Game Over (Looking to Redo)

"The same kind of bro that likes to play rough like you" he quipped back instantly. Kris was in the males mind, manifesting in his dreams. None of his thoughts were safe as well as everything else he's done. "I mean this is how you like to play right?" He pulled Adam close, where only the male could smell nothing but apples and cinnamon, which was what was emanating from the cigarette rather than the usual tobacco. Before them, the scenario of Adam assaulting Kris was displayed before their very eyes. The sound of Kris begging him to stop was sounding like a broken record; constantly on a loop. "I seem to hear someone begging you loudly enough to stop and they were sorry. Do you?" 

The scene vanished for the same dark park scenery as Kris rose from the bench, tightly holding the smaller male's hand. 

"It's simple to know what I want to know" he sucked down on the butt of the cigarette before exhaling it all over Adam's face. "You see, everyone is beginning to see you as the mean hearted, pompous jerk you've always been to people and all it took was for you to lose your cool against a person who was only trying to get you to have some kind of fun. I want to know if you really are the father of Sarah's child, how many people who were gay you've beaten to a pulp before because lets face it, if you did me like that, how many others have you hurt because they live a life different from yours? I want to know the real Adam that fools people behind his winning smile." 

Before them, a portal began to twist open. Inside of it, various memories the athlete had, whether they were repressed and known, from childhood to now, were spinning around. His recent events in the assembly room was even there. "People are starting to witness you for who you really are, but as the last line of your masculinity, I'm here to make sure you awake with a better outlook on life." He smacked Adam'a butt hard with a squeeze. "Lead the way, little boy blue."

(Feel free to start from wherever you wish to in this scenario memory wise :) )

Adam cringed at the scene that played out the before him. Seeing that scene in this perspective was not really a pleasant thing at all. He couldn't believe that he actually did that.

He was relieved when the scene went away. The guilt still lingered though. He was bright out of his guilt trip as Kris blew a cloud of smoke in his face. He fanned his was trying to clean the air around him. Though it was a semisweet smell he didn't appreciate what took place. "So unnecessary," he huffed under his breath.

Adam gave Kris a puzzled look. He wanted to know the real him. What he displayed infrint of him and everyone was the real him.

Not entirely sure of what was taking place, he stepped into the portal that would transport the unlikely duo into his memories.

The first scene they were brought to was one that took place in a nicely finished living room. Adam instantly knew where he was. He was at his childhood house. A mix of emotions swirled within him. He tightened his fists as he watch the scene unfold before him.

A kid version of Adam walked out in what looked like a sad attempt to apply make up abd a very large size of heels. He also wore some jewellery that was two sizes too big. Young Adam did not care. He thought he looked beautiful.

"Look daddy," he said as he paraded around the room, with a very bright smile, "I'm a pretty princess.

He dad walked in a looked down at his son. He gave a disgusted look as he continued to leer at his son. He grabbed his son with malice pulling him closer to him.

"No son of mine is going to he walking around her like faggoty ass bitch!" He roared shaking his son with every word he spat in Young Adams face. Big crocodile tears began to rolls down pm his overly powdered cheeks.

"Get this shit off of you now!" His father demanded but not before he gave a frim hit on his bottom pushing him away from him. Adam fell from the shove, resin ghost ankle. More pain shoot up through him, coaxing more tears to fall. He calledfor his father to help him.

He father responded with a sharp slap to the face. "Men don't cry! Now grand wipe that shit off your face like I told you."

Adam limped away, trying to get away from his abusive father. He dared not drop another tear because his father would come back with the belt. Hate burned in his heart as he scrubbed the make up off his face.

The scene soon ended.

Kris could detect Adam's set of emotions throughout the playback of his own memories like he was playing through some horror video. It was great the know he felt bad about it in the least, but Kris was not expecting the next set of memories to have happened a certain way. Of course as he assumed, Adam had to learn his hatred from somewhere and it was clear that it had come in the form of his father. Why was it always people that dwelled in the Southern parts of America that seemingly had the most twisted form of thinking? If it wasn't for his father berating him and hurting him, Kris would have actually chuckled at the sight since he and everyone else was so used to seeing him as big and bad.

