Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
Mitsuo couldn't help the smug look on his face despite the pain. He knew how to push Gil's buttons and drive him crazy. It made him feel powerful, being able to control Gil in such a way, without words.

He let Gil move, shifting to get himself comfortable against the headboard. He wasn't expecting the slap, yelping at the sharp sting then giving a long low moan as he pushed. He gave a surprised noise when he felt Gil lean down behind him and start to lick him. "Oooh, god..." He moaned, closing his eyes tight. "Y-you're eating me out....while I give birth!" He moaned, legs trembling as he teased his clit. His cock hard again, pressing against his lower belly.
"Yea eating the baby out." Gil teased and then resumed his attack. That small bead between his folds was timid at first, but as he pushed, it would be provoked out of his hiding place, where Gil could attack directly on it. Mitsuo's legs were trembling so much Gil wasn't sure how he managed to stay upright. Everything was tight and stretched below, but his womanly lips stretched so tight, any part of Mitsuo was senstiive and a simple lick on the stretched skin around the baby's head would elicit the sweetest response from Mitsuo.

Gil licked and fondled with MItsuo's feminine parts while his hands assaulted his manhood. He stroked his cock , pulled it back then released it so it would bounce off his belly, causing it to jiggle.
Mitsuo panted and moaned as Gil continued to torment him while he stretched around the baby's head. He trembled and jerked, pulling away when Gil teased too much, only to shift back down for more. He cried out as Gil licked more, sending so many conflicting signals of pleasure and pain up his spine.

He gasped sharply when Gil pulled on his cock, feeling it slap against his belly and bob about before he grabbed it again. "S-stop. N-not yet..." He gasped, feeling himself on the verge of another orgasm. He pushed hard, feeling the head stretching him so wide. He rocked his hips gently, easing it just a little further before gasping sharply as it came out with a loud pop and a flood of fluid. "Oh," He panted, trembling harder. "I....I want to cum as the shoulders.....come free." He muttered.
It's delightful seeing Mitsuo trembled in desire that he knew not how t9 handle himself, and all Gil had to do was to keep licking, fondling with whatever part of Mitsuo that he could reach with his tongue. He withdrew slightly and stopped teasing with his cock for awhile when he asked him to stop. He stopped breathing looking at Mitsuo doing 5he final push. He wouldnt know what an effect him wiggling his ass had on Gil, and probably was too preoccupied with pushing their baby's head out to pay attention.

"Woah...." Gil finally could breath when the head came all the way out. "That's a huge head actually." He chuckled and held the massive head gently in his hands to hold it. It's poking out of Mitsuo and stretching his opening wide. "Ok, i am lookign forward to it.... you wanna flip over?" Gil said wanting to hold his fiance in his arms again now that the birth had really progressed.
Mitsuo couldn't think about anything beyond pushing right now. That primal instinct to give birth was overwhelming. All of his focus was on easing the head those last tiny millimeters before it popped free and hung heavy between his thighs. He panted harshly, shifting slightly to reach down between his legs. He touched Gil's hand, then the head, giving a sob of joy at the feeling.

"Ooh....I can't move yet...." He panted. The baby was just too big, wedged inside his pelvis. He felt like if he moved, he'd hurt the baby. "G-guide it out..." He gasped, gritting his teeth and bearing down again, feeling the shoulders trying to get out together...they needed to be angled so one would come out first.
It was a bit disappoiting not able to.hodl mitsuo, but Gil understood it was difficult for the birthing father to move much. He held the head and whispered. "Ok, dont panic. Be patient baby." He kissed Mitsuo's back and instructed. "You breath and let the baby turn. I.would help, but dont push just yet." He said trying to.put more pressure on one side and help initiate the turning.

The baby waa huge and his fat head strained Mitsuo's opening. It looked a little comical with his cheeks squished, and Gil pressed on Mitsuo's lips so he wouldnt tear too easily. "On my count, little pushes ok? Take it step by step."
Mitsuo knew they could cuddle more for the second baby. but right now his mind was on getting the first one out safely. He nodded and made a noise to Gil's words, breathing through the next few contractions as he helped ease the baby into position. "Aaah, god....s-such a strange feeling." He panted, trembling slightly.

