Closed Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)
Their fight had attracted a crowd. Jacques bit his lips, almost regretting punching Frank. He knelt down beside Frank, exhausted by this outburst as well. "Please Frank, give me back my son.... see how Duncna's crying? You had him removed from my side since birth..... he don't even recognise me now. i would do whatever you want to be with him...just tell me what I could do...." he said, collapsing beside the stroller as the punch darined all of his piled up anger.
Frank held Duncan as he sat on the sidewalk, looking away from Jacques for a long moment even as he spoke,"I wasn't going to keep him from you... You forced me to."He glared at him,"He's crying because of you!"He snapped at him, though quieted for the sake of the toddler in his hands who was gripping him so tightly and sniffing,"He doesn't recognise you because he doesn't know you. I would have told him about you when he understood. Not now, he's too young, Jacque. He's just a baby."He stroked their son's hair carefully, going silent again, as his eyes closed,"I need more time..."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jacques was having serious difficulty understanding Frank. He attempted to put himself in Frank's shoes, numerous times, but still couldn't find a logical excuse for him to be disappearing like that, in essence kidnapping his son from him. "I don't understand your logic at all. And I don't see how old a baby should reach to be 'old enough' to know his birth father. All i know is you are forbidding me from seeing my son. Professor, don't attempt to mask your own problem using our son as excuse." Jacques exploded. "If you insist on acting this way, I would have no other method than to resolve to the help of a lawyer."
Frank wanted to argue and yell at Jacques for ruining his life, for bringing this being into it that he loved so dearly enough to keep the young man he thought he had loved from seeing them, he couldn't process how he could deal with this situation. He knew he was wrong and yet he couldn't admit it, he couldn't admit that he needed mental help for what he was doing, he wanted to raise his son by himself and not worry about anyone else taking him from him or putting their own ideas inside of his head. His perfect boy, he looked down and gripped his son as if he would fade away, careful not to hurt him as he pressed a long kiss to his head and simply shut his eyes for a moment before speaking,"Please... I don't want to fight you for him..."He had even more tears coming from his eyes as he sobbed out the plead.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"No one's fighting! you are the one making things deteriorate to this." Ther's something with Frank's grip on Duncan and his tears that made Jacques felt something's not right. He calmed his tone a little and took the stroller into his hands. "Let's go to your place. I am not having this discussion with you here. Besides, look at Duncan, he's getting cold. See how his lips are going purple?" He stated, looking worriedly at his son whose crying was dying down to a wail now. "Come one. Lead the way, or just put him back in the stroller. You are making Duncan stressed out as well." He said, not expecting Frank to be continuing with his meaningless fight when Duncan's wellbeing was threatened.
He scoffed lightly and looked away as the other man grabbed the stroller and he moved slowly to stand to his feet as well. His hands moved to take Duncan's hat from his pocket and place it on his head gently, rubbing his cheek with his thumb,"It's okay baby."He murmured gently and took his blanket from off of the stroller hood to wrap it around him as well,"Dada's sorry."He murmured and nuzzled his head, ignoring Jacques for now as he simply checked the street both ways and began walking across back in the direction they came towards town again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jacques' hand clenched tight on the stroller with the overwhelming urge to hold the baby. He could see his dark eyes looking around curiously, the tears making them look even brighter. He would have loved to cuddle him, play with him, share his tears and laughter. There's anger boiling in him, looking at Frank who had so selfishly taken his son from him. He breathed in deep to compose himself, walking a little faster as a silent urge for Frank to go a little faster. The sun was setting fast and soon it would be even colder.
Soon, they were walking up the drive through of Frank's new home, it was small and one story but seemed to suit him as he dug his keys out of his pocket. Unlocking the back door and looking to Jacques,"Take off your shoes."He said and held open the door,"Fold up the stroller and keep it out there."The older man began uncovering their son so he wasn't as bundled up now that they were inside,"Ya hungry?"He asked the little boy with a tilt of his head and he shook his head, though reached for the fridge,"Milk!"He wiggled his legs and Frank let him down, opening up the door to the refrigerator to allow him to get his sippy cup from the bottom shelf. The boy was content now that everything had seemed to settle down and he was happy that toddlers could just bounce back like they did as he ran off to go into the living room.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jacques did what Frank ordered him to, though not without a frown. He had a little difficulty folding the stroller, but managed in the end. Wlaking in, he took in the surrounding and saw lots of toys. He knew Frank would probably spoil their son, luccky Duncan seemed a happy little baby instead of a grumpy one with frank's spoiling. He took a toy from the box that looked esepcailly old and broken, guessing ti must be one of the stuffed toys that Duncan liked the most, and went on tot he living room to chase Duncan. "Hey buddy. Look what i got?" He asked, crouching down onto the floor with a friendly smile.
Duncan had been sitting in front of the tv with his milk and turned to look at the stranger when he approached him, he looked at the toy in his hand and smiled brightly with his four front teeth. The toddler put his cup down and stood up again,"Vinnie!"He came towards the man with his old stuffed bunny,"Dada! Vinnie!"He took the toy and bounced happily, hugging it and showing it off to his birth father who stood behind them at the living room archway.
