Closed Arranged or destiny (closed w/AegonAustin)
Maurice never imagined someone could be as soft and pleasant as Nate. He rubbed Nate's much narrower shoulders than his, liking how pliant the omegaw as already. he was beginning to trust him - it was an achievement and Maurcie felt strangely proud. A marked step forward in their relationship overnight.

He deliberately spoke slow and gentle. "I am an early riser, but that doesn't mean you will have to adjust to that. Ususally i work long hours, but I try to return home and cook dinner myself as far as possible. I enjoy sports as well but I no longer has as much time to indulge in it. During weekends it's much different. I relax as much as i can, sometimes i could stay at home all day... try to read something, and be close to my family...."

His murmur was working, Maurice was proud of himself for luring Nate to sleep so effectively. He continued with the soothing strokes on his back until Nate was looking thoroughly relaxed, unconsciously laying on his chest.

"Good night my dearest. You willl be much refreshed tomorrow." He said lifting Nate up from the coach. Nate felt so light, yet warm and soft. He was already fallin gin love with this feeling of holding his husband...

He had plans to bring Nate around. the castle was vast and they could discover every corner of it together. And he heard there was a tiny farm at the back, with stables and other farm animals. He wondered if Nate liked animals at all...
Nate awoke to a line of sunlight streaking across his face. The sunlight was peaking through the curtains. It was morning. For a brief moment, Nate had forgotten where he was. Then, the panic set in. His heart began to race. The last thing he remembered was laying in Maurice’s arms on the sofa while Maurice stroked his back. Now, he was in the bed with Maurice’s arm wrapped around him. The large alpha’s body “big spooning” the tiny omega. He could hear and feel his new husband’s steady breathing on the back of his neck. Maurice was still asleep.

Not wanting to wake Maurice, Nate cautiously lifted the alpha’s large arm (which was quite the challenge for the tiny omega). He slowly and quietly slipped out of the alpha’s grip. With his robe still wrapped around his body, Nate quietly tip-toed his way across the room to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he softly closed the door behind him and leaned against it with his back on the closed door. His heart was racing and he was so confused. “Did we “do it”?” He thought. He remembered drinking a lot of champagne, but surely it wasn’t enough to make him black out. “Perhaps Maurice gave me “the pill” which caused me to go into heat and completely black out?” Nate’s mind was racing, but physically he felt fine - aside from a slight champagne head ache. He disrobed and examined his body in the mirror. Everything looked normal. There were no new marks on his body. And he wasn’t sore. Being a virgin, surely he’d be sore had they consummated the marriage.

After several minutes of examining his body and retracing the events from the night before, Nate washed his face and brushed his teeth. He attempted to comb his unruly sandy blond bed hair, but there was no use. After making sure the robe was tightly wrapped around his body, he slowly opened the bathroom door.

Maurice was awake by this point and standing in front of the large window in his robe sipping a cup of coffee. When Maurice heard the bathroom door open, he turned around and gave Nate a big good morning smile.
Had Maurice known how the omega had actually "examined' his own body, he would have had a good laugh. Nate was so naive and he would be rather amused, and he would have todl Nate that he should be rest assured, If they had indeed consummated the night before, he would definitely feel it...

Maurice stirred in his sleep. he was usually an early riser, so the sunlight hitting his face was waking him up as well. he turned and groaned feeling something was off - he thought he was hugging something nice and soft against him, but that was no longer there. He shifted some more and finally cracked his eyes open.

He stretched adn sit up. Looking around, memories rushed back into him and he smiled realising behind that closed toilet door, there must be his husband. hmm, husband and mate. what a wonderful concept - even though he didn't think so not a day before.

he went around his morning routine, choosing not to queue for the use of toilet but use the other one opposite in the guest bedroom. He even ventured around quickly, somehow managing to summon the butler of this large mansion and gave his orders for breakfast. Since they were here - why not enjoy the facilities as best as he could. He was sipping on the aromatic coffee when he heard something. turning aruond, he gave Nate a big smile.

