Game Over (Looking to Redo)

"And that's where you're wrong" Kris chuckled as he easily overpowered the stronger male, switching up the roles instantly. "You don't hate me and my very existence. In fact, you love it! Look around you!"

Everything around Adam spelled out he was gay. His room, his clothes; if a sign was needed to say he was flaming, he was certain everyone still would have gotten the message. Kris got rid of the photos that Dannis had on her phone however and even wiped the incident from her mind, passing it off as she was still on her jog. Only person who would remember was Adam and that was good because it was needed to make him feel like he was going insane. There was no need in letting this slip out too soon. Kris liked a transformative state to occur, from things to go from point A all the way to point Z.

"You're just dreaming, stud" Kris said as he laid next to him. "And you don't have to have sex with me. I want to have sex with you" he chuckled evilly as if Adam didn't notice, he was in the exact underwear that Kris recently changed; white and pink Hello Kitty underwear. Unknown to Adam was that his bulge was pushing them past their limits. "Relax...I'm a whole lot better than those women you liked to pass over as whores." Kris opened Adam's legs widely. He could try to fight back of course, but Kris kissed him deeply and passionately, sending waves of pleasure down the male's body.

Adam stubbled for dominance but als he lost. Kris was on top of him, gaining the upper hand. It felt good to be in that position but he wasn't going to let Kris know that. He actually didn't have to, his body was easily diving it away. His penis heaved against the panties, changed by Kris, straining to break free. Adam moaned at the friction from down below.

In the back of his mind, something was screaming at him to stop and get away from Kris but the rest of him refused to listen. The smaller make was making Adam feel way better than any women has. Pleasure pulsates through him as Kris began to touch him.

"Just a dream," he mumbled as Kris began to part his legs. It didn't feel like a dream to Adam. Whatever it was, he was certainly going to enjoy it. As Kris began to passionately kiss Adam, he placed his hands on his chest hopping to push him off him. He felt so wrong doing it, but as the pleasure increased, he small desire to fight him off deminished. Instead he pulled the man closer, finally allowing himself to give into him. It was a dream after all. No harm could come of it.

"There you go." Kris lightly patted Adam's facial cheeks. "Learn to trust me and you're going to turn out great."

His hand was brought down towards Adam's underwear and with just a light tug, Adam was granted the freedom he was longing to have. There was a method to Kris's madness in where he was going rather than simply deciding to take Adam like the male experienced within his dreams. He licked the throbbing erection partially before taking it into his mouth entirely. He began to caress Adam's thighs, allowing the former unwilling male to easily relax. If anything, it was going to implant into his mind how much better it was to be taking it from another male rather than the women he took advantage of so many times and then passed off for more dogs to handle.

Adam let out a small cry as his imprisoned erection was finally freed. His dick standing at full attention, a good 7.5 inches. He wanted Kris to jack him off so bad but something better came instead. The warm muscle, usually hidden in Kris's mouth began to lap over Adam's raging hard boner before he began to take it into his mouth.

"Fuck," Adam let out breathlessly. Kris mouth was so warm and moist, it was all so inviting. He bucked slightly wanting him to take in more. Most the girls he was with weren't so willing to give him head so this was really a treat. He moaned aloud really enjoying what Kris was doing. He gripped the sheets and bit his lips as he felt himself preparing to climax. His breath being shallow as his cries rose a half an octave.

"Imma bout to cum," he kept murmuring as he felt his dick twitch wiyhin Kris's mouth.

Kris continued the effort even further. He held tightly as he smiled before moving faster and harder to secure his prize. What Adam did not realize was that some of his masculinity would be leaving his body very soon from his orgasm. Adam would appear the same as usual, but how that worked out was that some of his Strength would be going to someone else, so while he could easily assume his voice had raised an octave from his cries, it was literally going to affect his voice among other things, mainly with him being a bit more receptive to his current situation, from the clothes to things that were eventually to come. Adam would still be the hothead he usually was overall. Kris eagerly awaited to lap up all of his energy and make it his and when he did, he swallowed down on it hard.

"I'm so glad we could have another time with each other" Kris licked his lips a bit. "You should go shower off and rest up. The rest of your life is going to be one big twist left and right" he said, his voice changing a bit deeper with assertiveness as Kris noticed some black markings beginning to appear on his arm. While it was not clear to Adam, it was clear to Kris what was needed in the role. Kris was becoming a bit more dominant while Adam was taking on the other roles. They pretty much were swapping each other's traits and with the pregnancy, Adam was never going to be the same mean chauvinist dickhead the campus was beginning to know him as. Kris was still going to be the same person regardless. It was Adam that was being changed for the most part. Adam unlocked the door with his magic and watched as the athlete would walk out and do exactly as he commanded from being induced by the magic and baby(ies) growing inside of him. He vanished, leaving no trace as he always did. He had to make plans for the following day which involved making Adam opposite of a chick magnet. His winning smile would be unknowingly having a different consequence and that would be a sight to see.

