The Discovery (open to all, nsfw)

"hmm, Ok lets see... we will start with the lowest level" he smiles and starts typing away at the console, a small turret appearing on the opposite wall "I've programmed it so it cant harm you more than a small bruise, don't want to harm our baby now do we? Let me know when ready and ill set it going"

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Ryu nods "sounds good. I'm ready." He gets into a battle stance.

He smiles tail wagging and pushes the start button, the turret shooting out a large bolt towards him.

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Ryu's eyes glow white as he makes a shield from magic. The moment he does this his eyes widen in pain and he passes out. (It's not the magic amulet. It's just the kids denying him magic.)

"Ryu!" Rylan shouts jumping up and terminating the program "Medical team to testing room R12! Unknown emergancy" he rushes in to check him over, making sure he is still breathing

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Ryu is still breathing. He is unconsis. the medical team arrives quickly and cheak on Ryu, "everything seems to be normal but we can't tell till we take him to the med wing."

"Take him, Priority is any infants he is carrying" Rylan said watching them "I'm his mate so keep me informed of his status ok? i have a report to fill out now and diagnostics to run on the simulation booth"

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They nod and take Ryu to the med wing. A while later they send Ryan an important notice " cause of injury : children tried to take more magic then what his body has. Due to use of magic. Cure: rest. Other information: patient has woken up."

Rylan sighs softly at the report and adds it to his own while responding if he can come visit him. listing that more research be done into the effects of the broach, He files his report for immediate inspection and waits for the response from the medical wing while giving snarls at anyone who mentions that he 'nearly killed his own mate'.

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The reply states that he can and probably should as the first words Ryu said where "where is rylan?"

Rylan ran down to the medical bay, trying not to bump into anyone on his way. He arrived mildly out of breath quickly going to Ryu's bedside "Ryu!" he exclaimed with a bit of a whimper

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Ryu looks at rylan concerned for his mate. "Are you ok? You look winded." He tries to sit up

he Panted and gave a soft sigh and chuckle, that was his mate alright, concerned for others over himself "I ran here" he said with a soft chuckle and gently rubbed a hand against the Elfs cheek "You had me so worried"

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Ryu "I guess I should of seen that coming. I had hoped the broach wouldn't count as magic enough that the kids would let it pass. Clearly I was wrong, I'm sorry I worried you." He kisses rylans hand.

Rylan smiled and purred softly and returned the kiss "I feel so guilty... I was the one who suggested it... i should have known there was a reason that there was no information listed for using it while pregnant" He gave a whimper his ears laying flat "Please... Forgive me"

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Ryu "I knew the risk so lets both agree we both are to blame." He smiles and hugs rylan.

Rylan purrs and hugs him back tightly "at any rate i listed the results on the data for it... and have urged for more testing before and future usages"

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Ryu nods "I understand." He hands the broach over.

He gives a soft sigh and takes it, giving his mates hand a kiss "he ok to take back to our room?" He asks the doc

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The doc nods "yea just keep him resting for the rest of the day." Ryu smiles glad he can go to his room.

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