An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"We can go together then," Marius said. "It'll be like a little family outing. Plus I can punch anybody who gives the little guy trouble."

Delas threw up his hands and cheered. He jumped out of bed, pulled on Cormac's hand me downs, and ran out of the room excitedly, almost knocking down Astien. "Come on, lets go!" He called behind him.

Astien laughed. "He's certainly got spirit!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled. "Sure does. Let's get going."

Astien managed to find a nice store with a wide selection, and he led the group there. Once inside, though, the owner approached them looking rather angry. "We don't serve his kind here." He seethed, gesturing to Delas.

"Sir, I believe our money's as good as anyone else's." Astien reasoned.
But the shopkeep would have none of it. "Doesn't matter. No one would shop here if they knew I served anomalies." Delas looked very hurt.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac cleared his throat as he seemed to dust off his drake pin.

The shopkeep looked nervous. "I'm just doing what's best for my business, surely the drakes can understand that?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I don't see it that way," Cormac said sternly as he stared down the shop keep. "I am trying to by my friend hear proper clothes with my own money. Are you telling me that a drake's money is no good here?"
"Sounds like it to me," Marius said roughly.

"It's not your money, it's HIS presence!"

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"That's unfortunate," Cormac stated. "It's not like he asked to be born or to be treated like this." He eyes narrowed as he withdrew his claws. "Perhaps you know what it's like to be beaten and spat upon just for the fact that he was born. To be denied even the basic of pleasures because of measures out of his control." Cormac smirked with a dark gleam in his eyes that nearly sent shivers down Marius' spine. "Like if your shop somehow caught fire or the drakes turned against your little shop...Though that could be in your control. It's up to you, really. Let him get proper clothes and lose business. Or lose everything."

The shopkeep grew pale, then his face turned red in anger. "Fine! I'll take your money! Just choose your clothes and go!" He walked behind the counter and stood there, arms crossed and angry. "Let's take forever and piss him off!" Delas whispered gleefully.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Let's not," Marius suggested. He went with Cormac and Delas to a section of the store.

Delas whined. "Aaw, but I wanted to piss him off.…" he followed Cormac and Marius. He grabbed a bunch of clothes and brought them into the changing room. He came out modeling various clothes, most of which didn't nearly fit. He seemed more happy that he had the option than any intent to seriously buy them.

Astien wandered into the maternity section. He frowned at how feminine the majority of the clothes were. He briefly took a look at the maternity lingerie, before he became too embarrassed to remain in that particular section anymore.

I'm just here for a laugh

"We could always get bigger clothes and tailor them," Marius said. "I can sew well enough to do that." He looked to Cormac. "Remind me never to really piss you off, that was scary back there. Where'd you pick it up?"
"The streets," Cormac said simply.

Delas just ran across the store, excited that everything was available to him. "Ooh, ooh, ooh, what about that shirt? Ooh, or these pants? Those boots! No, this shirt here!" As he ran across the store, excited like a child getting a toy, the shopkeeper leered.
"Gonna have to burn everything he tries on…" he mumbled.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Just pick your favorites kid, make sure they're suitable for the weather though."

Delas nodded and started looking carefully for clothes he actually ha an interest in. "Okay, I think these. And these boots, pants, coat. Ooh, that's a nice cloak."

Astien sighed as he tried on various shirts. There were some pieces that were nice, but the rest was just too feminine. He would probably just have to buy extra large shirts from the men's section. He cringed at the thought. It made him feel fat just thinking about it.

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac walked over to Astien. "How's it going over here?"

"Ugh, terrible." He stepped out of the changing room. "Tell me what you think I this shirt. It's too feminine, right?" He held the sides of his belly and looked in the mirror. "Plus it makes me look fat."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Astien, you're pregnant," Cormac said. "You could just send some of your clothes to Wyn and she could let them out again."

"And what would I do while he has my clothes?" Astien asked, still looking at himself in the mirror. "Walk around shirtless? That would be terrible for everyone. And my nipples would get so hard they'd be able to cut glass." Astien clapped a hand over his mouth and blushed profusely. "I said that out loud didn't I? Gah, I'm so bad at that."

I'm just here for a laugh

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