A/B/O RP (closed to me and Shoo)
(02-12-2017, 11:44 PM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid got undressed, looking at his gravid form in the mirror for a long moment. He was bigger than he had been the first time, his body softer everywhere instead of just in his admittedly enormous belly. He gently cupped one pec, feeling the weight of it. His nipples were large and peaked, a deep brown as they readied for the babies. He saw Patrick moving in the background, going through their toys.

"I like having you around," Sid said easily before waddling to the toilet to relieve himself. "You smell so lovely and it's relaxing."

Smiling, Patrick came around, pressing up against Sid's back and wrapping his arms around his husband above his belly. It was awkward in this position, his belly really too big for it now, but he wanted to at least one more time. One hand held Sid's favourite dildo and another his favourite plug, unsure which he would want. Since they were both omegas, their cocks weren't able to get completely hard to fuck like an alpha, but their bellies prevented them from even seeing that part of their body now anyways. That did not mean they didn't enjoy their bodies. 

"Awww, thanks," he said, giving his co-husband a kiss and fondling a large nipple with a thumb. His own were larger and darker now, though he wasn't quite ready for his milk to start coming in yet. Of course, Sid had done this before and his body more used to it, "then I'll stay and help with your bath?" he suggested. Sadly, the bath was not big enough for them both anymore, especially without alpha to help them out. Patrick could help Sid, but only if he was dry himself.
Sid let out a soft moan as Patrick fondled his nipple, a bead of milk forming under his ministrations. He pressed a kiss to Patrick's wrist, nodding slightly toward the plug. "I don't want to get fucked today. The babies are so low it would be uncomfortable."

He let Patrick guide him towards the tub, the water warm but not too hot. It was a shame they wouldn't fit in the tub together. They had spent some fun mornings together in the tub. Alpha enjoyed knowing that they liked each other.

"I'm pretty slick already," Sid said matter of factly. "i seriously doubt we'll need to use any lube. All part of our bodies getting ready to give birth."
"Bend over then," Patrick requested, sliding a hand between Sid's cheeks to check how slick he was. Answer? Very. 

Gently, he pushed the plug into place until it was seated inside his husband comfortably, before helping him into the tub and into a comfortable position. "It's amazing what our bodies can do," he agreed, stripping out of his own clothes and leaving them on the counter. Just because he wasn't getting in the tub did not mean he had to be dressed. 

Like his husband, Patrick's nipples had grown much thicker, longer,and darkened, though his pecs weren't as soft looking or ready to make milk yet. He stroked himself idly, getting his favourite toy out as well, an inflatable plug to help get his body ready for birth. He didn't want to accidentally tear. Slipping it in himself, he pumped it several times until it felt like a good size. He knew from time with Alpha just how big he could make it and there was a ways yet. "Oh, that's good," he grinned, unashamed of pleasing himself like this. It was certainly not the first time.
Sid exhaled happily as he relaxed against the tub, letting the warmth and bouancy of the water support his aching joints. The plug was settled in him, just barely pressing against his cervix. He looked over at Patrick, watching him stroke his cock. He wasn't going to get hard himself, or as hard as he usually gets, but it was nice to watch Patrick.

"You're going to open just fine," Sid murmured as he watched. His belly tightened, causing his back to ache more. "You still have plenty of time to get loose and prepared for the birth. Your body will know what to do. You will barely need any help."
(02-13-2017, 01:03 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid exhaled happily as he relaxed against the tub, letting the warmth and bouancy of the water support his aching joints. The plug was settled in him, just barely pressing against his cervix. He looked over at Patrick, watching him stroke his cock. He wasn't going to get hard himself, or as hard as he usually gets, but it was nice to watch Patrick.

"You're going to open just fine," Sid murmured as he watched. His belly tightened, causing his back to ache more. "You still have plenty of time to get loose and prepared for the birth. Your body will know what to do. You will barely need any help."

Once Patrick had it inflated to the size he wanted, he made himself comfortable on the bench in the bathroom that he and Sid used to help them dress sometimes. Casually, he stroked his belly and nipples, not really trying to get himself off since his alpha had already done that once. He was as hard as he could get, but he mostly ignored his cock for the moment. 