"Because of your father, you learned to hate people that were gay, repressing feelings you probably could have away because it did not define his and now your concept of what a man should be..." Kris said it was his concept now because Adam was now mature and everything he learned was literally instilled into him; hatred. That meant Adam was still going to be some kinds of mean no matter how much Kris would try to get him to change. That did not mean the male could not get him to learn how to love a bit better, especially when the transformation became too late and irreversible.  Kris wondered how his mother or siblings if Adam had any would have reacted if they walked in on that scene. "Let's see how this hate has caused you to hurt others because it was what you were taught..."

Another scene came into view, which brought them to the time of Adam's life where he was beginning to learn how to play Baseball; Middle School. It was important to Kris because this was also another chance that Adam could have had a chance to try and live a certain lifestyle, but certain learned traits may have caused him to lash out on someone and because this was a time of their lives where such norms were not really accepted, Kris wondered how it would have also caused him to become more aggressive in nature. There were a few more areas that Kris wanted to check out in his mind, such as his numerous one night stands, but for now, Kris wanted to see what Adam who he fully was. 

"Shall we?" He said as they appeared in front of the Gymnasium's double doors. Kris pushed them open, allowing Adam to step through first as he took in the sights of numerous pre-teens engaging in several activities their coaches assigned them for the class period.

Adam was more than glad that the scene was over. He had long ago buried that memory deep within his mind and here was Kris bringing it right up. He didn't deserve to relive his worst memories and he was hoping he would wake up soon.

Such a thought was futile because a new door had appeared before them, it was on that belonged to his middle school. Adam groaned as Kris opened the door, Allowing Kris to lead the way.

Many kids ran, here and there all excited about what they got assigned. Young Adam, who looked to be around 13, sat on the bleachers with a few friends checking out what was displayed before them. They laughed and chatted about random stuff until the coach blew the whistle.

"Alright class, today we are gonna play some Dodge Ball," he informed re class as he separated the students into two groups, placing them on either side of the court.
As soon as the whistle was blown some of the students rushed to get the ball. Adam had no problem securing a ball. He scooted back as he looked for a target to hit the ball with. After a quick glance around he found the perfect one. Tyler was stadimg in the back, transfixed by one of his members behind. It was no secret that Tyker was gay. No one really said anything about it but Adam did not like one bit about it. He would let that be known with a homophobic joke here and there but never anything serious. Well that was until now. He aimed the ball at Tyler. Cocking the ball back, he threw the ball that made complete contact with Tyler's face.

Blood soon began to fall after the ball bounced down from his face. Tyler grabbed his nose and glade red at Adam.

"Why did you do that?"Tyler demand as he held back the tears.

"Maybe next time you should be paying attention to the ball instead of Kory's ass you sick-o!" Adam retorted back with his smile that girls swooned over. People witnessing what took place snickered as they pointed to Tyler. Adam seemed to enjoy the reaction, allowing his smile to become a bit brighter.

It was short lived because the coach blew his whistle, demanding that Adam make his way to him. His friends thought he was introuble so they watched intently. Adam's cheeks burned with shame as he made his way to the coach.

"Adam were you the one that threw that ball at Tyler's face?"

There really was no point in denying it, everyone was a witness. He shook his head in a yes manner, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

A hand came down in his shoulder and a deep laugh vibrated through the coach.
"Boy you have no idea how good that was! Shoot I wish I could through like that."

Adam was taken back by what coach said. He was sure he was going to get in trouble. He looked up at the coach with puzzled eyes.


"You ever think about joining baseball? You'd be perfect. Just what the team needs to make it to the top." The coach informed Adam.

Before Adam could responded, Tyler came over with a blood stained across his hands, nose and shirt. His eyes were slightly red and puffy from crying.

"What about me? Is he gonna get in trouble for hitting me?" Tyler asked in a strained voice. He was going to mention the homophobic slur but he was slightly scared at what Adam might.

The coach just looked at the boy in slight disgusted. "Just go clean yourself up. It was just an accident. Man up," he said, dismissing the problem at had before he turned back to Adam.

Tyler could not believe what he just heard. He ran out the gym on the verge of crying again. Adam looked at him flee with his smile back on his face. "That's what that faggot gets," he thought as he no longer felt ashamed at what he did to Tyler.

"I want you to come to practice after school and get a feel for the sport. I'm sure you'll fit right in," the coach beamed before he left to gather up the rest of the students.