"Morning Nate." he came to Nate and lifted his chin to pressa kiss on him. "breakfast is ready." he smiled at how his simple action caused the omega to tense up right away. "i ordered a bit of everything: pancakes, toasts, bacon and sausage, scrambled eggs... if you wnat something else I can ask the butler of this place to prepare." he said interlacing their hands together to bring Nate to sit.
With the air still a bit tense, Nate took the alpha’s hand and sat down beside him. There was so much food in front of him. However, Nate didn’t have much of an appetite. He was still a bit freaked out, even a bit embarrassed- thinking that he may have mated with the alpha without realizing. Not wanting to be rude, Nate began to eat. After all, it was very thoughtful of Maurice to order food for him, Nate thought.

During the quiet and slightly awkward breakfast, Nate remembered something. He remembered that Maurice had placed “the pill” in a glass on the coffee table last night. Quickly shooting his gaze in the direction of the coffee table, Nate was relieved to see the glass still on the coffee table with “the pill” still inside.

Glancing back at his food, then looking up at Maurice, Nate broke the awkward silence. “Thank you for the breakfast; it’s very good” Nate said. Maurice smiled back at him and gave a slight nod. “I’m sorry for falling asleep last night. I know we were supposed to .... you know” Nate said nervously as he looked down at his plate of food. Having seen “the pill” still on the coffee table and not noticing anything different with his body, Nate was fairly confident that nothing happened between the two of them last night.

“I know the authorities will want to know if we have and I’m worried that if - “ mid sentence, Maurice grabbed Nate’s left hand and placed his other hand under Nate’s chin, lifting his head up slightly so that Nate was looking directly at his new husband who was smiling back at him.
Maurice was lost in admiring his husband's form. He watched him pick at his food, noting what he chose among the big plates of breakfast, marking whether he liked savory of sweets more. Since he was looking at Nate so closely, he also noted with amusement how the smaller boy's gaze trailed away to the glass bottle - and relaxed visibly seeing it still intact and right where it had been the previous night.

Muarice was also only lazily pushing his food around, using his utensils in an elegnat way showing his upbringing. he took smiled at Nate's careful words, noting how polite they were and... well, he would have to do something on that. Later.

Muarice lifted Nate's chin wanting to look at his husband's beautiful eyes. "it's alright. They wouldnt know... i don't think they're sending anyone to check. But just in case... i've done measures to shut their mouth." he said. He had made a small cut on himsefl. Although an omega doesn't exactly has a hymen, some blood was expected and Maurice had created some minor mess on the beddings to create the illusion that they had indeed consummated. "You don't have to worry about anything now, Nate. I'm here and I'm here to look after you." he said, sounding confident but not overly so. As an alpha, it was his second nature to take care of his omega, and as a man... he wanted, and loved, to take care of all Nate's needs and worries.

"Now if you're done with the food... why don't we take a tour around the castle? I've just explored a small part of it. Outside or inside first? the arts here are pretty impressive, but the outdoor area is equally pleasant." he said pulling over Nate's hand and stood up, the front of his robe pulled open slightly showing his chest. "You better change into something slightly thicker - it's a chilly morning." he reminded him, leading nate away from the table to the closets.

He opened the closet expecting there to have both of their clothings inside: but to his surprise, Nate's clothing were missing. "Your clothes?" he quirked up a brow asking. Then he saw the pitiful pile: Apparently Nate has only brought a simple shirt and jeans. "Hmm..." he lifted the shirt and it was rather crumbled. "How about you wear one of mine."
Nate chuckled and looked at Maurice as if he were joking. “Is he being serious?” Nate thought. Maurice’s shirts would look ridiculous on the omega’s tiny frame. But, the alpha didn’t seem to be joking. So, Nate obliged.

With his robe still on, Nate slipped on his pants - carefully using one hand to clamp the front of the robe to ensure it wouldn’t come undone. Once his pants were on, Nate untied the front of his robe and let it fall to his feet - exposing his lean torso. His nipples were rock hard and pointy. Without the fire on, the room was a bit drafty. Nate turned to the closet where Maurice’s shirts were hanging. Of course, all of them were clean and perfectly pressed. Nate selected a nice, white button down shirt and put it on. As expected, the large shirt drowned the tiny omega. Both of them chuckled at the sight - easing the tension a bit.

Maurice untied his robe and let it hit the floor - exposing his naked body. Unlike Nate, Maurice was not shy. Abashed at Maurice’s sudden disrobing, Nate turned his head slightly away to give the alpha some privacy. As Maurice looked through the closet for the perfect shirt and pants, Nate couldn’t help but glance over at the strong alpha. With Maurice’s back to him, Nate was able to admire the alpha’s features without him knowing. Maurice’s back was broad and muscular and made a v shape toward his waistline. It seemed like every muscle in his back bulged as he moved the hangers back and forth in the closet in search of the perfect shirt. His ass was big and muscular as were his thighs. His calves were almost the size of melons. Nate was certainly physically attracted to his new husband.

