What's Your Pet Peeves?
(08-31-2012, 01:04 PM)star478 Wrote:
(08-31-2012, 03:41 AM)DeadSakura Wrote: 6. Those intolerant for the majority of everything outside their field : A human is a human, no matter the belief, preference, gender, or race. We all bleed red, right? We all have our wants, needs, and we all want to be happy. Why hate?

I have to agree with you on this one which is why I wrote what I call an opinionated essay called "What's the Difference?" based on just this thing (it was a spur of the moment type of thing in all honesty) that I posted up on my blog/website (yes I have a blog/website). If you want to (you don't exactly have to), you can check it out for your self (I'll post it in the "Other Sites" thread).

Anyway, I'm glad to know someone else shares my viewpoint on equality among all peoples!

Sure, I'll take a looksie. Thank ye. And I'm glad to hear from someone that thinks this way. Course, my viewpoint may be more sinister than first thought.
You know what I hate? I hate it when people capitalize everything they say in a post. People not using proper grammar and punctuation, I can just barely tolerate that, but when they use all caps?


And then they get all offended when people tell them to stop.

You look like a dick. Honestly.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
(09-04-2012, 02:45 PM)Jesse Wrote: You know what I hate? I hate it when people capitalize everything they say in a post. People not using proper grammar and punctuation, I can just barely tolerate that, but when they use all caps?


And then they get all offended when people tell them to stop.

You look like a dick. Honestly.


There's a member of the size acceptance group I'm a member of that constantly does this. I honestly don't understand how they can do that without getting a headache, or at the very least understand how deeply other people hate it or that it's just flat out rude.
Kilix stockpiled 3!


Incidentally, I can't stand when people fail to use propper capitalization and punctuation, whether in a story, RP, text, facebook post, IM, whatevs. As a writer, it really gets my goat.
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...
(09-04-2012, 07:53 PM)Buggy Girl Wrote: YOU MEAN ITS NOT COOL TO YELL AT EVERY1????


Incidentally, I can't stand when people fail to use propper capitalization and punctuation, whether in a story, RP, text, facebook post, IM, whatevs. As a writer, it really gets my goat.
I can't speak txt tlk or chatspeak, so that one bugs the heck outta me too.

Then there's one. The one fandom on this planet that drives me off-the-wall insane:

I have nothing against the people as people, you understand. But when you get into "OMFG Twilight is the greatest book evah!!!!", that's when I get annoyed. Do this pea-brained morons not realize how unhealthy the relationship is? Do they have no respect for the noble vampire? Can they NOT understand the fact that Bella is a Mary-Sue without equal?! -flops over and sighs-Someone, my smelling salts!
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
Religious fanaticism(+intolerance borne of such), the slapping sound 99% of people make when walking in flip-flops, people standing/walking directly behind me, crunching and chewing...basically the sounds of eating! Those are just a few out of about 345803948503498503948568.
(09-01-2012, 11:21 AM)Goddess Wrote: Or, like my husband saying he loves me while smashing my favorite objects on the floor in front of me.

I guess in short, I don't like deception.

Sounds like you need a grown up partner! Hope I'm not overstepping with my two cents, don't know if it was invited when you threw that out there... I'm just really sorry about that sh*t.
I have OCD so I have little annoyances nothing that I can't control. My pet peeves are:

1. Getting talked to like I have no fucking clue what I'm talk about or they think they know more than you- First off concussion effect people differently. All my head injuiries it only it effects the memory like when I was a childhood which is a good thing cause I had a fucked up childhood. I'm not a complete moron, If I don't know I ask or look it up. If I can't find anything about it I leave it alone or try it out at least once.

2. Women talking about pregnancy as if it was the worst thing to ever happen to them- Bitch please go piss off homeland secrecity then talk to me. "Men don't understand that pain" Maybe not but we do stupid shit to themselves and believe me when I say it forkleft forks though the bicep and tearing the muscule hurts like a motherfucker. "No man would want to go though child birth" Yeah me and alot of other guys here would and hell would like to be surrogate for you just to experince the whole fucking deal.

3. Keep anwsering the same qustion over and over again- I don't mean to be an ass but I really don't like anwsering the samething repeatedly I don't mind anwsering a few things but when it's "why do you like Mpreg?" Come on dude we are all here cause we have a hard-on for mpreg, If you trying to see If I'm a seeder or a carrier well I'm both. I love the idea of bearing a guy or girl their child/ren and vise versa

4. People takeing back their ex's muiltable times- It's fine if you do take them back once if it was just minor problems But if they person beats upon you and what not and you bitch about it... I'm sorry you kinda had it coming.
(09-11-2012, 11:33 AM)Faunus Wrote:
(09-01-2012, 11:21 AM)Goddess Wrote: Or, like my husband saying he loves me while smashing my favorite objects on the floor in front of me.