Adam's friends all came flocking to him wanting to know that happened. He simple just smiled and let him know that everything was fine. They all looked at him in Awe as if he was some new found ideal. If all he had to do was put thoes gay freaks in their place and play a little ball, things were going to be very easy for him.

Kris merely watched everything play out, from Adam's hatred fueled assault to the coach pretty much sweeping it under the rug. It just as easily confirmed that the male was centered around an environment that pretty much allowed cruelty to slide by. Kris was now curious as to what this Tyler individual was up to presently, but his eyes turned back towards Adam, the male raising a serious eyebrow.

"I wonder what would have happened if everyone saw what I just saw from your childhood." He imagine despite his best efforts of having an impressive throwing arm, he would have lost some credibility, but Kris had saw enough. "I can see where those repressed feelings are beginning to manifest at though" he chuckled as he kicked the doors open and upon stepping through, they were at Adam's apartment. "Now let's squash some unconfirmed rumors."

The front door busted open among the sound of talking as the regular sized Adam entered with Sarah. Kris counted five girls the male had supposedly gotten pregnant. It was time to see if Adam's story held up about him using a condom or not. If it didn't, Kris had a simple solution to all of that, which was making Adam super sensitive towards others. He began to follow the two drunken figures into the room, the male making popcorn appear in his hands.

"Shall we enjoy the show? We just need to watch this five times with the other women you decided to sleep with. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Seems like they caught something from you either way" he chuckled.

The scene between Adam and Sarah began to play.

Adam began running his hands up and down on Sarah's body. She was pretty drunk and didn't realize people on the street were watching us. Adam began to kiss her passionately. Finally she pulled back and asked me if Was going to invite her upstairs. Adam gave her a sheepish grin, not wanting to deny Sarah what she had asked.

Adam held her tight as they walked up to his apartment. Adam had not realise how dunk she actually was. He has to hold her up as he tried to unlock his door. He laughed a bit at his many attempts. He was a drink as well but not as much as Sarah. Finally they got inside. He was so horny, Adam's dick was rock hard. He wanted to get some action badly. They stumbled in the apartment and sat on the couch. Adam began kissing her.

As they were making out, Adam reached my hand under her shirt and fondled her breasts. They felt so good to touch, that Sarah let out a moan.

She pulled me up and said, "Let's go to your bedroom."

When Adam and Sarah got into bed, he had pulled off her shirt. Her tits looked amazing. They were round with big nipples. Adam began sucking and licking them. He reached down and undid her pants and pulled them off. She was wearing red panties which Adam quickly removed. Sarah, on the other hand, was moving very slowly. Adam was growing frustrated that he took off his clothes and got on top of her. She asked if Adam had a condom. Adam groaned and reluctantly got off her and took one out of his drawer. He put on the condom and got back into bed with her.

Adam slid his cock between her legs. She spread open for him and grabbed his cock feeling for the condom, she directed me to her pussy. Adam pressed into her and began sliding in and out of her. Sarah was so wet Adam's cock easily fit inside her. Adam was fucking her for a while but the alcohol had made it hard for him to cum. The rubber on his cock and her wide pussy didn't help either.

They must have been fucking for 20 minutes when all of a sudden Sarah went limp, she was not fucking him back, she had fallen asleep. Adam couldn't believe it. Not really thinking about it, Adam kept fucking her and sucking on her tits to try and wake her. She kept sleeping. Adam was pissed and his cock started to get soft. Adam was so horny he needed to blow his load.

Adam pulled off the rubber and slid his cock into the unconscious Sarah. It felt so much better without a condom, he could actually feel her wetness and heat on his cock.

Adam thrusted into her as she started to gain consciousness.

Sarah looked slight puzzled as to what was going on. Adam quickly bent down and kissed her. Though slight confused, she kissed him back, no longer questioning what was happening.

She was awake now, she turned Adam over and got on top of him. Adam grabbed my cock before she could so she wouldn't realize the condom was off. Adam guided his cock into her. She rode his cock sliding up and down. He reached up and fondled her tits as she rode him. Within a minute Adam heard her cumming. She pushed down on his cock and Adam slid deep into her cunt. Adam was trapped beneath Sarah. She kept fucking his cock. She begged him to cum for her. Adam could feel her contracting on his cock.