"I know, but..." he shrugged, "I want to do it right. Alpha said I'm going to be looser than you, since I want to have so many babies close together," he smiled, liking the idea too. He liked that he and Sid could give their alpha two different, but equally wonderful, experiences. "Realistically, I'll lose a little of my tightness each time, so no reason to put it off or delay it. Get nice and stretched so birth is easier and Alpha can enjoy my sloppy hole and your tighter one."  
Sid chuckled at that, smiling. He ran his hand over his belly, pressing gently at the bump of an elbow. They had so little room at this point, but still tried to squirm around. It seemed like there was always a limb protruding from his belly.

"He'll love that," Sid said agreeably. He tried to shift in the tub, the ache in his back becoming sharp and insistent. "And being nice and stretched is good for the birth. Just make sure you still have plenty of control. Ah!"

Sid gripped his lower belly as it tightened again, making him frown in discomfort. Patrick looked at him worriedly and Sid waved a hand. "Practice contractions suck."
(02-13-2017, 01:45 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid chuckled at that, smiling. He ran his hand over his belly, pressing gently at the bump of an elbow. They had so little room at this point, but still tried to squirm around. It seemed like there was always a limb protruding from his belly.

"He'll love that," Sid said agreeably. He tried to shift in the tub, the ache in his back becoming sharp and insistent. "And being nice and stretched is good for the birth. Just make sure you still have plenty of control. Ah!"

Sid gripped his lower belly as it tightened again, making him frown in discomfort. Patrick looked at him worriedly and Sid waved a hand. "Practice contractions suck."

Really, they would both do anything to make their alpha happy within reasonable limits. Their alpha was a wonderful man who let them control when they got pregnant and how often, after all. If Patrick hadn't been willing to stretch himself for his alpha, then he wouldn't do it. "Of course," he agreed, getting up and waddling to the tub, "You sure those are practice contractions?" he asked, "You're basically due any day now." 

While wearing the inflatable was slightly awkward with having to pee so often with his pregnancy it was something he would start doing as often as possible since his alpha had agreed just this morning. Having control was important, but he didn't need all the control. Just....some.
"I'm fine," Sid promised as Patrick came over to him, waddling from the weight of the baby and the plug in his ass. Sid giggled a little at the sight, reaching up to rub his hand over Patrick's thigh. "Would it make you feel better if we kept track of them?"

Sid was pretty sure he knew his body. Just because he hadn't realized he had been in labor until too late the first time doesn't mean it was going to happen again. Besides Patrick was here this time if he went into labor. And he had delivered the twins just fine by himself.
(02-13-2017, 02:10 AM)shooshoo Wrote: "I'm fine," Sid promised as Patrick came over to him, waddling from the weight of the baby and the plug in his ass. Sid giggled a little at the sight, reaching up to rub his hand over Patrick's thigh. "Would it make you feel better if we kept track of them?"

Sid was pretty sure he knew his body. Just because he hadn't realized he had been in labor until too late the first time doesn't mean it was going to happen again. Besides Patrick was here this time if he went into labor. And he had delivered the twins just fine by himself.

"Yes," Patrick agreed, going to get his phone so they could. Then he headed to the bathroom since the baby was apparently nice and comfy on his bladder. 

Once that was taken care of, he came back, making himself comfortable on the bench again, "And don't you laugh at me. Alpha wants it," he said snootily, sticking his nose in the air before laughing too, "No one will be able to tell that the waddle isn't just from the baby. As you said, I gotta have some control, but if I'm gonna be properly sloppy for him, I'll need to lose a decent amount. And I wanna do this, make him happy. Be his baby maker. I'm making a baby. Now I need to work on being ready to have him so when I get that stretch, I do it safely and keep it stretched." 
"I can tell it's not just baby waddle," Sid teased him gently. He shifted in the tub again, stretching one leg up and out of the water, giving a little grunt of satisfaction as his hip popped. He repeated it with the other leg and settled more comfortably in the water.

"I'm going to enjoy helping keep you stretched," Sid said, closing his eyes and relaxing. "I am the senior husband. I need to do my part in keeping you prepared to have lots of babies for our Alpha. I'll take care of you and the babies so he can be happy."
He stuck his tongue out. "No one else would know," he argued, but in truth, he didn't care if they did or not. His alpha wanted this, he wanted to do this, that was all that was important. 