I guess in short, I don't like deception.

Sounds like you need a grown up partner! Hope I'm not overstepping with my two cents, don't know if it was invited when you threw that out there... I'm just really sorry about that sh*t.

Oh, no he's long gone.
I kicked him out when he became physically abusive to me (not just my stuff, lol) to protect my son.

He has an order of protection against him for both me and my son.

He went north, then moved to Mexico and now he's across the country on the East coast. Long gone :)
As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem
(09-27-2012, 09:31 AM)Goddess Wrote:
(09-11-2012, 11:33 AM)Faunus Wrote:
(09-01-2012, 11:21 AM)Goddess Wrote: Or, like my husband saying he loves me while smashing my favorite objects on the floor in front of me.

I guess in short, I don't like deception.

Sounds like you need a grown up partner! Hope I'm not overstepping with my two cents, don't know if it was invited when you threw that out there... I'm just really sorry about that sh*t.

Oh, no he's long gone.
I kicked him out when he became physically abusive to me (not just my stuff, lol) to protect my son.

He has an order of protection against him for both me and my son.

He went north, then moved to Mexico and now he's across the country on the East coast. Long gone :)
Yay!!! Now I don't have to form an angry mob to track his sorry ass down. :D

Pet peeve: People who are really anal about the way they want things to look. Admittedly, I am this way, but only for work. I engrave things. I know how things will fit best on certain items. I know - for example - that a heart pendant is not big enough to write "Samantha R. Smith" all on one line. It'll be too small. And yet people insist on it. -.- Just trust me to do my job!! I've been at it for a year, and I have customers and other stores ask for me specifically. I know what'll look good.

Rant complete. Now back to work with me.
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
Another driving pet peeve:

People who inisist upon talking on a cell phone while driving. You are not driving a phone booth (and even if you are, don't talk on the phone anyway!). Shut up and consentrate on the half-ton or heavier vehicle you are handling so that you don't cause an accident! No call is so important that you can't pull over to the side of the road to take it.
(09-28-2012, 08:13 PM)Mark Wrote: Another driving pet peeve:

People who inisist upon talking on a cell phone while driving. You are not driving a phone booth (and even if you are, don't talk on the phone anyway!). Shut up and consentrate on the half-ton or heavier vehicle you are handling so that you don't cause an accident! No call is so important that you can't pull over to the side of the road to take it.

Worst than that is the jackasses texting and driveing. even though it's illegal in many states they still fucking do it.
(10-12-2012, 07:22 PM)Craddenali Wrote:
(09-28-2012, 08:13 PM)Mark Wrote: Another driving pet peeve:

People who inisist upon talking on a cell phone while driving. You are not driving a phone booth (and even if you are, don't talk on the phone anyway!). Shut up and consentrate on the half-ton or heavier vehicle you are handling so that you don't cause an accident! No call is so important that you can't pull over to the side of the road to take it.

Worst than that is the jackasses texting and driveing. even though it's illegal in many states they still fucking do it.

Let me add to that with people who don't signal a turn. I have this happen all the time and it freaks me right out. It doesn't take much effort to put on your blinker! I even had a state trooper do it to me at an interstate toll booth --and no, his lights weren't on and he wasn't in pursuit!
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...
Got a brand fucking new one that just happened to me. So I'm have my Yahoo IM up can't remember his name on here, anyways this is what happen and yes will put up our conversation piece up and I will censor his name out and use him cause I such a nice christian. So he is into birthing rp and pretends to be a midwife anyways he refers to the babies inside of me as "That thing". I'm not cool with that cause I have suffer though cancer that messo shit you see on tv. Anyway that what my doctor a real doctor called the cancer. I understand that RPing is real but ether way treat as if it was I mean If my wife or boyfriend was pregnant do you want the person who is helping you birth call your baby a thing. If you want to avoid this person on yahoo IM Privite message me and I will give it

Him: hi
me: hey what up
him: nuthin how r u
me: not too much
him: hows that thing growing inside u
me: You call my children "that thing" again I will beat your ass
him: i didnt no if it was a boy or girl
him: so how is your preacious cargo
me: They doing fine but I not too trilled with you right now
him: im sorry lwt me make it up to you
me: Calling children "that thing" and now cargo makes the person who's preggers with that child or children sound like you refering to the child as a cancer or now with the cargo shit sounds like your calling the mother (carrier) fat
him: how can i make it up to you
me: I really doudt you can but for future referance when you talk about someone child and you do know what they are haveing call them Little one, the darlings and youngings cause I did suffer from cancer and that what the doctor called it as that thing

