Posts: 2,884
Threads: 44
Joined: May 2016
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
12-24-2023, 12:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2024, 02:57 AM by
Jayde thought of the unborn, then thought of the second after "it" was conceived, how Brandon abandoned her at the Hotel, how she begged him to stay and lay with her that night but he brushed her off as if it was nothing but a mere 'booty-call", like she was some piece of "easy-to-call-and-access-ass" and that thought alone made her think differently.
Much, much, Much more differently. And not for the positive.
Perhaps it was for the best, maybe the child would be better to reside beyond Earthly bonds and exist in more Heavenly ones instead. Maybe she could simply do such herself, or maybe Becca could even? it would save on an uneasy trip to the stuffy-saline and sickly scented building known as the hospital.
"Um .. just a delightful thought on my mind, and you are right Becca." She suddenly phased like a light-switch but did not move a single muscle, bones resting and lucidly relaxed,but she responded by a facial gesturing which became more smiley, more shy by nature, and while she usually kept it away from sight, now she became like an open book, revealing all in the form of a surfacing blush of dark pinkish-reddish hybrid-hued nature, a hidden hatred for the hellish abomination taking root and invading her wombed insides, but kept her thoughts of rage to herself, not wanting to act out of the "norm" of submissive. She desired to be the perfect subservient to her newly masculine-feminine beloved, her Becca.
She screamed, long, loud and tortured, burying her face into Becca's shirt and against her chest and sobbed, clenching her eyelids tightly, feeling her knees buckle beneath the strain of her bottled-up rage.
Now she knew why Becca despised her, why she hated her guts, why she .. abused, degraded her and even altered her whole anatomy .. revenge. And now .. like Becca Jayde wished to make "it's" poor excuse for a father suffer, suffer in the way she did. She softly sniffed at Becca's shirt, breathing a bit heavily but only because she feared making the wrong movement each passing of minute. As she was demanded of non-verbal command in the form of a backward pull by her beloved Jayden followed as response, remaining of silent natured after her previous questioned of response from her Becca.
She placed herself upon Becca's lap, rounded swell slightly pressed up against her own flattened one.
"Really? we can? well, yes, Oh yes Becca, yes .. I know that we live happily ever after together on our Beach house in Miami. You know .. and you and I can have our own family and you can be the dominant one in the relationship. I was never the "Dominant" type, to be honest." She spoke, saying such between their present "exchange" obonding.
Each one that her lips delivered upon Becca's was submissive but just slightly dominant, allowing the true Mistress to be in control, her Becca. She was always in control. Even when Jayde tried to be from the very first time they met.
She reached near the lower hem of Becca's shirt, allowing her fingers to harmlessly flick against the fabric ever so lightly in a contented-stimming nature, a thin she often did when completely relaxed by her Becca, remaining of non-sexual, just wishing for the feeling of the fabric against her fingertips, teasing the supple fabric with a gentle sighing, simply finding immense comfort in her warmth against her own, like a babe becoming accustomed to the embrace of their Mother. She moved her lips against it in sync to her nibbles and toothly nips, allowing her scorching mouthed warmth to devour the surface, flicking her tongue's tip to familiarize herself with her girlfriend's addictive scent.
As she became aroused she breathed harder, her crotch grinding against Becca's own ever so enticingly inviting. "Beccaaa .. I l-love y-y-you .." She whimpered, her voice a smooth, yet slight quivering, her hands gripping the lower hem, trying to burrow closer as if a Feline would as a simple gesture to, well be as close as possible, Jayde's long brunette hair was neatly styled, expertly kept in a ponytail but she reached up and unwound such, allowing her strands to fall free in a wavy cascade of thin, loose curls. "Please .. never leave Mistress Becca .."
By now she was not aware of how loud she was being but she sure as hell did not care. All she wanted was the "bastard child" DEAD and buried and both Becca and herself rid of them, the flashbacks ended and above all a brand new lease on life. She wanted to be pregnant with Becca's child .. not Brandon's.
"Kitty loves Mistress Bec." She purred, lovingly and bubbly responding with a gentle giddy giggling, speaking Becca's "pet name"softly, the same way she said when they first engaged in bonding as official girlfriends, still of harmless, and of non-sexual nature, and as much as she tried to fight the drowsiness nagging at the very back of her mind it seemed to take fiercer holding of her, causing forth a soft burst of yawning to creep up the length of her swan-sculpted throat, through her mouth's interior, and lastly, past her lips, followed by a slight rousing of movement but it was in the form of a just as slight stretching, hearing each bone respond with a light popping sound, and within minutes she was content once more, falling asleep, not wishing to disobey, but her warmth and words lulled her into such a state of tranquility. "M-Mistress Becca .. I-I do not wish to act out of turn but .. b-but .. you are quite the soothing space to relax upon. I am terribly apologetic of my "advancing of weight" I know that I am becoming quite the hand-full with holding. I think I went up a few pant sizes but soon, well soon all shall be as should be." She murmured, tone feather-soft, gentle, almost non-existant, but heavily laced with drowsiness, drowsiness that she dreaded, dreaded because she did not wish to disobey, but her body was not as strong as it would have normally have been.
The pregnancy and inner-turmoil was taking it's toll, and the cost was nausea, sleeping-spells and mutterings in slumber because of such "soul-crushing guilt". No wonder Becca was so pissed, no wonder Jayde's body sported scars of various shades of color, healing stages and although her body was slowly healing, the mental and emotional scars of what she "allowed" that Brandon bastard to do was unforgivable. COMPLETELY and UTTERLY UNFORGIVABLE.
With each moment spent in Mistress Becca's warm, inviting arms, she found a sense of peace, serenity from the horrors of the outside world and it's unfamiliarity. With Becca, all that needed to be answered of curious nature .. simply was. Both verbally and non-verbally.
And although born Autistic, with Becca she felt as though she could conquer anything. Becca never thought she was crazy, spazzy, a fuck-up, or even weird. To Becca, her beloved, her-first-love, and absolute drop-dead-gorgeous heart-throb she was everything, and Jayde knew her Becca felt the very same. It was just sad that Jayde steered off-course from her beloved's trust.
But now, well now, Jayden was recentered, on-kilter, and focused on Becca's every word.
So not long after, Jayden smiled, wishing to descend into slumber, but yet struggling to remain awake, and by sheer will she remained as such, barely moving, simply feeling Becca's hands remaining upon her hips, the very ones curvaceously endowed, engorged by a forming of just as "gestationing" of fetus, no doubt by the "much-unplanned/very much despised" pregnancy she was now burdened with, and unbearably forced to endure. All she wished was for the child to be removed from her and her body to be hers and hers again, and Becca's "familiar" vision of body-shape. She wanted her once-was slender stomach and light but just as curvaceous hipbones that her Becca remembered of her, the "previous and true" one she remembered herself as too before she became an "absolute whore" to the temptation of an unfamiliar man who craved for nothing more than carnal-pleasures". She betrayed her Becca, truly she did, and it broke her heart, much more than her Becca's own.
"I am sorry Becca .. Jayde is sorry .. I do not mean to disobey, but .. tiredness is a bitch to overcome. Trying to remain awake to serve you and your every desire but tired .. just .. tired .." She muttered softly from time to time in her mind-slumber, mentally and physically un-moving, remaining of repetition during the night-fall, voice slurred as if drunken nature but weary because of the advancing pregnancy, plagued by her own shame and remorse. The guilt .. it always had a way of plaguing .. and to be honest her "past-indulge of Brandon the bastard" was a mistake, a mistake of hellish proportions that tore at her hope with each passing day that the child of "unplanned" remained annoyingly present within her interior womb and abdomen.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather