Rebuilding (closed with BubbleBelly321)

I shiver as the nurse squirts the gel on my stomach, "you didn't tell me it would be cold!" I laugh as the nurse presses the wand into my stomach, causing me to wince a bit.

"And there's your baby, sir," the nurse points to a blob on the screen. "Before I move the wand, would you like to know the sex?"

"You know, I think I'd like to keep it a secret. Spice things up a bit." I look away as the nurse looks for the system records. Now finished, I clean myself up and we're on our way.

As we exit, I smirk and teasingly punch your shoulder. "I thought you wanted to know!" I joke a little, feeling a strange combination of joy and possibly nerves. "You trying to hold out on me or something?" I laugh lightly to show I'm still joking.

"I did, but suddenly it didn't seem to important to me," I poke you back. "And yeah; maybe I wanted to watch you squirm a bit!"

I can't help but let out another laugh as we continue to stroll down the street. Still, I soon relax and sigh softly as I look around the street. "So, what now?" I ask glancing about. "You up to anything today?"

"These were my only plans, so I'm free the rest of the day," I continue with some nervousness in my voice, "would you like to do something? Together? With me?" I avoid making direct eye contact.

I nod my head, as we keep walking along. A few people smile as they pass us by, but I hardly notice at all, mostly due to my good mood. "I'm really up for anything right now." I tell you. "Come on, the world is our oyster! What would you like to do?"

"I'm liking just walking. We could just hop around the city! There might be something going on we don't know about!" I reach out for your hand as we continue downtown.

I hold onto your hand, smiling as we keep strolling along the street. "Well, sounds good to me! I mean, the city itself is pretty big so there's bound to be something going on!" We end up passing several people, a few pregnant and some with children or two.

"I don't know if there's more pregnant people around nowadays, or if I just didn't notice then before..." I winder aloud as we pass yet another group of pregnant men and women.

I look around myself. "Yeah...same here." I shrug my shoulders. "I mean, it's not like I really noticed that a lot before, but maybe there are more people doing their service now." After walking a bit more, I notice a sign on a nearby post advertising some sort of event. I point to it. "Hey, what do you think that's all about?"

"I'm not sure, some kind of show?" The ad has several bright colors on it. Showing two smiling couples and a date set for three months from now.

"Hm...well whatever it is, a lot of people seem to be interested!" I remark, turning around to leave the crowd. "Maybe we should check that out whenever it happens."

"Absolutely! I'm really curious," I realize you're making to leave and pick up the pace to catch up with you. The crows continues to grow as people stop to check out the sign.

(Want to skip ahead to that?)

(Sure! I'm fine with that if you are!)

The days and weeks continued to pass by without too much happening. I'd go and visit you, you'd come and see me sometimes, and we'd just hang out in between appointments. On the day that was advertised on the poster we'd seen in town, I got up, and began getting dressed and ready. Before grabbing my clothes though, I couldn't help but stare at my reflection in my bedroom mirror.

There was definitely no mistaking that I was pregnant now. My middle was much bigger and rounder from the growing baby that I was carrying, with a few faint stretchmarks thrown on there for good measure. Turning to my side, I sighed, placing a hand on my middle, before grabbing my clothes and covering up.


It was hard to look nice being pregnant--or at least that was my opinion. The fit of my new clothes was loose, but my rounding stomach was starting to fill them out. A larger than normal sweater, some baggie pants with a larger belt. Ithe wasn't very noticeable, but it was what I thought about. I couldn't help it.

All ready to go, I began the walk to your apartment to pick you up, taking in the evening air as I absent-mindedly rubbed my small belly.

I was a bit surprised to hear a knocking on my door a little earlier than expected, but still I moved to answer it. Finding you there, I smiled, and gave you a quick hug. "Hey stranger!" I then motioned, inviting you inside. "Sorry, I'm not quite ready yet, I wasn't expecting you to be over so soon. But make yourself at home. I shouldn't be too long."

I then headed back over to my room to grab my things, and finish putting on a few things.

I sat myself on the sofa and relaxed a bit. "That's alright, we've got some time before the show starts. And I could use some time off my feet. How's your day been, Dawn?" I called after you.

I sigh a little as I touch up a bit of makeup, and debate whether or not I want to wear some jewelry. "Relatively quiet." I begin to respond. "I went out and ran a few errands, walked around in the park a bit, and had a few individuals come up and commend me on my service. You know, the usual." Opting to forget the jewelry for the night, I simply grabbed my bag, and walked out to the living room. "Well? Do I look alright? Is it too much?"

Seeing you now I blushed, and then once I realized my reaction my color deepened. " No...I mean yes! look perfect."

I ended up settling on wearing a loose, flowy blue dress that seems to hug my newly developed curves. At hearing your compliment, I smile slightly, and start to blush myself. "Well...thank you." I speak up, scratching the back of my head a bit. "Well, I suppose we should get moving then!" I reach for my coat and get ready to proceed.

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