accepting that there was things in life that could ever-change, and by seasons, by each and every past, of currently present, and future to be passing thought, breath, choice, punishment, sexual-penetration (against her will but was "now justified, and fearfully accepted without any struggle) .. day, with each day that passed she became who she truly was, her rightful position within the two-householded apartment, just her and her Miss Becca, submitting without never a single whisper of complaint.

A Slave/Sex-toy/Servant's whole ENTIRE existence was to serve, submit, and remain silent unless called upon and as such ever so compliant she was becoming. She existed to worship the ground and serve for Miss Becca. That was a fact, a critical law.

Jayde had to Obey, she was Bound to Becca. And even after death itself her soul would remain as such.

A Servant's Oath was Eternal, and sadly so was Jayde's.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Once Becca was done with her "duty", she pulled Jayde's shirt down, now aware of how flustered and hot she had left her slave. Becca had a wide, satisfied grin on her lips. "Sometimes I think you're so pitiful, baby. But that's okay, you will learn with time," She leaned in, like she hadn't just diminished Jayde's feelings, and kissed her lips, slow and passionate, but it was short.

Becca pulled away and looked at Jayde. "Go ahead now. Call me when you're done."

Once Jayde obliged and stepped out of the car, Becca drove off.

Doctor Dane was just waiting for Jayde to arrive. He had everything ready. He was a man in his late 30s, now an expert in doing these procedures and many other women were sent to him in such circumstances.

His secretary was outside, and soon led Jayde to Dr. Dane's room.

Jayde blushed shamefully, glancing down with an additional shame to it. As if she wasn't breathless before, when she was kissed upon her lips ever so sensually slow, and ever so passionately, she felt her body melt as if she were made of butter itself, a low whimper leaving her lips, of it's own accord, it was soft, whisper like, but it was there.

She gazed upward, eyes tearful, but accepting of her "task" ahead. "Y-Yes Miss Becca, as you desire. And I will be sure to call you once the "procedure" is completed. I promise." She nodded, quickly opening the passenger door and stepped from the car after hoistening up her heavy, heaving belly, huffing softly as she adjusted herself to her sneakered footwear.

After watching her Becca speed off she turned around, staring up at the buiding for a moment, but then stepped into it's doors after a few steps toward them, being greeted by the secretary who greeted her ever so kindly, a soft voice that seemed ever so sympathetic to Jayde. Jayde smiled, but inside she was in turmoil, soon to face what she knew was inevitable to avoid, being checked by an unknown doctor.

She wanted to ask the nurse to remain in the room but alas, she refrained from such, simply doing as her Becca had said, and was going to face this alone, and after wishing the secretary a wonderful day, she watched the door close and held back an urge to finch as she heard the door click with a closing.

"H-Hello Dr. Dr. Dane i-is it? .. I .. I am Jayde .. I .. I am here for the a .. abortion .." She spoke, unable to stop her stammering and quivering voice.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

As the door closed behind the nurse, Dr. Dane reached his hand out and locked it, while directing a polite smile in Jayde's direction. "I don't like being bothered when I'm busy," He wasn't an unattractive man, but his observatory and scrutinizing gaze were unnerving for most people. "Please, take a seat, Mrs. Kyle," He said, reading the file, using Becca's last name like they were married.

"Right, that procedure," He picked up a candy from a small jar on his desk and handed one to Jayde. "Please take a deep breath and try to remain calm. I can see you're very nervous and I wouldn't want you to be. I'm a professional, I do these things all the time. It'll be quick and... mostly painless for some," He indicated.

"I have more patients waiting after you, so let's make it quick. Take your clothes off and lay down. There's a medical robe for you to wear on the desk. Change now," There wasn't an specific room she could change in, so it meant she'll have to undress in front of the doctor.

Jayde (the patient) had turned around, trying not to express a slight whimper, her fear full-blown as the sound of the door locking sounded clear as a bell within her highly sensitive ears. Although she felt as though she were rooted to the ground like a tree with long buried roots she did as she was told, "Y-Yes Sir, I mean Dr. Kyle. And yes, t .. thank you .. aheh .. just a bit of nervous jitters."

"Oh .. the procedure .." She nodded, listening to the doctor, staring down at the piece of wrapped up candy for a moment before speaking softly, but not before clearing her throat. "T .. Thank you Dr. Dane."