Maurice turned around suddenly with a shirt in his hand. This jolted Nate out of his trance. Nate quickly looked away, but it was too late. He knew Maurice had caught him staring.
Maurice almost broke into a smile when Nate looked at asking if he was joking - he managed to keep a poker face though. AFterall he was a business man and acting more serious than he intended was a skill he had acquired. He was indeed half-joking - it would be ridiculous for Nate to wear his shirt, and also incredibly sexy.

He held his breath although Nate seemed oblivious to that, watching the smaller omega going onto his tiptoes to select the shirts from the closet. He licked his lips seeing his exposed toros - those nipples were certainly looking delicious, pinkish and pridely standing up - waiting for his attention.

The shirt that fitted nicely on himself hung on Nate. Although he chuckled as well... Maurice was also looking at Nate with desire. Nate's collarbone were entirely exposed with the first button left open. the shirt was also too long, just long enogh that it covered the cute butt of Nate's... Maurice's mouth went dry and he hastily looked away. now it's time for him to get dressed...

He chose another white shirt, an almost identical one with what Nate has on. He turned around to see Nate's eyes glued to himself. Amused and proud, he smiled at Nate. "Liking what you see huh?" he hummed pulling the shirt on. He had his boxers on, but other than that he was naked. He pulled the shirt on and got into a pair of jeans - the couple now looked almost identically dressed other than the obvious size difference.

He contemplated over Nate and decided he could add a sweater on his husband. Choosing again from his collection of clothes, he pulled out a pashmina sweater to pull it over Nate's fluffy head. He straightened it and flipped hte collars out from under, fixing the clothings just touching Nate imperceptably until he was happy with how Nate looked. "There, warm and comfy?" he smiled ruffling Nate's messy head of hair.

"let's head out. I hope you aren't afraid of animals." he smiled mischievously at Nate and again interlaced their hands, heading out of the room to make their way to the courtyard. He knew there were small animals there.. and somehow he thought if fitting to let Nate feed the rabbits perhaps... rabbits that were symbols of a specific detailt aht he was looking forward to seeing on Nate.
The pair entered the courtyard. It was beautiful and perfectly manicured. Fountains were placed throughout the space. The sound of the trickling fountains was so peaceful. Birds could be heard chirping as there were plenty fluttering around the courtyard. The courtyard’s pathways formed intricate geometric patterns.

Nate held onto Maurice’s hand as the alpha guided the pair down one of the pathways. Nate was amazed at all the plant life scattered throughout the garden. More impressive, however, was the artful tile work on the many fountains.

The two came to a clearing in the courtyard. The clearing had the greenest grass Nate had ever seen and was perfectly trimmed. “Are those rabbits!?” Nate said enthusiastically noticing the cute furry creatures hopping on the lawn. Maurice smiled and nodded. Nate let go of Maurice’s hand and ran to a cluster of 3 rabbits, kneeling down beside them. “They’re so cute!” Nate said as he petted them. Maurice walked over and knelt down beside Nate, petting the rabbits as well. One of the groundskeepers brought over a bag of rabbit food and the two of them began feeding the rabbits from their hands.

Nate was smiling and enjoying himself. The circumstances that brought him there were no longer on his mind - at least for the moment. Maurice reached over and began rubbing Nate’s back. Nate looked over at Maurice and smiled. The rubbing felt good. Maurice then placed his hand on the back of Nate’s head and pulled Nate into him and planted a kiss on his lips. Maurice went in for a second kiss, this time parting Nate’s lips with his tongue. The pair began to make out passionately.

During their passionate make out session, the two of them started hearing a buzzing noise and began to feel drops of water on their skin. Confused, the two of them unlocked lips and began looking around. Of course, the luscious grounds had a built-in sprinkler system that was now on full blast drenching the newlyweds.
(hmm, i know this would come out rude. But well, I prefer rping in the style that we predominantly control our own character. I'm not opposed to some small gestures, say you could decide when Muarice would step in to the room and join Nate. You could add in those details to make the story appear more complete, and you are very much welcome to. But I prefer with Maurice's major moves, such as when he's gonna kiss Nate or something like that to be left for me to ...hmm... decide? if that's the proper word? You could just leave Maurice's part out, and i would respond to that adding in details of how Maurice reacted in my reply?

that said, i really like how you make them drenched with the sprinkler! really cute.