As Adam reached his climax, he felt as if more than just his cum leaving his body. He doesn't know what is was but he was too exhausted to think further of it. He laid delleated of energy as Kris easily swollen the load of cum that he released. He was in a daze, as the smaller make finished the sexual deep.

With a bit of authority in his tone, that Adma did not know that Kris could even sound like, he was commanded to go clean himself up. He did not dare to think twice, slightly scared of what would happen of the went against his order.

Adam tuned in his shower, waited for the water to warm to looking himself in the mirror. He looked the same except for the bulge that had formed on his middle section. He frowned a bit as he placed his hands over it. It seemed bigger than earlier.

Shrugging his shoulders, he stepped into the shower, cleansing himself from head to toe with the fruity body wash that sat in his shower. He found slight comfort in the smell than he did earlier. An inevitable change was Adam's way and there was no way to stop it.

Kris had awoken in his room with his day relatively fine. With a simple fix of his spells, the black eye had returned and his arm was back in throbbing pain. He stared at his pendant and began to imagine how Adam's morning would turn out again. Luckily for Kris, the same arm that was beginning to show the black markings on was the exact one that he fractured.

"I think this was the chick repellant day" he chuckled. "Let's just see how well that will turn out." Kris had left Adam's cologne alone for the most part, leaving the male embrace some form of masculinity in himself. The catch today was that his scent would make the women back away and the men would love him even more. That award winning smile of his? Let's just say the men, whether they were straight or gay, would be a sucker for it. Now it was time for Kris to act his part when they would meet up again, which was him falling in love with him. In order for him to test this ability out, Kris would have to use the one that kept getting away from Adam over and over again, the one girl he would want to smash but never would again or any other woman for that matter. His day was going to be fine. Adam's, as usual so far, not so much.

Adam woke up the next day slightly hung over. He groaned as he heard the alarm go off.

"What did I do last night," he groaned as pulled back his hello kitty comforter. He sat oh his bed, rubbing the sleep out his eyes, as he tried to recall what happened last night.

A deep blush formed on his cheeks as he recalled what happened with Dannis. One minute she was into him but soon after she went running for the hills. No girl ever did that to him. He took a good look around his room as he tried to see what might have scared her away. Everything looked fine until he laid eyes on his bed.

"What the hell?" He questioned a he got up to get a better view of his bed. There was a recurring Hello Kitty theme on his bed. The comforter, the pillows, the sheets. Everything! Adam angrily stripped his bed of the overly feminine bed attire. Someone was seriously was messing with him, he didn't know how but he will find out who.

Adam arrived to his first class in a very fowl mood, everyone to him was a culprit in his eyes. He did feel like associating with anyone so once again he made his way to the back of his class. He knew everyone was looking at him once again. His current clothing choice was not one people would expect from him. He had on a bright yellow button up with tan cargo shorts and some Toms. It wasn't as flamboyant as yesterday but it was still a sight to see. His underwear was a whole different story. Good thing no one was going to see them.

Kris stepped out the shower, running a hand through his light brown hair as he tied a headband around it, the color matching a theme of the Galaxy beyond with the black hoodie and blue jeans he laid out. There was not much he really needed to do other than appear at the little meetup spot the professors agreed upon for Adam assignment wise. That meant just like yesterday, he had some Sparks to watch and with his magic inducing his plasma television like he was literally watching a show, he crafted some healthy based snack to munch on for the morning as he witnessed what was to take place.

Ryan had been with his girl for three years and with graduation around the corner for him. He was considering tying the knot afterwards. He told Adam this as his best friend, but sometimes he wondered if the male even got that concept seeing as all he wanted to do was have one night stands. He left from the professor's office as the departments Practicum student with a few papers in hand as he entered the classroom.

"Yo Adam" he said as he plopped the papers down on the desk he was sitting at. "Here's the notes Professor Welch needs for you to give Kris." With those words, the spell activated again, but now something else was occurring. Ryan caught a whiff of Adam's cologne. He soon found himself infatuated with his best friend. "Wow...when did you..." It was like the other male was begging for him to kiss him. Fortunately before he could even sit atop his desk do such a thing, some other students broke him out his trance. Ryan shook his head wondering what had just happened before shrugging the notion off to sit at his desk. As more students came in however, it was becoming apparent that Adam smelled really great to the men and to the women, even Professor Welch, something in the class stunk that made them want to hurl.