"Y .. Yes Dr. Dane." She did as she was told, reaching up to her upper clothing and removing her shirt, unhooking her bra and then her lower ones, closing her eyes after they were removed for a moment, opening them and quickly taking the medical robe and adorning herself with it, gasping for air as if the oxygen was cut off. Her mind was in complete circles, nervous and nauseous circles. She then laid down as instructed, putting her legs and feet where further instructed as well, trying to relax and simply closed her eyes, focusing on the sound of Becca's voice saying "love you" in her mind over and over, clasping her hands over her chest.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Once the doctor watched Jayde lying down, fully naked and exposed, at his full mercy, he knew it was time to finally start the procedure.

Lucky for him, Jayde was actually a gorgeous woman. Cute face, perfect tits, big 4 month pregnant belly. He moved to spread her legs in a way he could have total access to her pussy. "I need you like this so that I can do this," Then he handed her a pill without much explanation and once she downed it, he started.

He began explaining a few more things and at some point he grabbed the forceps, "This will be a little uncomfortable to you, but I need you to hold on." First he used a gloved finger to rub slightly at her cunt, touching her pussy lips and rubbing more against them, and right after, he began to stimulate her cunt. "Easy, easy... it's all part of the procedure."

Jayde swallowed, opening her eyes slightly, her eyes were dull and devoid of brightness, just numbly taking the pill within her fingers, both her right thumb and index fingers and simply popped it down, swallowing it dryly without any water, massaging her just as parched throat and gagging a few times. Pills were always her greatest enemy.

"W-What do you m-mean, Dr. Daaane .." She mumbled at first, but then ended up stammering as her highly sensitive cunt was being stimulated with a mere beginning of rub, causing her to tense up, yelping as her surrounding lips of pussy was also provoked by a rather alluring rub, but she knew it was all part of the "procedure", she tried to speak but all she could do was clench and grit her teeth, feeling her eyes roll back and her once opened eyelids closing, attempting to hold back tears that threatened to form. She endured, she relaxed her posture, limbering her tense, bunched up muscles and stared behind her closed eyelids, focusing only on calming her rushed, huff like breaths.

She turned her head to a side, simply focusing on falling asleep, she let the "procedure" commence, even though though it all she felt three deep rooted emotions: First: she felt nauseous, Second: she felt invaded, and Third: and final she felt just plain "out of body".

And not in a positive sort of way.

"Please, Dr. Dane, just get this over with, I can take it, but just please .. get it over with." She said, voice strained with emotion, a quivering taking over it. "I must return to my lover. They will be quite angry if they have to wait longer than what is necessary." She gripped the sides of the bed, steeling her nerves as much as she could. "It is for the best .." She muttered softly, swallowing before becoming silent as if Death itself, waiting for the inevitable to occur.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Dr. Dane noticed the remnants of cum and even a bit of blood in Jayde's entrance. The man darted his gaze to his patient's face and clicked his tongue, taking off the glove from his right hand and squirting some cool gel on his fingers. Lubrication. Immediately, he shoved his two lubed up fingers inside Jayde's bruised cavity. "I can feel your inner walls being a little... bruised. I can tell you and your wife had gone quite roughly at it." His voice seemed the slightest bit of concerned. "Open your legs wider, I need to continue to exam your cavity."

He pumped his fingers back and forth, slow but deep, feeling her canal starting to grow wet. "You're not supposed to get wet for your doctor," Dr. Dane said, mostly just to embarrass and humiliate her a bit, but he knew her getting wet was probably some inevitable reaction from her hormones and being pregnant. "Your vagina is quite bruised up, your entire canal is."

He frowned as he slowly began to insert his hand in Jayde's entrance, further stretching her out. "Don't worry, it's part of the procedure."

Jayde tensed up, flinching a mere but substantial bit from the clicking of tongue but tried not to let it be known, making an excuse of it being pregnancy jitters. But she remained facing away, only to be caught off guard by the sudden penetration of the two lubed up fingers, crying out with a sharp gasp, then lingered as a whine-whimper that shook ever so noticeably. She tried to cut off her whimpers, but struggled to brush it off, feeling as if she were raped once more.

"P-Please .. c-can we pause a moment .. j .. just a b .. breather .. I .. AH .. AAH! .." She did not mean to but her hips slight roused with a rocking movement, in sync to the slow and deep depthed pistoning, not knowing why but it was all because of just that, pregnancy and hormones running amock through her whole entire system. "Huh? .. my v-vagina is f-fine .. she and I just are very sexual overs and we .. we .."

