An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"Physics. Oh, hey, when you get to forge your own sword, do you think you'll be any good? Or do you think the sword you make's gonna suck? Also, did I hear someone say you were gonna grow a blue rose?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm making a blue rose to properly propose to Wyn with."

"That's so cool! Orotelos is a good country for that. Since they've got so many warriors to outfit and arm, they have more metal then they know what to do with, I bet. Marius, what about you?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"What do you mean?" Marius asked.

"I thought… never mind. Where's our food? And where's Astien? Do you think he fell into the toilet? Cuz I'm not pulling him out."

(Gtg, sleepies. I'll be back on after work tomorrow. Kisses! <3 )

I'm just here for a laugh

"We had a pretty big order," Cormac said.
"As for Astien," Marius said as he stood. "I'll go check on him."

Delas nodded and turned to Cormac. "So the thing about cats and toast is…"

Astien came back to the table. "Sorry about that. Going to the bathroom is Moore difficult than of like it to be these day."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Feel free to ask for help," Marius said.

Astien scoffed. "I do have SOME pride, you know. If I need help hoist to the bathroom, I may as well just stay in bed all day and admit defeat to the cosmos."

Finally, the food arrived, along with a man holding a jug of what looked like milk. "Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to this table here!" At the sudden call of attention, Astien sat in his seat, and Delas quickly pulled his cloak over his head. "This brave man here is attempting our famed demon's rack challenge! Please sir, sit here where everyone can see you!" The man motioned to a table and chair set on a slightly raised platform where everyone could see, and the ribs and milk were placed.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius chuckled. "Very well." He made his way to the table and sat down.
"This will be interesting," Cormac chucked.

The plate of ribs was actually quite large. taking up most of the table. "You have one hour to finish eating all this, and this," he motioned to the milk, "is all you get to cool the fire."

"Told you it had fire." Delas whispered to Cormac.

"Alright, let's go! There's no turning back now! Ready… set… eat!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius started tearing into the meat. He only allowed himself a sip of milk once he got through a rib.
"Geeze," Cormac said as he popped a mushroom into his mouth. "Look at him go."

Somehow Astien managed to shovel down his own food, after adding his favorite condiments of course, while simultaneously watching Marius eat. "We should put these two in a show." The judge whispered to the waiter.

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius kept a steady pace as he took down each rib, one by one.
Cormac ate his food.

Astien finished inhaling his food, and was now focused on Marius. Delas looked back and forth between Astien's empty plates, and the food on Marius' table. "Astien, you should try this!"
"What? No! No I'm not-" Astien fumbled over his words as delas called over the waiter.

"He wants to do the thing too!"
"I never-"
"Bring him the ribs! Come on, come on!"
"Would you just-"
"Come on, get the ribs!"

The waiter wet to the judge and whispered in his ear, making him grin. "Ladies and gentle men, this is a first! Someone else has chosen to take the demon's rack challenge! From the same party as this man, no less!" The people of the restaurant cheered and clapped, and Astien scowled as he was helped up from his seat.
"I'm going to make you pay for this, Delas."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac pulled his hood up over his face.
Astien tried not to lose his focus and kept chipping away at the ribs.

Astien was seated at the table, and in a few moments a plate of ribs was brought out to him, along with milk. "You know the rules, now eat!" Astien sighed, and began digging into the ribs. As reluctant as he had been, they were actually good. Astien had been craving spicy things as long as he had been pregnant, and this was suiting that craving quite nicely. It also didn't hurt that he was still rather hungry, limiting his earlier order to seem like less of a pig. He was eating the ribs with the usual ravenous fervor he had, and didn't even notice the whoopig and hollerig I the onlookers.

"Hey Cormac, maybe you should try it!" Delas said.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm fine, Delas," Cormac said as he munched on his meal.

"You sure? Cuz the fire wouldn't hurt you. Hey waiter…"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No Delas! I don't want to take the challenge," Cormac snapped.
Marius continued to scarf down the ribs he was nearly halfway there and had plenty of milk left in the mug.

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