LOL i hope i wouldn't make you mad with that request... )

Maurice smiled seeing the enthusiasm. There was a striking resemblance between the timid animals and Nate. Nate was shy and soft, fluffy as well. The rabbits must have sensed that for they responded to nate's patting positively.

Maurice joined his husband and his smile widened seeing Nate was already patting the rabbits so fondly, looking rather excited and carefree for the first time since they met. He mimicked what Nate was doing on the rabbits, doing it on Nate himself. That pure smile nate was giving him took his breath away, and the alpha could no longer resist the temptation.

He pulled Nate closer to him and kissed him. He started off gentle, just prying and knocking on Nate's soft lips, then knocked on his lips with his tongue. He snaked his way into Nate's when Nate parted them whimpering, and took advantage of the weakening defence from Nate to pry open his mouth, exploring every inch of his sweet-tasting insides.

In their passionate snogging, the rabbits had leapt away cleverly to escape from the water - leaving only them getting thoroughly wet from the sprinkler.

Maurice was also laughing whole-heartedly and... well, what a ridiculous picutre they made. the gatekeeper who'd brought them rabbits' feed comewaving at them, urging them to move away. Maurice removed his jacket and used it to shield Nate from the water, holding it above their heads. "Let's run!"

They made a dash to the pavilion int he middle of the courtyard, and burst into another fit of laughter.

"Oh god, we're all messed up." Maurice brushed away, as much as he could, water on Nate. THe gatekeeper had joined them and offered towels to dry them. "Thanks. Would you be so kind as to guide us to the nearest place where we can tidy ourselves?" he asked the gatekeeper politely, wrapping Nate up first before pulling on a towel himself.
(Of course I’m not mad and I don’t think it’s rude. I appreciate you letting me know. So no worries and glad you liked the sprinkler part :))

“Let’s run!” Maurice yelled as he held his jacket over their heads to shield them from the falling water. When they got to the pavilion, they were both hysterically laughing and soaking wet of course. The gatekeeper handed them dry towels. Maurice kindly wrapped Nate in one of the towels as he asked the gatekeeper where they could freshen up. Nate couldn’t help but notice Maurice’s wet white shirt clinging to his muscular chest. The alpha looked incredibly sexy. And how about that kiss? It was incredibly hot, Nate thought to himself, still slightly aroused from the passionate make out session.

Maurice pulled his towel around himself and the two of them followed the gatekeeper to a nearby doorway. “Go down the hall, past the stairway and you’ll see a small bathroom to the right. You can freshen up in there.” The gatekeeper told them as he pointed the way.

The two of them headed down the hallway. They passed the stairway and found the bathroom the gatekeeper had told them about. It was small, but had everything they needed - a sink, toilet, shower and fresh towels. Maurice searched for the light switch and turned it on. They both glanced in the mirror. “Well aren’t we a sight!” Nate said as the two of them laughed.

Nate removed his shirt and reached for a fresh towel. He began drying himself off. Like before, his nipples were standing at attention. After all, the water from the sprinklers was quite cold. He toweled off his tiny torso then began rubbing the towel through his unruly hair. As Nate was drying his hair, he kept sneaking glances at Maurice through the mirror.
(really thanks for that! haha who knows, i sometimes rub people the wrong way and i like you very much as a rp partner, i'd hate to anger you in some stupid ways and risk discontinuing this lovely rp with yoU~~ better safe than sorry ;) and do feel free to tell me what you think - that's how we communicate and make the rp better for each other!)

Maurice smiled - now he regretted a little why he had been so careful and wrapped nate in the warm sweater... otherwise he would be treated with some eye candy seeing his oversized shirt clinging onto the omega. Maurice was immeidatley horrified by what dirty thought he had - he was raised better than that... yet, the attraction between the two was undeniable.

He followed the gatekeeper staying close to Nate. He just thought he should follow him close in case Nate lost his balance or soemthing - a concept in itself was rather ridiculous seeing Nate was an adult, not a toddler. Still, the alpha was almost instinctively caring for the omega, probably his nature calling him to prepare for when his mate was carrying.