What happened next caused her to tense up, trying to endure but his hand was much too thick. "N-N-NUH .. NUHHH! .. OW! OWW! .. OWWW! ..." She arched her back, clenching and gritting her teeth to the point that she feared they would break, crack or chip of enamel. She cried out, gripping the sides of the bed, sobbing, breathing and praying, to endure, that was the only logical way to get through it. "AHAH .. AH .. AHAAAH!" She insecurely chuckled her way through her abortion, screaming and cursing through it, even huffing and blowing breaths, even breathing deeply.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"I don't think that's the reason. Just from having my hand here, I can feel that she brutalized your insides. She fucked you so hard she almost induced the abortion herself," He pointed out, a bit surprised himself. Still his hand kept being forced deeper and deeper until he made it all the way in her womb. Dr. Dane was elbow deep inside her.

Dr. Dane loved this exact moment of these kind of procedures; when his patient would be sobbing because they couldn't stand his hand being inside them, to watch them cry in pain while their insides also got wet. "I will start now," He let her know as he began to pull the child out of her womb. This was the worst part and most of his patients went unconscious because of it.

He kept pulling, bringing the baby further out. A 4 month fetus. The doctor looked up at Jayde then, watching her pass out. He finished the procedure with no trouble, having removed the child from within her and signing a prescription for her as he waited for her to wake up again, after injecting on her vein some analgesics.

Jayden had whimpered, going from a meek whimper that seemed to be barely there, and then to a crescendo of sobbing, keens, sniffling, cowering snivels, and so much more than that. "She just punished me, I tend to run my mouth, nothing wrong with a little BDSM. Just harmless, harmless play. I am um .. kinda into that and she is kind enough to indulge into it with me, Doctor, nothing wrong with a bit of role-play." She played it off, shrugging as if not affected, smirking and pretending she was just fucked a tad bit too hard from a night gone too far between two star-crossed, high sex-crazed lovers, and not the fact of what happened. "We will try not to be too "frisky" next time." She chuckled.

What truly happened.

She then frowned, continued, resuming to whine and complain, raising to agonizing screams that bounced off all four walls and down the hallway beyond the door. "OW OW! OWWW! .. STOP! .. STOP .. STOPPP! .."

Eventually, she grew light-headed, gasping for breath as if she were submerged beneath water unable to catch her breath, and not before long, she had succumbed to, fell under the lure of unconsciousness, and with a whimpering, once more, a final time, her head lolled to a side, the direction of her dominant, her right handed one, body growing quite limp half-way through, but felt each tug, each flexing of the Doctor's thick, meaty fingers as they kept a rather tight grip upon the "aborted" fetus.

- - -

An hour later Jayden awoke, heavy eyelids twitching for a minute, mentally ascending back upward to consciousness shores of sanity, before uttering with a soft mewl of a yawn, stretching a bit in response to it only to awaken with a gentle start, not entirely sure of what she would face, but she did such, earthen brown hues glancing around her to discover a hospital room. Softly, she called out to her Mistress, not knowing why, but it comforted her to speak such a name, and even through all the hell she face it was the name she would forever speak upon her lips, from highschool Becca, "Becca the Bright" she named her, and even had a journal of drawings that she kept, and knew that she would show her one day.

"B .. Becca .. where .. where am I?" Confused she was, never the wiser of what she had actually been through, or her "aborted". Nor did she know that the Doctor was still present within the room with her. When she noticed him by the bed she jolted, backward, a hand raising to her heart as if to emphasize an exclamation of such, in the form of three emotions, surprise, horror, and just plain uneasiness. "H-HOLY SHIT! .. Oh .. ohh .. oh Gods above, Doctor, y .. you frightened me .. aheh .. sorry .. my apologies .. I .. uh .. tend to swear when I get scared. Just didn't notice ya there .." She glanced down, eyes departing from the Doctor's own momentarily, only to raise and resume, a tinting of reddish pink forming upon her facial features, signaling something monumental. She was blushing, but it was nothing more than embarrassment.

"So .. did the "procedure" go well? is "it" gone?" She said, nonchalantly, not expressing any negative expression upon her face, but inside she was conflicted, but kept such emotions locked tightly and under a tight security.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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