The Discovery (open to all, nsfw)

Rylan blinked looking up to see Ryu rush into his room, he is surrounded by paperwork, but is unharmed "Hi love... whats wrong?" he looked at the worried look on his face and then gave a sigh "Wait let me guess... A complaint about a Certain Lion, and Eating people...again"

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Ryu nods "I hurried over to make sure no one was trying to hurt you. I will let your co workers know what's going on." He steps out and fills out the report, then tells the people to stop calling about rylan he is perfectly safe and hasn't eaten any one.

Rylan watches the elf and gives him a tight hug when he is finished "Thank you love" he says with a purr "I'm sorry you had to come out here at all especially for their stupidity"

(Sorry didnt realise it was my turn XD)

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Ryu nods and hugs Rylan "it's ok I don't want them to hurt you. Boss says I get to work like normal till I'm showing then I get to do desk work."

Rylan nods and purrs nuzzling gently at the top of Ryu's head "Pitty you cant be put on the detail around here, we would get to see each other more often"

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Ryu "I can request to be put on patrol here for your protection as you have been attacked and reported on twice." He leans into rylans touch and smiles. "I do have to go soon."

Rylan nods and gives his Elf a deep kiss "Take care then hun, We will see you later tonight then ok?"

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Ryu nods "of course my dear." He deepens the kiss then walks back to work he explains everything to his boss. The boss lets there be a patroal around rylan.

Rylan purrs as he works finding a large amount of comfort in the fact that Ryu, and a few other security officers, are around and that the other scientists have left him alone, for the most part. Occasionally one will walk up and scan him, checking for any lingering effects or any way to duplicate the orbs effect on him. Although when he comes across one talking about 'dissection' he decides enough is enough and tells them to leave him alone from then on, warning of a potential Mauling to anyone who tries. Eventually it comes to lunch time, and with his stomach grumbling loudly he get up in search of Ryu and food.

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Ryu waits for rylan near the entrance before going with him for food. Lately some of the people are eyeing him with distrust and maybe disgust. He is confused on why but he doesn't care as long as he has rylan he is good.

"Everything ok hun?" The large feline asks looking to the Elf as they head to the mess hall the lion opening the door for them

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Ryu nods "yea I think so. He sits down after getting some food. "I already miss my magic though. I normaly spend my afternoon as the emergency medic but now I'm full on security all day." He pokes at his food before eating it.

Rylan nods and gives a soft mewls "I see... Oh i found something for you!" he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small device, looking like a small broach handing it over "This little device contains a special mix of ingredients, it will give you access to magic again, maybe not the full level that you might be used to, but defensive and regenerative at the least, all you need is to wear it close to your heart. Its safe for you, and our growing babies"

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Ryu smiles "thank you. How did you manage to get magic like this?" He smiles and finishes his food. He is use to needing to eat fast.

Rylan smiles as he eats "I did a little research, its made of a certain selection of herbs and a few rare elements that allow the connection" he smiles his tail wagging behind him "it took a bit of doing, but i managed to make this one through some deals with some other scientists and a few of the doctors on board."

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Ryu smiles and puts it on. "Surpising you can kinda make magic with it.

He smiles and chuckles softly "Yeah im surprised as well, but the clips on it show that it works, Ill leave it to you to see if it does, but the magical herbs used in it should have some effect if any"

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Ryu nods "makes sense I guess. Ill try it when i can."

Rylan Purrs and nods eating more of his own food gently rubbing his own belly lightly as he does.

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Ryu finishes his food and smiles. His own form is still flat only in the first day. By next week he should start showing though.

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