Illegitimate Heir (closed)

Lucas stepped out of the shoppe and nervously looked up and down the street. Perhaps the guards would be too preoccupied with the wedding rehearsal. Henrick had probably noticed his absence by now. He touched his stomach. If the king found out. He shuddered at the thought.

"Sir, the caravan is this way." Silette said leading him to a caravan with a canvas roof, her things stored carefully to one side while a mattress, a pillow and a blanket was stored in the other.


"This looks lovely, Silette," Lucas said as he climbed in. "Nice and homey."

Silette laughed, "It is quite homey is it not sir?" she said as she climbed onto her horse, with a cluck of her tongue, the horse began moving.


"Please, call me Lucas, Silette," Lucas said.

"Alright..." Silette paused before grinning, "Lucas." right after she said those words, the horse began moving steadily, "So Sir...I mean, Lucas, why would you want to leave the kingdom?" she asked over her shoulder.

Lucas sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. A few strands came loose and a twig fell out. "I suppose you will find out sooner or later. I was the prince's man servant and then some." He paused for a moment. "The laws state that an heir to the throne must come from the union of a man and a woman and...Anything aside from that...Is to be killed. I found out that I'm...I'm with child just the other day." He buried his face in his hands. "We have managed to keep our relationship a secret for many years, but with this... I had to do something and staying wasn't an option."

"Don't worry Lucas, you'll be safe now." she said flashing him a comforting smile.


"Thank you, Silette." He smiled back.

"Hey, no problem." she said as they rode on, "Lucas...would you want to stay with me up til the next kingdom?" she asked hesistantly.

"If it wouldn't impose anything on you," Lucas said.

"It's quite alright with me." she said with a shrug, she stopped the horse and climbed into the caravan, her hair falling in front of her face as she landed.


"What made you decide to leave the kingdom?"

"My business is not doing so well nowadays so I decided to see if I can change my luck." Silette said with a sigh, a tired look upon her eyes.


Lucas nodded. "What sort of books do you sell?"

She pondered on the question a while before taking out some books from a bag, "It's usually fairy tales, myths, magic and supernatural guides...and one I keep mostly for myself which has threatened my life for many times." she said with a knowing smile.


"Some sort of forbidden magic?" Lucas inquired.

She nodded, "The magic of all that has been, all that is and all that will be." she said, her voice nothing but a whisper to Lucas, her face flushed in excitement.


Lucas' eyes widened. "Can...Can I see it?" His fingers twitched with excitement.

She looked at him before sighing, "Very well but I trust you shall not do anything reckless." she said taking out a beaten book with precious stones inside it, she placed her mouth near the book and whispered something, her tongue moving fluidly as she did so, the book opened to the very front page with the words: Think well, lest you are a child or spouse of Silette Gervais, daughter of Saoul Gervais, you may not behold what is written in the book of the past, present and future. Think well stranger and slave of the king for if you are none of the aforementioned titles then justice shall be served upon you.
"A spell made by my father who gave this book to me as a present." she said handing him the book carefully.


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