"Adam open the windows, will you?" Upon doing so, one of the men would smack his rear something fierce yet hidden at the same time where if Adam was to turn around, one of the girls would be present, but she may soon move to get away from the male and whatever it was that was wrong with him today.

Adam rolled his eyes as he saw Ryan place a small stack of papers on his desk. He knew exactly where he would be taking the pile to. Upon hearing then name, Kris and unwanted array of pleasure filled his body. He closed his eyes as he felt his dick start to swell under his shorts. Images of him and Kris once again played his thoughts. A small moan left his lips as dream Kris was making his body feel so good. Just like last night.

He was to busy dealing with the magical dream that he had no idea what was going on with Ryan. He was unaware of how the male was looking at him in such a lustful way. Adam was brought back to reality when he heard more students walking in. By this time, Ryan was waking back to his seat.

Looking around the room, a few girls were holding their nose as if something reeked in the room. Adam gave a sniff of the air but everything smelled fine to him. He complied to the teacher's request and went to open the window close to him and opened it up. A very frim hand smacked his ass upon performing the request. A yelp came out of the man feeling slightly sexual harassed. Anger began to rise within him. He turned to see who the culprit was of the lude act. He was surprised to small brunette behind he. He gave her a lump side grin, hoping that would win her over. Unfortunately it did quite the opposite. She scurried away, with her face slightly green. His smile turned into a quick frown as he made his way back to his seat.

"That was odd," he thought, slightly puzzled. He noticed that most of the females in his class were clearly avoiding him. They glazers daggers at him and they help there nose. He called over to Ryan to get some input.

"Aye Ry, come here real quick." Maybe he did smell bad after all. Hopefully Ryan could sort that out for him.

When the class had reached its 50 minute mark, most of the women including the professor hurried out. Some of the boys however were still gawking around, looking at Adam as if he was some kind of idol. Ryan was about to leave until Adam told him to come here. The moment he got near the male, his scent greeted his nose, his head becoming lost in a haze as he saw Adam as more than just a friend after all those years.

"What's up?" He said rather charmingly and confidently to the male, literally sitting on top of the desk next to him. It wasn't just Ryan though. "A few other male students were enclosing in on Adam, some beginning to talk about how attractive he looked. Kris wondered how he could make Adam's situation get any worse? With a sudden flick of his finger asked him a simple question. "How's Kris doing?"

If everything played out like he was thinking it would, Adam would be back in that lustful thinking to realize that Ryan planted his lips atop of his for a few period of seconds before Kris made the two snap out the trance. When Ryan's blue eyes had opened again, he found Adam's arms around his and the male noticing their kiss well locked that some tongue action was beginning to happen from Adam's end.

"What the fuck!?" The other athlete pushed Adam off of him with a fierce shove with enough force to probably send the other big male falling to the floor. "The fuck is wrong with you!?" Ryan ran off really embarrassed at what just happened. In his eyes, his best friend had just told him to come over and then pulled him into a lustful embrace. Were the rumors true about Adam? Ryan was really freaked out altogether but the other students didn't seem to care. They wanted what Adam had just given Ryan. Some probably wanted a bit more. It was like Cupid had missed several times yet the arrows had all reached their intended target.

Ryan come over to Adam, taking a seat close to him. Unknowing of how his aroma affected Ryan or any male at all, he allowed for his friend to take a whiff of him. Ryan was put into a trance, lusting over the male. Adam had not noticed because a certain named had triggered something within him. Pleasure heightened his senses as he felt the need to be touched increased. Moaning in his seat, he imaged Jris sitting infrint of him giving his body what he wanted. Leaning forward automatically, he felt a pair of lips meet his.

Adam had no clue that it was Ryan, he thought it to be Kris, giving more into the kiss. He lapped his tongue over Ryan's lips, allowing his tongue to dip into Eyabs mouth. Soon a battled for dominance within the kiss began. Befor the sexual disputed in the kiss was settled, Ryan opened his eyes in horror. He aggressively forced Adam away from him, with push. Wiping the kiss from his mouth he fled the room.

Adam watch this take place in a dazed state. He blushed deeply as he pieced together what had happened. His best friend had just kissed him and he was getting into it. What was going on him with? Never in a million years would he have ever thought that would happened.

Adam quickly gathered his belongs and fled the room trying to not to replay what took place. He didn't want to be seen in public anymore. What if that kiss got around? What if everone though he was gay? He could not be having that. He was Adam Smith for Christ sake. Adam Smith the star athlete. Adam smith the womaniser. Not Adam the the faggot lover.

