I Put A Spell on You (closed with SeanWoods221)
"What are you doing, milking yourself in broad daylight?!" Cal threw his arms up, then facepalmed. "On second thought, you better not answer that question. Just make yourself decent and get over here."
Sean adjusted his clothes and waddled over to Cal.
"Now," said Cal, forcing himself to be calm, "You know what an ultrasound is, right?"
"Of course. It's a machine that shows how many babies you have." Sean answered.
"Good. Just checking, seeing as you needed me to tell you we were expectant in the first place." Cal reached for a flashlight-like object attached to the machine. "Now, this thing is what we use to examine the babies. Refresh my memory - do we still have that old recliner chair?"
"Yes, we do." Sean waddled to the recliner chair.
"Perfect," Cal said, smiling despite himself. Despite being barely in a fit state to climb into it himself, he gave Sean a hand to sit back and make himself comfy. "Pull your shirt up, Sean. Leave your rack covered, but the belly has to come out." He ignored the kicking infant in his gut as he tweaked further with the machine.
Sean lifted his shirt and kept his huge breasts covered.
Cal took a tube of gel from a shelf underneath the machine and popped it open. "I should warn you," he said, "This is gonna tickle a little."
"OK." Sean said as he braced himself.
The other man squirted a little gel onto Sean's abdomen. Afterwards, he placed his hand flat on top of it and rubbed around in a circle to spread it.
Sean had his hands behind his head, so he can't rub his belly.
"Good. You should leave your hands up there. It'll prevent interferance with the ultrasound." Having said that, Cal turned the machine on and pressed the device to his friend's belly.
"How many babies am I having, Cal?" Sean asked his friend.
Cal squinted at the monitor. "I don't know," he said. "There's definitely enough biomass in there to justify you -- and me, I can only assume -- looking almost ready to pop. That said, I see the baby over here sometimes" - he positioned the stick on the upper left of Sean's belly - "and sometimes over here." He moved it down to the lower right of the bulge. "Plus, if you are gonna drop in a month or two, the kid's way too small to come out. I suppose that can only mean..."

The realisation hit Cal like a ton of bricks. "Sean," he said in shock, "You're having twins. You - I - there's two babies in there."
"I look huge for having twins" Sean replied in shock.
Cal wiped the gel off the stick and Sean's belly with an eye-roll. For some reason he felt bad about being so sarcastic with Sean, but he ignored it. "You're exaggerating, baby-mama," he said, wiping his own hands with a tea towel. "You look late with one baby. I'm no biologist, but I'd say you're still 2nd trimester -- and if there's twins in my belly, and God knows there probably are, so am I. You think this is big? I bet Google Images can show your the real meaning of 'huge for twins'. Now if you don't mind I'd like to..."

At that moment, Cal and Sean clutched their bellies in sync as each shook with a growl and a growth spurt began. Cal barely made it onto the sofa as their bellies began to grow and their children began kicking up a storm.
"Eh... Why is my belly growing bigger?" Sean moaned.
"Nnngh! Ask me... when mine stops growing!" grunted Cal. "Ugh!"

He tried to repeat his old tactic of rubbing his belly to calm his babies but they were having none of it, pushing against the confines of the magically-conjured womb they were in and fighting each other for space.
Sean's and Cal's bellies finally stopped growing.

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