He felt so full, so completely stretched. He doubted he could open up much more than he was right now. He gasped and whined as Gil pressed on his tightly stretched skin, bearing down again with short grunts. Each push getting a little more progress. "Ooh...its coming! F-fuck! I....I'm gonna.....!!" He moaned and gasped, feeling the baby pass the widest point, right against his prostate. He cried out as the baby suddenly fell free, pushing him over the edge of another powerful orgasm and sending fluid and slick gushing out after him. A little boy, but like his mother, having the unique anatomy as well.
The baby stretched Mitsuo so obscenely wide for a second Gil was quite convinced therr's no way for Mitsuo to birth th3 baby without tearing himself, but once again his finace amazed him, and the baby popped in a fury of action, Mitsuo cumming at all spots at once.

Gil caught the baby that's slipped out. After the shoulder, it came almost shooting out with Mitsuo's powerful pushes mixed with the orgasm. "Wow babe you did it!" He exclaimed and saw Mitsuo's eyes were still rolled back and his body trembled violently, still overwhelmed by the pleasure. Gil smiled and sat closw to Mitsuo in case he would collapse when the shock settled, and quickly tended to the baby first. "A baby as unique as you love... such a miracle."
Mitsuo slumped against the headboard, trembling and panting hard. His whole body buzzing from his powerful orgasm. He wasn't sure how long he was zoned out, but the baby's wail snapped him out of it.

He looked to Gil, lifting himself slightly to see the baby. The newborn squirmed in his father's arms, wailing and flailing his fists. Mitsuo slowly rolled himself over, mindful of the cord still connecting him to his child. "" He muttered, reaching for the newborn. "Go get towels. And the scissors." He muttered, taking the baby and resting him against his chest. "Shh. Shh, little one." He muttered softly against the baby's forehead, cuddling him to help calm him down.
Gil.shook his head with a fond smile at how his finace immediately have eyes only for the newborn, and fitted Mitsuo in the centre with pillows before slipping off bed to gather the supplies that he had mentioned. He covered the mother and son with a clean towel, keeping them warm before cuttting off the chord. "Here you go babe..." he pressed close to his fiance and kissed him, hugging him and joined in looking at the chubby baby.

Gil wiped down the baby and stroked his little cheeks. "Such a big baby.... gave your mother a 'hard' enough time pushing you out, huh?" He smirked and held Mitsuo's waist. His still swollen belly acted as a grrat makeshift stand for the baby to rest upon. Gil huggd him close and stroked his belly with his thumb while kissing him again. "Good job babe.... thanks."
Instinct told Mitsuo to tend to his newborn, making sure the airways were clear before wrapping him in the warm towel. He smiled up at Gil, looking so proud of his new baby. He made a happy noise at the kiss, nuzzling close to Gil and closing his eyes.

He chuckled at Gil's words, shaking his head slightly. "He can't help it." He muttered before his face scrunched up. His contractions had died down after the first baby came out, but they were starting to build up again. "Mmh...his sibling is coming. oooh..." He groaned.
"Eager to join this world, i see. Let me take the baby away first?" Gil offered and tried to remove the baby from Mitsuo's hands, which were shaking from the contraction once again awashing his body. The exhaustion was clear as Mitsuo sweated and panted through the contraction that was no way as intense as before, yet they were proving to be difficult for Mitsuo to handle now.

Gil muttered instructions tO Mtisuo to keep his breathing steady and lifted the baby away from his grip, and settled the infant on the nearby armchair. He would join his sibling at the nursery beside once they were both arrived. The couple could keep an eye on him then. Hopefully their moans during the birth wouldn't disturb their newborn son too much.
Mitsuo was reluctant to let go of the newborn, shaking hands holding onto him as Gil tried to lift him away. He released his hold as the contraction reached its peak, groaning loudly and shifting on the bed. Something felt off, but he couldn't tell what. He was sure both twins had been positioned right, at least they had been during his last checkup.

He leaned his head back, giving a strained whine of pain, his whole form tense. "Something's wrong." He gasped, looking at his fiance with fear clearly in his eyes. The second twin had turned during its sibling's was breech, coming with only one foot down.
Gil just dismissed Mitsuo's unusual trembling as exhaustion catching up wtih him, and didn't pay attention to the pained look of him when he finally could take over the baby. He was alarmed when Mitsuo said something was wrong, and quickly turned away from the baby resting on the armchair to mitsuo.