They came into the toilet and Maurice giggled at the sight they made. "Hell yea... it's so stupid of us isn't it?" he smiled and began stripping himself as well. The morning was cool and they should remove all wet clothings as soon as possible if they didnt' want to catch a cold. He was unbuttoning his shirt rather slowly..... for he was seriously distracted. In the mirror, he coudl clearly see the perfect body of Nate's. His flawless toros with the pink little nipples, inviting him to devour on them. He took a small step closer to Nate, pretending they didn't have enough space in this small toilet - and removed the shirt himself.

Maurice stood a little taller and flexed his muscles just that tiny bit.... and smirked when he caught the timid glances his husband was casting on his side. He showed off his biceps yanking the wet shirt away and wiped his body dry as well. He decided to tease him a little bit...

he smirked and took Nate's hand, pulling him into the shower with him stopping him from drying his hair. "Let's take a shower... that'd be most efficient preventing us from catching a cold." Not giving time for Nate to protest, he already started the shower, tested the temprature, and brought the facet over them, letting the warm water run over them. They were stnading facing each other, stark naked. "Nate.... do you know why they had rabbits in the castle?" He smiled rubbing his large hand over Nate's shoulders. 
(I’m enjoying you as a rp partner as well. And I also think that communication is important to ensure we both enjoy the role play. So, I’m not offended at all)

Nate watched in the mirror as Maurice dried himself off. It seemed like he was purposely flexing in an attempt to impress Nate. Well, it was working. Maurice looked so good in the light of the bathroom. But then again, he always looked good.

Nate continued drying himself off, removing his pants and tight briefs. Although, usually modest, the desire for his alpha was overpowering him. Nate no longer cared if his new husband saw him completely naked. He continued to pat himself dry with the towel - moving the towel from his legs, up to his tight perky, smooth butt then back up to his head where he continued to dry his hair.

He felt Maurice grab his hand and pull him into the shower. Before Nate knew it, the warm water of the shower head was running over their naked bodies. The warm water felt so nice on Nate’s skin. A stark contrast from the cold water of the sprinklers. The two newlyweds were standing close together, facing each other. The top of omega’s head lining up with the alpha’s chest.

“ you know why they had rabbits in the castle?” Maurice asked as he began rubbing Nate’s shoulders. “ that a trick question?” Nate thought to himself. After a few moments of pondering the question, the innocent omega replied “No. Why do they have rabbits in the castle?” looking up at Maurice through squinted eyes trying to keep the water out of them.
(That's a huge relief~)

Maurice appreicated Nate's body a lot - vastly different from his own, he was leaner and his muscles less defined, but every bit of him was perfect: the butt, the body, oh those legs... his husband just constantly surprises him and so far, everything about Nate's incredibly appealing to Maurice.

Maurice ran his large palms over Nate's shoulders. His omega was so petite and precious. He rubbed him along his back and smiled at Nate scrunching his nose up thinking hard about the reply. "hmm, you know this is a popular honeymoon place. And during honeymoon, most couples are newly wedded like us. The rabbits...." Maurice had silently pressed closer to Nate as his innocent husband looked up at him wiht curious eyes. He shielded the water with hsi hand and pressed a light kiss on Nate's forehead. "... are a symbol of good wishes to all new couples." he said sliding his other hand down to cover Nate's lower abdomen. "for fertility." he smirked.

The effect of his words weren't immediately seen, and at first Nate just looked at him with confusion. He let the little omega process those words, while he himself stroked and roamed his hands all over his husband's body. One could say his hands were glued to the omega now....
As Maurice rubbed his hands over Nate’s body, paying close attention to his lower abdomen, Nate contemplated Maurice’s words carefully. He knew what the word “fertility” meant. But he had never heard of rabbits being associated with the word. But, then again, there was much that the naive, sheltered omega didn’t know.

The alpha’s hands felt good touching his body. The virgin omega had never been touched so sensually before. He was feeling butterflies and could no longer hide his arousal. He was so drawn to his new husband - “ a perfect physical specimen” he thought. He also couldn’t help but notice how large his new husband’s penis was. He had never seen an alpha’s penis in real life before - only in pictures and scientific diagrams he had been shown during his educational training at the government facility days leading up to the wedding. “It’s so much bigger in person! How will that thing ever fit inside my body!?” He thought.