Adam could not take no more. Hearing her tell him to cum in her drove him nuts. Adam unloaded shot after shot of cum right into her pussy She pushed her pussy into me as he kept coming. When he regained his composure, Adam quickly turned her on to her back.

He was careful to keep my cock inside her. Adam collapsed on top of her and held her.

After a few minutes my cock slid out of her pussy. She went back to sleep. Adam rolled over and laid in bed with a sheepish smile as he allowed the exhaustion of having sex lure him to sleep.

Kris watched intently, though he wished he rather not have. Sarah's incident was one, but the others were worse if not the same. Adam wanted to keep going and when his condoms were used, the pig had the nerve to still keep going without it. With his magic, Kris could tell Adam was clearly the father of those children. There was no way around it either even with his magic. There was a way to fix Adam however.

"I wanted to believe you, y'know? Believe that maybe you didn't get those women pregnant..." He was thankful they interfered at the party. He was thankful that he was changing some things within Adam because had he not, Dannis would have more than likely been the sixth mother to this man's children. "Your coaches can sweep this under the rug, but what will happen when those kids grow up, huh!?" He grabbed the male by his shirt and pinned him against the wall. "You would just let them go on making everyone believe they are whores? What would your father---" Kris released him as he reflected on the male's father. Perhaps that was a reason why the male did not want to accept the role. Was it because of fear he would be the same person? Mean and aggressive? Kris had a way to fix this among other things.

"Relax, alright? As your bro, I'm going to fix this for you." Their lips made contact again as Kris made out with him passionately. Upon doing so, another spell was placed upon Adam. This one was for sensitivity as the babies even responded to it by making a bodily change among the athlete. As he slept, his nipples would begin to darken a bit and increase slightly, making them and his chest become sensitive. While doing so, the actual spell was going to "humble" Adam a bit towards others. The male had the habit of being mean spirited. Kris wondered how he would react when he learned to treat those he hated because of his father a bit better in his waking life. Not just those he hated, but those he did wrong as well. As Kris undid the kiss, Adam would awaken and like most dreams, the athlete would probably pass it off as nothing without consequence, but with Kris now, everything had a side effect.

The speaker concluded the segment for class, but when Adam awoke, he would find himself surrounded by numerous men attracted to him by the previous spell. Kris awoke in his room and immediately used the pendant to spy. He was certain the athlete would now have three things he'd be trying to fight against: his fantasizing of Kris everytime he heard the name, why men were following him and now why was he going to act "friendly" and apologetic towards others when it was not in his nature? If all went well, Kris would make it appear as if repressed feelings of him being gay were beginning to resurface. Since he knew that Adam would fight it to the very end after being raised through cruel methods, it was up to Kris to try and save the male from doing anything else that would damage his life.

Adam woke up from his dream remembering the passionate kiss that he and Kris shared. A slight blush crept up on his cheeks. He was so glad that no one was able to see into his mind.

Adam shook his head as he looked around to see where the class was it. It seemed the professor was wrapping up the lecture with her final points.

"Must have slept through class," he thought as he continued to look around.

The class was still divided. The girls had taken seats closer to the front, where it was more ventilated and the guys had taken seats closer to him. They seemed to be transfixed by him. Adam was slight uncomfortable about this. Of it was the other way around, he could not have mind.

There was no point of staying in class. He missed the lecture and he was not about to gawked at by the males of his class. Adam gathers his things and made his way to the exit. He'll just text someone in class to give him the notes later.

Adam decided to go to the meeting place, where Kris was yesterday, so he could give him the assignments he had for him. Just like in his classes, the ladies kept their distance and the guys flocked to get into closer proximity of him. Some of the guys openly hit on him while others gave him lustful looks. Either was he was extremely disgusted.

Adam arrived at the table he met Kris at, hoping he would hurry up and meet him soon. He made a mental note to learn were Kris lived so that he could just meet him there. So much easier and less people to look at him. He crossed his arms over his chest as he tried to look intimidating as possible. If he looked unapproachable then maybe the guys would leave him alone. He soon regretted that action. He gave a sharp intake of brash as he felt his overly sensitive nips light up with pain.

"What the hell?" he questioned as he rubbed over his nipple. He quickly realised how bad of an idea that truly was. His nipple rippled with pain as the unwanted friction took place. Adam looked into his shirt to assist the situation.

