An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Just some wolfkin. Possibly bandits." Marius groaned. "Thank you for treating me."

Cormac sat outside in the gardens tending to Fraea. He treated her wood, rubbing in the polish into the woods. He huffed, irritated with the conversation he had just had with Wyn. She was oddly upset, but refused to talk about it.

"Didn't get a good look, huh? It happens." Siran said. "Astien, I trust you can keep an eye on him?" Astien nodded, and Siran took his leave.
"I'm sorry this happened to you, Marius. But you're safe now." Astien reassured.

Three drakes flew down from the sky and landed in front of Cormac. One of them was rather fat, and turned into Seroteth. He hurried over to Cormac and gave him a tight hug. Hug may have been the wrong word, though. Unintentionally trying to break his spine was probably more accurate. "You're too young to be married! What on earth were you going on about in that letter?!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius closed his eyes. "I'm tired."

"I'm... mot getting...married right now...Grandpa...Please...don't break my back..." Cormac wheezed. "We're just engaged."

"Get some sleep. I'll be here to keep an eye on you." Astien said, and he tucked him in.

"I don't care! You're too young for that too! You're my grandbaby and I'm not giving you away just yet!" He smothered Cormac's face in kisses. The two accompanying drakes made noises that sounded like giggling.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Grandpa, I'm eighteen. Siran did a test and Wyn is older than I am."
"Only by a year," Wyn said as she came into the garden. She seemed nervous in the presence of the drakes. "So...this is your family? Are you staying for dinner? I have to get started on it soon."

"So you're Wyn, hmm? The one trying to take my baby? He's too young to be married. Both of you are, if you're only a year older!" Seroteth exclaimed, and he squeezed Cormac tighter.

Siran exited the manor and approached Seroteth, Vincent trailing along. "Seroteth, hello. I wish you'd told me you were coming sooner. Is something the matter?" Siran asked.

"Besides the fact that two children are trying to get married, no." Seroteth replied.

Vincent stood next to Wyn. "For the record, dinner is my business, young miss. You needn't worry yourself with it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He asked me," Wyn stated. "And...And I don't think we should get married."
"What?" Cormac wheezed.
"You're obviously not ready," Wyn blurted as she crossed her arms, practically hugging herself, and avoided Cormac's eyes. She hadn't yet told him about her scare that morning. "The only reason why I was engaged before was because my brother arranged it."

Wyn turned and headed back to the manor. She went to the recovery room to check on Astien and the man. "How is he doing?"

Seroteth looked as Wyn stormed off. "Well, I didn't see that coming."

"I think I'm going to go back into my room. Seroteth, you can find me if you need me." Siran sighed.
"I will start dinner." Vincent said.

"He's fine for the moment. Just sleeping. It seems he didn't get a very good look at who attacked him." Astien stated.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm surprised he got away," Wyn said. "It's a good thing he stumbled in here. He could have bled out. It's a good thing he found you, Astien." She smiled slightly. "He's kinda cute once you get through all the blood and bandages. Don't you think so?"

"Argh! She's been weird all day," Cormac grumbled. "I know she's lying when she says she's fine. She left a duke's son standing at the altar to be with me and now she's acting like she didn't want to come at all."

Astien blushed. "He is. I kind of wonder if he had a girlfriend in that caravan..." Realizing what he just said, Astien quickly clapped a hand over his mouth. "I mean... I uh, he, uh... People, in the place, and..." His face was as red as Wyn's hair. "Ah, I'll just shut up."

Seroteth let go of Cormac and approached his other children. Vincent walked over to Cormac and leaned in close, whispering in his ear. "She's on her period. I can smell the blood."

I'm just here for a laugh

Wyn giggled. "There's nothing wrong with looking, Astien. Or asking." She winked. "He'll be here for a while and you and Cormac will be here for a while. You should at least try to get to know him."

"Oh..." Cormac muttered. He ran his hands through his hair. He walked over to his grandfather. "So...How have you been?"

Astien looked confused. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked.

Seroteth smiled and patted his still giant belly. "Things are fine. But I'm worried about you, Cormac. It sounds to me like you're going through some tough times. Are you okay?"

Vincent mumbled something a he walked past Seroteth and Cormac. A disgusted look crossed Seroteth's face and he called after the vampire. "I didn't red to know that!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Not sure quite yet," Wyn said. "I can't go home and Gerard is probably looking for me." She sighed. "I...I just can't keep moving like Cormac does and I know he isn't ready to stay put. I only started to realize that a few days ago. I still love him, but I think he needs to grow up a bit more before we do anything serious."

"We've been better," Cormac sighed. He blinked. "What did he say?"

"Maybe someday he'll decide he wants to settle down, or you'll realize you want to see the world. I'm sure it'll all work out somehow. I'm not sure what he needs is to grow up, per se. I know lots of people who prefer traveling to staying put, and I wouldn't call them immature." Astien put a hand on Wyn's arm. "You two will figure something out."

Seroteth shivered. "It was about vampires and menstrual blood. I think that alone is enough. So, what's going on between you two?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Thanks Astien," Wyn said. "We're just going through a rough patch I guess."

"Wyn said she didn't want to travel with us once Astien gets better. She's the one who asked to join us. I mean she was running from an arranged marriage, but still." Cormac sighed. "I feel like no matter what I do, I keep screwing up. We had to come here because I couldn't help Astien and I've spent the past few months trying to keep him away from Siran. And here we are. I'm glad that Astien is getting help, but...I don't know it just bugs me..." He grumbled. "I should have been able to help him..."

"Things will get better. Just you wait." Astien smiled.

"In all fairness," Vincent said, popping in from nowhere, "I was rather sneaky. Astien likes bats? So I was a bat for him. It was risky, but it paid off. I was able to monitor him remarkably well." He fixed his hat. "And as for constantly screwing up... Isn't that just what youth feels like?" He mumbled under his breath. "Been undead for thousands of years, I can't remember."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Things will get better for everybody," Wyn said. "You're a really wise man, Astien. Cormac is lucky to have met you."

Cormac sighed and looked to his grandfather. "It's nice to see you again, Grandpa. I've gotten better at flying."

Astien blushed at Wyn's praise.

Seroteth smiled. "Why don't you show me, then?" He turned to his drake form, and with the other two drakes, flew into the air. He called behind him for Cormac to follow.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac smiled and sprouted his wings and took to the sky. He flopped around a bit, but managed to stabilize himself.

Marius stirred and opened his eyes. "Well...Aren't you a pretty sight..."
Wyn blushed and stood up. "I should go see if Vincent needs any help in the kitchen." She smiled at Astien and left the room.
"Your daughter is pretty," Mirius said, glancing at Astien. "Her mom most be quite the looker." His eyes wandered to Astien's belly. "Quite an age gap though...To have between siblings."

Seroteth and the other two drakes flew next to Cormac, making sure he didn't lose control.

Astien blushed. "Oh! Uh, she isn't my daughter. She's a friend. I'm not married, or uh, taken by any means." His blush deepened. That sounded less awkward in his head. "She is engaged, though. So flirting with her isn't a very good idea."

I'm just here for a laugh

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