"Yes, good," he good up, going over to give Sid a kiss and a belly rub, handing him the end of the pump to use as he saw it. "I'm glad you're going to help. And when and if you decide to have babies again, I can give you all the pointers, because I am sure I'll have at least four and be an expert by then." 
Sid laughed at that, pointing at his belly. "I'll be having my third and fourth - " he paused, inhaling a little as his belly contracted. " - soon."

Patrick's eyes flicked to his phone and Sid sighed. "Okay, mark that one as your start. I promise I'll be honest if I'm having one."

Sid fiddling with the pump, eyeing Patrick before giving it two firm squeezes. He knew what it felt like to have a plug expand inside of him, knew it was close to the feeling of their Alpha's knot, but never good enough.
"Yeah, but I'll," he paused as Sid expanded the plug inside him and let his body readjust, and he smiled, giving him another kiss in thanks, "I'll have had four DIFFERENT pregnancies. That's not the same," and no telling how many babies if he had multiples in the future. 

Moving slightly slower, he set the timer on his phone, then pulled his shirt on and went to go find underwear just in case they had to leave the house for the baby and go to the hospital. He could still drive despite his belly. Pants would come later, after Sid was out of the tub.
Sid shifted in the tub, pulling one leg up and straining his arm to brush his fingertips against the base of the plug in his ass. It shifted too easily, his hole loose and wet. He settled back again and ran gentle fingers over his belly.

"You two are eager," Sid murmured as one of the babies shifted again. He cupped the bottom curve of his belly, feeling the head he knew was there. "Just stay put for now."
Raising an eyebrow, Patrick wasn't fooled. This might be his first pregnancy, but he knew what labor looked like. "I think you're in labor," he said, checking his phone for how long it had been since the previous contraction. "Early stages maybe, but labor." He wouldn't call alpha yet, but that didn't mean he wouldn't if he needed to.
Sid sighed a little. "Okay, maybe. But we're not going to a hospital. It's perfectly fine to have babies at home. I've done it before and this time you'll be here too."

He held out a hand. "Help me out of the tub. We need to take care of the sheets."
Helping Sid out with a grunt, Patrick got a towel and started to dry him off, then lotioned his skin. "You are going to the hospital, because you're having twins and it's safer," he countered, "but not yet. You're not far enough along yet." Their alpha would be angry if they had the babies at home again. 

Pulling on his pants and adjusting the plug pump so it tucked under his belly in the stretchy paternity panel of his pants, he went to get clothes for Sid to wear. "And yes, we do need to finish the sheets. Or at least, make some progress. And see about the kids," they wouldn't be home for hours yet, but if they had to go to the hospital, they couldn't just leave them wherever. 
Sid pouted but got dressed in the sweats and t-shirt Patrick had gotten him. He had plenty of time to convince Patrick that home was better than the hospital. He cupped his belly as he waddled towards the kids room, stopping to get clean sheets from the linen closet.

"Go start the dirty sheets in the laundry. I've got the clean ones."

The plug shifted, starting to slide out and Sid tightened around it to keep it in place. He was too warm from the bath and by the time he made it to the first bedroom, he was already sweating.
(02-13-2017, 03:01 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid pouted but got dressed in the sweats and t-shirt Patrick had gotten him. He had plenty of time to convince Patrick that home was better than the hospital. He cupped his belly as he waddled towards the kids room, stopping to get clean sheets from the linen closet.

"Go start the dirty sheets in the laundry. I've got the clean ones."

The plug shifted, starting to slide out and Sid tightened around it to keep it in place. He was too warm from the bath and by the time he made it to the first bedroom, he was already sweating.

Doing as he was told, Patrick hated that the bedrooms were upstairs and the laundry was downstairs. It took him forever to go up and down them, plug not helping, though it was in no danger of coming out. Of course, it took Sid even longer. 

By the time he got the first load started and went back upstairs, he was rubbing his lower back, trying to ease the strain. "How you doing?"  he asked, going to help Sid with the sheets. 
Sid wiped the sweat off his forehead, smiling at Patrick as they worked to smooth the sheets and get the blanket on the first bed. He gestured over at the plug sitting on a towel. "I had to take the plug out. We better remember to put that back in the bathroom so the kids don't see it."

He straightened up and rubbed at his lower back, arching a little. "Hospitals are actually very stressful places to labor. It's much better to stay at home as long as possible."

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