Adam was satisfied with how things looked. Everything seemed fine, aside from his erected nipples. He rode it off, completely unaware of the changes taking place. Adam crossed his arms, careful not rub against his sensitive nipples. Mu stead he placed them in top of his ever growing midsection of his.

Kris made his way out his dorm and began to near the main part of the campus. He entered inside the cafeteria in his bruised and battered form where his free hand waved at Adam a bit, nervously as he still had a role to play. Upon sitting next to him, his nose was greeted with a masculine yet sweet perfume that made his face redden.

"You smell great" Kris said before shaking his head partially as he placed his head down. "Sorry...I probably shouldn't have said that to you..." Judging from what was going on however, some of the male's present were favoring Adam's musk over the food they were eating. Some of them were even getting up, volunteering to buy the male food as some of the girls present were beginning to leave from the opposite effect the scent had. 

"Someone has gotten a bit popular though. Anyways, let's get this over with..." he chuckled as he attempted to reach for his back pack like he had done before. If everything has gone well, Adam would be the one assisting Kris in getting it off of him after the male laced him with another spell to make him sensitive towards others.

Adam still had a day ahead of him however. There was still practice he had to attend and after what he did to Ryan that morning as it would appear in his friends head, the pregnant athlete had pulled him into a kiss when telling him to come here. Ryan would have no doubt told their other friends and soon it was only a matter of time.

"You hungry again though? If you won't take up your admirers offers, I could cover you on somerthing again. It's no hassle really!" He could at least pull out his wallet, which had a huge amount of cash stored inside it alongside the five dollar bill Adam had given him in the club that night.

Adam was relieved to see Kris make his appearance. Fully began to eat away at him as he saw Him in his battered form. He gave him a sympathetic smile as he sat down near him. It was his fault Kris was like that after all. Adam was so use to seeing Kris in top condition because of his dreams that reality really hit him hard seeing him in a cast with a black eye.

Adam replied back to Kris with a light warm chuckle. All day he thought he smelled, it was good to hear otherwise. Seeing the smaller male being bashful was actually seen as cute to Adam. He did not dare mention that aloud, shaking the thought out his head.

Adam cringed when Kris mentioned the new attention he semes to be attracting. He simply played it off like he had noticed.

"Uhh yeah, here." This time he placed the papers infront of Kris like a civilised being.

Madam saw Kris stuggle to get his backpack. Usually he wouldn't mind helping someone out with a simple task as such, but he had an even greater urge to help him.

"Woah, lemme get that for you," Adam suggested, helping the smaller man out. He gently slid the back pack off of him, careful not to touch his hurt arm.
"I'll just carry this for you the time being," he happily added with a smile.

A growl errupted from his stomach when food had been mentioned. Sure many guys had offered to get him something but Adam was not interested taking anything from them. Especially since that was their means of hitting on him.

"Nah, you don't gotta pay for me. I can just eat later." Adam's stomach let out an angry growl. It did not enjoy being ignored but Adam couldn't take money from Kris.

"On second thought I'll get us something. My treat. What would you like?"

It was quite different to see Adam like this. Of course his magic had dealings in causing the situation, but Adam was not aggressively mean for once.

"Uh, thanks" his face reddened from the smell Adam had as well as the male being more nice towards him. Kris could detect the bit of repressed emotions however, which meant that it was working all the more. He wanted the male to question what was going on with him in an effort to make him eventually stop questioning it and just go with the flow like he was naturally intended to do without certain factors influencing his life.

"Your stomach says otherwise" he smirked partially as Adam had now volunteered to pay for Kris as well instead. The male glanced up at the menu as a decision came to mind. "If you insist though... I guess I'll give that Bacon Deep Dish Pizza a try" he also asked for the cheese sauce rather than the usual tomato paste. "I'll also take some of those Red Apple Caramel candies." The cafe had the habit of making seasonal candies and this month still had one of their popular choices. He figured he was done and left Adam to make an order. He figured with the babies inside of him, the male was probably going to order a lot of things he had an appetite for. Kris took a seat with the drink that came with the meal.

