An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

Damn. Cormac swore to himself. So much for that plan. "Hey, I'm just a messenger," he called to the inn-keeper. "I'm just trying to do my job." He scanned the room and decided it was best not to ask the other patrons. He took out the list and decided the hooka lounge was the next best bet. If Heceril was in line with I'Karis, then a temple would probably be the last place to look. Cormac shoved the paper back into his pocket and left the inn. He climbed back onto the horse and traversed farther into the city.

In the city's east side was the Kasbah Hookah lounge. Judging by the sounds, the first floor was dancing, and judging by the smokey smell of the people leaving the building, the second floor was the hookah lounge.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac tethered up the horse once again and stepped into the building. He nearly choked on the smell, but kept his composer. "I'm looking for Heceril. Is he here?" he asked. "It's fairly urgent."

The bouncer scratched his head. "I don't know. You look a little too young to be down here with all the liquor, but I think you'll be allowed upstairs. There's really nothing that happens up there."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'll make this quick then." Cormac quickly made his way through the dancers and their clients to the second floor where he covered his mouth with his cloak. "I'm looking for Heceril." He called into the room. "Is he here and if not can you point me where to find him?"

The hookah lounge was dimly lit, and smokey. Tables were low to the ground, requiring a person to sit on the floor, on cushions. A record player along the wall played music that sounded not of this realm.

There must be some kinda way outta here, said the joker to the thief...

In the back corner, a figure waved Cormac over.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac made his way to the back table. "You know where he is?" He asked, trying not to cough.

He took a drag on the hookah's pipe, and slowly blew out smoke. Like I'Karis, he was an elf. His face was neutral, conveying nothing this man could have been thinking. His expression did not change as Cormac drew near. "Please sit." That was all he said. Clearly, he was not as talkative as the other elf Cormac had met. There was something odd about him, but it was difficult to tell, as he was sitting down.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and sat near the man. Cormac tried his best to scan the room, but the smoke was making it difficult and it was irritating his eyes, causing them to tear up.

"I am Heceril. Those who know my name already know of the services I offer." Was all the man said. He looked at Cormac. "Is that a collapsable bow? I haven't seen one of those since I was a child." Beside him, on the floor against the wall was a bag, and a bow and quiver filled to the brim with arrows, both larger than that of Cormac. "I am curious, where did you get it?" Still his face remained unchanged.

The music played on...

No reason to get excited, the thief kindly spoke....

I'm just here for a laugh

"A satyr," Cormac said. "I saved a merman from harpies while others simply watched. I lost one of my daggers because of it so he gave me this." He rubbed his eyes as the smoke irritated them. "I don't have much time to chat. My employer sent me to find you as he is in no condition to so himself. He was in pain when I left him and I would appreciate us getting to him soon."

"Commendable." He said. He took a long drag on the pipe, and smoke seofyed from his nostrils. "Too many simply sit back while that happens. Though, this is simply the circle of life."

So let us stop talking falsely now, the hour's getting late...

"As for your employer, I am sure I cannot help him. I have medical experience, but I am no healer. I am sorry you had to come find me for nothing. I recommend asking a constable. They could likely direct you to a clinic."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm not sure if they can help him. He's been looking specifically for you. I haven't been told as to why besides the fact you seem to be an expert in male pregnancies."

"Oh? Is that what he needs help with? A patient with complications? I am flattered that he thinks so highly of me, though I would hardly call myself an expert." He took another drag, and exhaled more smoke.

All along the watchtower....

"I have guided people through their pregnancies, however, and I have seen my fair share of pregnant men. Is that why he could not come himself? That he is busy treating this patient?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"He is the patient himself, he said he was suffering from cramps when I left him, but something tells me it is more than that."

Heceril exhaled more smoke. "I see. Well then, we had better get back to him, shouldn't we?" He grabbed his quiver, bow, and bag, and walked outside.

In the sunshine, it was easy to see what was so strange about Heceril. He was tall for an elf. He was taller than most humans. This was obvious as he passed several people and mounted the horse. "Shall we be off?" He asked.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and climbed onto the horse. Within minutes they reached the city gates and the carriage. Once they both dismounted, Cormac gave water and some oats to the steed. "Astien, I found him!" He called.

Heceril raised an eyebrow at the name, but otherwise his face remained unchanged. "Astien? I knew an Astien." Upon entering the carriage, he saw Astien on the bed, an knew it was the same one he had known years ago.

Astien laid on the bed, sweating and moaning, and clutching his belly. His baby was moving inside of him. It was visible to anyone looking. He had removed his shirt, and was now exposed to the elements. "P-please," he begged. "Tell me I'm not in labor." Without a word, the tall elven man reached into his bag and removed a crystal, and a strange looking medical device. With the device and the crystal, he walked over to Astien.

"Let me see..." Heceril said. As he examined Astien, he called back to Cormac. "Wipe away his sweat. And bring him some water."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and did as instructed.

Astien sat up as best as he could and sipped the water. Heceril, meanwhile, looked as confused as his stoic face could portray. "I have... Never seen anything like this before. This is... To put it simply, this is extraordinary."

Astien moaned. "Oww ow ow... That doesn't help me!"
"As best I can tell... Hmm.. As best I can tell, this a very, very intense case of Braxton hicks contractions."
"What?! There's no way this is Braxton hicks!"
"I'm not joking, Astien."

Astien groaned. "Aaaggh, well, isn't there something you can do?!" Heceril was silent for a moment as he thought. The only sounds were Astien's groans of pain.

I'm just here for a laugh

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