(07-08-2015, 05:23 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote: Hiro nodded and used his magic to release Mandy from the room. "As you wish". He replied and came into the light revealing his true form to the other male who was willing to take his foolish friend's place.
Beau shivered as he saw Hiro's true form. He wasn't ugly, at all. Sure, his appearence was different than anything Beau had seen in his whole life, but he didn't thought Hiro was ugly. Even in that strange form, Beau could see beauty in Hiro's body, specially in his eyes. He turned back to see Mandy, who was slowly walking out of the room. "Beau... How can i ever thank you for that? You saved my life."
Beau looked at Mandy "Yes, i saved your life." He said, emotioned "So live it well, in the right way. And keep the promisse, don't tell anyone who lives here. If someone asks about me, tell them i'm dead. Live your life, not only for you, but for me. You know the places i would like to go and the things i would like to do. So visit this places and do this things, for me. Now, go. You have a long way until the town."
Mandy looked at Beau with thankful eyes. "Thank you, Beau". Beau looked back "goodbye... brother". And Mandy was gone.
Beau looked up at Hiro, not knowing what the male would do to him.