Something seriously was happening to him and he did not like it one bit. Thinking about being sick made him sick. He literally felt sick, something within his stomach threatened to come up. Stomach acid burned his throat as the bile made it up to his mouth. Not able to contain it anymore, he quickly ran behind a bush. Adam empty his stomach, dry heaving when nothing else would come up.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, feeling slightly better from the ordeal. He rubbed his stomach feeling the bulge still there.

"God I need to work out," he huffed as he made his way to his next class.

It followed him around campus. The scent was unknowingly attracting a lot of men in his direction and repelling a lot of women. Time Adam got a chance to open his mouth towards any male he knew, they were falling in love with him. Ryan did not make the next class fortunately, the male really disturbed at what just took place. Kris honestly felt bad for using the male like that, but he had to do something else . He knew that from Ryan knowing the male for years, that attraction would have turned into something more that would make him act out a lot more than the other males. If he did not intervene, Adam would have assaulted the poor unsuspecting fella.

Unfortunately for Adam, his day was about to get even worse. His next class usually used the assembly room and it seemed there was a small presentation going on. Why it was unfortunate is that the assembly had a lot of a female variety, particularly Dannis, who was seemingly one of the panelists speaking. The moment he entered the room, his scent would begin to fill the air unknowingly. Some of the women gagged the moment he stepped by. Some of the men were attempting to flirt with him. Dannis pinched Her nose a bit as she tried to figure out where the source of the scent was coming from. It smelt like clothes gone sour in someone's locker.

Adam was getting fed up with the many cat calls and the attempts to "hollar at him" from many guys he passed by as he made his way to class.

"I'm not gay," he repeated a lot as he passed many guys that had fallen prey to his scent. Yet no matter how many time times he said it, they stilled tried to get at him. It was very frustrating.

Walking into class, he had gotten the same reaction from the ladies as he did last class. He growled in crusty actin as he batted off many of tthem futile attempts to get his attention but the guys in he class. Seeing Dannis in the room put a smile on his face. He needed to apologies for what happened last night and he really wanted to make it up to her.

Slicking back his sandy blond hair, he made his way to Dannis. She looked ready to pass out as she refused to breath in his presence. Did he really smell that bad? He loser his shirt to smell it. It smelled fine to him. No one seem to protest but the girls. Maybe, just maybe, it was something else. Holding on to that possiblity, he continued his stride to Dannis.

"Hey, umm I just wanted to apologies about whay happened last night. I promise to you that none of that was mine. Someone musta been playin' a prank on me," he explained, hoping to get a positive reaction out of her.

Dannis saw the male approach her and while she could admit he looked nice, there was just something about him that made her want to back away. Granted she knew this was the exact same figure that appeared in the club and got put on blast by some of the exact same female figures that were coming in, particularly Sarah who had received some news that was beginning to show in her body. She probably had the bump to sport the other night, but with the dark Spring air, nobody could really tell, especially after she was being led away. She focused back on the handsome male in front of her where it was there she caught a full whiff of his scent.

"Last night? If it's about the club, incident, it's dropped." If she stayed near him any further, she felt she was going to get a headache. "Just please go take a shower or sit in the far corner. Something about you smells like sweat, sex, and shame." She hefted up her bags and moved to the farther side of the table.

"Finally!" She said from behind the male. When he would turn around, he would see Sarah of which she held her nose as well all while laughing up a storm. "You smell just as bad as you are on the inside: Rotten to the core!" She took her seat, leaving him to figure out whatever was going on, but whatever it was was cut short as more males were beginning to near him, the figures beginning to try and flirt with Adam all over again.

He couldn't believe for the third time he was being rejected by Dannis. Everything aside, his man pride was hurt. And after rudely stating he smelled, he was done with her. She wasn't worth the trouble anymore. He just rolled his eyes as she walked away. "Bye, bitch." He thought as he went to find his seat. Turing around was greeted with familiar face. It was say. Adam internally groaned as he was hoping to never see her face again.

Just as Dannis done before, she rudely commented on his scent. It was uncalled for to him apparently. A lot of the girls seemed to agree. He was tired of being humiliated. With out missing a beat, he came back with an uncalled for retort.

"You weren't complaint about the way I smelled when you was begging for this dick," he told with a satified grin. He walked away not caring who heard.

Adam made it to his seat but not before bring hit on by the guys he passed by. Was every guy apart of some infuse joke to make Adam feel extremely uncomfortable? He wasn't gay and every knew that. Or at least they should have. He laid his had on the desk, ignoring the world outside.

"What did I do to deserve this?" He thought as prayed for the day to hurry up and end.