"You should give some of these a try" he offered the bag to Adam since he technically paid for them. "They're really great!" Kris, as he had done with the liquor, provided a healthy supplement for the athlete in the candy of which he would find himself strangely entranced to eating. Kris hadn't forgotten about his nightly stands with several girls that he had now gotten pregnant after all. If he thought men hitting on him, his fantasies with Kris and his apartment to his clothes was a nightmare, Adam was about to find himself unknowingly eating on a lot of things within that one sitting. "'s everything been as of late?" He thought to ask.

Adam too Kris's order and make his to place it. He was thinking about what to get himself when he was rammed into by what seems to be a freshman. He seems to be too occupied but his join that he had not noticed Adam.

Adam let out a string of curses because the small student had made contact with his sensitive nipples. He glared at the culprit.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" Adam demanded causing a scene. The freshman blushed with embarrassment. Usually Adam would demand for him to answer, with a big ole threat accompanying it, but as he looked into the extremely eyes of the freshman, all his anger diminished.

He exhaled a deep breath and ran his hand though his hair.

"Sorry about that, are you...okay?" He oddly questioned. This wasn't how he would usually deal with the problem but something inside him would not permit him to act in such a rude manner.

Everyone watching, gasped at the odd exchange between the two. When the student meekly replied that he was okay, he quickly scampered off. Adam took an minuet to understand what took place.

That wasn't like him by then again none of what was taking place was like him. He was confused by what was taking place but didn't make that known out loud. He strugged his shoulders and made his way to his original destination.

Adam placed Kris's order, as well as one for himself. The cashier said it would take a good 10 minutes so he walked around, looking for other options for lunch. He was entirely sure why he wanted so he just went with a little bit of everything. It didn't seem like a lot at the time being so it did come as a shock when Adam arrived at the table with his and Kris order.

Majority of the table was taken up by Adam's mini feast. He was pretty sure that most of the food would go to waste so he didn't really about what was left over.

Adam grabbed a few of the candies that Kris graciously offered. He popped one in his mouth enjoying the taste of Apple and caramel. It was actually really good. It made him crave more. Well it made him hungrier that he originally thought he was. Maybe he was going to be to finish all the food he had brought. He stomach confirmed his theory when his hungry stomach itself known with a loud growl.

He blushed as he picked up a slice of pizza.

Adam moaned as the pizza entered his mouth. It was so good. It felt like he has not eaten in months. Not wasting anymore time, Adam quickly devoured the slice and made his way to the next one.

He was to preoccupied with stuffing his mouth that he had not realised that Kris's asked him a question. He quickly swallowed his fourth slice and gave Kris a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I uhh didn't realise how hungry I am," he relied. He was quickly met with another growl from his stomach. He quickly covered his stomach to try to mute the sound.

Kris had merely chuckled at the sight as did a few others though they did not pry around for too long. Adam was having a feast, but the workers did not mind one bit. He just made a huge pay to them and he honestly was not the first athlete to come in and order large, though it was a bit of a shock to see someone of his size do such a thing. There was even his recent exchange with the freshman as well. Kris was proud to know the male was changing a bit rather than hurting the male from the small accident. It allowed the young being to know that Adam's chest was indeed sensitive. That was something he could not undo for the male however. That just meant his body was beginning to prepare properly for their child or children.

"No sweat" he chuckled, the chuckling intensifying when the male attempted to stop his stomach from growling any further. The kids must have been really hungry aside the spell laced candy. "If you're ready or done though, do you mind helping me to the dorm? It's totally cool if you don't." He rose from his chair, ready to go only if Adam was. Some male students were beginning to ask Adam for his number and with certain spells influencing him, Kris wondered how he would react.

Adam wasn't ready to leave quite yet. He had plenty of good left and he wanted to very much eat it but the unwanted attention around him was making it hard for him to do that.

"Yeah, I don't mind help you," he relied before picking up Kris's bag for him. He was very much interested in where the smaller guy dormed so it was like a win win situation for the two.

"Lead the way," he announced.

Adam made sure to grab one of the dishes he did not havr a chance to eat before following Kris. Many of Afams admires glared at Kris as they exited the eating area. They all wish they were Kris at that moment. Adam was too busy eating to pay any attention to them.

Kris nodded as he headed out the doors which were for his sake, slid open. Along the path, the slew of stares and repulsion a had continued, though from the looks of it, Adam was too busy stuffing his face to pay attention.

