An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED)

"That's good. It'll be nice to have some home cooking."

I'm just here for a laugh

Marius nodded and ate his food.

Seroteth was called away, and about ten minutes later he returned. He whispered in Cormac's ear, "The dragons wish to speak with you. Finish your food and follow me."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac finished his meal and left the table to follow his grandfather.

Seroteth stood before the exit of the cave, and straightened out Cormac's appearance. "Cormac, you are the first person who isn't myself to speak with the dragons face to face. This is an honor I cannot stress enough. Be polite, be kind, be civil. I don't care if they tell you to put on a dress and do the remigold, I don't care if they tell you to take off all your clothes and do jumping jacks, I don't care if they begin yelling at you, you show them respect. Understand?"

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded and took a deep breath. "I understand."

"Good." Seroteth gently pushed Cormac outside.

Outside of the cave entrance was the highest point of Dragonperch Mountain. The air was thinner, and a few clouds hung around. Cormac found himself in a huge, wide open area where sat what must have been a dozen dragons. Across from the entrace Cormac stepped out from was another cave entrance, this one was positively enormous. It must hve been the dragons' den.

The dragons looked to Cormac. "Cormac. Greetings." One of the dragons spoke. "Perhaps you remember me. I am Dathulas. Let us not mince words; straight to the point. We have decided, that even though you did NOT appeal to us for marriage rights to this "Wyn" human, you will be allowed to wed her, with our blessing. However... If the two of you should desire children, you are forbidden to conceive one without our permission. You will face punishment if you create a child without our consent."

Another dragon spoke. "Your father would have faced punishment most severe, had that problem not taken care of itself."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac nodded. "I understand."

"Good. Now, have you any questions, boy? Any questions about... your heritage? I imagine being half of a drake must be confusing. You are the first, and last, of your kind."

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's not at all confusing," Cormac said simply.

"We will leave that to your discretion. If you have no questions, you are dismissed. Go in peace."

I'm just here for a laugh

Cormac bowed and went back to the cave.

"I'm impressed you managed to hold your tongue, Cormac." Seroteth noted.

I'm just here for a laugh

"It wasn't easy," Cormac huffed. "I was going to marry Wyn whether they approved or not."

"You're a drake, Cormac. The dragons created us, we serve them. Part of being a drake is knowing to obey the dragons and their will. I am the oldest drake in existence, did you know? There are no drakes left who were not born by me. Even I must appeal to them to bear another child. That's what this life as a drake means, Cormac."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Well, maybe I was better off not knowing I was a drake," Cormac stated.

Seroteth gave Cormac a stern look. "I'm sure you would have been better off, never having anyone to love you, or care for you. A street rat is free, after all. Free to starve, cold, and alone. Free to die alone and unloved. Just another body of a homeless urchin, to be swept off the street. Gods forbid you know the warm and loving embrace of a family who treasures you if it means responsibility or even the slightest revocation of your freedom. Gods forbid you have to face duty and responsibility, the way ADULTS do, the way the rest of your family does. Far better to remain a petulant child forever, indulging your wants and desires with all the priveleges that come with being a drake, and simply forget about the duty and responsibility that come not only with being a drake, but an adult as well. Don't be an ungrateful brat, Cormac. You have it much better than anyone could dream. I'm sure there are plenty starving, cold, and hungry youths who would be more than happy to trade places with you, and be a part of the most respected, powerful, authorotative and highest ranked clan in the realm. They could be warm, well-clothed, well-fed, loved by their family, respected by all in the realm and free to travel and do as they please so long as they obey their duties and toe the line... and you could go back to starving, sleeping in cold alleyways, and robbing graves for shoes."

Seroteth turned and walked away.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Seems more like being on a leash more than anything," Cormac muttered under his breath. He made his way to the carriage to make sure it was well stocked for their journey. He then took to the air and went for a long walk in the forest.

"He's sure taking his time," Marius said.
"He probably went off into the woods again," Wyn said. "He does that a lot." She laughed slightly. "Sometimes he just stays out all night."

"Oh boy. There must be something wrong. I wish I could follow him and talk." Astien sighed.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm sure he's fine," Wyn assured Astien. "I'll talk with him about it."
"Could be that he's not ready to settle down quite yet," Marius said simply.

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