"Love....?" He asked unsuredly. "You, sure? But they are alright last we checked.... last time the doctor said..." Gil was frowning hard now. He noticed finally the coldsweat forming on Mitsuo's forehead and how tensed he was. He quickly gathered his lover into his arms and soothed him. "It's ok.... it's very alright. people deliver breeched babies all the time. You would be fine... you are the expert in this." He muttered kissing Mitsuo giving him confidence. "Listne, there's no need to panic. We could handle this... just let your body do the work." He said rubbed Mitsuo's belly, trying to figure out the orientation of the baby.
Mitsuo was clearly scared. Even with his previous pregnancy, he hadn't had a breech. He whimpered softly when Gil pulled him close, pressing his head to the man's chest. He tried to calm himself, listening to his heart and breathing. "I....I hope so." He muttered, closing his eyes tight and whimpering through a strong contraction.

He shifted his legs and hips, trying to ease the baby into position. The baby was presenting with one foot down, the other leg tucked against its body. Thankfully, the first baby had opened him up enough so they didn't have to worry about things getting stuck. "Aah-ah. We shouldn't play so hard at the start." He panted, looking up at Gil.
"Yea, guess we got the baby so worked up he did a somersault inside of you...." gil wasnt as remorsed, even though he felt for his lover, he thought their play's probably the best experience he had in life. "It's gonna be fine.... i am going to feel inside of you ok?" Gil didnt see the foot just yet, so he didnt think the problem's too serious.

Upon slipping inside of Mitsuo's slightly sloppy opening, he could hear Mitsuo gasping in pain. He tried to be gentler and frowned when he got in touch with a small feet. The baby's position was awkward and the even thicker trunk would definitely make it much more difficult for Mitsuo to push. "It's ok, little pushes first babe? The baby's very close now."
Mitsuo made an agreeing noise when Gil mentioned the baby flipping, breathing through his contraction. He was exhausted, but he wasn't going to quit. He nodded to Gil, shifting his legs and watching him.

He hissed as Gil slipped his fingers into him, closing his eyes tight. His inner walls were tender, twitching at every touch. "Mmh. aaah." He gasped, leaning his head back for a moment before curling in on himself and pushing at the peak of his contraction. When it passed, he relaxed again. He looked over as the first twin started fussing. "Mmh....He's hungry...." He muttered, reaching out for him. "Come on." He added, looking to Gil, then back to the newborn.
Gil looked on as MItsuo started pushing again and removed his finger once he was confirmed his effort was working. The little feet was slipping down his canal as he pushed, and Gil helped him curl up holding his back. "You are determined on multitasking, aren't you?" Gil shook his head. He sighed and still complied with Mitsuo's wishes, taking the baby to lay him on Mitsuo's chest holding them both up in his arms.

The baby was fussing in his cry and Gil helped Mitsuo positioning himself so the baby could suckle on him. It took a bit more trying, Gil helping in holding Mitsuo's breast, but during their struggle, another contraction hit. Gil could see Mitsuo's toes curling up at the renewed contraction.
Mitsuo growled through clenched teeth as he pushed, trembling as Gil helped him hold his position. He could feel the baby moving down ever so slightly until the contraction faded and he relaxed again.

He panted and watched Gil retrieve the newborn, shifting his position so he could easily cradle him against his chest. "Mmh...Yes. And nursing can encourage labor." He muttered before his face scrunched up and he groaned loudly. He focused on pushing while Gil helped the baby to nurse, giving a soft moan when he started suckling.

He didn't even notice he'd gotten hard again....Not so much turned on by the nursing, but rather the stimulation. Much the same way Gil wold arouse him with his mouth on his swollen nipples. He couldn't help it. "Nnh, aaah~!"
Gil could pick up the slight change in tone from Mitsuo's moan, and he couldn't help with the smirk creeping up his lips. That moan sent shiver down his spine as he realised Mitsuo was hardening again. He took the liberty to enhance the sensation by fondling with his other side's nipple and then moved further down with the trace of milk squirted out to his popped bellybutton, circling it until he could feel goosebumps appearing on Mitsuo's arms.

Mtisuo was panting on top of him, and Gil was eager to lessen his pain. He nibbled on the sensitive earlobe of his lover and then moved further down his belly, along the faint darker line connecting his bellybutton down to his crotch, and once again clutched his erection. "Not only nursing could encourage labor.... an orgasm also could." He murmured and kissed him again, thrusting slightly himself against Mitsuo's bottom, rubbing his own erection between his crack.

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