"And that's why you'll always be single, alone and shriveled up like that used up toy of yours." Sarah resumed walking off as it was clear the idiot could not see past his own ego as to why he was the worst kind of guy imaginable. The smell was even ten times worse. Dannis raised an eyebrow at Adam as he left off. This boy was several kinds of rude, but what more could she do to make the male see what he was doing to others was completely and entirely wrong? She did not have to think too much of it as Kris was witnessing everything from his room.

"He raises an interesting point...."Kris said with a huge emphasis on raise. If the male wanted to make public outcries towards women and be extremely rude about it, though he honestly had to agree that maybe Sarah could have picked a better choice of men because Adam was clearly making it known to everyone just how much of an asshole he clearly was and so far the male was losing a lot of great reputation he built up on the University very fast because of his recent incidents. Of course Adam's day was only beginning, especially with practice to arrive around the corner eventually. As he laid his head down on the desk however, Kris decided to enter his mind and in a sense, make the male drift off to sleep.

In the dream, Adam would find himself without his imposing strength and muscles, the male being incredibly short and scrawny actually. He was at park of the campus in fact, running for his life from someone much larger than him. Of course fear was beginning to set in as everyone else was too occupied in enjoying the events going on around them. Kris had just painted out the day Adam decided to brutally assault him.

Adam drifted off to sleep. A dram began to materials before him. He recognised the scenery being that of campus. He wasn't able to actually take in everything because a scenes of dread washed over him as he was running for his life. "This was odd," he thought. Being who he was, his dream self was actually quite the opposite. In his dream Adam was much smaller and shorter than he actually was. He took a quick gave over his shoulder noticing a guy, who seemed truce his size, gaining on him. "Oh shit," he cursed as he pushed himself to get away from the guy. By the way he was running, he knew something bad would come if the guy had caught him.

Adam desperately called out for help in his dream but everyone seemed to be ignoring him. He was gradually loosing speed and he knew he would be caught soon. His lungs burned from the improptu workout and he silently cursed his body for being so weak.

The figure continued to chase after him. As Adam was beginning to near the track field of the park, it was there he would feel the full weight of being tackled and rammed hard into the ground. Fortunately for him, the grass was wet and soft, but the figure chuckled a bit deeply.

"Touchdown!" He yelled as the environment around Adam was seemingly darkening away. "See the way your faggot ass fall down like that?" Kris had finally revealed himself, but he was drastically different. He was as tall and just as buff, if not a bit more, as Adam usually was. His hair had left from a medium light brown to a blonde. There was a bit of a goatee forming on his face even. In this dream, rather than appearing as the athlete who enjoyed Baseball, it was clear from Kris's getup -the black hoodie, silver gym shorts, black socks that were stretched up near his calves and cleats complete with a visor fixed upside down and backwards on his head- that this was a male that enjoyed playing Rugby or in their country's technical term for it, Football. "What's wrong with you? Can't take a hit?" He said waiting for Adam to get up all while lighting a cigarette as he took a seat on a bench. "Come sit next to your bro. We have a lot to look at with your life in just a small course of an hour and twenty minutes."

In this dream, Adam had free reign again of course, but how was this dream going to play out he was certain the male was beginning to ask himself among other things. For Kris, this was a probing session. It was time to see why Adam was the jerk he truly was to everyone. Was Kris his first victim or were there more? There clearly had to be an exact reason as to why Adam had this learned behavior and it was time for his "best friend" to make sure Adam got all the help he needed. In his dreams at least.

Adam gave a breathless grunt as he felt the wind being knocked out of him. He had been brutally knocked to the ground by the larger male. Adam cringed hearing the male scream touchdown in his face. As his eyes adjusted, he glared at the man who just forever we to him as a faggot badam was a lot of things and faggot sure in hell was not one of them. Bring that he was able to see the attackers face, he was able to that it was...Kris! This wasn't the Kris he knew. The Kris he knew happened to be built the way he was currently. It was like there roles had been switched.

Kris finally got off him, lifting a cigarette. He crinkled his nose, at the scent. He wasn't really find of the smell of cigarettes burning. He sat up, dusting himself off before actually getting off the floor. He graves as he rubbed his butt. A bruise was definitely going to form there. Reluctantly, Adam made his way to the bench taking the end farther away from Kris.

"What kind of "bro" brutally attacks a friend," he thought. Just a minute ago he thought his life was in danger. He made side glances at the newly formed Kris, not actually believing it was him. He was seriously saving a bizarre dream.

"Uhh...what about my life do you wanna talk about?" Adam asked fidgeting with his fingers.

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