I thank you all for listening

(10-13-2012, 10:12 PM)Craddenali Wrote: Got a brand fucking new one that just happened to me. So I'm have my Yahoo IM up can't remember his name on here, anyways this is what happen and yes will put up our conversation piece up and I will censor his name out and use him cause I such a nice christian. So he is into birthing rp and pretends to be a midwife anyways he refers to the babies inside of me as "That thing". I'm not cool with that cause I have suffer though cancer that messo shit you see on tv. Anyway that what my doctor a real doctor called the cancer. I understand that RPing is real but ether way treat as if it was I mean If my wife or boyfriend was pregnant do you want the person who is helping you birth call your baby a thing. If you want to avoid this person on yahoo IM Privite message me and I will give it

Him: hi
me: hey what up
him: nuthin how r u
me: not too much
him: hows that thing growing inside u
me: You call my children "that thing" again I will beat your ass
him: i didnt no if it was a boy or girl
him: so how is your preacious cargo
me: They doing fine but I not too trilled with you right now
him: im sorry lwt me make it up to you
me: Calling children "that thing" and now cargo makes the person who's preggers with that child or children sound like you refering to the child as a cancer or now with the cargo shit sounds like your calling the mother (carrier) fat
him: how can i make it up to you
me: I really doudt you can but for future referance when you talk about someone child and you do know what they are haveing call them Little one, the darlings and youngings cause I did suffer from cancer and that what the doctor called it as that thing

I thank you all for listening

I don't think precious cargo is too insulting. It's just a phrase people use.

My friend (now probably an ex friend because I'm soooo tired of how shamelessly rude she is) once referred to my son as a thing. She said, "Get him to shut up or I'm going to beat that thing."

She was trying to be funny so I acted like it was funny back and just told her she was being rude, but her family is all like that too and they were constantly saying things about my son and telling me how to parent, etc. so finally I started taking it seriously and I told them to stop. Now, of course, they think *I'm* a bitch lol.
As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem
It seriously bothers/upsets/infuriates me when someone treats a serious and diagnosed mental illness like it's nothing and it's just the sufferer's way of getting attention.
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
(10-15-2012, 12:09 AM)Goddess Wrote:
(10-13-2012, 10:12 PM)Craddenali Wrote: Got a brand fucking new one that just happened to me. So I'm have my Yahoo IM up can't remember his name on here, anyways this is what happen and yes will put up our conversation piece up and I will censor his name out and use him cause I such a nice christian. So he is into birthing rp and pretends to be a midwife anyways he refers to the babies inside of me as "That thing". I'm not cool with that cause I have suffer though cancer that messo shit you see on tv. Anyway that what my doctor a real doctor called the cancer. I understand that RPing is real but ether way treat as if it was I mean If my wife or boyfriend was pregnant do you want the person who is helping you birth call your baby a thing. If you want to avoid this person on yahoo IM Privite message me and I will give it

Him: hi
me: hey what up
him: nuthin how r u
me: not too much
him: hows that thing growing inside u
me: You call my children "that thing" again I will beat your ass
him: i didnt no if it was a boy or girl
him: so how is your preacious cargo
me: They doing fine but I not too trilled with you right now
him: im sorry lwt me make it up to you
me: Calling children "that thing" and now cargo makes the person who's preggers with that child or children sound like you refering to the child as a cancer or now with the cargo shit sounds like your calling the mother (carrier) fat
him: how can i make it up to you
me: I really doudt you can but for future referance when you talk about someone child and you do know what they are haveing call them Little one, the darlings and youngings cause I did suffer from cancer and that what the doctor called it as that thing

I thank you all for listening

I don't think precious cargo is too insulting. It's just a phrase people use.

My friend (now probably an ex friend because I'm soooo tired of how shamelessly rude she is) once referred to my son as a thing. She said, "Get him to shut up or I'm going to beat that thing."

She was trying to be funny so I acted like it was funny back and just told her she was being rude, but her family is all like that too and they were constantly saying things about my son and telling me how to parent, etc. so finally I started taking it seriously and I told them to stop. Now, of course, they think *I'm* a bitch lol.

Precious cargo really isn't insulting but I was in my mind set and I was pissed cause we were talking for like a week about this pregnancy rp (btw twin girls) and he had the balls to say that to me or better yet anyone just BS...