“I didn’t realize that rabbits were a symbol of fertility, but I know now” Nate said with a smile as Maurice continued to rub his body. “I....err I ...want you to know that I err ...hope I can make you happy and errr .... give you lots of children.” Nate said with a shy smile as he looked up at Maurice through the falling water truly hoping that Maurice was happy with him or would grow to love him.
The innocent look Nate was working Maurice up. His breath hitched at the blush that slowly spread across Nate's cheeks, feeling the omega soften and basically nudged closer to him, as if he was silently begging for more strokes. With Nate lowering his head, he was able to see the elegant neckline of Nate's and he stroked the delicate body of his omega.

he followed Nate's gaze and saw what he was looking - and the blush, despite rpobably unknown to Nate, was quickly spreading to the tip of his ears and also his neck. "You now know....." Maurice echoed Nate's words. "I'm very confident in you, Nate. You're the most perfect omega one can wish for." he smiled, squeezing Nate's peachy buttocks and chuckled at the squeal he elicited from the omega.

"You're already making me very happy. And if we're to have lots of children... that wouldn't only depend on you, but also on me..." he pushed his hips forward - his member was beginning to wake up seeing his husband's naked form, and already it was impressive. Maurice knew as a fact he was large ... even among alphas. He was thick and when in full ereciton, he had had scared away girls and omegas alike in his youthful, crazy days at school. With Nate, however, he woudln't be forcing himsefl on him... this little one deserved all his attention and patience, he would make their first time - and the many times to come - as perfect as it could be.
“I’m very confident in you, Nate. You’re the most perfect omega one can wish for.” Nate was relieved to hear those words coming from his new husband. Nate was quickly falling for the large alpha and he was glad that the alpha seemed to be falling for him as well.

Nate squealed when he felt the large hands of his husband squeeze his buttocks. It caught him by surprise, but he liked it. Nate had the cutest little bubble butt - smooth, tight and firm. His bubble butt often brought him unwanted attention from men. The shy omega often resorted to wearing baggy clothes to avoid all the catcalls. But, Maurice was different. Maurice was his husband now, and Nate was enjoying the attention Maurice was giving him.

Maurice’s large member was growing even larger by the second. Nate could feel it rubbing against his abdomen as Maurice pushed his hips forward bringing the two of them closer together. “You’re already making me very happy. And if we’re to have lots of children...that wouldn’t only depend on you, but also on me...” Nate couldn’t help but smile hearing that from Maurice. The pressure of providing heirs for such a prominent line of alphas was weighing heavily on Nate. He was relieved to hear that Maurice equally accepted the burden.

Nate wrapped his arms around his husband’s lower back and pulled himself into Maurice. He placed his head onto Maurice’s chest and just hugged his husband as the warm water trickled down their bodies. He could feel the alpha’s semi-erect member continue to grow against his stomach.
Maurice was decently surprised that the omega, although looking rather lean overall, had such a lovely butt. He squeezed the fleshy globes once more and was already falling in love with them. "cute butt...." he said in a husky voice. Normally he wasn't as forward - but well, Nate was his husband. He figured he had the right to compliement him like that...

"oh don't you worry... I'm pretty sure you're very fertile. The perfect omega through and through." he smiled at the insecurity Nate was showing. "And i don't want you to feel pressured." the last thing he wanted was for Nate to feel obligated to "produce children" as often and as soon as possible. Their children would come from love, not stupid pressure from the government and people at large. "besides.... let's not go way ahead of ourselves." he smirked, referring ot the fact that they had yet to consummate.

The alpha was again not expecting Nate to suddenly hug him so close, but it was much welcome and Maurice happily wrapped his strong arms around his small omega. He was able to see Nate's cute butt from behind, while the lovely scent of the omega was hitting his nostrils following the steam of the water. "I think.... we're warm enough now." he said, his deep voice resonating in the small shower.

He lifted the omega up in fireman style, squeezed his perky butt once, and led the way back out - and found belatedly they didn't have clothes to change into...

"Oops." he shrugged sheepishly at Nate. "guess we'd have to brave the corridors wrapped in a towel alone." he flashed a cheeky smile at Nate - the omega would have little problem. the big towels could easily wrap him up fully. For Maurice, however... the towel could only go around his waist. 
The pair began drying their wet bodies with the towels they had found in the bathroom. A big smile was plastered on Nate’s face. He loved every word Maurice said in the shower. He wanted the alpha, there was no doubt about it. But, he was glad that there was no pressure to consummate the marriage right away. He was even more elated that it seemed his new husband saw him as more than just someone meant to carry his children. That made the omega very happy.

