The Discovery (open to all, nsfw)

Rylan gives a groan holding his stomach, he was still nude and dripping water from being in the shower when they dragged him out "no" he groans loudly "th... they punched me in the stomach when i resisted them and their charges about eating someone" he whimpers loudly holding his stomach and sinking to his knees "god, sir... it hurts"

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Dilan frowned.

"Eating someone...where did this idea even come from...." He brought his hand over to the Lion's stomach and in a brief instant, the male would feel a small jolt rush through his body. It wouldn't harm him or the child, thankfully. What it would do was take the pain away however. "Let me know if anything still persists." Dilan turned and left back for his room.

"I believe I've solved everything" he said to the alien male that was inhabiting his room as well.

"That's good. Can I ask you something?" Shiina asked as he rubbed his belly before taking a bite out of some potatoes. "What are you going to do with me now? You were obviously sent here to find something. You found the orb and me. What happens after that?" He inquired as he continued to eat.

"That I have no exact idea..." He scratched his hair partially as he sat back down on the bed. "When we went out on the expedition, we were told we were looking for the source of the energy. I made the initial report back to the HQ that we found one really large orb. They aren't aware the orb was carrying you inside of it or what is going on presently." Dilan was documenting everything sure enough, but as a Captain, he was not sure how to approach the matter at the moment. If he did make the report, the labs were certain to try and quarantine the entire crew. If he didn't make the report and initially left, he would be seen as a wanted fugitive and seeing as humans now worked with other Alien races in their Unified Alliance Pact, there was virtually nowhere he could go, though the male was certain he could handle the situation if he did go that route. "I'm literally still on the "What happens after that" part as we speak."

"I see. And what about me? Do you want to be with me?" Shiina asked suddenly. "When I first awoke, I sensed who I was destined for. I found you and just wanted to be next to you. My people have this gift that tells them who they are meant to be with. And all I can think about is you." He explained.

Rylan got dressed once he dried himself off, hoping that his stomach would be ok. he made his way to the door that joined the bathroom with Ryu's and knocked "Hey Ryu? You there? mind if i come in? i kinda just need company" he says

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Dilan shrugged.

"Same thing I told Ryu, I can't answer that for you at the moment. While you can say there's a bond that forms instantly and your race is aware of it, it's not necessarily the same for humans...Truthfully, I wouldn't have been interested in you at all, but judging from last night, I have no idea of it, which is what bothers me. I wouldn't object to it if I got the chance to know who and what exactly you are, but at the moment, there's a stone wall because of me not knowing who you are and you not know who I am. I mean what if I had kids already waiting on me back on Earth? It's a few things like that to consider."

"Then do you want to know me?" Shiina asked as he leaned closer, looking deep into Dilan's eyes with a glimmer of hope.

Ryu answers his door "Ryan?! What's wrong?" He rubs his tears away trying to hide them.

he gives a slight whimper and then starts to cry, wrapping his arms around Ryu and collapsing against him as he sobs.

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Ryu holds the sobbing lion and carefully leads the male to the couch. "Hey now it's ok. Why don't you tell me what happend."

"i...i thought it was bad before... not being trusted because i look like a lion" he whimpers out as they walk, then slumps down into the sofa "I was almost arrested just now... the security claiming i had Eaten someone!" he whimpers more tears flowing down his face and his paws go to his belly "If it hadnt been for the captain... i swear they would have kicked me out an airlock!"

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Ryu growls "they should know better then that! I'm part of security and a doctor you clearly visited me if it was anything like that I clearly would have handled it. If I have your concent I can put out a thing to make them stop."

he gives a whimper "The captain said he is going to handle it himself" he whimpers softly "I...i just... Urgh why cant i stop crying!?" he whimpers

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Ryu "they threatened your child on something groundless. Why would you stop? You need to rest to calm down and to stay away from those bullies."

He whimpers and nods "C...can i stay with you tonight? i dont feel safe in my room"

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Dilan chuckled. "Perhaps I do. Maybe if we start with something small, it can work into something larger."

Ryun nods "feel free." He sits on his bed and turns on his recording of home. It often helped him feel better.

He purrs and smiles resting back on the couch "You ok? you seem down"

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Ryu "I'm ok." He watches his recording.

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