Alien Virus
"Just to see how much the fetus has grown. All of the pregnancies have been different with their initial growth spurts. Some men start out with a belly only about four months along, others all the way to nine months. You seem to be on the bigger side, about eight months. That means you have about a month of growing to do. However, that doesn't determine how long you will be pregnant. In reality it's an indefinite amount of time. We've come to the conclusion that the men only give birth when they've decided to. Some men decide not to give birth, deciding the keep their babies inside them. I don't blame them, though. They seem to have realized that it's much easier to take care of your baby when it's in your belly than when it's roaming on its own in the outside world." Dr. Klaus patted Sean's belly as he said the last part.
"Ok. Now what do we do?" Sean asked.
Dr. Klaus pulled over an ultrasound machine. He squirted some jelly onto Sean's belly and then placed the transducer on it, trying to find a clear picture. "Have you felt any movement at all?"
Sean nodded. "A little."
"That's good, it's just the beginning so your baby shouldn't be too active. It's probably very exhausted after its growth spurt last night." Dr. Klaus moved the transducer around slowly until stopping at just below Sean's navel. "Here we go." He turned the screen to Sean and Onyx.

Onyx gasped when she saw the screen. "Sean... that's..."
"A baby." Sean gasped.
(Let's have twins)
"No, Sean, that's.... twins!" Onyx stared at the screen in disbelief.

"That's right. This is very rare, but it does appear that you are having twins." Dr. Klaus clicked a button on the keyboard and suddenly muffled thumping filled the room. "And that is their heartbeats"
"Wow." Sean said.
Onyx squeezed Sean's hand with one hand and ran her fingers through his hair with the other. "Wow."

Dr. Klaus ran them through everything on the ultrasound, showing the heads and limbs of the twins. Unfortunately he was unable to tell the sexes from their positions, but was hopeful that he would be able to tell at their next appointment. He gave Sean some prenatal vitamins and ordered him on bed rest, letting Onyx know that she would be nursing Sean from then on.

After the doctor left the room to print the scans, Onyx took a warm, wet washcloth and started cleaning off Sean's belly. "So you're pregnant... with twins." k
"I know. What do think about all of this?" Sean asked.
"It's definitely a lot.... What do you think of all this?"
"I can get you used to it." Sean replied.
Onyx sighed and finished wiping the gel off of Sean's belly. She left the waist band of his sweat pants nestled under the giant dome and did her best to pull down Sean's shirt. Once again, the belly refused to be contained and couldn't not be covered.
"Do I have a room to sleep in? Sean asked.
Dr. Klaus came back in and handed Onyx copies of the ultrasound. Onyx slipped them into her purse. "Jensen and Alex will take you to your quarters no."

The two agents from before came and led Onyx and Sean to an apartment.
"I guess this is where we'll be living till I give birth." Sean said.
"Yeah I guess it is"
Sean sat on their new bed.
Onyx sat next to Sean.

One of the agents, Alex, stepped forward. "You will be provided for here. The kitchen and any supplies you may need will be stocked regularly. There is a map on the counter of this facility. There are several common areas, gyms, etc. that you can spend your time in. You will be seeing the doctor every week. If you have an questions, dial 2 on the landline."
"Thanks." Sean said

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