The Discovery (open to all, nsfw)

You and your friends are pilots in a exploration ship. You are sent to scope out the uncharted regions of space and to find new planets and life forms. You discover an ancient and mysterious orb, floating in space. The orb takes up most of the cargo bay and has strange symbols over it. It hovers with no means to and glows a eerie red. Galactic command asks that you bring the orb in for study. What lies within will give you the surprise for your life.

(Just a note, I do intend for lots of sex scenes so don't be afraid. And please try to remain consistent in your writing, have proper spelling, grammar, and great use of quotations, and please don't drop the rp without a reason)

Age: (at least 18)
Role: (eg include pilots, doctors, engineers)

Name: Ryu tsama
Age: (at least 18) 210 (looks 210.)
Race: elf
Role: (eg include pilots, doctors, engineers) gunner and medical help when not in a battle.
Description:will the pic work?

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The orb continued to hover in its confines. It's strange symbols appearing and disappearing every moment. It's dark steel coloured shine contrasted with the blood red lights that streaked the bottom upwards.

Name: Dïlan O'Donnell
Age: 25
Race: Biotic Human
Role: Is a captain role needed? If not, Engineer.
Description: 6'4, 210 (muscle density higher thanks to biotics). He occasionally wears kilts and his hair is a natural mix of brown and blonde and his eyes are a dark brown.
(Provided a physical description just in case)

Dïlan walked down the ship's hallways, running a routine procedure as his tasks were given. With a panel tablet in hand, the male began to examine the ship's interior, making sure everything was functioning as it should. With the new package being contained in the bay nearby, Dïlan wanted to make sure it didn't affect anything that would cause the ship to lose performance or go haywire. Once he was done, he began to check in on some of the equipment before making his way to the mess hall for dinner.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Ryu watches the orb confused by it yet strangely it reminds him of his home. Where magic is often seen flying through the sky.

The orb began to glow brighter, having a strange aura surround it. Electricity started to surround it.

Ryu backs up confused "the heck! Is it suppose to do that?!"

Dïlan had taken a seat when the device went off. When he examined the details, he sighed a bit as he left from the chair and headed out to the bay of the ship.

"What did you do?" He said in a joking matter rather than one of annoyance. He was aware Ryu had nothing to do with the matter; that it was reacting all on its own. What he didn't know was why, which prompted him to reach for the guns that never left his side as an orange array of sentry drones appeared the moment his arm had activated the biotics. He wasn't paranoid, but he did not want to take risks if any were to be presented. For now, the captain would sit and wait alongside his crew member.

The orb started to glow brighter, energy surging faster as the orb started to produce a strange mechanical noise. Suddenly, it started to absorb biotic and magical energy.

Ryu tosses his gun to the side "well it just made that useless. Shall I get a magic bolt ready,sir?" Unlike the rest of his kin he was never good at magic. He got the basic bolts and some minor healing spells.

Dïlan watched as his guns and his drones had otherwise become a bit useless. He did have the alternative weapons: his blades. "Stay on the defensive for now." Whatever it was that was capable of absorbing both types of energy had to be either dangerous or well reserved. For now all he could do was keep his guard up.

The orb continued to absorb energy until it suddenly stopped. Without warning, a massive wave of energy surged through out the ship, the bottom of the orb coming apart and folding away from the bottom. The wave of energy hit all of the crew, sending them to the wall with a concussive blast.

Ryu groans as his body hits the steel wall. He slides to the floor in pain there is certainly going to b a bruise there tomarrow "captain are you ok?"

Dïlan wasn't honestly expecting such a result, but the male was durable without some of his external biotics at play. When he hit a hard surface, the steel framed walls, he began to get back up relatively easy, a bruise on his body fading away rather easily thanks to the experimental biotics his body was laced with that was used to save his life after a previous altercation.

"I'm doing well." He extended a hand to help Ryu up. "How're you holding up?" He turned his attention back to where the orb was at. Before the wave had hit, he could have sworn he saw the orb peeling away like an egg.

From the orb, a pedestal descended down onto the ground, on the pedestal was what appeared to be a human, laying on his stomach wearing shorts and belly shirt. He had bright blonde hair, soft pink skin and was only 4ft 6in tall. He was unconscious and slightly pale.

Ryu takes the hand "thanks I'm fine. What about that guy?" He hurries over the guy on the pedestal. He checks for a pulse.

A faint pulse gave the indication that this unknown man was alive. His breathing was slow and his body was cold, still having some frost on his skin.

Ryu takes his top off and covers the male "we need to hurry him to the medical lab. He is alive." He picks the male up and runs to the medic wing.

Dïlan watched as the figure had collapsed. He didn't have time to give an order as Ryu was well on his way to taking the figure off the medical wing. He closely followed, but once the figure was in an examination room, he watched from the outside glass.

"Keep a close watch on him" he told the soldiers nearby as well as the doctor's examining the person. Dïlan left to go examine the cargo bay and see if there were any remnants to the shell that was mistaken for an orb. He would need to have those examined and as captain, it was his duty to report these results immediately.

The young man continued to sleep. As the heartbeat monitors were hooked up to him, they were confused when they heard extra heartbeats.

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