"At the rate you're going, you're going to be some kind of pig" he joked, though chances were Adam was not paying attention from the food in his hands. Kris led them to a bridge that rested above the small lake as a large array of numerous dormitories had come into view. "Here we are" he said while standing near a set of doors. "I stay on the fourth floor" he pointed up at the set of windows high up just to make his point about the matter.

He swiped his card and watched as the doors pushed open, the smaller male leading them both inside. When they stepped inside, Kris decided to have a few "minutes" alone with the athlete. When the fourth button was pressed and the doors closed, time was seemingly slowed as Kris's body emanated the same strong yet soft scents that Adam had in attracting men towards him. Kris was going to watch how he was going to react to hitting on the smaller male like he normally would with a girl and make him feel guilty among other things that would ultimately lead to their lips connecting. At least that's how he imagined the situation playing out.

"Once we get out, we're just going to have to turn the corner and my door is right there."

Adam followed Kris to the dorm complex. Adam took mental not of where to go because the information might come in handy. Adam followed Kris finger to the flor of which he stayed on. "Fourth floor. Got it."

Adam continued to follow Kris into the building. After finishing his rather large lunch, he was pleased to know that they were not going to take the stairs. Sure he might need to work out but he wasn't up for one just yet. He'll get his much needed workout later in at practice. The elevator doors opened up with a ding and a rather interesting ride up to the fourth floor began to take place.

Stepping into the elevator, With Kris, Adam's nose was welcomed with an tantalising aroma. He looked around to match the smell with an object and was surprised to notice it came from Kris. Adam was puzzled. That couldn't be the case. He would have noticed before, right? He stepped closer to the smaller male to see if that was really the case. The smell grew stronger, invading Adam's sense of smell.

"Man he smells good!" Adam though to himself as looked upon Kris in lusting manner as he got closer and nuzzled Kris's neck. He wanted so badly to be engulfed in scent that Kris was emanating at the moment. His mind was dazed and so he didn't put much consideration into what he was about to do next. Adam lifted Kris's chin upwards so that we could have better acces to his lips.

"Look there's no point in small talk. You and I both know you want this," At first his lips gently brushed against Kris's. It felt as if electricity passed through the gentle contact of the kiss. Adam wanted more. He had to have more. He placed another kiss on Kris's lips, this time not breaking contact. He breathed in Kris's aroma, putting more passion into the once simple kiss. Something in the back of his mind begged him to stop. It was wrong. He shouldn't be kissing. He definitely shouldn't be enjoying it and yet her he was. Adam Smith, the God fearing homophobe, making out with another guy in an elevator.

Kris could barely get his last set of words before Adam was hounding over him. He was pulled into a partial embrace as the fattening athlete kissed him briefly before continuing. Kris gulped partially as he was being held by the buffer and taller male.

"Adam I..." His face was really red, part of him really enjoying it despite the fact that a spell was causing it. His face shyed away however, him still having a role to play in making Adam's transition smooth out easily. "I like you, really I do, but you hurt honestly sounds like you're confused...I dunno." 

He knew that because of the scent manipulating with him, Adam was going to be driven mad at trying to pursue this even further. Kris however, was going to return the favor. If Adam was wondering why other men were fauning over him, why would Kris not be affected. 

"You do smell really nice though and..." He chuckled a bit, his face failing to hide the blush. "I do like this a lot." He leaned in closer, returning the male's kisses as well. He could feel the bits of Adam panicking on the inside, but the thing with Kris was that his presence would provide him with a bit of security. The bell chimed, indicating they arrived on the fourth floor as the doors opened. Fortunately for Adam however, nobody was near and the camera's were not conveniently placed near Kris's doors, a blind spot within the place. "I won't tell anyone though if you're..." He wasn't certain how Adam would respond to the other slew of responses, so Kris pulled away from him to have it appear as if nothing was happening. It would he the athlete however that was going to be the one making more advances towards him because of the smell.

"If you have an appetite like that though, I suppose I could cook for you sometime."

Adam was slightly unhappy when Kris began to protest. What he was saying was indeed logical. Adam was confused at the moment. He had no idea why he wanted to be so intimate with the smaller male. He shouldn't want to. None of it made sense. His mind couldn't really think clearly when Kris smelled absolutely tantalising.