Frank smiled softly and nodded,"That is Vinnie, he found it for you."He stayed where he was despite wanting to intrude, he pressed his lips together and looked towards Jacques.
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Jacques had his entire focus on the little toddler. He opened his arms to lure the baby towards him. "So I have found Vinnie for you. Do I get a thank you for that? A thank you kiss?" He asked. He guessed Frank would be teaching the boy good manners, so he wasn't surprised when Duncan trotted back to him. He climbed onto his lap and placed a messy kiss on his cheek. His pure eyes looked at him and gave him a huge smile. "Thank you!" The toddler chose to stay on Jacques' lap as he fondled with his favourite stuffed toy, and drank natrually from his cup when Jacques reached over and put it near Duncan.

Looking down at the soft dark hair of Duncan, Jacques tried to conceal how happy he was finally able to get close to his son. He touched gently on his head with trembling hands, and breathed in deep his son's scent. The small, warm body on his lap. He never knew he could feel this connected, this loving, out of no reason, to another human being. He craved to just wrap Duncan in his arms tight, but he restrained his urge not wanting to scare the little boy.
Frank pursed his lips as if about to say something to him as he moved forward to take a seat beside them slowly,"Baby, this is your other daddy."He said gently, hoping that if he said it to his son the little boy would understand it more easily as he reached out to smooth his hair away from his face. "He loves you just as much as I do."He smiled at him and the little boy tilted his head some and looked between the two men curiously,"Two daddies?"He asked and Frank nodded as he touched his cheek,"You're special, very special."He leaned in to kiss his head softly and then pull away to look at him then Jaq,"Isn't he?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Yes indeed. Duncan you are so special. Hmm since I am daddy as well, how do you want to call me? Papa?" He asked with a smile, kissing his baby as well on his forehead. "I love you so much buddy...." he said with a sigh. He hoped Duncan would accept him, and even if he didnt, he would have to demonstrate to the little boy he indeed was every bit as Frank,.not like he would attempt to competr with him. Perhaps a little.
Duncan thought about it, he looked up at the stranger then to his familiar father curiously, the boy licked his lips and simply shrugged. "What's your name?"He asked the man, he seemed to understand, but to an extent as he looked between the two men. Frank looked up at Jacques, not sure how to respond to that.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I am Jacques. And you are Duncan right? Nice to meet you." Jacques introduced himself with a bright smile. He found this a little funny but he held back the chuckle. If his son decided to go serious, he would go along with it. Though seeing a toddler with an all serious face was indeed quite funny. "You dont want to call me papa? Hmm right... just call me by my name. It would be great as well." He said hiding his slight hurt, but he knew he had to be patient reintroducing himself into Duncan's life.
The little boy giggled as he nodded when he asked if he was Duncan, tilting his head some when he stared at the strange man then yawning after a moment, he looked to Frank and reached for him,"Sleepy, baby?"He asked gently and wrapped his arms around him, lifting him to hold him against his chest while the toddler still sipped his milk from his sippy cup,"I guess it is your nap time, huh?"He said gently and nosed his head before kissing his forehead, humming lightly as he said back with him in his arms,"Dada would have some food for you when you wake up, alright?"He nuzzled him again as his eyes closed quietly, rubbing his back with his thumb gently,
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jacques looked at Duncan leaving, not without his lament for having such little time with his baby. He didnt protest, however. Duncan's tired and with him.asleep, it.could be a better atmosphere for him and Frank to have a proper talk between the two. An adult talk if Frank would cooperate. He looked at the middle aged man caressed the soft, warm body of Duncan, and wasnt without his grudge for Frank had in essence ripped from him the chance to be with the lovely toddler. "Enjoy your nap buddy. See you later." He waved against the dozing baby and waited in the living room, chewing his lips as he looked forward to Frank's return.
The older man had gotten up to head into the back of the house where their bedrooms were, he laid the Toddler down on the bed gently and pulled the sheet on over him. His head tilted slightly and he hummed lightly at how peaceful he looked before cracking the bedroom door behind himself and heading back out to the living room with a sigh,"Now... Tell me what you want."He said, his hands folding over his chest as he stood at the couch, looking at the younger man.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"It's either you sit down beside me, or we both stand up. I dont like this tone as well. It should be me questioning what do you want kidnapping my son. Just to remind you, I am no.longer your student and dont you put that authoritative face on." Jacques said with a sneer. "What i want is regular hours of visits. Ideally Duncan would be staying with me for alternate weeks, whenever he felt ready. For now, I would attempt to incorporate myself into his life." The pain was obvious when he thought of how Duncan looked at him, his face entirely blank, treating him like any stranger on the street.
Frank frowned more and went to take a seat on his couch, crossing his legs and huffing,"You don't like my tone?"He snorted,"He's MY son, and you have no control over what I do with him in my custody. We aren't married, we aren't even together any more."He rose an eyebrow at him simply,"You think I'm acting like your professor still? No, I'm not, I couldn't give a damn about you. I would rather you leave me the hell alone- Leave US the hell alone and go on with your life instead of stalking us." He scoffed at what the other told him he wanted,"You can visit all you want weekends, but during the week, both me and Duncan have school."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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