After drying his body, Nate bent over the sink slightly to wipe the mirror, creating a small circle in the fogged up mirror - enough for him to see and comb his hair. He stuck his butt out slightly knowing that Maurice was probably watching him. He was flattered that Maurice thought he had a cute butt.

After fixing his hair to his satisfaction, Nate wrapped the towel around his body. He giggled when he saw that the towel barely fit around Maurice’s waist. “Shall we?” Nate said with a grin as the pair picked up their wet clothes and walked out of the bathroom. The outside was noticeably colder than the steamy bathroom. Trembling from the cool air of the castle, Nate clung to his husband to keep warm as the two newlyweds walked down the corridor in just their towels.
Amused, Maurice admired the view. Nate probably never knew how attractive he was. The alpha was fascintated by the combination of his innocent face and his seductive body. That contrast was just making his new husband ever more alluring.

Maurice peekd outside the toilet first, making out his way. He vaguely remember this hallway but honestly he wasn't too sure. He shivered as the cold air hit them from the crack on the door. "I think we should be heading to the left.... should we make a dash?" He pulled NAte closer, wrapped his arm around his shoulders and quickly ran down the corner in bare feet. It was cold and Maurice hissed when his foot touched the marble floor, but they pressed on while he chuckled at how hilarious they must look.

They skidded to a halt at the corner, Maurice holding Nate even tighter as they made a sharp turn at the end of the corridor, then went on with the dash on the next hallway until there was chatterings heard at the end. For some reasons Maurice thought they need to hide - so he grabbed Nate's waist, together, they pressed hard against the wall until the servants moved on ...

"Shhh....." Muarice said sneaking a peek to see where the servants were. Nate's soft cheeks were pressed right onto his bare chest.... "just one more corner, i'm quite sure of that." he turned back to the omega, smiling triumphantly finally recognising their way back.
Nate was all smiles as the two of them made their way down the cold corridor. Maurice had a reputation of being a strong alpha and successful businessman. So, for Nate, it was nice to see that his new husband had a playful side as well.

Hearing chatter at the end of the corridor, Maurice grabbed Nate’s waist and pulled him in. Nate’s head was resting on Maurice’s bare chest. Nate had no idea why Maurice felt that they needed to hide, but he didn’t protest. Maurice’s embrace felt so nice. Nate could feel Maurice’s rapid heartbeat from the running. Their quick breathing matched each other as they waited for the servers to pass. Nate couldn’t explain it, but feeling Maurice’s skin against his was so comforting. He could stay in this position all day.

Maurice moved slightly to sneak a peak to ensure the servants were gone. “Just one more corner, I’m quite sure of that” Maurice said confidently as he smiled back at Nate. The pair dashed off again.

Sure enough, Maurice was right. Within a minute, they were back at their suite. The old door creaked open and the two waked inside. Both were panting from the mad dash and the exhilaration of managing to avoid being seen by the servants nearly naked. They closed the door behind them. Nate walked over to the bed. Still wrapped in his wet towel, he collapsed onto the bed exhausted but laughing. “That was a close one.” He said. His chest rising up and down still breathing heavily from the mad dash through the corridors.

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  True love. (Closed with bhdire8.) SilentFeather 786 94,634 09-09-2019, 05:29 PM
Last Post: SilentFeather
  Labor and Delivery Roleplay - Permanently Closed BabyDoctor 48 13,655 09-04-2019, 08:41 AM
Last Post: Choruku
  C Primal Urge (Closed with PregnantTyler) Klayko 61 14,654 08-24-2019, 09:45 PM
Last Post: PregnantTyler
  The Interview (Closed w/RedThunderYellowSky) Klayko 3 3,162 08-19-2019, 12:43 AM
Last Post: SimonBrownMpreg
  Set to Sea (closed RP with @bhdire8) sipscan330 110 19,750 08-12-2019, 11:26 AM
Last Post: bhdire8
  The Alien Futa (Closed w/BubbleBelly321) kcoop99 49 10,615 07-30-2019, 06:36 AM
Last Post: BubbleBelly321

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