Seeing Kris blush was just making matters worse. Adam actually thought Kris looked cute. Was Adam really fawning over Kris? That could be the case but it really should not be the case. Adam was a heterosexual male who only cared for that of the opposite sex but here he was in an elevator wanting nothing more than to be with Kris. None of it added up.

When Kris finally returned Adam advances, he was absolutely pleased. How could Kris not want him? He was Adma Smith after all. Adam was too into the money to realise that they finally reached there destination. Lucky for him no was there. No one would be a witness to the horrid yet oddly satisfying act he was committing bye had a reputation to salvage and if anyone saw what he was doing would only make it harder to do that.

Adam made a sound of irritation when Kris pulled away. He didn't want to stop. Sure it was in his best interest to but that wasn't on his mind. He was going to have more of Kris, regardless of what his conflicting feelings were. He would just deal with them another time.

"The only thing I'm interested in having is you," Adam whispered into Kris's. He made sure that each word was thickly coated with lust. Being that close to Kris has allowed him to inhale even more of his aroma. It was taking every fiber in his being to not take Kris right there in that hallway regardless of who may or may not be watching.

((Sorry for taking a while to reply))

Kris could be a tease when he wanted to. The thought that Adam was literally fighting a hard on inside of his jeans made it all the more enjoyable. Kris knew Adam was fawning over him badly and his words only cemented that.

"You want me that bad, huh?" He rubbed the taller and bigger man's chin a bit before unlocking the door to his dorm with his free hand before leading them inside towards another door. As soon as Kris unlocked that one, they were inside his bedroom, a rather large bed in front of them. "It's been a bit lonely laying in this bed alone, I suppose." With the doors closed, Kris had successfully trapped Adam yet again. This time, it was because Adam had given in to his primitive nature rather than fully yielding to reason within his mind. If he was a mentally aware as he would assume, he could have gotten out of the pheromones.

It was for the better that way anyways. Adam needed to learn another lesson in terms of needing to practice abstinence. It was fairly simple what was happening to him, at least Kris imagined so. Adam had got a brief taste of what happened the last time his seed was spilled. He was losing his "masculine" mentality in favor of a much more lighter approach. That did not stop from one time. It would happen every time that large snake of his had an orgasm. With the pregnancy making him hornier each time, one could see where this was going. The last time, Adam was instilled with a the partial thought of liking casual male sex. This time, Adam was bound to find his thoughts filled with much worse. Whether the athlete took Kris or allowed him to blow him off or even let the smaller male be the one to take him in his waking life, it would be Adam that ultimately lost.

"So, uh" Kris said nervously at the larger male, hiding away a blush. "What do you want me"

(( No worries. I've been a bit busy myself. ))

Adam was pleased when Kris accosted his sexual advances. His charm was still working its magic. Granted it seemed to only work on the male gender, Adam was willing to take whatever was handed to him at the moment. He need this. He had not had sex for a while and it was definitely have an affect on him. It was like he was going through withdrawal. That had to be it. His body was craving sex and since the ladies were not putting out natural his body would would turn to a substitute. That substitute was male. Happy with the twisted logic he came up with, Adam eagerly followed Kris into his bedroom.

He would have be in awe of the size of the room but he had on thing in his mind and that one thing was sex. He was like some horny beast in heart. He need sex. Well that wasn't entirely true. Who he craved sex from was Kris. Whatever Adam wante Adam got. That was a motto he applied to his life religiously. Sure it wasn't really working for him the past few days but this was going to be an exception. He was going to have Kris.

The the images from the sex dreams he had with Kris began to resurface. That how he wanted Kris. He want to feel the smaller male dominate him. He wanted to be at the mercy of Kris. He wanted that badly. Being the type of perison Adam was it was odd that he wanted suck things. Well it was odd being in the position he was in right now. Here he was in Kris's room craving sex like some hormonal teen. This was not like him but he was too caught up in the moment to care. He can worry about it another because now was not the time.

Adam began to hungrily kiss Kris. He wanted to once again explore the cavern of his mouth with his eager toungue. He moaned agaisn the kiss, enjoying the taste of the smaller male but his desire was yet to be satisfied. The problem was actually letting those things take place. Kris was still him a sling and cast. All thinks to him of course. Kris wasn't in no position in taking Adam and giving him what truly wanted.

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