I was always told all my life no one is better than anyone else, So calling someone children that thing is just asking to be beating or rang a new asshole for the comment. Sorry that you had to live though it in real life and I hope for the best for you and your son and your future children (if you anymore).
(10-15-2012, 05:02 AM)KPepper Wrote: It seriously bothers/upsets/infuriates me when someone treats a serious and diagnosed mental illness like it's nothing and it's just the sufferer's way of getting attention.

I'm sorry if I offened you anyway by saying something about it. I don't mean too upset anyone in anyway I wasn't aiming to piss anyone off by saying anything about it. I thought since this was about Pet preeves I could say something about it and how it really does get to me. The reason why I treat it, like nothing happen is cause, I feel like I want people to see/feel the same way I do about it... It happened and I'm want to move on and say I'm not normal here some of my problems but I'm happy with it. So sorry if it infuriates didn't mean anything by it.
(10-15-2012, 07:02 AM)Craddenali Wrote:
(10-15-2012, 05:02 AM)KPepper Wrote: It seriously bothers/upsets/infuriates me when someone treats a serious and diagnosed mental illness like it's nothing and it's just the sufferer's way of getting attention.

I'm sorry if I offened you anyway by saying something about it. I don't mean too upset anyone in anyway I wasn't aiming to piss anyone off by saying anything about it. I thought since this was about Pet preeves I could say something about it and how it really does get to me. The reason why I treat it, like nothing happen is cause, I feel like I want people to see/feel the same way I do about it... It happened and I'm want to move on and say I'm not normal here some of my problems but I'm happy with it. So sorry if it infuriates didn't mean anything by it.
-blink blink- Actually, I hadn't noticed that. I was talking in general and, more specifically, my girlfriend. She acts like my disease is nothing because she's got a harder life than I do. I have periods (usually between a few hours and a day) where it gets really bad and I contemplate suicide. It's not something I can control, even with medication, and when I'm like that, I don't think. I just look for someone to hold onto until it passes. God forbid it be my girlfriend or someone who's supposed to care for me...
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
(10-15-2012, 05:02 AM)KPepper Wrote: It seriously bothers/upsets/infuriates me when someone treats a serious and diagnosed mental illness like it's nothing and it's just the sufferer's way of getting attention.

I feel the same way. There is a guy on Youtube named Shaycarl who promotes this "Just choose to be happy" philosphy, and I shake my head every time he goes into one of his speeches.

It's a nice idea, and it works for people, but the examples he uses go like this;

"Colette and I were driving back from Arizona, and it was 3 in the morning and we realized that we would only be able to get 3 hours of sleep once we reached L.A. And the kids were somehow awake in the back, and wouldn't go to sleep, and I also realized that we had left a suitcase back at a relatives house, and there was no way we could turn back for it. Instead of getting mad and fuming, she and I just said 'Oh well,' and played a game with the kids until they fell back to sleep. It kept us awake, it tired them out, and it kept us from feeling frustrated."

That's a great idea. It's nice to be able to do that.

But what he doesn't understand is that there are people, like me and like you KPepper, who can't. There was a time (over a decade) where I genuinely didn't know how to make myself happy. I remember moments of happiness with other people, but generally, I was a depressed, unhopeful, mentally unhealthy person. Even when I started to work myself out of that terrible black hole of a place, I got out and realized that I had no idea how to make myself feel happy. It takes work and effort, and for some people it is extremely hard.

It's exteremly hard when you have this tiny, repetative voice in your brain telling you that you not only can't be happy, but you don't deserve to be. You're not like other people, so you don't deserve what other people have. No matter what you do, you haven't done enough to deserve anything that gives you joy, or pleasure, or relief.

And even when you begin to ignore that voice, you begin to realize that it did more damage than just holding you back. All of your instincts to smile and maybe laugh are just gone. It took everything you had and left you with nothing. Nothing bad either, but it's still a completely blank slate.

It doesn't matter how many times you explain it to normal people either, because they don't really have the capacity to understand. They think you are over thinking it and over exaggerating for attention. And sometimes that's just enough of a crack in your self esteem to let that little voice back in and start the cycle all over again. Especially if there is no one around you who is willing to believe you.

I am able to slog through and endure my depression without meds (they tried and it made me worse when I was younger), but I have a cousin who is only 20, and he and his doctor know that he is probably going to be on medication his entire life. His family doesn't really understand, and they are the type of people who love to tease and push buttons. But depression runs in my mother's side of the family, so he spends a lot of time here, where he knows he'll be understood.

I wish you luck, KPepper, I really do. I hope one day you'll get to a point where it no longer runs your life. It's hard, and it sucks. Please don't give up.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com

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